
The Artful Escape is Xbox One’s most beautiful, rock-filled indie

The game, developed by studio Beethoven and Dinosaur, will feature Xbox One X enhancements when it launches for the console, although the trailer didn’t include a release date. Instead, expect The Artful Escape to launch “when it’s damn ready,” according to the teaser.

See the new gameplay vídeo:

Vbma2654d ago

The guitar effect is so good...
Im feel high😀😀

LordoftheCritics2654d ago

Very interesting. Looking forward to it.

TheOttomatic912654d ago

Game looked rad one of the only 3 games I cared for during the MS presser.


The Artful Escape Review — The Gamer's Lounge

Paul from The Gamers Lounge writes "Unlike most kids I wouldn’t say I grew up on Guitar Hero. Of course, I was aware it existed and played it at friend’s houses but I never had it myself - Rock Band either. I was more interested in DJ Hero which ironically most people didn’t like. Rhythm games became more associated with phones as time went on and “walking simulators” are a genre game that’s very accessible but not always the most stimulating. The Artful Escape combines both with a heavy focus on the former."

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12 Best Platformers On Xbox Game Pass

Cultured Vultures: Xbox Game Pass has plenty of top tier platformers among its library, so we've decided to rank the very best.

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monkey602789d ago

I loved most of these but I have to say The Artful Escape is one of the most dissapointing games I've played in years. The whole thing is so Inconsequential and the try hard randomness they pin the humour to is infuriating. It started with a lot of promise but grated my nerves shortly after and continued to do so throughout

789d ago
Tacoboto788d ago

I'm not really sure I would've considered My Friend Pedro a platformer but it was a solid title that I played on Switch a couple years ago. Fun, 2-3 hours long, simple and bombastic.

Hollow Knight I wouldn't either - my personal favorite game on the list but that's a Metroidvania through and through, which the author acknowledges but still included. It's a sin that the first Ori is not included in the list.

Regardless of my gatekeeping over "platformer", can this site be frequented more often here? They give us lists with a table of contents showing each item AND they're all loaded on one full web page. Thank yooou


8 Great Games from 2021 That (Almost) No One Played

VGChartz's Craig Snow: "My version of this article last year was fairly well-received, so I decided to revive the concept. Hopefully this article gives the eight titles I felt were most under-played relative to their acclaim in 2021 just a little bit more publicity."

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brewin953d ago

The Artful Escape was great! I checked it out on Gamepass and loved every minute! That was trippy as hell and a totally unexpected thrill ride. I highly recommend that one!

EvertonFC953d ago

One of favourites last year was "lost in random"

Totally went unnoticed yet a gem of a game.
Tim Burton style visuals, fantastic characters, interesting story, fantastic game play mechanics with real time and turn based dice mechanics also quite a challenge with some bosses.

MadLad953d ago

That's one that really comes to mind to me. Absolutely fantastic game, and barely a peep from anywhere on the game.

coolbeans953d ago

I've been meaning to try that one out too.

Youngindy21953d ago

I did play the Artful Escape though. But I agree, the rest of those titles were never even on my radar.

NINJA5689953d ago

Wildermyth deserves a spot. so fucking entertaining and gets better the more you play it.

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