
Nintendo of America's President explains Metroid Prime 4's Early Announcement

In a recent interview with IGN, Nintendo of America’s President, Reggie Fils-Aime, explained to the major publication that “For certain games, games that will be in development for, let’s call it a decent amount of time, like Metroid Prime 4"

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2543d ago

Five Big Games Still Lingering Somewhere in Development Hell

This year promises to be a big year for gaming, and it will definitely be one of the greatest if any of these big MIA projects finally made it into gamers' hands.

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Inverno141d ago

Pretty sure Silk Song and Dragon Age are going smoothly. The other 2 can be assumed to be quietly cancelled knowing their publishers and Metroid will most likely be shown off this year.

Michiel1989140d ago

Dragon Age going smoothly??? Directors leaving, people leaving in general, terrible working conditions....not sure how you define smoothly.

VincentVanBro42d ago

lol Dragon Age development has been anything but smooth

Chocoburger141d ago

I remember in 2017 when Nintendo showed off the Metroid Prime 4 logo, and some Nintendo defenders claimed "Just because they only showed a logo, doesn't mean that's all they've worked on for the game."

As history has proven, they were wrong. Nintendo showed off a logo back in 2017 because that's literally all they had.

-Foxtrot141d ago

I think Beyond Good and Evil 2 can stay there unless they are going to just rename it to a new IP

DOMination-140d ago

Pretty sure BG&E2 is dead at this point - along with the other game Ancel was working on before he left - I think it was called WILD. Anyone remember that from a PS conference years ago?

Dreadwolf isn't in development hell anymore and is finally getting its reveal in the summer - since 2016 the game has been scrapped and restarted three times but its been going pretty well since the last reboot when EA finally allowed BioWare to just get on with making a single player game.

I'm not sure Perfect Dark is in development hell either - like it could be but we haven't really heard much to suggest either way - imo they just showed the trailer off when the game was still in pre-production. Xbox were desperate for anything and this is all they had at the time. And the reason we haven't heard anything since is just because it's in normal development and games take 5 years to make. The help from a support studio was typically overblown on N4G because nearly every game has this.

ModsDoBetter140d ago

I just need...Deep Down.
Please, it's been years!

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Metroid Prime 4 is Starting to Feel Like Nintendo's Red-Headed Stepchild

Many fans are still patiently waiting for some kind of Metroid Prime 4 update, but it looks like Nintendo doesn't even want to acknowledge the game.

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masterfox399d ago

Im pretty sure Nintendo wants a Metroid 4 no doubt, but what's happening they can't go thru the project cause while developing the idea of what Metroid 4 wants to be Nintendo and developers faces an instant wall in the face(Switch) and can't go any further with the project, and so they are looking ways for a workaround how to suffice this limitations but in the end they just can't go thru due the Switch is just an archaic device, so they just and end up delaying it more and more until technology is able to reach Nintendo.

isarai399d ago

As a red-headed stepchild myself...


Tacoboto398d ago

Metroid Prime 4 will release after all:
- A feature-parity Switch version of COD
- An XGS title getting nominated for GOTY
- TLOU Factions 2
- Gotham Knights Batman DLC

ZeekQuattro398d ago

Yeah at least Nintendo still releases new Metroid games every few years. F-Zero meanwhile was last seen on the GCN. Either that or the GBA. Either way it's been some time.

XbladeTeddy397d ago

You need some Halls Soothers. Helps with coughing.

Chocoburger398d ago

I remember E3 2017 when Nintendo only showed off a logo for the trailer. I knew this game was just entering development, but diehard fans were in denial saying, "Just because they only showed the logo that doesn't mean it's all they've made for the game."

Heh, how wrong they were.

luckytrouble398d ago

At least they didn't just announce with some words on a piece of paper, but yeah, when they can't cobble together even a basic trailer of any kind, you know development is likely still pre-alpha. It's like Dragon Quest 12 was announced with only a logo, so nobody with two brain cells to rub together is all that surprised we haven't seen anything about the game since then.


Survey Asks Metroid Prime Remastered Users About Metroid Prime 4

We'd like to play Metroid Prime 2 and 3 to pass the time, too.

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ZeekQuattro444d ago

Didn't care for Prime 2 all that much but I really liked 3. I'd buy a HD remaster of it in a heartbeat.

Aaroncls7444d ago

all great games, do it Nintendo

ZwVw443d ago

Would like to see Prime Hunters get the remaster treatment. That game doesn't get enough love.