
Sony’s Jim Ryan isn’t worried about Xbox One X’s power, game devs aim for lowest common denominator

Jim Ryan pipes up after Phil Spencer’s jabs at the PS4 Pro. In the hubbub of E3 2017, Phil Spencer has been singing the praises of Microsoft’s new console, saying that he’s “proud” of the console’s $500 price tag and that “the very best console version of games” this year will be on the platform.

Obscure_Observer2599d ago (Edited 2599d ago )

Then why the X is getting more third party support than the Pro?

“Well, we’ll see when they launch in six months’ time…There will be hundreds of games published this year and those games, market forces will prevail. If a developer or publisher wants to take advantage of the supposed power of the X, they will do that. If they don’t, they won’t.”

Looks like Sony is playing the wait and see game here. Can´t really say if it´s good or bad but, i do think they should enforce their first party studios to give propper support for the Pro.

thatguyhayat2597d ago

Theyre not enforcing they said it was up to developers if they want to or not. A lot of publishers from third party are supporting pro too

bouzebbal2597d ago

It is true in case of this party development, expect of the power difference is massive.
It's in the 1st party development where both systems will shine.

FATAL1TY2597d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn >>> all xbox games

Poor Spencer

60mil > 0

3-4-52597d ago

eww fatality...what a loser

Genuine-User2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

Xbox One X is not getting more third party support than the Pro.

Have a look at the list of supported titles.

Aenea2597d ago

Huh? More 3rd party support? What are you on about?

You just love spouting nonsense, don't you?

MegamanXXX2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

The X price is already bad. Just a matter of time for gamers to realize that. DOA especially in other countries where it's more expensive

Ceaser98573612597d ago

"Then why the X is getting more third party support than the Pro? "

LOL WHAT?? Sony has nabbed almost all.. even FIFA 18 is with Sony this time.. others are COD, FC 5, BF2

BeOpenMinded2597d ago

Not marketing deals but upgraded versions of games. It appears pro needs patches and x doesn't is how I read that statement anyway. We'll see if the x needs patches like the pro or not soon. They say it won't but let's see first lol

BeOpenMinded2597d ago

Wow disagrees for stating that MS stated that games won't need patches and I don't believe them as well. Savage place. N4g is becoming trigger central

Dragonscale2597d ago

@be, so PlayStation with all those third party deals is gonna get less support than scorpio without those deals, lmao. Those disagrees are for a reason lol.

EatCrow2597d ago

They already are. Naughty Dog isnt one not to get the graphics as good as possible on the system. As time goes by techniques and engines will improve and it will help push graphics and texture quality even more.

FPS is ruler of all. Resolution is second.Id rather they keep resolution steady instead of pushing the 4K thing which few tvs take advantage of anyway. Theres alwasy supersampling of course.

LAWSON722597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )


X1X has come out of e3 with its big 3rd party partner title, ACO running the same settings as PS4 Pro and the same is happening with Destiny 2. Not only that every 3rd party game that is getting or has gotten support on X1X is getting or has gotten the same treatment on PS4 Pro. There are no exclusively enhanced X1X third party games, so I dont know how one could reach the conclusion of it having more 3rd party support. X1X gets enhancements so will PS4 Pro (a system that will continue to have a larger install base) If anything Pro still has an edge due to anything that is not Shadow of War and ACO being part of a Sony partnership.

Also I dont know what alternate dimension you live in but Sony has been pushing technical masterpieces that are best on a PS4 Pro. Since PS4 Pro launch all 1st party games have had PS4 support.

LackTrue4K2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

"X marks the spot"


Dragonscale2597d ago

@obscure, since when? The Pro murders scorpio in 3rd party support lol.

WelkinCole2597d ago

The lowest denominator is actually the X1 and not the PS4

Unless you guys can admit that the X1X is not actually a mid gen upgrade.

leoms2597d ago

Any proof that the X is getting more support than the pro?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2597d ago
omegaheat2597d ago

Wow, did he reallt say "supposed power of the X"? That sounded more insecure than confident to me. Tasteless choice of words from a company leader.

2597d ago Replies(4)
Aenea2597d ago

Yeah, but am sure you thought saying that the PS4 Pro competes with the One S and not the One X sounded super secure, right?

EatCrow2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

"Wow, did he reallt say "supposed power of the X"? That sounded more insecure than confident to me. Tasteless choice of words from a company leader. "

What does his comment have to do with what Phil said?? And he never said that what he said isnt secure. Stop assuming.

AS far as what Phil said. Yea it doesnt make much sense.
Standard Xbox vs standard ps4
Xbox s vs ps4slim
XboX vs Ps4Pro

Thats the way everyone sees it purely based on number of consoles released.

Ceaser98573612597d ago

i will say it again the multiplatform games will look almost close to each other on the x and pro.. Its only the exclusive that's gonna shine and will use the full power..

bluefox7552597d ago

Exactly. Microsoft needs to grab an exclusive that really utilizes their new console, because frankly, nothing has really been that impressive yet.

LAWSON722597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

Besides Forza, Halo and Gears there is not really nothing to show off that hardware. Crackdown, State of Decay 2, and Sea of Thieves are not exactly technically impressive.

This is the problem people had with X1X before E3 and MS certainly did not put these concerns to rest by annoucing only Super Lucky Tale and Ori.

rainslacker2596d ago

Except most of the power right now is supposed. MS hasn't really shown that it can do more than the PS4P, at least not to any significant degree, and what they did show was pretty much shown to be about what we'd see on the PS4P given the reports about what resolutions and framerates the games shown would actually run at on Scorpio,

All power is theoretical in the dev world. It's how that power is used that is important. Until that power is used, it's supposed power.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2596d ago
StuffAndThings2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

What is this guys problem with Microsoft ? The more he does this just says hes worried about Microsoft. Can Andrew tell this guy to shut up ?

2597d ago Replies(9)
mcstorm2597d ago

I do wonder if Sony are starting to think they made a mistake with the PS4Pro's power. If they gave it what the x has it would of been better for the push on VR. But it is what it is all 3 have now consoles this year and its up to all 3 to give us a reason to jump to the new consoles.

2597d ago
Death2597d ago

The extra $100 gets you a heavily customized and faster processor, 4 additional GB's of GDDR5, 2 more teraflops of graphic performance and an UHDBR player. Upscaling will have to be done on some games regardless, but if there is parity it will be due to devs, not hardware.

2597d ago
bluefox7552597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

But no one would buy it because it's over priced, they made the smart choice.
@Death None of that means a damn thing to the average consumer, they see a game playing on Pro and X, they notice very little difference, if any. They see the Pro is $100 cheaper. They say: "Why would I spend $100 more?"
People that care about tflops, and bleeding edge performance already game on PC.

Ceaser98573612597d ago

Sony made no mistake,,
First the gap between the PS4 and Pro is less... GOW was played on the stock ps4 and it looks mind blowing... HZD looked outstanding... So PS4 owners doesn't feel or go through any complex superiority that the Pro is far ahead ... which will def happen once xbox one x rolls out and stock xbox one owners will see the diff... PS5 will come soon around 2020 and it gonna be a BEAST of its own kind...

Death2597d ago


If there is no difference between the Pro and X with an extra 2tflops of power, why even bother with a PS5?

2597d ago
Cuzzo632597d ago

Ps2 outsold OGxbox... PS has always did better hardware wise than MS has. Bigger brand Worldwide. Jus enjoy the games and play the prefered system...

Death2597d ago


The heavily modified Jaguar APU is able to run Forza in 4K@60fps with a lot of effects on and plenty of cars. This is the same as my i7 7700K/GTX1080 based system. I have no doubt on more complex games than racing there will be greater disparity, but even the base PS4 and Xbox offer very competitive fidelity to much more powerful PC's for a lot less. The efficiency is incredible with consoles in general when compared to much more expensive gaming PC's.

For all of you not seeing the difference between games for PS4 Pro and Scorpio. I'm not surprised since we don't actually get to see the games or Scorpio until November. Maybe we should wait until launch when we actually have something in our hands to compare. I expect second gen PS4 Pro games to be pretty similar to launch Scorpio games. The extra CPU power, 2 tflops GPU power and extra 4 gigs of GDDR5 should be more than "nothing".

mcstorm2597d ago

So now it's gone from the PS4 wipes the floor with power over the Xbox one why by the Xbox one x when the pro costs less cone on peope stop moving the goal posts. We all know the 3rd party games will look better on the Xbox one x to the PS4 pro just like PS4 games look better than the Xbox one games.

I'm also not saying one will sell better​that. The other in fact I'm expecting the Xbox one and PS4 to carry on our selling the pro and x for another 2 years. Also for the people saying Sony will drop the ps5 in 3 years ide expect Microsoft to drop the next Xbox then to and make the x £200. But also looking at the two console side by side the Xbox one x offers way more in what you get than the pro.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2597d ago
Aenea2597d ago

Sjeesh, are fanboys always this blind to what happens on the other side?

Phil has been spouting nonsense too, and no, not just one thing either, pffrt...

JasonKCK2597d ago

The irony of your comment.

rainslacker2596d ago

If he's worried about MS, then going by Phil's comments this week, he's fleeing in terror for the hills.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2596d ago
Fishy Fingers2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

Explains why they produced a more powerful OG console only then to be the first to release another more powerful console... Doesn't it? No. Oh.

With such similar architecture across all the platforms is shouldn't take much effort to optimise and exploit each system. But being tied to the OG consoles will always be their Achilles heel with the (fps online) parity requirements etc.

jokerisalive2597d ago

This guy is in full damage control mode just like Phil has been a lot. They both need to shut up and worry about other things. The Pro is a beast as well so Sony doesn't need to worry about the whole power thing anyway and last I checked they were at 60 million sold globally so now worries there as well. MS needed to revamp the weaker One and now they finally have hardware up to the task checkerboard or not at least no more sub 1080p games for them cuz that was the biggest problem they had other than lack of exclusives.

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