
Mainline Pokemon game coming to Nintendo Switch

During its Nintendo E3 showcase that took place earlier today, Nintendo announced that the Nintendo Switch will get a mainline Pokemon entry more than a year from now. Unfortunately, no specifics were provided regarding the game’s release date, price, or anything else about it. We do not know if this is the rumored “Pokemon Stars” or whether it is a new title entirely.

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SegaGamer2547d ago

Nintendo are delivering on what the fans asked for.

mania5682547d ago

This was what we needed, confirmation.
On the direct not saying anything made me lost hope a little, this reconfirms it will happen, i can wait.

nX2547d ago

10 years too late but better late than never.

RosweeSon2547d ago

Yeah Pokemon would have worked great on the Gamecube with your little handle 🙄✌🏻Carry your console around and your telly oh and the extension cable.

2547d ago
EddieNX 2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

An easy win for Nintendo this year. Pokemon and Metroid Prime 4 nuff said .

-Foxtrot2547d ago

Lol. Urm...no

Great announcements but there was nothing on them, not even a cinematic trailer, concept art, promo images or a drop of info. We won't hear about them (well Pokemon as he said) until next year.

EddieNX 2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

Nintendo won. They confirmed the 2 biggest things we all wanted to hear. Everything else looks brilliant also.

-Foxtrot2547d ago

So let me get this bloody straight

We've just criticised the shit out of Microsoft and Sony for having nothing but old titles, stuff we knew were coming and titles coming very far off, all which had plenty of gameplay trailers for them along with other things yet somehow having a screen saying "Metroid 4" or a guy working at a desk saying "Yeah guys Pokemon RPG is in development, most likely you'll hear something next year" gives them a win...REALLY?

2pacalypsenow2547d ago


It's Nintendo, they can do no wrong to these people.

naruga2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

@Foxtrot unfortunately ...this RPG will sell millions its kind of a huge thing...Switch came out for only 2 things Pokemon and Monster Hunter 5 doesnt need anything else to be considered success for Nintedno, after these 2 things will release another cheap console..(from all the Japanese oddities i love, i hate Pokemon and its copy paste games digimon etcetc)

DialgaMarine2547d ago

"Pokémon will sell millions"

And you think Spider-Man, God of War, Days Gone, Shadow of the Collossus, Death Stranding, and TLoU 2 won't sell several millions of copies, each? Good luck with that prediction.

Hoi_C2547d ago

Remember Zelda HD for WIIU? yeah, launch title for the next console. lel

_-EDMIX-_2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

Well yes I actually agree.

I think from a business standpoint Nintendo did a great job they got it out there that Metroid 4 exist and that Pokemon is coming in when you look at their standpoint from losing a lot of market share they really need to reaffirm people that this is their next device in terms of all their support.

So I agree that it's not really that good of a press event in terms of any real gameplay, but they announced what they needed to announce even if they don't have a trailer or footage it is extremely important that they get the message out that something is coming to this platform because they just cannot afford to let Sony and Microsoft have the fall window Nintendo has a big uphill battle and I think that it's appropriate for them to do this even without the footage.

This is literally exactly what I stated they needed to do and I'm happy that they went forward with it.

Don't look at this as if it's something where you needed to have a full trailer and a release date in all these gameplay demonstrations, mind you I'm sure that would have been fine and amazing but I'm simply saying that this company needed to announce something even if they had no footage because of the situation that they're in.

@edd-it's difficult to believe much of what you say simply because of your comments in the past I'm not even sure if you would ever admit that they did poorly anyway..

I don't believe Nintendo one anything I simply think they did a good job convincing their fans that something is coming but in terms of winning a press event I actually think they had one of the least interesting simply because they did not announce any new wipees simply titles we kind of already knew were probably coming along with very little footage of a lot of their games.

This is good for Nintendo fans, this is good for Nintendo the company because they a lot of people now no Pokemon is coming, but this is not convincing anybody outside of those demographics to purchase a Switch if anything a lot of what I saw was preaching to the choir.

I mean if you're trying to say winning this trade show just has to do with announcing something with zero footage you might as well say every publisher today could have won E3 by just some text on the screen lol

We already know Sucker Punch is making a game we already know multiple Sony Studios are making games, we already know that halo.6 is being worked on along with a couple of other Microsoft games we already know that Electronic Arts has literally several Star Wars IP's as well as an open world intellectual property being developed

The point I'm trying to make is those companies all consciously actually know those games exist but don't see the point in simply showing you a title with some text and moving on.

Those companies don't need to do that because I would say Sony and Microsoft are in much safer places to where they could save announcements for other shows Nintendo was the one that just released a system and has to get the support rather quickly.

So I'm not entirely sure I could say some text on the screen followed by zero gameplay somehow wins something because that actually means any publisher could have won E3 I mean do you seriously not think Bethesda's working on Fallout and another Elder Scrolls?

_-EDMIX-_2547d ago

@edd-you also have no right to be bashing everybody else's press events for showing old intellectual properties yet you got literally the entire Nintendo press event was nothing but a stablished intellectual properties Nintendo did not even announce a single new IP Sony on the other hand announced three....

Mind you I think Nintendo did a pretty good job but I don't think they did a good enough job to convince anyone to purchase the switch that wasn't probably already going to.

Look at it from an outside standpoint please, if the 5th God of War or 6th Halo isn't going to get you to change your mind on those properties why on Earth do you think another Kirby game or another Yoshi game or what-have-you is going to change anybody else's mind on Nintendo properties?

But at the end of the day you're still seeing new intellectual property by other Publishers to get new consumers to rethink their stance on those platforms or games.

You're still not seeing that from Nintendo. In fact I would argue that everything you saw at this press events only really convinced the people who previously owned Nintendo platforms.

In my opinion that's not bad but I believe their focus should be building in gaining market share not continuing to cater to the same audience that is actually for a fact dwindling.

The Wii U and the 3DS sold less than the DS in the Wii please acknowledge this and please understand that means they're losing fans so continuously showing the same stuff is not going to miraculously healed different results.

If I told you the PlayStation Community for over 10 or 15 years was rapidly shrinking do you seriously think the answer to that is more Ratchet & Clank more god of war and zero new IP's?

Okay the Xbox is selling less than the PlayStation do you seriously think the answer is more Halo more gears in more fable?

If Activision was losing sales every single generation do you seriously think the answer is more Call of Duty? If you understand this exactly why are you ignoring it by Nintendo?

Nintendo was still losing market share, what I want to see from them is new intellectual properties I otherwise would have never associated with Nintendo. What I want to see from them is new intellectual properties I otherwise would have never associated with Nintendo.

I mean dear God they're letting Microsoft even beat them with having diverse gameplay Concepts I never would have thought 12 years ago that something like Ori and the blind Forest would be a big deal at a Microsoft press event.

Nintendo needs to start doing a lot of that because they're not going to be gaining any more Gamers by continuously just marketing to the same exact or people where was that install base last generation? So you believe showing the same stuff is somehow going to equal different results?

Dan_scruggs2547d ago

Damn Foxtwat. Your fingers must be on fire while you try to shit on all these excited Nintendo fans. Try not to have a heart attack.

Sono4212546d ago

This seriously pains me to say so much.. but eddie is right.. I think Nintendo "won" E3 this year.. trust me I still think Eddie is a blind fanboy and would have said that probably no matter what.. but damn.. such a good conference in such a small amount of time. They announced exactly what I wanted, main Pokemon game for switch, main Kirby for switch, and last but not least Metroid Prime 4 for Switch.. I mean just great! And that Yoshi game actually looked good too! Looked better than Yoshi's wooly world. Not to mention my hype for Mario Odyssey went through the roof with that amazing trailer! I mean wow I was already hyped for the game.. but man.. so good! So this year we still got Arms, Splatoon 2 and Mario Odyssey.. that's enough if you ask me (I don't count pokken tournament forget that game) Then next year we got Kriby and Yoshi.. and sometime after that we get pokemon and metroid! I'd also be willing to bet we get smash with more characters somewhere in between all of that! Man just so great! Thank you for actually supporting the switch Nintendo!

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2546d ago
Servbot412547d ago

No. They couldn't even show a single screenshot for either game, much less a title. These games are easily two to three years out. By then the Switch will have had plenty of revisions, might as well keep on waiting to buy one until the games actually release.

-Foxtrot2547d ago

Bundles aswell. I can imagine a good looking Pokemon bundle

Nyxus2547d ago

While great announcements, Pokemon was just a confirmation of its development and Metroid Prime 4 was just a logo.

RosweeSon2547d ago

Yep bit like smash Bros with Wii u when they were still making kid Icarus for 3ds... good thing is they are being made, it's happening! Bit like Sony and Microsoft's E3 showings last year and again now this year if it's worked for both of them this year can't Nintendo announce this year and show off next?

Erik73572547d ago

More than that, a confirmation that they are being made as we type..

EddieNX 2547d ago

IMO yes, Nintendo's direct was the winner of e3

nX2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

Are you that insane that you just replied to yourself? Not that anyone is surprised but now it's official.

EddieNX 2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

I must be going insane if the last two letters of my name are giving me shit 😆😆😆

Munnkyman2547d ago

I love Nintendo and loved they announce those titles but they didn't win e3.

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-Foxtrot2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

FInally...but seriously no footage, not even some concept stuff.

X-Alchemist2547d ago

Yeah, not a fan of these soulless announcements, at least a name would have been acceptable but good news either way.

-Foxtrot2547d ago

A screen shot at least of early footage or concept art

Something to let fans speculate the shit out of.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2547d ago

because it's obviously Generation 8

Summons752547d ago

It's not ready to be shown but it needed to be put out there that they are being worked on. It's still a new system and despite a great line up this year they still need to generate interest and finally confirming A proper Metroid is what we've heard people begging for and a mainline Pokémon is huge. You seem to find a way to be bitter about everything.

Relientk772547d ago

Definitely wanna see gameplay

jamstorr862547d ago

Metroid and Pokemon announcement will be the two things I will remember from this e3. Microsoft and Ubisoft had great shows, but these two announcements will stand out. This will resonate differently with people, as many will not care for these titles.
I am disappointed there was no mention of virtual console or a super smash on switch.

Servbot412547d ago

I don't understand how a logo of a name and the mere mention of the existence stands out over things like Beyond Good and Evil 2, Anthem, or Monster Hunter Worlds, which actually had footage, but to each their own.

You'll be seeing the same two games again at Nintendo's next two E3's.

SegaGamer2547d ago

Because they are two huge franchises, of course it's going to stand out.

Beyond Good and Evil wasn't even a good reveal to me. I don't know how any fan of the first game can even get excited by it, it was NOTHING like Beyond Good and Evil. They may as well have just called it something different.

Servbot412547d ago

@SegaGamer and the great trailers for Metroid Prime 4 and Pokemon *title not included* were so much better?

SegaGamer2547d ago

If a trailer was going to look like Beyond Good and Evil's trailer, then i would rather not see anything.

DanteVFenris6662547d ago

well considering metroid hasnt made a good game for ten years and those games are quite recent. Thats why there is hype. Also metroid defined a genre. None of those games have

Summons752547d ago

Wait so confirming 2 massive and highly asked for games on the Switch isn't allowed to be memorable but the confirming of Good Beyond Evil 2 which like Metroid or Pokémon had no gameplay to be shown or even stated where they were in development or an idea of when it will be out is okay? Hypocritical much...

Last_Boss2547d ago

I agree with Serve, but we all got what we wanted. He wanted Some type of trailer, not a logo place, or mention. People have been wanting BG&E2 and they got just that.(so far) Monster Hunter had actual game play. It's not the same. But I'm glad to see Nintendo is listening.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2547d ago
_-EDMIX-_2547d ago (Edited 2547d ago )

I mean the announcements are welcome but I'm not sure what there is to remember from Simply seeing a title of something ..

I'm easily going to remember everyone else is much more because they actually had lots of gameplay footage to show of their announcements of new titles.

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LG_Fox_Brazil73d ago

Temtem is actually really good as a single player experience or as a co-op game. Played the shit out of it when it released


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ChasterMies125d ago

Fortunately for Nintendo, the legal team is separate from Game Freak’s development team.

NotoriousWhiz124d ago

Unfortunately for us, as their legal team seems to be more competent than Game Freak's development team.

gold_drake125d ago (Edited 125d ago )

they do tho .. IF there is something to sue for. IP infringement is such a delicate thing.

but absolutely agree on the change

GoodGuy09125d ago

That, have longer dev time, and absolutely get rid of Nintendo as the exclusive platform. Imagine a AAA pkmn game on current consoles or next generation.

But money, they'll make billions with little effort.

badz149124d ago

you know that's never gonna happen

FinalFantasyFanatic124d ago

Gamer Freak, Creatures and Nintendo all have a stake in the Pokemon franchise, Nintendo especially will never let them go, I don't know how Creatures or Game Freak feels about it. Plus, the other two don't have a financial incentive to ditch Nintendo, they make mega bucks regardless. Although I think Nintendo should help Game Freak out more since they're clearly struggling, other they'll all just have to accept longer dev times and bigger gaps between games, or maybe just make some cheaper low-tier games in-between.

shinoff2183125d ago

Idk yall. I'd take a Pokémon jrpg over a Pokémon with guns, online play etc. Plus wasn't Pokémon mobile pretty fking big like 4 years ago then covid hit.

--Onilink--124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

Even Scarlet/Violet had sold 24million as of early November (and undoubtedly sold even more during the Holidays), its not like they are currently suffering.

Yes, there are plenty of things I would like Gamefreak to do better, and yes I happened to like Palworld, but not because its a Pokemon clone, because its not, but because its a good survival game, something that I have zero interest for the mainline Pokemon games to become.

Most publications keep bringing up these topic ls just for clicks, because clearly the game is your typical survival game (most who do well on PC) with some Pokemon sprinkled in and not a Pokemon competitor, the core gameplay loop is clearly just Ark with dinosaurs swapped for Pokemon like creatures

And again, while I’m enjoying the game itself, I hope it doesnt set a new precedent for what we expect from game devs these days because, based on their other games, this developer really seems to basically just try to go as close as possible to ripping off other games without getting into trouble and then not really following up on those projects as promised (Craftopia players seem particularly angry).

I doubt they ever expected the discourse around this game to reach this level of popularity to push those insane sales numbers, and they actually take the opportunity to increase the quality of their work

FinalFantasyFanatic124d ago (Edited 124d ago )

I'm going to say something somewhat controversial, the last set of Pokemon games weren't that bad, it wasn't a great game, but a good game if we ignore the performance issues (and I personally didn't have many bugs).

They just need more interesting towns and NPCs (give them interesting dialogue, there's literally no reasons to talk to NPCs), interesting areas/locations (like the sunken ship and Bellsprout Tower), and some decent side quest, there isn't really any interesting side quests in those games, and fix the barely there lore for the game (Idk even know what was going on with those 4 "legendary Pokemon"). And maybe add less new Pokemon into the next game so they can transition more of the older Pokemon into 3D.

I think Scarlet/Violet had the potential to go from a good game to a great game if they implemented most of those ideas, but they also needed more development time to optimise the game as well.

Profchaos124d ago

Yeah agree id take a remake of red in the style of the links awakening remake any day of the week

Profchaos124d ago

No they don't I don't want any of the gameplay anywhere near Pokemon the only link between them is the idea of Pokemon except there's guns you enslave humans and Pokemon and there's a survival aspect.

Pokemon is fairly family friendly can't see Nintendo going ok let's give them m16s and slaughter each other

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