
Ni No Kuni II's Release Date Announced; Bandai Namco Unveils E3 2017 Lineup

Today Bandai Namco revealed its E3 2017 games line up, and it came with a pleasant surprise, the release date of Level-5's new JRPG Ni No Kuni II.

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2601d ago Replies(1)
ninsigma2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

Very happy about that! Loved the first! If Sony put Detroit as end of year game this year as well that would be a good round off to a fantastic year on the platform.

Edit: I still have to play Nier automata and persona 5 with crash and uncharted on the way!

iDadio2601d ago

Loved the first so much I got the platinum for it can't wait for this.

OB1Biker2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

QD all but confirm Detroit will be there on twitter and I believe in a big way.

bouzebbal2601d ago

here we go, one more blockbuster title on PS4 this year!
together with DQ11 this is massive!

joab7772601d ago

I am way behind. Just started Nioh and haven't finished P5. Detroit and NNK2 would be fine. Leave the rest until early next yr. I like having 4 or 5 exclusives in the first 5 months of the year. Hell, I wouldn't mind a huge summer release, though that's when I usually catch up!

Elda2601d ago

You'll love Nier & now I'm playing Persona 5 & it's fantastic! I can't stop playing it!

fenome2601d ago

I still need to get Nioh and Persona 5, the struggle to catch up is real.

Kurisu2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

I'm only a few hours in to Nier: Automata but man, it has a fantastic opening / beginning section. So much gameplay variety. I really should get back on it but I've been side tracked with Tekken 7 online. Unfortunately I had to cancel my Crash Bandicoot pre order today because damn bills are getting in the way at the end of this month and the end of July, but come the end of August things should be back on track for me and I will be able to pick up Crash and Lost Legacy. Horizon will have to wait until I've completed Nier because I couldn't cope playing two open world games at a time. As for Persona 5...pfft, that can wait until I've at least scratched the surface of P4G on Vita, which I've neglected for months. I feel so overwhelmed and the Sony conference hasn't even happened yet!

Why o why2601d ago

One, if not thee most 1 sided years ive seen

FITgamer2601d ago

I never played the first one, and have been holding out on picking it up in hopes they'd re-master it. Looks like I'll just have to pull the trigger.

XanderZane2601d ago

Yes, now I can preorder the game. The first game was awesome. The sequel looks even better.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2601d ago
Gaming_Cousin2601d ago

PS4 never seems to run out of games to play

tyasia02601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

I can't wait till PS4 E3 show, they will show everyone how a true exclusive game show is done..

Elda2601d ago

That's what a gaming console supposed to do,keep their gamers busy throughout the year with new interesting experiences.

joab7772601d ago

And that's an understatement. They said like 2 minutes of talking and all games tonight. Can't wait! And this is coming this year!!! Damn!

Elda2601d ago

Greatness awaits!..can't wait!!

tyasia02601d ago

I hope they say "true exclusive" a lot.. like every other word lol

ninsigma2601d ago

That would be hilarious 😂

cartoonx12601d ago

oh didnt knew this game coming to PC, it will be perfect if i can find the original cheap since it is playable on PC for some time with emulator. would be best if they do original too for pc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2601d ago
FullmetalRoyale2601d ago

Nice. I appreciate that. And I'm really looking forward to the game!

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago

As far as upcoming 2017 PS4 games I am looking forward to.
I can only think of Ni No Kuni II unless I am forgetting oh an Ys VIII and Tokyo Xanadu eX+.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III whenever that comes Next Year.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

Forgot about Warriors All-Stars
And of course you Sony fanboys can't accept what I am interested in on PS4

Last_Boss2601d ago

It's not that, it's you are very arrogant. I blocked you on Gematsu, cause your comments are childish.

remixx1162601d ago

Dude people disagree with you cuz your always downing Sony. You really have no credibility when it comes to ps4 but your great for Nintendo discussion.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago

Downing Sony wtf how heck am I downing Sony?
All I am saying is the only games upcoming for 2017 I am interested in are those I mention.

I NEVER EVER CAME OUT AND SAID Horizon was terrible game, Days Gone is going to be terrible game or God of War is going to be a terrible game or any of the future PS4 exclusives.

Never have I once entered those games articles and said any of that.
Yall fanboys just can't accept that I OWN a PS4 and Love Japanese Games.

Playing Persona 5 right now while what Ubisoft E3 2017 Press Conference.

remixx1162601d ago

Lol damn bro chiiiilllllll.

Also stop flinging the word fanboy around without first looking in the mirror because the term heavily applies to you as well.

I'm just saying you have a history of not being a very big fan of Sony while praising almost everything nintendo does and bashes anyone who disagrees with ninty. Just because you own more than one console doesn't make you unbias.

Trust me your very bias.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago

No. I just love Japanese games. Sony doesn't provide that anymore. I am going to pick Gravity Rush 2 soon since got Persona 5 first.
I own a Vita played majority of their games. Gravity Rush, Freedom Wars and Killzone Mercenaries being my favorite. I avoid talking about games I am not interested but yall just don't seem to leave me alone when every I talk about games on PS4 I am interested in because I don't mention God of War or Uncharted and so on.

I am a Nintendo fan who owned every PS system since PS1. I love Japanese games and that all I will talk about on PS4 yall don't like it then put me on ignore.

_-EDMIX-_2601d ago

@ota-you're extremely biased and looking at all the disagrees you're getting it's a very clear your bias is very extreme.

I understand you like Japanese games so do I but that doesn't really make any sense when you're trying to say Sony doesn't provide that anymore when several of the biggest Japanese titles that released this generation or not even coming to the Nintendo switch but released on the PlayStation 4.

When you're looking at stuff like The Last Guardian Final Fantasy 15 Resident Evil 7 Nino Kuni II Nier Persona 5 Kingdom Hearts Collection Kingdom Hearts 3 Yakuza series shenmue etc it is very clear the absolute vast onslaught of the top Japanese juggernauts are releasing on the PlayStation 4.

Very difficult to say that Sony doesn't provide that when the PlayStation 4 is already receiving the top Japanese games that are going to be released this generation.

I mean if anything like both

I mean I'm going to purchase a Switch because of a lot of franchises, that doesn't mean I'm going to go around pretending that the Mario RPG announcement was garbage or that Animal Crossing sucks or that the next Xenoblade game is not going to be interesting etc, you've literally gone out of your way to exaggerate so many situations yet for someone who likes Japanese games technically speaking this system should be your default purchase in the first place.

Seriously buddy acknowledging PlayStation 4 is absolutely running the console market right now doesn't by any means mean that the switch is nothing or Garbage or anything like that seriously get off of the defensive.

I'm not sure how anyone could like Japanese games yet they're going to ignore stuff like Nier or Kingdom Hearts 3 or the Kingdom Hearts Collection or the Yakuza series or shenmue or Resident Evil or Final Fantasy World of Final Fantasy valkyria Revolution, Final Fantasy 12 remaster, Dragon Quest 11, Tekken 7, fantasy Dissidia, and just a ton of other Japanese games

Sorry but if you could only think of Ni no Kuni II I'm not even entirely sure you like Japanese games that much . (So you say)

Suddenly you hate most Japanese games but you're also saying you like Japanese games? That seems very difficult to understand considering the vast majority of them are releasing on PlayStation 4, I mean you're basically admitting you don't even like the majority of Japanese games when you're also ignoring the top properties that are coming to that platform.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago

Sony doesn't provide anymore Japanese games.

I am talking about their IP not Third Party that something yall don't understand. When I am talking about Sony I am talking Sony not Third Party.

remixx1162601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

I also love Japanese games as well, there're far more creative and unique in my opinion but to say Sony doesn't provide that, or better yet you can't find it on Sony's consoles if flat out untrue.

Guilty gear xrd, king of fighters 14, ni no kuni 2, persona 5, tales of bersia, ff10 remaster, the last guardian, star ocean, gravity rush 2, nier automata, nioh, dragon quest heroes, dragon quest builders final fantasy 7 remake and so on are all Japanese games that can only be found on Sony's console unless you also own a decent pc where a couple of them like nier can be found.

If anything Sony is giving ninty a rub for its money tho a few of those games are actually produced in house by sony.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2601d ago (Edited 2601d ago )

Uh that not what I meant by Sony doesn't provide any. I am talking their IP not Third Party.
I said Sony not Third Party. Sony doesn't own those game.
If I am going talk about Persona 5 I am going to thanks Sega and Atlus not Sony. I give props to the developer and publisher not console owner.

KwietStorm_BLM2600d ago

If you're that same guy who's always crying about western games, but praises any Japanese game to the high heavens, then that's probably why. It's tired and sad.

IamTylerDurden12600d ago

Crash - June 30th

Matterfall - August 15th

Uncharted Lost Legacy - August

Hellblade - August

Gran Turismo Sport - fall

Ni No Kuni 2 - November 10th

Nex Machina - 2017

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2600d ago

Never really could get in to Crash. It does look a lot more interesting than the original.
Ni No Kuni II is the only game on that list I am interested in.

Protagonist2600d ago


Dude you have been one of the worst nintendo fanboys for years on this site. Who cares what you think about Playstation titles.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

yet yall continue to attack me for my interest in different game then yall.
Yall so insecure whenever I comment.
You guys truly do hate me and it's hilarious.

There a IGNORE option. Use it.

Protagonist2600d ago (Edited 2600d ago )

Relax nobody hates you! it is a gaming site, we are talking about video games here. But you can not expect after having shitted on the Vita and other Playstation products for years suddenly talk about what you are looking forward to considering Playstation... as if nothing ever happened. That is what I... and most other dislike.

I like Sony but I also just acknowledged them having a disappointing E3 this year. You on the other hand are obsessed by nintendo, no criticism whatsoever!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2600d ago
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Dragon Ball FighterZ's Rollback Update Was Too Little Too Late

Daniyal from eXputer: "Dragon Ball FighterZ was so close to a revival but ineffective communication and a dubious launch of an anticipated update botched that hope."


DRAGON BALL FighterZ Rollback Netcode Update

Dragon Ball FighterZ has finally received the long-awaited rollback netcode update that promises to improve the online experience for players.

Also, instruction detailed on how to upgrade from PS4 to PS5, Xbox One to XSX, and save transfers.

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Furesis149d ago

5 years too late, no cross-play and ps5 and ps4 cant play together and on pc u have delay based and roll back which u can choose which will divide the player base even more since some wont know the difference and some of the game modes are not compatible with rollback... like why, you should have just made fighterz 2 and implement it properly there what is this half assed shit?
Better than nothing i guess? i don't even know man..


Dragon Ball FighterZ for PS5, Xbox Series launches February 29

Dragon Ball FighterZ will launch digitally for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series on February 29 with rollback netcode, publisher Bandai Namco announced.

Users who own the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series version free of charge.

DivineHand125148d ago

What new features do we get with the PS5 version?

ZeekQuattro148d ago

Rollback netcode. Faster load times.