
PS4 is three times more popular than Xbox One in Europe, Sony claims

The PS4 has sold three times what the Xbox One has in Europe, according to Sony global sales chief Jim Ryan.

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UCForce2666d ago

Well, PS4 is worldwide now.

UltraNova2666d ago

The xbox is basically dead where I live. Everyone has a PS.

2666d ago Replies(1)
SaveFerris2666d ago

Europe has favoured Sony game consoles since the PS1.

ApocalypseShadow2666d ago

It was always a PlayStation dominant area. Xbox 360 did well because most gamers saw how nice Gears,NBA2K6, etc looked compared to Xbox and PS2 games and didn't want to wait 1 to 1 1/2 years for PS3. So they jumped in.

When PS4 and Xbox one launched at the same time, it was PlayStation as the dominant platform again with Microsoft's initial policies making things worse for them and Sony taking off almost unopposed.

But PlayStation fans predicted this years ago though on if both launched at the same time, Sony would lead and Microsoft would F'up. Prophecy becoming fact.

tontontam02666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )

What is this xbox one?

thatguyhayat2666d ago

Ask japan that i double dare you lool

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jznrpg2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

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