
Phantom Dust Remaster Developers Code Mystics Want to Know Which Xbox Game to Remaster Next

Code Mystics who just released Phantom Dust HD for Xbox One want to know which game from the original Xbox fans want to see remastered.

GtR35olution2611d ago

They could just make a new game from scratch

freshslicepizza2611d ago

I think one again you are in the wrong topic

LexHazard792611d ago

After E3 these guys wont have much to say! 😂

Godmars2902610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

Given the age of the game would think they'd have to make a whole new game based on the premise.

"After E3 these guys wont have much to say!"

Why is that?

How many times has MS made a claim, shown off a trailer for a new game, and that hasn't lead to *YEARS* of arguing? Crackdown 3 was suppose to show what XB1 and cloud distribution could do yet now its more a Scorpio title.

Really, MS needs to stop announcing that they're going to "reinvent gaming" and just make freaking games!

JasonKCK2610d ago

Godmars290 Why are you even here? Why do you spend so much time in Xbox news?

Is it fear?

mwjw6962610d ago Show
TheCommentator2610d ago

GT and Godmars, quit coming into these threads and hijacking them. This is not about new games. New games will be shown at E3, which is what Lex is talking about.

GT, you should follow Godmars, admit that you're being stupid and move on.

On topic, my pick is Mech Assault.

URNightmare2610d ago

The Remaster-backwards-One!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2610d ago
SCW19822611d ago

I really don't like you moldy but I have to completely agree on this one.

gangsta_red2611d ago

I keep seeing a request for another Crimson Skies or anything related. This should be the next game but then I saw this pic on their twitter....


Sorry, but that is America AF! So I'm going to vote for Metal Wolf Chaos!

Godmars2902610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

"America AF"?

Fromsoft made it. A Japanese company?

Patriot4Life2610d ago

Godmars he is taking about the box art which has lots of big guns, huge robots and an American flag....only thing missing is Trump holding a burger.

gangsta_red2610d ago


It's refreshing when someone gets it...


Godmars2902609d ago (Edited 2609d ago )

You were asking for a game. Not cover art...

gangsta_red2609d ago

Godmars...it's not enough to read you have to also comprehend, the two go hand in hand.

Now, are we going to go back and forth with you making excuses or is this done because there's no point?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2609d ago
darthv722611d ago

Crimson skies is an easy pick and one that has been asked for over and over which makes it almost a given. So.... I'm going for one that is rather obscure..... Malice.

What started out as the game to show off the og xbox then became a multiplat game instead. So a remaster that is done to the style of the xb1 would be really sweet to have.

Bigpappy2611d ago (Edited 2611d ago )

Suduki and Morrowind

Aenea2610d ago

"I think one again you are in the wrong topic"

Says the guy who doesn't own an Xbox One....

Chris122610d ago

Says the guy that trolls every Xbox article....

Aenea2610d ago


If you think I'm trolling in Xbox articles than 95% of every poster in every article is trolling! 😂

JasonKCK2610d ago

That's because 95% of the people in Xbox news on N4G are Sony fans.

Aenea2610d ago


The reason for that is that 95% of all console users are PS4 owners...

Ehh, wait a minute, that's not true, is it? Or are you saying that many Xbox owners are illiterate? 😜


JasonKCK2610d ago

I'm saying most Sony fans are trolls that fear anything Xbox.

Low punch.

Aenea2610d ago


And apparently 95% of Xbox owners have no sense of humour! 😜

Well, that's probably what you get when you have no gam.... nah, too easy! 😀

JasonKCK2610d ago

Thank you for proving my point.

Aenea2610d ago


sourpuss, smile a little! do something fun!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2610d ago
IamTylerDurden12610d ago (Edited 2610d ago )

Remaster? Was it really a remaster? Blue Point does remasters, this was more of a port, no?

maybelovehate2610d ago

Crimson Skies would be fun. Fable 2 would be awesome. Ninja Gaiden Black would be amazing!!!

Nodoze2610d ago

Cannot BELIEVE that MS has not created a new CS by now. What a fantastic game that was. Thanks for the reminder moldy!!

3-4-52610d ago

Yes. Crimson Skies online multiplayer is still the most fun I've ever had playing a game online in my entire life. Been gaming since the 80's.....by far the most fun.

Those maps are amazing especially chicago with the skyscrapers and the Desert Valley/canyon maps were just a ton of fun to play in.

They should really make another in the series as well honestly.

Can't believe nothing more came of literally one of the most fun franchises ever.

I was there on the last server/game that remained open when they shut it down.....there weren't many of us left on but I remember playing until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore....

I miss Crimson Skies.

Fist4achin2610d ago

Anyone one up for another Gunvalkyrie?!

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2609d ago
timotim2610d ago

Would love to see a Fusion Frenzy remake. Actually, I would just love a FF new game for Xbox consoles, Windows 10 and mobile all playing together and Play Anywhere. Use your Xbox Avatar and add some iconic Xbox characters as unlocks...MC, Voodoo Vince, Banjo, Conker etc...would be awesome.

slate912610d ago

Holy crap....you are a genius

Unspoken2609d ago

That is an amazing idea!

timotim2609d ago

Thanks guys, I thought I was on to something haha. This is the level Microsoft needs to be on when the go to bring back franchises. Take a page out of Nintendo's book and leverage those characters. Microsoft needs to go all out and make these games AAA regardless of subject matter. Can you imagine FF with drop dead gorgeous graphics, effects, animations and lighting! Tons of unlocks (characters, stages and stage themes, outfits and colors)! The music they could leverage from Halo, Gears, Voodoo Vince, KI, Viva Piñata...it would truly be awesome.

NarooN2610d ago

I used to play the SHIT out of that game, lol. So many awesome mini-games. I only played a demo of the sequel and don't remember much about it. They definitely need to bring that back.

Paytaa2611d ago

Deathrow, Blood Wake, Gunvalkyrie, Jet Set Radio Future, or Mechassault.

GearSkiN2610d ago

omg you even says Gunvalkyrie!!! if you know that game then you should know where i got this gamertag 😍

Paytaa2610d ago

Yup! Still have my original copy from all those years ago. If OG Xbox backwards compatibility is ever a reality for Xbox One or any future Xbox, it's a toss up between Gunvalkyrie and Blood Wake for which I'd play first.

GearSkiN2610d ago

dude i still have my copy as well!! MS need to bring crimson skies back!

rokkbrin2611d ago

go back and do a good job on phantom dust.

Elit3Nick2610d ago

If they replaced the models with Alex Iglesias's Mechwarrior Online designs I'd die...

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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing57m ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro13m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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VersusDMC4h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...