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Six Studios, Five Years, Zero Games: Is Rockstar Games in Trouble?

Even though Rockstar Games is known for impeccable quality productions, the recent (though widely expected) delay of Red Dead Redemption 2 means that almost five years will have passed between new games from the developer. OnlySP questions whether this massive release gap is cause for concern.

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Wakka102677d ago
T2X2677d ago

Not really. They create huge masterpieces that take years and lots of money and resources to make. ANd when they do release, they sell large amounts and receive support for many years after. So, I wouldn't worry too much.

Wakka102677d ago

People used to say that about Final Fantasy and Bioware... look at their standing among fans now.

Overload2677d ago

"Final Fantasy 15 is the fastest-selling game in series history"

Final Fantasy 15 exceeds 6 million units in shipments and digital sales

Wakka102677d ago

Sales figures =/= reception. Here's an exercise, go visit the comment sections of FFXV articles published since release to see what people say about the game they've played. Or visit Metacritic and check the most recent/most helpful reviews.
I mean, how many comments have you read saying that CoD: Infinite Warfare is crap, yet it still sold considerably better than almost anything else released last year.

Overload2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

Vocal minorities can be confusing. FF7R will come out and do bigger numbers. Look at the online hate for Destiny and SWBF, yet they're are 2 of the biggest games of this generation, Destiny has a player retention % most developers only dream of, yet everyone online and all their friends hate Destiny.

EazyC2676d ago

Not like R*, their games are on another level

Nitrowolf22676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

You are missing the point. This isnt about how the fans feel, its about whether the company can stay a float.

Sales are exceeding what they expected, thats good news for them. Whether fans like the game or not is an entirely different subject.

@the question in the article.

Honestly GTA5 is still a top selling, and they are making loads off microtransaction. I dont think their in trouble tbh

InTheZoneAC2676d ago

are you simple? when had GTA or RDR dropped drastically in terms of quality and content?

3-4-52676d ago

Rockstar & Square-enix are different in their approach.

Square takes long because of lack of communication and poor leadership at the top, where as Rockstar takes forever because THAT is how they operate....Always have.

I think Square recently realized they need to get their stuff together when it comes to FF7 remake and the studio they outsourced it too wasn't getting the job down so they brought it in house.

Rockstar has a road map and a plan....Square doesn't.

Square-Enix does a really good job with the Dragon Quest series though which is kind of confusing.

They make all the right decisions with Dragon Quest and almost no right decisions with Final Fantasy.

The Final Fantasy dev team needs a shake up and reset.....bring new people in who actually have good taste for games.

If I was square I'd be asking the Dragon Quest team for tips/hints/help.....they actually know what they are doing over there.

Rockstar and it's next games are fine.

They are releasing Red Dead 2 this year and GTA 6 in 2018/19.

^ That is the main reason why.

RosweeSon2676d ago

Has a final fantasy game ever sold 80 million copies... 1 game in the series?! Nope. Not the mention said game has a massively lucrative online mode 💰💰💰

Gaming1012675d ago

Does anyone here read? Rockstar has made somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars in shark cards alone. They are riding the gravy train with low operations high profit margins. It's a cash cow business for them, so of course they're going to delay any game that will draw a single player away from GTA 5.

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freshslicepizza2677d ago

They also used to create multiple games. Midnight Club should be revisited too.

EazyC2676d ago

It's so annoying they have seemingly retired Midnight Club, we NEED a new gen one

Erik73572677d ago

We actually don't know...your comment is honestly just as valid as this article.

Could be maybe they are raising the bar for what we expect in games or they could be struggling. We can never know until the game comes out

XanderZane2676d ago

Exactly. They are known for delaying their games until they are exactly the way they want them to be. So I won't even sweat it. I can wait until next year for RDR2. I'm sure they are working on GTA VI and probably one other masterpiece.

seanpitt232676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

The thing is if gta5 wasn't so popular then we would of definitely seen and be playing another rockstar game by now.

RDR2 would be in my console now.

So we have only ourselves to blame for buying 80 million copies of gta5 plus 100s of millions daft shark cards.

If someone said to me 3 years ago that rockstar will only release one game this gen I wouldn't of believe them but thats definitely what they are going to do.

scofios2676d ago

Yeah they sold 75 million copys of gta5 they must be in trouble /s

SonyAddict2676d ago

Rockstar games in trouble lol no chance hahaa

C-H-E-F2675d ago

Agreed, every since the PS3, Rockstar pulled back off of quantity and focused on Quality. For example the released 1 Midnight Club last gen and that was/is still (to me atleast) one of the best racing games launched last year. They released 2 GTA's in a 7 year span, So of course when you look at it, those games took a very long time to make, GTAIV was in dev in PS2 era and GTAV was in dev since GTAIV was like 3/4 done and it still took 7 years to release. They said a few years back that they are quality focused over quantity. They own plenty of other studios that publish games like NBA 2k makes about 120 million from playstation/xbox on launch day (selling 1 million / console) for example, they are far from being "hurt" by not having annual big franchise games. SHhhhh I just said the other day GTAV is still the top 5 selling game every month... that's incredible, they aren't worried about sales as much as this author thinks. haha.

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-Foxtrot2677d ago

It would be nice to see their games release a little quicker...they can have plenty of time on the game they are making but at least have something to put out in the meantime.

Mr Pumblechook2676d ago

"Is Rockstar Games in Trouble?" GTA V has sold over 75 million copies. GTA V Online is generating a shit-ton of money. Somehow I think Rockstar are okay. ;) They know not to annualise a franchise to death.

-Foxtrot2676d ago

True but I think it's because of that they think they can do whatever the f*** they want, especially with the online and MT

They are getting a little big headed and it's worrying despite how good their games are. Gives them that "Meh...screw em, they'll love us in the end regardless and we'll be rich still" attitude.

shmowboyfebop2676d ago


Who knows. They tend to make good games. I haven't noticed any sort of aggrandized ego from them. They're one of the few groups I have faith in.

Bronxs152675d ago

Curious. What do people do in gta online?? I just played single player never looked at online.

Kleptic2675d ago (Edited 2675d ago )

100% arm chair 'consumer analysts' in regards to the business behind the company.

Doesn't matter 'what people do online' in GTAV, it has generated more profit than most, even popular and well received, titles do entirely...doesn't matter that 'I don't understand it, i barely tried it'...see above.

This isn't some annual franchise that recently started struggling...GTAV was one of the highest reviewed titles of last gen, then WAS the highest reviewed, and highest selling, titles for nearly half of the current gen...A re-released 'HD' version of a last gen title crushed nearly everything this gen could come up with for an alarmingly long time...If anything, all this shows is how out of whack the rest of the industry was for like 5 years...and Rockstar simply took a breather during it. Little overhead, print money...and they're 'big headed' because of it?

...they're fine...there is absolutely no business reason to be worried about future products just yet...the complainers are of a minority, and even better...the transparency of them buying future products despite obvious...they will, they always have...and will continue to.

Mr_Writer852675d ago


"they think they can do whatever the f*** they want, "

Well they can do its their work and its clearly working.

If people didn't want more GTA Online content they wouldn't make it.

Why waste your time making content for people who don't play GTA online when you have people who do giving you money?

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ServerBOT2676d ago

A little project like Rockstar Table Tennis would be pretty sweet.

Brave_Losers_Unite2677d ago

Are you kidding me? They are swimming in cash.

JackBNimble2676d ago

Exactly, GTAV has sold 70 million copies alone as well as all the microtransactions along side it.

BlakHavoc2677d ago

Uh no. They produce one of the highest selling franchises in history, GTA. RDR2 is going to sell a ton, and whatever else they release I'm sure will be met with critical and commercial acclaim.

Wakka102677d ago

It's amusing that pretty much every comment defaults to the money that they've made off GTA V, thus suggesting that no-one read the part that admits that money is no issue. The article questions other things than the financial standing of Rockstar because that is one of the few things that there is absolutely nothing to be worried about at the present time.

OC_MurphysLaw2676d ago

What is amusing is the attempt to suggest they are in trouble because they are releasing fewer and fewer games....even though the few they are releasing are well crafted mega hits beyond anything other devs are able to do. the amount of games you create should absolutely in no way be associated to whether a studio is in trouble in the face of the success Rockstar has had with their formula of multiple studios playing a hand in their crafting of their games. Now if RDR2 comes out and is utter trash then maybe this article should be republished then...but now? No.

fenome2676d ago

They don't have any big publishers breathing down their neck about absurd deadlines, they take pride in what they do and it shows. I'd rather them hone their craft and release something they're proud of than pump the same shit out every year.

I'd rather wait for a quality product than just get slapped with reskinned crap over and over. There's a lot more room to tinker with things this gen, I don't think a lot of people really grasp that concept.

Outside_ofthe_Box2676d ago (Edited 2676d ago )

I read it, and anyone that is speaking against the article is correct. R* is far from being in any sort of "trouble." The article is trying to make it out to be that the delay of RDR2 and the fact that outside of a port, they haven't released a game this gen, will somehow hurt R*'s brand/reputation which is not true at all.

Everyone expected RDR2 would be delayed. Delays are nothing new or out of the ordinary this gen. Also everyone knows that R* takes years to make their games so again, this is something that isn't surprising to gamers.

When RDR2 releases it will sell a ton. When GTA6 releases it will sell ton. Doesn't matter if they're delayed a decade. R* is no where close to being on "unsteady ground" or having a "bleak future" or "fading into insignificance" like the article suggests.

Only good point is R*'s apparent shift of focus to the multiplayer side of things. I personally don't think R* going the multiplayer route will put the studio in "trouble", but I personally would stop buying their games if it doesn't appeal to me. Either way I still expect RDR2 to deliver a stellar single player experience. R* has yet to let me down when it comes to SP so I'm given them the benefit of the doubt in that regard. Wish we would have gotten SP DLC for GTAV though.

mocaak2676d ago

You wrote a shitty, clickbait article. Now deal with it, instead of commenting nonstop on your own submission.

KwietStorm_BLM2676d ago

If Red Dead didn't get delayed, this article wouldn't exist. That, in and of itself, is both ironic and extremely weak as a basis for whatever logic they're trying to use as an argument. Even if Rockstar were somehow in trouble for whatever reason, the mountain of money they made on GTA V alone could be used to fill whatever development gaps or production holes they're theoretically having.

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Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger16h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye1d 23h ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire9511h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


Nintendo To Go In 'Different Direction' To Current AI Trends, Says Miyamoto

Music to our ears.

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Jin_Sakai1d 7h ago

“There is a lot of talk about A.I., for example. When that happens, everyone starts to go in the same direction, but that is where Nintendo would rather go in a different direction."

Good on Nintendo for not chasing the next big thing.

Aussiesummer1d 2h ago

Well nintendo has always been about innovation so I'm not surprised.

KyRo1d ago

Always? I feel the last time off the top of my head that they were innovative was the 3DS/Wii era. They are very successful at what they do but I wouldn't say they are as innovative as they used to be.

Venoxn4g1d ago

Well, in my opinion they have popularised hybrid console which is the Switch

KyRo23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

Your opinion is correct. There's no denying Nintendo's influence on the handheld market that's paved the way for the ROG, Steam Deck, MSI Claw etc but apart from the dock to get a small jump in power, it wasn't really revolutionary, even back when it launched. It was a more refined concept of the Wii U which again wasn't new or groundbreaking back then either.

Aussiesummer15h ago

What the switch wasn't innovative? Cmon.

SeTTriP12h ago

He was saying that's what they strive for and that is a they always hit the mark?. no but it's in they're design philosophy all the same.

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badz1491d 2h ago

LOL simply because they don't want to invest in it and stick to their outdated approach. See the next pokemon game on Switch 2 will look like something that should come out during the PS3 gen

Profchaos1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

So a custom art style vs GTA trilogy style mistakes through their games

I'll take the art style thanks

WolfSeed1d 2h ago (Edited 1d 2h ago )

Translation: We'll wait until it's cheaper.

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