
Is Final Fantasy in Big Trouble?

Every bit of Final Fantasy VII Remake news is odd. What's up?

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Cobra9512680d ago

The claimed episodic nature of the remake is weird enough alone to kill my interest in it.

2680d ago Replies(3)
Tankbusta402680d ago

I guess I am not to worried about the episodic nature. I was highly skeptical when Hitman announced it was doing that but it actually turned out amazing. I got much more out of the game than I would have had it all released at one time and I just blew through the game, instead of trying to get each and every unique kill, which I had plenty of time to do in between episodes. Not sure how they will break up 7 but it shouldn't be all gloom and doom.

_-EDMIX-_2680d ago

You would have had to wait for it for years anyway.

What does it matter how it releases when you could just wait to play all the parts in the final version?

ShottyatLaw2680d ago

The idea of playing an rpg in pieces is not appealing to me. Completing a third of a FF game, waiting months, then playing the next third, etc, would never be an ideal way to experience that type of game.

As you point out, we could always just wait for all parts to release. My initial thought is why release it in episodes in the first place then? But I predict more people will be asking that as episodes start releasing.

This is SE we're talking about. Say this was a full FFVII remake. Would any of us be surprised if it and it was delayed one or more times? Now multiply that by 3. Part 1 will likely be delayed, causing Part 2 to be pushed back. They'll need some extra time to finish Part 2, only to have to then push back Part 3.

Those are the two reasons why going episodic matters to me. I'm sure this is being split up for financial reasons. In the end, I think that choice is only going to hurt them.

_-EDMIX-_2680d ago

@Shott- "The idea of playing an rpg in pieces is not appealing to me" smh. Oooook, lets try this again.

"when you could just wait to play all the parts in the final version?"

' we could always just wait for all parts to release. My initial thought is why release it in episodes in the first place then?"

For those that don't want to wait like you and me.

You do know that some might not care and would be ok playing it in parts right? How is that relevant to how you and I want to play this?

'Those are the two reasons why going episodic matters to me. "

The delay has nothing to do with being Episodic, if they had to delay based on needing to fix something, it would have been delayed to fix it regardless if it was in parts or as 1 game.

You still wait in the end anyway.

Red Dead 2 just got delayed, was that from being episodic?

" I'm sure this is being split up for financial reasons. In the end, I think that choice is only going to hurt them."

Thats the thing.

How is it hurting them?

You are waiting for a final version....

Those that don't want to wait can buy it in parts.

I fail to see how someone else getting a game a way they like, hurts you. You would have been waiting for this game regardless of how it as released. If anything releasing in parts gives them more money and feed back early to likely complete it faster then if they had no money coming in along with less feedback.

If 50 years goes by and you want to play the FFVII remake that came out for PS4, you telling how it ORIGINALLY released is going to hurt you? lol

MOST have very little logical reasoning on how this is hurting them other then being emotional and scared of something different, that is optional mind you.

lets say this comes out 2020 as a final thing.

I don't know how it would hurt you, if before 2020 it released in parts.

What does that have to do with its final ,complete 2020 release date?

Does renting games hurt you? I mean for you it could "never be an ideal way to experience that type of game".

OH so stop all renting, digital, episodic etc based on YOU don't feel its ideal? Never mind ITS AN OPTION YOU DON'T NEED TO PARTAKE IN?

ShottyatLaw2679d ago (Edited 2679d ago )

You asked why did it matter, so I told you.

If creating one, non-episodic game is fraught with delays, I would venture to guess that 3 games would too. Except now it is 3 delays. It's my opinion that focusing on one full game would actually lead to receiving the FULL game quicker. That matters to me.

I also suspect that parts 2 and 3 will sell less than part 1. That's just the nature of episodic games. Financially, this will affect SE. If their finances are strained enough for them to consider making their most beloved RPG into episodes, I'm not confident that the episodes 2 and 3 will get the full treatment if sales are low. That matters to me.

I am a fan of the original game. It was a grand adventure that I got lost in 20 years ago. A fully developed remake would satisfy me, but hopefully would lead to new players falling in love with it too. Maybe this encourages SE to finally try to top it like they promised a few years back. I personally think that type of experience is lost by episodic releases. That's why it matters to me.

They had also better hope that each part is $20 or less. If the full game comes out to more than $60, I'm guessing the internet will take issue with that. Just a guess.

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago (Edited 2679d ago )

@Shott- "If creating one, non-episodic game is fraught with delays, I would venture to guess that 3 games would too. Except now it is 3 delays"


Its still the delay of 1 game bud. How many parts its in is irrelevant. If they must fix something, it will be fixed, how many parts the game is in is irrelevant. Games are actually made by part during development.

Its irrelevant to someone looking to buy it years from now as 1 thing.

What does a delay of a part of a game matter to you if you are buying it as 1 complete game?

Red Dead 2 was just delayed. It means something needed to be fixed, how many parts that the game is in is irrelevant.

Something needed to be fixed, thus delay.

You still crying over how OTHER PEOPLE want to play a game?

"They had also better hope that each part is $20 or less. If the full game comes out to more than $60, I'm guessing the internet will take issue with that"

What does that matter to you, you don't want to buy it episodically, wait.

" I personally think that type of experience is lost by episodic releases. That's why it matters to me"

LMFAO! A game coming out in PARTS AS AN OPTION, is hurting you?

Are you not buying this as one complete part when its complete?

So how can episodic release hurt your "experience" if you are not even buying it through this method?

That is as dumb as saying "renting" hurts the "experience" OHHHH THEN DON'T RENT!

Problem solved.

Let those that do buy their games that way worry about it. Non-issue and literally stupid. You having a mental breakdown over other people playing games a different way. What if I told you I play my games 1 hour each day? That killing you too? You going to cry over that or?? do you not understand just how slow that logic is?

Your crying about an option you don't need to partake in. Get over it and move on. Its just silly and immature, you throwing a tantrum over options. smh.

Buy it when its 1 final thing. Stop tearing up over options you don't need to buy, I don't even think I'M BUYING IT in parts, but I'm not going to argue over someone else wanting to. Thats their choice.

I don't rent my games, doesn't mean I'm going to attack those that do. Its irrelevant to me.

" A fully developed remake would satisfy me "

Thats nice. Then wait til its 100% complete. Done. You get your complete game. Why are you still crying for? LOL! I love how waiting isn't an option for you.

ShottyatLaw2679d ago

And if Part 2 needs work? Delay. Part 3 not quite done? Delay. You really think SE is going to hit shipment dates on all 3 releases? Each one could be delayed on their own. I think focusing on the full game and not worrying about hitting their launch dates would mean the FULL game would come quicker.

Not crying, just don't think RPGs should go this route. If it succeeds, then we're looking at more games going this route.

If it fails? Are we confident Part 3 wouldn't get half-assed or canceled altogether? You keep saying it's a choice, but I'm failing to see where anyone asked for this choice. If most of us choose to wait, maybe Part 2 or 3 take longer to release, get canceled, or get less resources. Yay choice!

_-EDMIX-_2679d ago

@Shot- "You keep saying it's a choice, but I'm failing to see where anyone asked for this choice"

Thats nice.

Buy it the way you want.

You don't really even understand what choice is bud. If you want it as a final disk, complete, you are still waiting regardless.

More money, means it gets made faster, more feed back means it gets made better.

Less money and less feedback don't really mean a faster game bud lol

What does it matter to you if you are just getting it as 1 disk?

The choice is based on HOW YOU want to play it.

We all have to wait for FFVII remake.

You simply choose to wait longer to play it a certain way.

That ok, but that is also your choice. Your having a hard, hard time even trying to paint it as a bad thing other then crying over other folks choices to play it in parts.

I played Life Is Strange and bought the disk....

I never waited for its releases as parts, I simply waited til it was done, but isn't that what we are dong for MOST games?

How Life Is Strange released in parts, is irrelevant to me.

I played it off a disk, my choice is to play my games that way.

Soo.......I played it that way. How someone else is playing it is none of my business. Its irrelevant to me.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2679d ago
NapalmSanctuary2680d ago

You mean like Star Wars episodes IV, V & VI?

LAWSON722680d ago

The article implies that.

They mention similarly to FFXIII, which even though quality varies they are big games. So I would not call similarly to Star Wars, The Hobbit, LOTR far off especially since it is planned to be produced the way very much unlike FFXIII

Horseygamer2679d ago

not episodic!!!! its to larger game to fit on one disk as it was in the 90's so it was ship on 3 disc in one box so you could argue the original was episodic!!!!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2679d ago
jznrpg2680d ago

I'll wait to see the final prodcut. If theymake the game in 3 discs and its good I wont care if its made in parts. Being essentially 3 games will allow them to further explain the story so it may bit be bad in the end, but then again they could screw it up. Wait and see for me

Eldyraen2680d ago

Maybe they'll remake ffxv in a few years as an episodic game to further expand what the story glosses over? The whole Prompto thing that turns into a "cool story bro" and "whatever" by his buds and then is just dropped completely?

I'm much more interested in what they could do to expand 7 then with what they basically just glossed over in 15 (and I loved 15).

inxine2680d ago

the problem is not the franchise itself, its their producers. i mean we have a guy working on 5 games at the same time, has a reputation that his games always come out late if at all. thats the problem.

Nintendew2680d ago (Edited 2680d ago )

Waiting for " sorry guys!, did 2 years work only to find out it was the wrong game, heartless dosent belong in FF7 remake. "

inxine2679d ago

right? lol im just sick of it, weve vbeen waiting for kh3 for years now, we've waited for ff15 for 10 years. like if its to much try to concentrate on one or two at a time .

Tross2680d ago

Wasn't FFXV highly successful? I mean, it was in development hell for a long time, but it came out of it remarkably well. I doubt the FFVII remake will truly make or break the franchise at this point. We will probably see a FFXVI at some point. Probably no time soon, but I don't think FF is anywhere close to done.

Tankbusta402680d ago

Yeah I am sure the devs know that whatever they do with this remake people will be furious(similar to the outrage 15 got for not being turn based) so they are taking their time and trying to get as much right as they can.

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This Guy Rebuilt The Original Final Fantasy 7 In LittleBigPlanet 2, And It's Awesome

Nearly 27 years after the original game's release, Final Fantasy 7 superfan Jamie Colliver has finished his magnum opus: A shot-for-shot remake of the original PlayStation 1 game, created entirely via LittleBigPlanet 2. Colliver's remake reimagines the original game as a platformer, with every scene, every location, every line of dialogue, and every song from the game's OST painstakingly implemented .

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Babadook749d ago

The effort here is impressive. Hope it doesn’t get taken down.

fr0sty49d ago

He should have done it in Dreams though, the limitations of having done it in LBP are obvious.

solideagle49d ago

ah Dreams had so much potential, I think they should have released it on PC. one can only dream about dreams sale and popularity on PC. PC has modding/creative crowd and I think it would have been a hit

gleepot49d ago

I love seeing projects like this. So much passion and time.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Patch 1.040 Now Available for Download

Stay updated with the latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH news! Learn about the new Version 1.040 update, featuring critical bug fixes.

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M3talDiamond114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

No mention of fixing the audio issues the dialogue audio is too low this has been reported many times on social media the volume has to be turned up and music has to be lowered to hear the characters properly :(

Babadook7113d ago

I have a question as someone who is considering buying the game soon. Is this a fixable issue? Can you just lower the volume for music and sound effects and keep dialog at default?

shadowT113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

yes, it is no issue at all. Just go into settings. Do you have already played the first Remake or the OG?

M3talDiamond113d ago

There are a few youtube videos and reddit tips with some tips on fixing the sound issues but sadly they didnt work for me

M3talDiamond113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

@Babadook7 There are a few videos on youtube with tips on how to fix the dialogue audio this but sadly they didnt work for me. There is an option to lower the music and sfx and keep the dialogue audio at 10 but you have to keep the volume up high (well for my TV I do) but when you are in battles and cutscenes the audio is higher so you have to adjust the audio again.
@shadowT The audio issues doesnt affect everyone there are some people on reddit complaining about the audio and there are other people saying they dont have any issues at all. I think it depends on the TV I have a Samsung QLED 4K and FF7 Rebirth is the only game I have audio issues with.

Babadook7112d ago (Edited 112d ago )

Thanks for the answers all.

@Shadow yeah I have the Remake and finished it and loved it (loved the OG also back in the day). My understanding is this is even better than Remake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 112d ago
shadowT113d ago

GOTY contender got even better!


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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Cacabunga144d ago

Yes Tonberry is terrifying..

MeteorPanda144d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman144d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda143d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.