
Project CARS 2 Developer Will Not Hold Back Potential Xbox Scorpio Enhancements Because of PS4 PRO

The Xbox One Scorpio is far beyond the PS4 Pro- it's a more dramatic, radical overhaul of the original Xbox One, compared to the more conservative, iterative upgrade that is the PS4 Pro. However, given the fact that both systems mandate support for their base versions too, and that the PS4 Pro has a higher install base than the still not launched Scorpio, there was, obviously, a fear that the Scorpio's extra reserves of power may go untapped.

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KingKionic 2567d ago

Good to hear thats what xbox gamers want. Bring on da scorpio.

AngelicIceDiamond2567d ago

Project cars devs started it. Scorpio won't be held back by Vanilla X1 originally not by Pro.

“We may go higher resolution on Scorpio compared to Pro, or we may keep lower res but increase detail. Again, too early to say, and if we can do something extra on Scorpio easily we will do, we won’t hold it back due to Pro,”

Just proves that certain devs have no real alliances or favorites and just look at the raw numbers. Getting the most out of a console is fine but blatantly calling out another console is very unprofessional same goes for Bungie for making similar remarks.

2567d ago
4Sh0w2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Well that's good nothing fanboy about it, just a dev saying basically he will do his best with the specs he's given, Scorpio is more powerful so he will do more, its not like there will be a huge difference from the pro version....thats called just giving gamers their money's worth.

Games Lover, come on, let's try to be above the silly console war.

Teflon022567d ago


Actually that's the real situation. When gaming on anything with multiplayer. The dev's don't want Xbox 1 30 fps and Xbox s 60 fps in the same multiplayer match. It throws things into a unnecessary loop and messes up things. It's the key issue for the PS4 pro as well. A single player game won't be held back by Xbox one likely. But the multiplayer ones will be in almost all cases.
Also do you know how tech works or just read something and try run with it. Every damn thing has a bottleneck. A bottleneck doesn't make things weak and you're talking as if it doesn't just exist for certain situations. If a game is 60fps already on ps4, pro won't have the CPU bottleneck to really deal with. Scorpio has shown it's biggest issue will be raising Fr without compromise. Which is the same thing. A bottleneck...

freshslicepizza2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Nividia high end graphics cards like the GTX 1080ti are not being held back by their mid cards like the GTX 1060, i see Scorpio as no different to that of the Xbox One in the same scenario.

Kingthrash3602567d ago

How is the ps4 pro humping the scorpio?
The xbo didn't gimp the ps4....my god what is this.
Fact of matter is either the scorpio isn't powerful enough to run a game like destiny at 60fps. The cpu isn't a leap above the ps4pros. Fps and cpu go hand and hand. Smh what's wrong with you xbox guys? Now you happy ANOTHER racing game will be 4k 60. It's not hard to pull this off. Forza will likly be a better more demanding game than project cars smh. Everyone expects all 3rd party games to run better on a console with the most power. Geez. You guys really need held....also project cars? Project cars tho?

Aenea2567d ago


The only one who is delusional is you! PS4 Pro will not cost Scorpio gamers' enjoyment, just like the vastly inferior X1 didn't cost PS4 gamers' enjoyment!

You Xbox fanboys are hilarious! As if any dev is aiming for parity with these two mid-gen upgrades, they didn't do it for X1 and PS4 why would they start now?

ABizzel12567d ago

They are one of the few developers who push each platform as far as they can with their given engine. Dice will likely be another one with their upcoming games.

kitsune4512567d ago

Can we stop comparing the Scorpio to the PS4 Pro? It's going to be at least a year apart. It would be pretty pathetic if it didn't outperform it.

mechlord2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Its okay to have preferences and support whatever platform you choose, but stating - even thinking things like
"(...)Vanilla X1 ain't holding back Scorpio, it's only the PS4pro (...)" is asinine at best. i wont bother to even explain how jaded you are with this.

snoopgg2567d ago

The pro has exclusives plus power. It will be the lack of exclusives holding the Scorpio back, oh yeah the price won't help things either.

IceKoldKilla2566d ago

@Games_lover Hahaha how ironic. Calling someone delusional saying Xbone doesn't hold back the Scorpio. 😂

bouzebbal2566d ago

I hate parity agreements.. PS3 was held back by 360 which was lead platform until much later in the life cycle.
This console only has 3rd party games to try to shine.

rainslacker2565d ago (Edited 2565d ago )

Well, they're talking to gamingbolt, and gamingbolt frames it's questions to make sure that the devs come across looking like douchebags half the time, and unprofessional the other half the time.

Project Cars guys in general never seemed to get into the whole console war BS.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2565d ago
Bigpappy2567d ago

This will anger some who think they are the same. Especially when it comes to cpu and frame rates.

Inzo2567d ago


Didnt the KRAKEN die? Just asking.

butchertroll2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Quote :

Shadow of war might be 4K60 also.

You won't see 4k60 on Scorpio in Shadow Of War.

gangsta_red2567d ago

Good to hear that this dev wont gimp the Scorpio version because of the PS4 Pro.

Aenea2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Which dev is gimping the Scorpio version of their game tho?

Isn't all this nonsense a tad premature?

2567d ago
butchertroll2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

And why should they? PCARS2 dev statement is really hilarious.

snoopgg2567d ago

Microsoft will be gimping the Scorpio with no exclusives. Don't blame Sony when Microsoft does this to you.

Inzo2567d ago

Well the Scorpio is a next gen console so my concern would rather be with the Xbox1 holding it back especially with exclusives.... If there is going to be such a thing for MS. How long do you think it will be until Spencer announces an exclusive that cant run on Xbox1? I give it 8 months.

gangsta_red2566d ago


Hmmmmm, i dont really know...but i am positive that you'll be waiting patiently with clenched fists for those 8 months waiting to report back for any hint that you may smell. Look forward for you reminding me then.

ziggurcat2566d ago


I don't think there's any risk of the OG Xbox One holding back anything on the Scorpio. And MS has made it very clear that there will be no games exclusive to Scorpio.

Inzo2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )

Cant play games with a clinched fist now can I. You might know something about it though. ; )

gangsta_red2566d ago (Edited 2566d ago )


You play games? I thought you were on constant look out for what MS and their fanboys are doing?

Inzo2566d ago

Lol, the irony, pot calling the kettle black.

gangsta_red2565d ago

Inzo...do you even know the definition and meaning of what you just said?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2565d ago
XanderZane2567d ago

There's really no reason for developers to hold back on using all the power of the Scorpio. Are they holding back on the PC versions of these games? Nope. The PS4 was't held back because of the XB1. PS4 had games that were 1080P, while the XB1 version was 900P. Sometimes the FPS were better on the PS4 as well. No developers held back at that time, so why would they do that now? There's really no reason for developers to hold back on make their games native 4K, @60fps on the Scorpio if possible even if the PS4 Pro, PS4 or XB1 aren't able to do this. Hopefully all developers follow this type of thought when developing their games.

butchertroll2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Quote :

Both the PS4 and PS4 Pro has this crappy CPU in it, but it's not customized like the Scorpio's version. The customization in the Scorpio's hardware makes it so that the Jaguar CPU won't bottleneck.


PS4 Pro CPU is customized too. Anyway, Jaguar CPU is bottleneck by itself in both. Same as is PS4s/X1s CPU which is customized too.

XanderZane2566d ago

Hhhm.. you didn't watch the Scorpio reveal by DF did you? It's not just the customization of the Jaguar CPU the helps. There are also hardware customization in the Scorpio that does work for the CPU and removes the work and stress on the CPU. This kind of hardware customization to help the CPU is not in the XB1, PS4 or PS4 Pro. That's the difference everyone is forgetting.

FITgamer2567d ago

That's what any gamer should want to hear. Parity is lame.

UltraNova2567d ago

Agreed. The xb1 has never held back the ps4. Hell the ps4 is holding back the Pro in my opinion!

The problem is that some people are knee deep into negativity while trying to prematurely blame the opposition for any shortcomings their new found hope has given them, even if history tells us that they have no reason to.

Inzo2567d ago

What about it being held back by the Xbox 1?

XanderZane2566d ago

No. There should be options for future Scorpio games where you can adjust the resolution, textures, lighting/shading, etc...if you feel you need to lower the settings. It would be nice if they just had an XB1 switch, where you can switch from Scorpio mode to XB1 mode. For gamers who want to play for friends online who only have the XB1 version.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2565d ago
crazyCoconuts2567d ago

I think it's a testament to some effective marketing that folks feel Scorpio is "far beyond" the Pro (about 44% more TFLOPS) but the OG PS4 was only marginally more powerful than the OG Xbox (40% more TFLOPS). If you thought 900p was indistinguishable from 1080p you'll have an even harder time distinguishing between 1440p and something like 1800p...

KingKionic 2567d ago

1440p and 1800p? No. Project Cars 2 would most likely op for native 4K 60 FPS.

No way they wouldnt knowing Forza 7 will 4K 60 FPS.

crazyCoconuts2567d ago

You're right, driving games could very well hit native 4k... They're typically not as resource intensive as other types of games. But I'd be very surprised if a game like BF1 ran at native 4k on Scorpio.

NotSoMad2567d ago

Why does every fanboy think that just because it will support Scorpio that it will then be 4k/60?

KingKionic 2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

BF2 is rumored to be native 4K from WindowsCentral from a early leak before the scorpio spec was revealed from Digital Foundry.


The author mentions that DICE Patrick Söderlund did in fact appear in the 2016 project scorpio video. The Studio Head of DICE.


He talks about being impressed at Project Scorpio at the 54 second mark.

2pacalypsenow2567d ago


BF2? I should hope so, that game came out in 2005

GTgamer2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Forza? Seriously the same game that runs at 1080p 60 fps on the xone ok run forza horizon at 4k 60fps and then you'll have a argument.

LexHazard792567d ago


Hell with the fanboys! Its my understanding, and someone can correct me if Im wrong...for sure. But if the games do 60fps on the base models then they would do it on the Pro and Scorpio. You can then work on the resolution bump. I mean I think...
Look Im the guy who puts things together not a coder.

Aenea2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Or the difference between 1800p and 2160p then, or 2160p checkerboard rendered and native 2160p...

I do wonder tho, what will Xbox fans want, native 2160p but with the same visual settings as the X1 version or go with something like checkerboard rendered and really up the visual settings to perhaps Ultra settings?

And what would Xbox fans think if the PS4 Pro will do 2160p checkerboard rendered for games with Ultra settings and Scorpio does native 2160p with medium settings? Because those are possibilities too...

Also, stop with that overly silly comparing of Forza with any other game. The engines aren't the same, the games aren't the same, the demands on the system are therefor not going to be the same...


They have this silly notion that the increased power is going to be massive completely not considering it might not be such a huge difference visually.

Someone is bound to reply to me with something silly like "it's a whole PS4 of power difference! way more than between X1 and PS4" while they are forgetting we're talking about 4k resolutions which need 4 times more power to render a complete frame and totally don't feel that the 1.8Tflops difference for 4k is about the same as 1.8 / 4 = 0.45Tflop difference for 1080p...

Let them have their fantasies for now, hope keeps them going!


How did Project Cars run on the X1? 1080p native with rock solid 60fps? Yes? Then it will easily be able to hit native 2160p @ 60fps on Scorpio...........

Bigpappy2567d ago

Shadow of war might be 4K60 also. E3 will be the talk of the town. Scorpio will be scorched earth. Nothing will generate more buzz.

crazyCoconuts2566d ago

On BF1, going from 1440p to 2160p is 125% more pixels. Scorpio has a 44% TFLOP advantage over the Pro. That's just not enough to go native 4k on that particular game - it's not even close...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2566d ago
corroios2567d ago

Dont tell that. let them dream a litlle more.

Its funny that the power diference is almost the same between the PS4 and the Xbox One, but now so many saying its huge, lol. With a crappy jag CPU it will be huge.

4k60 frames with ultra settings like ive been Reading from so many.....

KingKionic 2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

The 4K 60 FPS on Ultra came directly from Digital Foundry and what they saw running in realtime

"Forza Motorsport. 4K, 60fps, Xbox One quality settings with 4K assets. GPU utilisation is at 66.19 per cent, meaning there's a huge amount of overhead left over for improving visuals still further. Click on the thumbnail for a higher resolution image."

"The crazy story here is that we've gone over our PC ultra settings and for everything that's GPU-related, we've been able to max it - and that's what we're running at, 88 per cent," says Tector, pointing to the utilisation data at the top of the screen. Right beneath it is the anti-aliasing setting - 4x, or rather 8:4x using the Radeon EQAA hardware AA."


corroios2567d ago

KionicWarlord - Forza runs at 1080/60 frames on the Xbox One 1.3 teraflop machine the Scorpio is 6 teraflops...

Of course it runs at 4k60 frames on the Scorpio its almost five times more powerfulll then Xbox One.

bluefox7552567d ago

@Kionic Yes, that's been doable with a mere RX 480 on PC for quite a while. You Xbox fans keep citing that as if it's some great accomplishment.

Bigpappy2567d ago

@corroios: "Forza runs at 1080/60 frames on the Xbox One 1.3 teraflop machine the Scorpio is 6 teraflops...
Of course it runs at 4k60 frames on the Scorpio its almost five times more powerfulll then Xbox One. "

Sorry, but It's not that simple:

1. Forza6 on X1 is not the same as Forza: Apex on PC.
2. It is not just Forza: Apex at 4K. It has high resolution assets and at ULtra settings with 4X AA.
3. Try running Forza Apex on your own rig and see it you get it running 4K Ultra.
4. GT can't run 4K native on the pro

zb1ftw7772567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

The power difference might be similar if you look at percentages, but that's not how to do this.

You need to look at the numbers.

The difference between 1 and 2 teraflops is 100% for example.

But the difference between 4 teraflops and 6 is only 50%.

Yet 2 teraflops difference is much bigger than 1.

Using real numbers, the difference between Scorpio and Pro, is, well, huge.

To put this in perspective.....

The difference between the Scorpio and Pro....is an entire PS4 worth of power.

XanderZane2567d ago

Both the PS4 and PS4 Pro has this crappy CPU in it, but it's not customized like the Scorpio's version. The customization in the Scorpio's hardware makes it so that the Jaguar CPU won't bottleneck. There is a difference. People keep wanting to denied there is a big difference.

LexHazard792567d ago

It is huge...Lol Lets not kid ourselves. If you have a PS4 and Xbox One, you def know what Im typing about man. Games just look better at 1080p than 900p. No way around it. 4K will look better than 1800p.

BigWan782567d ago


Ur theory can be debunk d easily...

8GB of RAM used for games running at 320GB Bus... that alone will alone the fill rate for textures to be more consistent...

Also, their PIX tool has disected every engine that runs on Xbox and removed as ma y bottlenecks as possible... instead of Devs learning the box, they are getting probably the most optimized and ready to go XDK , in some studios history...

freshslicepizza2567d ago

" Yes, that's been doable with a mere RX 480 on PC for quite a while. You Xbox fans keep citing that as if it's some great accomplishment."

It's not? Polyphony Digital doesn't even have as rock steady of an engine that keeps it steady 60fps like the Forza engine does. If this team can manage 60fps and native 4K on Scorpio that is quite an accomplishment to me.

Regardless, it's nice to see a third party developer using the hardware that is given to them and trying to push it.

Aenea2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )


And there's the faulty logic I mentioned above!

If you really want to use numbers correctly then also think about the fact that 1080p is 25% of 2160p in terms of number of pixels AND the power needed to drive it...

Really think about that for a second!

You got it now?


40% of a power difference with X1 and PS4 for 1080p resolutions meant we got 900p vs. 1080p for instance
40% of a power difference with Scorpio and Pro for 2160p resolutions means we get something like 1800p vs. 2160p



Let's say you need 1.5Tflops to reach native 1080p
To then reach 2160p which is 4 times the amount of pixels, you need a GPU that's 4 times as fast.
1.5 x 4 = 6Tflops, that's the Scorpio....

Native 2160p is 8294400 pixels.
PS4 Pro has only 4.2Tflops, so it can only render 8294400 / 6 x 4.2 the amount of pixels in the same time frame, which equates to 5806080.
Native 1800p is 5760000.

Whaddayaknow, so 1800p is then doable on the PS4 Pro, funny don't you think that 900p vs. 1080p and 1800p vs 2160p is the same percentual difference!

Also think about the number of 1.5Tflops I used. That's more than the X1 has, but less than the PS4 has. Not even ALL games on PS4 are 1080p, or a rock solid 30fps, let alone 60fps. To get the same performance for native 2160p, 4 times 1.8Tflops would be needed which is 7.2Tflops.

And yes, 60fps means the GPU needs to do twice the amount PER SECOND (flops in Tflops stands for floating point operations PER SECOND) and thus needs twice the amount of GPU power.

Does it now seem like it's given that all games on Scorpio will hit 2160p? Or that they will all hit 60fps? Heck, even if they want to get a rock solid 30fps not ALL GAME ENGINES will be able to do 2160p natively on Scorpio.

And no, no amount of CPU optimisations is gonna help with this, CPU can be a whole other reason why game engines can't hit 60fps, look at Destiny...

thisismyaccount2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

At Kionic ...

The fact that you/all like us to believe that, that particular forza picture is ULTRA like you said .. it isnt ... have a looksy : http://imgur.com/NgiFriy

Ultra settings and low polycar models? With 2D Crowd and a broken or unfinished reflection .. where some car have it (rear mirror) while others dont ... or that one car has partially the fence reflected but the adj. car does not. Except for the 4K ground texture, nothing resembles "ULTRA" to me. ..

... i mean the article says it too ... can´t you read at all?! You even quoted/paraphrase it

Forza Motorsport. 4K, 60fps, ººººº ºººXbox One quality settings with 4K assetsºººº ºººº GPU utilisation is at 66.19 per cent, meaning ....

dumahim2566d ago

Don't forget extra RAM though.

yeahokwhatever2566d ago

"4k assets" = made up term. Thats just not how 3d rendering works.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2566d ago

What? It's not that black and white... 12gb of GDDR5 @ 326gb/sec will be more noticeable than the GPU/CPU advantage. Ask any PC gamer how important More/Faster RAM is, Draw distance, object count, texture quality, etc. will be much better with more RAM, something you don't really see with the Pro since it uses the same amount just slightly faster memory...

2567d ago

Hardware wise yes, what I meant was the main difference you will notice unlike the PS4 to PS4 Pro, will be more memory available, so not only will games get a boost in Frame rate and Resolution like the Pro, but graphical assets that are memory extensive will be utilized more, so you will be getting more than just a Frame rate jump and resolution jump ;)

rainslacker2567d ago

So long as the memory itself can support the bus speeds of the GPU then it doesn't really need faster memory. More memory can allow for more textures and what not, but the speed maybe not so much. It can reduce some things like texture pop in, but speed and size don't have much to do with draw distance. Object count it has some effect on, but the CPU is likely to still be a bottleneck in this case, as that's more a CPU issue as those objects still have to be processed on the CPU before the GPU can do anything with it, and the move to GDDR5 as opposed to DDR3, which is more capable of handling object manipulation due to it's lower latency, makes it kind of a wash. In any case, I can't see two different versions of the game having more or less objects, as that's not even seen on PC's where power can go from very low to extremely powerful.

Bigpappy2567d ago

Bus speed is wholly important. Having higher bus speeds will reduce screen tare, pop-ins, and allow for more effects to run with those high resolution textures.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2567d ago
aconnellan2567d ago

"If you thought 900p was indistinguishable from 1080p"

PlayStation owners certainly didn't think it was indistinguishable, and they never let us forget it either.

I also remember the articles where native 1080p on the PS4 was 'noticeably better' than the Xbox One's upscaled 1080p. Now that the Pro relies on upscaling, it's totally fine and there's no difference?

The street goes both ways

GTgamer2567d ago

Same way on this xbox fans said res didn't matter but were quick to call out checkerboarding even tho you guys were playing 720p games but like you said the street goes both ways.

conanlifts2567d ago (Edited 2567d ago )

Although to be fair 900p vs 1080p was not that obvious. If the only difference turns out to be 1800p vs 4k then it will also will be negligible. Personally though i think if developers want to do more than this then the extra power in scorpio will allow them to. But it depends on what they choose to do. With scorpio too many people are looking at just the gpu and ignoring all of the other improvements it has.

conanlifts2567d ago

But the gap is far greater. You mention the OG xbox vs ps4. Ps4 had faster ram and 40% more tflops. The Xbox one has a 10% faster cpu. So 2 out of 3 advantages were in favour of the ps4.
Compare that to scorpio and pro and it has 44% more tflops and faster ram. In addition it has a cpu that has been overhauled for efficiency gains with double the cache and 10% greater clock speed. The ps4 did not have this advantage. Plus scorpio has faster memory and also a greater amount. Again the OG ps4 had faster memory, but not a greater amount. Plus what we cant measure is the talked about efficiency gains from the way the hardware is integrated. So this is another potential gain. The gap is not the same as ps4- xbox one.
Of course throwing aside everthing i have said i do not think it matters unless ms actually start competing with the same quality exclusives that Sony has.

rainslacker2567d ago

I think it's a testament to just how extreme the fan boy rhetoric has gotten to think that Scorpio is going to somehow be so powerful that it's going to redefine the console experience.

MS only marketing on the system is in the tune of "Most powerful console ever", but as of yet, have shown nothing that exemplifies that power in a way that is meaningful for the consumer. All of people's expectations are based on their own assumption of what can be delivered with 6TFlops, and MS own talk but don't show marketing. The fan boys are setting the bar so high, that I doubt MS can actually deliver on what they expect, and for the most part, MS isn't actually promising without a big ol' asterix attached most of the power that many posit in forums. The DF no show preview has only exaggerated this whole debate to epic proportions.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2566d ago
consolez_FTW2567d ago

jesus gamingbolt lol he even said in the same interview,
"..again it's too early to say"

the interview itself wouldn't stir the pot ,but filling the rest of the article with s**t just shows the journalistic integrity of gaming bolt.
This is good for scorpio gamers if the developers choose to give higher resolution or add more details , as he said but I expect this comment section to get as toxic as it always does

alb18992567d ago

Some bullets for the Pro.

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Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann Teases Multiple 'Single-Player' Games in Development

Naughty Dog has multiple single-player games planned.

Read Full Story >>
Cacabunga5h ago

Thats something ! Got the reason back

S2Killinit2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I wonder what they are working on. But the prospect of multiple single player games from ND makes me giddy.

OtterX5h ago

I'd like something more lighthearted up next. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed The Last of Us, but I sure do miss the Naughty Dog games that didn't leave me feeling like someone just kicked my dog into traffic.

Cacabunga3h ago

I honestly just want a new Uncharted.. i remember the first time they revealed gameplay trailer of U4.. blew my mind !!!

KyRo3h ago

I'd love a new Uncharted game too. If they did, I'd want a return to the massive set pieces of the first three games. I felt U4 was missing that one set pieces like the train/cargo plane moment of the previous games.

Hotpot4h ago

I hope they have something ready for next year, last time they released a new game was TLoU part 2 4 years ago

RaidenBlack4h ago

Hope one of them is a FPV game. They can try more immersion with FPV.

anast1h ago

I never felt anymore immersion from an FPV game. To me FPV feels more like a business decision.

RedDevils1h ago

Hopefully not. Not my type leave it other developer who specialised on it.

Yui_Suzumiya4h ago

The Last of Us: Part III as a direct continuation from II. The series doesn't end until they have a cure.

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

Days Gone director claims Sony has already poured in at least a $250M in Bend's project; says Days Gone sold more than Death Stranding.

shinoff21833d ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

MrNinosan3d ago

What online trash games did PS Studios release last 10 years?

Notellin3d ago

The past has nothing to do with the future. This is such a terrible argument. Everyone knows about their current live service push.

_SilverHawk_3d ago

It's so tragic what happened to days gone. It is such an amazing game but bandwagoners trashed it and it underperformed in it's launch year. Days gone is the best open world zombie game released in the past five years. I was recently playing it on pc and I'm still amazed by it.

Games are very expensive to make and it seems like it's normal for a AAA game to cost over a quarter billion to make so if a quality game like days gone greatly underperforms then people shouldn't be upset when they see a lot of GAAS. I still remember a lot of bandwagoners calling days gone trash but years later it's now amazing when it's considered a failure by sony.

If a game isn't the best thing seen since hats with pockets then a lot of gamers who haven't played it automatically calls it rubbish and whoever made it should be incarcerated

Cacabunga2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Co CEO prefers gamers to boycott.. so be it. I’ll never buy a gaas.
Just imagine buying a game you cannot replay in some years.. this shit must stop.

Days Gone did zombies in a very original way. The story was also so engaging. You actually only meet Zombie hordes later in the game. There are many more enemy groups to deal with.

MrNinosan2d ago

I am one of the few who bought Days Gone on release day and loved it completely.
However, "more online trash" is phrased like Sony has put out alot of trash online games.
We got what, 2 games? Helldivers 2 and GT7, 2 of the most sold Playstation games where both is loved by millions.

You, me and especially shinoff has no idea if Fairgames, Marathon and Concord will be trash.

Just because we (as in you and me) don't love or support online games, doesn't mean millions of other do.

And we don't know what Bend Studio is working with? We don't know if they're forced to make a online game or another amazing single player experience.

The only thing we do know is that it's not Days Gone, sadly due to poor sales the first 6 months.

shinoff21832d ago (Edited 2d ago )

More online trash wasmt meant how insee it comes across. I should've worded it different I was meaning the focus they currently have on it.

Anything online is online trash to me. How long did naughty dog spend on that dumba last of us multiplayer, how about Concord, or even the other couple we hear about. I fk with Sony because rpgs and their 1st party single player games. Been like that for years. I hate seeing them waste time, money, and talent on trash. I understand bot every game is gonna be for me but this focus they've seem to had on multiplayer is extremely disheartening. Even at the state of play the only things I was really feeling were Astrobot and silent hill 2 and I'm content with that, not everything is for me. It's just the online focus I hate. Ms bought up 3 to 4 wrpgs developers, Sony just ignores rpgs 1st party wise.

And a days gone 2 would've been much better then whatever online sht bend is working on. I do know sometimes I get very idk emotional. I do need to work on toning that down a bit lol

SimpleDad2d ago

Ammm let's see... That All-stars, Foamstars, Babilon 5 wass gaas...
Concord... can wait to play that...Marathon uuuu... Last of them gaas... U
Horizon Zero dawn has a project that leaked as a Fortnite lookalike.

They bought Destiny that is a dead gaas...people love ti.

Helldivers 2 was luck.

Jimbo was all in and pushed Sony single player games 5 years behind.

Spiderman gaas was cancelled... I mean every 1st party studio was doing gaas.

Bend had to pitch a gaas game... Open world coop something

I can't remember more... Of that crap.

tay87012d ago

@simpledad. Destiny 2 isn't a dead game. Its the number 5 most played game on steam. I dont play it, but alot of people do.

MrNinosan2d ago

You failed to mention a single PS Studios game that has been released last 10 years.
Either your reading skills are crap or you think Sony own every studio in the world.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
just_looken2d ago

I rolled my eyes at concord not only was it just yet another cookie cutter hero shooter but that qucik look for the hero select.

Already has a free section then paid section along with a they/them she/her dei crap top right.

Nothing like a day off of work to fire up concord to read about the new characters sexual identity and or preference then a paywall do you want o buy this character shit like no i just want to shoot my gun have fun.

-Foxtrot3d ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink3d ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.

shinoff21832d ago

I mean it's not out of the realm of possibility at this point.

Grilla3d ago

Days gone 2 was canceled before Herman was in charge. That happened like 4 years ago.

vfl5233d ago

4 years ago he was head of Playstation Studios. He would've probably had a hand in the cancelation.

Notellin3d ago

Man two seconds of research could have saved you from this comment. Amazing work Grilla you fit in with the uniformed N4G community who speaks before verifying anything that they say.

Redemption-643d ago

Maybe encourage people to buy the game at full price and not when it's heavily discounted or go on plus. If this game had sold well when it was full priced a sequel would have been in the works. They made a single-player game that most people didn't support until they dropped the price.

Cacabunga2d ago

The guy’s just a moron.. he should have stayed within game development. His choices will have a terrible impact on the brand in the long run.

tay87012d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Dude is pretty pathetic. Sounds like a guy who's girl left him for someone better. Always talking about days gone sequel that never was, even though he is no longer at bend and hasnt been for a while. I for one am not upset about the lack of a sequel. It is one of the worst 1st party games in recent memory. Completely jank, played like an xbox game. The only redeeming quality was the hordes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2d ago
excaliburps3d ago

Yep. Kind of weird since it wasn't a sales flop, no?

I know we have to take what Ross says with a grain of salt since we're hearing just one side of the story, but even so, the game wasn't bad at all. Heck, it's my brother's favorite last-gen game from what I recall.

The amount of zombies on screen, imagine that with the PS5 and SSD? That would be insanely fun!

Grilla3d ago

Most copies were sold on sale. Not enough ppl bought it at full price. I paid 20$ for it 6 -7 months after release.

Notellin3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Yeah we should never believe the creators side until we hear the corporate/big business side as history has shown we should always believe billion dollar corporations.

What a bootlicker statement.

derek2d ago

@Notellin, of course you'll believe an embittered ex-employee with an axe to grind because it's evil Sony he's complaining about. You guys act like days gone was this huge success and somehow Sony hates easy money a sequel would have generated. The game was mid and so was the response to it. They're still supporting the developer who is making a new ip that could be great.

shinoff21832d ago

Days gone was fantastic. I bought day one but didn't get around to it for months. When I finally did I was pissed at myself for waiting so long lol

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
P_Bomb3d ago

Well I don’t want 10 live service games, but they have no problem doing that lol. Ugh.

CrimsonWing693d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Oh great so we only get what the big wigs want… y’know, the people that really have their fingers on the pulse of what their consumers want. Faaaaantastic!

rippermcrip3d ago

Well consider they know the sales... they do know what the consumer wants.

It sold shit.

-Foxtrot2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

But if it’s true what this guy says it sold better than Death Stranding

Yet that got a sequel and Kojima aside out of them both DS didn’t really NEED a sequel compared to Days Gone which ended on such a cliff hanger twist.

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