
Why Cross Platform Gaming Isn’t as Hard as You Think

Cross platform gaming will come. It is only a matter of time until pressure
from developers and gamers mounts and forces each OEM to enable cross
platform play. Restricting developers is not the path forward for the
gaming world...

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ninsigma2594d ago

I don't get how platform holders even get a say tbh. Maybe someone can explain what I'm not getting, but to me, it's just a matter of having servers that can accept connections with multiple different platforms and receive their information and process and output the results to the different machines again. Unless it's more because P2P is still they way most devs are doing their online MP (I think)??

zoolabus2594d ago

From my understanding a lot of the services run through a MS or Sony server.

freshslicepizza2594d ago

A company like Electronic Arts has its own services tacked on top, this was one of thr requirements they had years ago before they would support Xbox Live. Microsoft wanted to handle everything but Electronic Arts wants you to create a EA account and be able to run their own servers. Ubisoft also has it's own layer on top of Steam on the PC. Sony on the other hand back in the PS3 era (not sure about now) put most of the emphasis on third party to run their own games and we had things like Metal Gear Solid needing a separate account. It was really wonky as you needed a Konami ID as well as your Sony account to play online.

Most games on consoles run on a peer to peer network but they all have their own layers so that you can easily match with friends and sync your trophies/achievements. With crossplay active I don't know if there would be those layers included or not. We have seen crossplay with the PC, and we have also seen both Microsoft and Nintendo willing to work with anyone but Sony remains silent even to this day. Apparently the people who made Rocket League said they have it all worked out and ready to go, just waiting for Sony to support it. Others have come out and said some need to relax their policies so it may not be just Sony.

ninsigma2594d ago

Didn't think about those extra layers. Makes sense though PS4 already has some games crossplaying with PC. I wonder what they're holding back for when it comes to console crossplay.

Aenea2593d ago

Yes and no. It is that simple to have gamers from multiple platforms play against or with each other, but in order for it to work properly someone on Steam should be able to invite someone on X1/PS4 to a game which needs platform specific code. Also party chat would be rather handy if it worked cross-platform.

Basically to set up a game, invite people, etc., that requires the platform and the platform's servers, once that's done they can connect to the game's servers like any user...

ninsigma2593d ago

That all makes sense thanks. I think one work around though would be to have accounts for the game or use your Ubisoft account, ea account etc and do all the invitation and party chat in game but I don't think people wanna make even more accounts.

Aenea2593d ago

"I think one work around though would be to have accounts for the game or use your Ubisoft account, ea account etc"

Ubisoft and EA already ask you to create an account with them...

And yes, it could work like that, but it would mean that a game invite would not show up in the regular notifications area of your console and also means the game has to already be running. You can now invite someone for a game which the invited user hasn't started yet for instance...

It still can be done tho, even with platform specific features staying intact, but they do need approval and probably an extra server or two to handle clashing usernames and bridge information.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2593d ago
brich2332594d ago

It's not hard? Tell that too sony Microsoft and Nintendo.

Goldby2594d ago

i think the only ay everyone (companies) will be on board is if it happens at the start of a generation, aka ps5 and what ever xbox releases at that time, that way both companies are on a playing field and theres less chance to lose sales to competitors due to it.

Right now with the position sony is in, it isn't in their best interest to allow cross play, it is for MS but not sony

Godmars2902593d ago

It was never hard. Just a business/legal decision, which tend to be overly/needlessly complex.

TheCommentator2593d ago

Just a Sony business decision. Fixed. The developers all admit that Sony's shot down every company who wants their games to run cross console with XB1. The only thing Sony supports is crossplay with PC. MS will allow crossplay with PS4 or PC though.

Godmars2902592d ago

MS was insisting on their own servers for everything, which likely cost them FF14 for some time, well before now. Its only been since all of the other reversals after the XB1's initial launch that what Sony does regarding cross play has come into play.

TheCommentator2592d ago

Final Fantasy 14 runs on its' own servers (Play Online), not Sony's.

TheGamingArt2593d ago

"I spent a summer working for a Healthcare IT company. During this time I learned of a standard called HL7 (5)." -- this is an ignorant kid writing an article with 0 insight into how large things are put together (especially software).

zoolabus2592d ago

Yes, clearly someone with a master's degree in Computer Science doesn't understand software. Maybe you should re-read the first paragraph.

TheGamingArt2592d ago (Edited 2592d ago )

The article does not note this and has been modified from it's original content without an editing note. My comment by far still stands and just the abundance in ignorant comments and idiotic comments from the author indicates to me that this person has zero to no respectable real world software engineering experience. Next time you try to point out if someone has read something, I advise reading it yourself.

TheGamingArt2592d ago

I also advise you do a bit of research on the people you address through support or not, you might come to learn whom has a respectable background with more insight and knowledge (piece of advise).


Comparing All The Current Game Streaming Subscription Services

In 2020 the sheer number of game streaming subscriptions makes you wonder where you should focus your energy and money. Are you are looking for a streaming subscription to satisfy your gaming needs? Well, we put together a table overview for you to peruse and possibly see which ones you might prefer, or see why some of these are now redundant services.

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isarai1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

Sony just needs to up its resolution and framerate and it'll be quite the service, still don't like streaming though so doesn't really matter to me.

SpaceRanger1595d ago

Why is Xbox GamePass on this? Not a streaming service.

CaptainCook1595d ago

Xcloud will be included with Xbox Game Pass this year

RazzerRedux1594d ago

And they announced that.....when?

CaptainCook1594d ago (Edited 1594d ago )

Here's the link from the engineers themselves talking about Xcloud at Xbox London Event 2019.

"There's 2 things.. We are going to give you the games you own from the cloud or the games you've purchased in the future, and we will bring Game streaming to Xbox Game Pass so you are Free to discover and play anywhere and everywhere"


SpaceRanger1594d ago

Once again, why is Xbox GamePass on this? Your comment only further proves my point.

RazzerRedux1594d ago


Thanks. I missed that announcement obviously.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1594d ago
RazzerRedux1594d ago

Neither is Uplay or Origin. "Journalism"

2pacalypsenow1595d ago (Edited 1595d ago )

The only game streaming services are PS Now, Stadia and GeForce Now.

Xbox Game pass, Uplay plus and Origin aren’t streaming.

1594d ago Replies(2)
1594d ago Replies(1)
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24-year-old faces nearly 9,000 charges for trading game accounts

A 24-year-old inhabitant of Poland has received nearly 9 thousand charges of illegal distribution of games. His idea was to buy digital versions of the games and then resell access to the account to many people. Losses he caused were valued at nearly $260,000. He pleaded guilty to all charges.

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masterfox1599d ago (Edited 1599d ago )

it's over 9000!!! :D, sorry I couldn't resist.

Bleucrunch1598d ago

hahahahaahahahahahaaaaaa. GOOD ONE!!!

Exvalos1597d ago

Omfg lmao!!!!! Never a more perfect time to say that

badz1491597d ago

it's not over 9000 though

Father__Merrin1598d ago

these cretins are all over ebay you search for a game key and something cheap comes up once you click on the post its actually not a game key but rather access to a account. theres no option on ebay to report them

arkard1598d ago (Edited 1598d ago )

Should be, what does not participate in digital sales (unless something changed im unaware of) so a sale like that is against there terms and conditions

I was wrong, they do allow digital items now.

But I checked and there is still a reporting tool on the mobile website at least. You have to scroll pretty far down to get to it though

nucky641598d ago

not sure about that. i used to sell digital codes from blu ray movies i bought. i never used them so it seemed like a waste. i usually put them up for sale for a third of what the entire movie package cost me. the last time i tried to do this (around 2 months ago) i get message that trying to sell digital copies isn't allowed.

nucky641598d ago

so true. i was always curious as to how people were allowed to do that. now i know - they aren't supposed to.

Cyb3r1598d ago

Some websites sell accounts too Im surprised that noting is being done about this

JackBNimble1597d ago

And they're all stolen accounts

1597d ago
JackBNimble1597d ago

Why are they calling this trading accounts, this is plain and simply stealing.

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The Game Deflators E64 | Nintendo Loses and Exclusive to the PlayStation 4

This week on the Game Deflators #podcast, John and Ryan discuss the loss of Nintendo Exclusives, Pokemon, and TemTem. Also in the gaming world, we can't forget about the Xbox and PlayStation. Microsoft is re-hiring a a marketing exec of the Xbox 360 days and the PlayStation continues to proove why it will be a force to be reckoned with this next console generation.

To round off this episode the duo tilt their Game Boys and play some Pokemon Pinball. This classic game came out in 1999 to relatively good reviews. Does it still hold up for gamers?

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