
Exactly why Nintendo Switch’s portability is a game changer

James Wynne writes: As a gamer that twice abandoned handheld gaming for Console and PC, his love for the portability aspect of the Nintendo Switch is not something most would expect. Now that he has experienced Zelda and Mario Kart 8 on the go, there’s really no going back. The Nintendo Switch’s convenience is a great bonus, but where it really shines is by giving players more time to play.

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Gemmol2597d ago

i agree......Nintendo have 5 out of my 6 friends to get a Switch when they been with Sony all their life, and 4 of them have not turn on their PS4 since the Switch came out.......all 6 say the same thing as me even if there was a little graphical difference like snake pass for switch and ps4......we would take the Switch version over the ps4........in the past we would all have to wait until we all home to game on the ps4, but with everyone having a different schedule, the switch open up new possibilities, we can send internet from our phones at any time we want to play online with our Switch any time anywhere, no having to wait until the person home, just one text, asking are you free get online thats it...........Switch bring us convenience that we never thought was possible and this is just the starting, we all plan to get nintendo internet when it drop later on............

by the way on Amazon there is a sale for Samsung 2017 model micro sd card its called the EVO Select.......it gets 100mb per second on read speed.......transfer all your games to the memory card and watch how fast it loads.....your eyes will open

128 gig on sale 100 mb/s Read speed with 90 MB/s Write speed it is worth it

and if you got a usb C portable battery like mines.....you can get 20 to 22 hours of Switch before you need to charge to portable charger again

Gemmol2597d ago

"How much of a typical day is taken up by bouts of waiting? Waiting for work to get started. Waiting between classes. Waiting for a break to end. Waiting on public transportation. Waiting in a traffic jam (don’t play while driving), Waiting for your food to finish cooking or arrive. Waiting on a court to free up at the rec center. Waiting on your cardio work to be over. Waiting for a friend to get to the bar. Waiting in a long line for anything. It varies from person to person, but waiting is something we all do in almost every single day of our lives.

The Nintendo Switch reclaims that time for gaming, and it has an ideal library for just such a task. Five minutes is all a gamer needs to enjoy a race in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe or FAST RMX. Upcoming match-based multiplayer games ARMS and Splatoon 2 fit that five minute window as well. Thanks to the speedy sleep and resume function, even Breath of the Wild sees some benefit, as the free time time can be used to cook food and potions for your later adventures, or to chip away at simple tasks like farming and treasure hunting. Through five minutes here, fifteen minutes there, so on and so forth, Nintendo Switch turns spare minutes into hours worth of entertainment that would have been impossible with a standard console."

The person who wrote this article get me and my friends, Sony fans would understand if playstation 4 was a hybrid


Razzer2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

Hybrid PS4? lol....I don't think they make a battery large enough.

The 10th Rider2597d ago

Not you mention trying to fit a disk drive on it. It'd either have to be digital only or they'd have to release cartridge versions of all PS4 games. Either way your physical library wouldn't be compatible. On top of that it's be like a brick because of the hard drive you'd have to put in it (Ssd would add too much to the cost)

Razzer2596d ago

Yeah....it just wouldn't be practical at all. And it would overheat in a small enclosure. The best you could hope for would be some kind of laptop-ish device, not a handheld. Shit would be expensive as hell. No thanks.

CrimsonPheonix2595d ago

You kids don't get technology Processor's are made smaller and more powerful over time. It is feasible to make a Switch type device with the power of a PS4 and in a year or two from now sell it for around $400.

Razzer2595d ago

No one was talking about future tech.

"Processor's are made smaller and more powerful over time."

No shit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2595d ago
CrimsonPheonix2595d ago

You should look up this channel "Arlo" on YouTube. He's got a great video about it titled " The Nintendo Switches unique opportunity" I think you'll like it.

chris2352597d ago

sorry, apologists. i still don't see the point of handheld gaming on dedicated machines in 2017. personally, i for sure do not game on the go. if i wanted to, i would have used my vita more often than i did. i just hope for nintendo that the niche of kids without a tv set of their own will be big enough to make some bucks.

Gemmol2597d ago (Edited 2597d ago )

You have not seen the commercials its mostly targeted to adults or young adults.....with one kid thrown in.........back then mostly kids with one or two adults

If you read what he posted in the article you would see how it benefits adults so much, my post above speak about it a little........for years people been waiting for a handheld that is a console....Sony had the right idea with the Vita but their issue is they did not want to do what Nintendo do and have two different teams making games one for console and one for handheld, it cost more money and use more resource, it's like naughty dog said focusing on one system helps them to make the games they want to make....spreading the team out for two system is a lot of work, how Nintendo kept it up for so long i do not know

In 1 year they would have like 6 or 7 games for 3ds with 4 or 5 for Wii U.......that is 10 to 12 games a year if you own both systems but with them focusing entirely on one system now........nintendo switch in a way better position than Wii U because all 12 games can now be for the Switch one a month

If you look up fire emblem developers the 3ds game they about to release is their last for 3ds all the future games for the series will be on the switch from now on so you can see with one developer from Nintendo its already starting one focus on one system.........

And this is what separate the Vita from Switch the switch will get actual support, I'm not saying anything wrong with indies but Vita should of got more 1st party support......and this is why you do no see the point of a handheld because Sony messed it up for you and my friends with Vita support..........but it's your fault also you know Nintendo handheld always get more support you choose to let yourself get a bad experience

Sony had no respect for its fans 64 gig card costing over 100........while you can get one for 20 dollars or less for the switch.....my memory card with 100 mb read speed only 45 if Sony made something similar for vita it be 400 dollars not including vita price

It's like they wanted it to fail badly a vita cost more than a switch at launch......32 gig was 100 dollars you add that to the price of Vita.....and it cost more than a switch that came with 32 gig of memory

Razzer2597d ago

Well....that's you. I take my Switch with me to work and play during my lunch break. Also, play a bit in bed before I go to sleep. In between, I get to dock it and play on the TV. And no, I don't fall into the demographic of "niche of kids without a tv set of their own". I think Switch will have a much broader audience than that.

Testfire2596d ago

Same here. I think a good portion of the Switch's demographic is adults. I game on my hour lunch at work. It's a beautiful thing to play a game at work, come home, dock it and continue the game on my monitor.

Istolla2596d ago

It's a good thing the world doesn't revolve around you.

PlebeGamer2596d ago

You could try reading the article before you make claims, it's literally about someone that didn't like portable consoles learning to like portability.

Also the Switch is outselling the PS4. People love the thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2596d ago
KingTrash2596d ago

I have no desire to take my consoles on the go. Everyone on the big gaming podcasts love it because they travel all the time. It'd be great for the couple times a year that I'm on a plane but that's really it. I'm not intrigued at all. I do really wanna play Zelda and Mario though...on my 65 inch tv.

CrimsonPheonix2595d ago

It's not about taking the switch outside, It's about the pockets of time it fills throughout the day.


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