
Late Shift Review - CramGaming

CG writes: “Choose your own adventure” books were a staple among my friends and I growing up. It took us from passive observers to taking charge of whatever quest filled the pages in our hands before home consoles were the great escape to another world. This style of entertainment transitioned into the videogame industry well and games started allowing your decisions to have an impact on scenarios later in the story. Developers like Bioware, Sucker Punch and Telltale Games redefined the “choose your own adventure” style and made them interactive game masterpieces. To say that Late Shift is in the same vein as some of the games these developers have released doesn’t quite do it justice because it is neither a game nor a movie, but something in between."

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Late Shift Review

Kinglink says "If one was to ask me about FMV games a month ago, I would immediately think of the first game that talked about FMVs that I played. The massive Final Fantasy VII that shipped on 4 CD and boasted just under an hour of Full Motion Videos. At the same time, another form of FMV was being used. Entire games spliced together out of digitized video clips. There was everything from the infamous (but hardly as scandalous as people thought) Night Trap, Mad Dog McCree, and more."

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GOG Trying Out New Things Sale offers Up To 90% Off

GOG.com writes:

''Something novel this way comes.
Look, trying out new things is not such a bad idea. Once in a blue moon, it can actually be a very good one. Incidentally, we're under one such phenomenon RIGHT NOW (not really).''


Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

Written by Alan Kerr - The continual push towards better graphics has led the game industry to a point where games are starting to look incredibly realistic. At the same time, the film industry’s ability in CGI has come just as far and it is getting harder to notice the difference.

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PhoenixUp2229d ago

Well first of all gaming does far more than just realistic graphics, it goes for all different kinds of art styles.

Second visuals aren’t everything. It’s the only interactive medium with various aspects that can’t be replicated in any other medium.

Finally the gaming industry is the fastest growing industry of all time and in recent years it’s outgrossed both the music and movie industries combined.

MorpheusX2228d ago

Can the Games Market be Dominated by the Film Industry?

There trying .

TekoIie2228d ago

Not really. The games industry is far more flexible and able to wriggle its way into people's lives be it from candy crush on the bus to Call of Duty at home.

Film has it much harder to make its way into people's lives seeing as you may have to put aside a few hours in the day to see a movie.

To me it's just one major advantage the medium has over the other from a market standpoint.