
Lego Batman Happy Meal toys promote cheating in videogames

According to Gamertell, the latest McDonald's Happy Meal toy promotion is for the Lego Batman videogame.

There are eight toys in the set - four vehicles and four characters - and each toy has a videogame cheat code stamped on the bottom.

The cheat codes unlock playable in-game characters (the article offers two codes) in any version of Lego Batman: The Videogame.

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Caxtus7505781d ago

Its a clever marketing ploy to make people buy the videogame.

Cheat codes have been around for years. Nothing to see here.

Kratos Spartan5781d ago

Video games have cheat codes? I guess some people like to take the easy way out instead of taking the time to figure things out for themselves. It all goes back to...oh who am I kidding, I'm a cheat code abuser. Sometimes my temper just needs them;-D

meepmoopmeep5781d ago (Edited 5781d ago )

it's evident that the Wii happy meal is superior than the other ones.


Kratos Spartan5781d ago

The Wii Happy Meal is for Kids. The PS3 Happy Meal has better toys, not to mention that those toys have more detail and are made up of more parts! It also comes with extra fries and a shake! The PS3 Happy Meal destroys the Wii Happy Meal! You just can't stand the facts! Idiot Fanboys just need to grow up...


rroded5781d ago

stupid attention grabbing titles imo


The Humble WB Batman Collection Bundle packs eight games for just $10

Humble Bundle has just released its new bundle that brings together eight popular Batman games. With every purchase of this bundle, you will be supporting the charity of your choice.

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Garethvk967d ago

I wonder how many already have them.

gamefreaks365967d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Still, if anyone missed out on them, this is a great deal.

Jeriphro967d ago

Wow. That is so cheap, but I know I personally already have all the games in the list. haha. I guess I should have waited.


Batman Day: The five best Batman games ever released

App Trigger: "In celebration of Batman Day and 80 years of the world's best detective, here are the five best video games starring the Guardian of Gotham himself!"

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1769d ago Replies(1)
1769d ago
Lilrizky1769d ago

without reading it more than half will be arkham games with at least two making the top 3 and 1 definitely taking the no. 1 spot lol

toxic-inferno1769d ago

Only one Arkham game in the list actually - Arkham City at number 1.

And no mention of the Telltale series.

Lilrizky1769d ago

damn, close!

thanks for clearing that up

1769d ago Replies(1)
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Six Batman games are now free on the Epic Games Store, Metro 2033 Redux free next week

DSOGaming writes: "Last week, we assumed that a Batman collection would be available for free on EGS. And it appears we were right. Epic Games has just announced that six Batman games are now available for free on the Epic Games Store."

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1772d ago Replies(2)
Felix_Argyle_Catbro1772d ago

Redeem before that and you can keep them forever.

1772d ago
Felix_Argyle_Catbro1772d ago

You can keep them forever if you redeem them for your account before September 26.

AnubisG1772d ago

Epic Game Store bad!

Oh, free games? Nice!🤣

Petebloodyonion1772d ago

My problem with EPG is forcing ppl to buy from their store via exclusives locking.

The why is simple. EPG has yet to establish basic feature as a forum to allow players to ask questions or talk game issues.
The always-online also cause issues for the simple fact that it would mean that you lose your purchase if Epic decide to close the store.

Now I have good faith that Epic will address topics and will improve the quality of the store (for example they have now the same refund policy as Steam).

AnubisG1772d ago

Wouldn't it be nicer if you were able to just...I don't know...buy your games on a disc, bring them home and than install and play them so no company would force you to use a usless app such as a launcher? I know, crazy idea😄

PC players wanted a digital only future. Here it is in all it's glory.

Next stop, streaming services because digital only isn't screwing people over enough.😁

1772d ago
rainslacker1772d ago

You can still get the free games even if you want to publicly hate EGS and their exclusives policy.

porkChop1771d ago

"The always-online also cause issues for the simple fact that it would mean that you lose your purchase if Epic decide to close the store."

You can access the app and play your games offline. I was playing BL3 yesterday when my internet was down for maintenance.

As far as losing your games if the store closes, that's true for all digital platforms.

Petebloodyonion1771d ago

It's good news to know that you can now access your games offline on the EGS apps for it wasn't always the case.
As for losing the game if Steam would close well do you know that can back up the majority of Steam games on a physical media? as long as you have your account (offline) you will be able to play them.
But I agree that more and more games demand online authentification before you can play the game.

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1772d ago Replies(8)
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