
The Call Of Duty People Could Have Leveled With Fans Last Year

Imagine, for a moment, that Activision announced this year’s Call of Duty last year, back when they were also announcing last year’s, too. Madness, you might think, but is it any less mad than what actually happened?

lipton1012706d ago

What utter nonsense. Let's think about this logically. I'll set the scene, we're in a corporate boardroom:

"Well guys, it didn't go as planned, people are pretty angry about this years Duty. What should we do?"

"Let's tell them the one they want is coming out next year!"

"Brilliant! Let's blow the $50m and 3 years we invested to produce this game and throw it out the window and give people more reasons to skip out this year. We had too much money anyway."

Seriously, that pretty much sums up the faulty logic contained within this mindless piece of dribble masquerading as "news." Christ. It's like Kotaku doesn't even have an editor anymore to approve of articles before they're published.

Summons752706d ago

That's taking things to the extreme. They could have said "We have heard the concerns of our community and are currently working on something we hope you will enjoy"

What instead we have them announce generic WW2 setting and watch them find a way to put "boots on ground" (an insult to them) into every sentence. They are so far off from what gamers want and how to fix this dying series that they are in another galaxy. No gameplay, more zombies, no originality from the story, so we can expect the same buggy multiplayer that will be rampant with hackers within a week...it was a terrible reveal.

2706d ago
Summons752706d ago

You do realize the sales for COD have been dropping increasingly for many years now right?

morganfell2706d ago

"That's taking things to the extreme."

No it isn't. These crybaby kids with their websites and the adolescents that work at kotaku are taking things to the extreme. Whenever these untalented hacks do not get exactly what they want, the lemon sucker instead of the grape, they have a conniption and a cry.

Keep preaching it lipton...

Allsystemgamer2705d ago

How can WWII be generic when it's been nearly a decade?

chaimera0862705d ago

I agree with what you're​ saying. This game is basically World at War on a new gen of consoles. While some may not have liked Infinite Warfare it was atleast in the campaign department, a departure from the norm for them. This seems like steps back, and it's not been a decade since gaming has seen a WWII shooter, as the Sniper games and other series have been visiting it regularly. I'm just disappointed with what we've seen, and I'll never play another WWII shooter, and storm Normundy Beach again. It's boring.

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joab7772706d ago

There's one reason you don't do this. Confusion! You do not want to confuse consumers. If it were a soft reveal, it would be worse because their would be a million rumors. Hell, every week I have people telling me that GTA 6 or ES6 has been announced b/c of YouTube vids.

2706d ago
2706d ago
Der_Kommandant2706d ago

Kotaku, that's the only thing i need to know.

2706d ago
_LarZen_2706d ago

Kotaku at times write some really dumb articles.

The game was the best selling console game in 2016. And I wouldn't be surprised if many of the haters also bought it.

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Call of Duty VR Games - Will They Ever Happen?

The VR industry has long awaited sign of true Call of Duty VR games, but will it ever happen? And does it need to happen?

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crazyCoconuts460d ago

I don't think it's in Activision's DNA to stick their neck out on something like this unfortunately. They've got a surefire winner with COD so why risk a winning formula.
fwiw, Firewall Zero Hour was more fun than COD for me, but obviously didn't have the same user base and budget
I wonder hypothetically if a non-VR COD style game were to integrate VR players, could you even balance such a thing out. I'm guessing no.

TheEnigma313460d ago

No it won't. They are lazy and people will buy anyways

ApocalypseShadow460d ago

Highly unlikely at the moment. Executives are more concerned with being bought by Daddy Warbucks and golden parachutes than moving VR forward. They had a chance last gen but released a spaceship, combat demo instead. COD would increase VR awareness but if they were bought, the same thing that happened to other developers under Microsoft would happen to them.

Just consider, before being bought by Microsoft, Bethesda had Skyrim and Wolfenstein Cyber pilot. Ninja Theory had Hell Blade, Dexed and helped with Vader Immortal. Inxile had Mage's Tale. Double Fine had Psychonauts. ID Software had Doom VFR and Doom 3. Compulsion had We Happy Few: Uncle Jack Live.

Ever since the purchase of those developers, zero VR games announced or released. And since Microsoft continues to shun VR, Activision games like COD wouldn't have VR either under them.

Firewall, Crossfire, Pavlov, and whoever else makes an FPS game in VR, will have to do for the time being. Maybe Sony will make one like Killzone or Resistance in VR. Also surprised that Valve didn't put Counterstrike in VR.

poppatron460d ago

I think the experience would be so different to traditional CoD and share so little with it that there would be no point in pinning the CoD label on it. I think Pavlov is about as close as you’ll get


Exploring the Artistic Vision of Famous Concept Artist David Brochard

In this interview, we will delve into the creative process of David Brochard. Behind the scenes with concept artist David Brochard, showcasing his creative process in gaming industry from Call of Duty to Dark Souls 3 and Star Citizen. Discover how his passion & skills bring immersive worlds to life.

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599d ago

The Worst Video Game Remakes Of All Time

BLG writes: "You take a big risk when you set out to remake something. Have you stayed true to the original? Have you made any worthwhile contributions of your own? Did you make sure that all the characters are wearing the right color hats? It’s a tricky thing to get right, and sometimes, it goes horribly wrong, hence the following list. These are the worst video game remakes of all time."

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irfo2004900d ago

Remake or Remaster? I think the writer doesn't know the different between remake and remaster

MadLad899d ago (Edited 899d ago )

They just found bad rereleases and lumped everything altogether.
As someone who knows what it was like to write for nothing sites before I started shaking hands with the bigger sites, even the small sites barely paying anything in the name of "helping build you a portfolio" there were always weekly quotas you had to make in terms of articles, despite the fact they were barely paying you at all.

I'm guessing things are no different, being written articles are even more dead than when I was doing it.

0hMyGandhi900d ago

I know that the Silent Hill HD "remaster" isn't the biggest offender on this list, but because I hold those games so dearly to my heart, the horrific end-product by an indifferent studio felt like a personal attack on some of the greatest "gaming years" of my life.

Yui_Suzumiya899d ago

Runs fine on my PS3 with no issues.

porkChop900d ago

Why are there remasters on a list of remakes?

Knightofelemia900d ago

The SH HD Remaster I enjoyed I also had fun trophy hunting it for PS3. I know it has it's quirks that fans hate but I paid $30 for it on Ebay. The PS2 port is fetching around $150 so I saved myself $120 Canadian going the PS3 route I will grab SH3 on PS2 sometime. But I enjoyed the game specially since I have never played SH3 before SH2 I got free with a $10 Xbox I bought.

autobotdan900d ago (Edited 900d ago )

To the end of the earth all the way till eternity people will still get confused about REMASTER and REMAKE. Like episodes of the Twilight Zone. Forever and ever with no end

VersusDMC899d ago


It's like they think a new 4k version of Oldboy is the same as the American remake.

I use the movie example because i assume most videogame journalists don't like videogames and just took a job they could get...

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