
The FIFA Game that EA will (probably) never make

For me FIFA is a game that’s built upon such an unsteady love-hate relationship, I’ve been playing the EA Sport’s FIFA series since the very beginning in back in its...

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2649d ago
mikeslemonade2649d ago

Soccer is lame, just get rid of FIFA entirely.

Movieworld2649d ago

The biggest problem in FIFA is lag.

SgtPepper2649d ago

They should make a mode like on the old sensible soccer where you could play with a grenade that bounced all over the place randomly exploding taking out players. The trick is was to pass to the oppositions players when it was flashing so when it exploded you
had a man advantage.

RobBeckett2649d ago

Adidas Power Soccer used to get played round our house when I was a Young'un. You could do a 'Predator Kick' which made flames come out the ball and blew the keeper back into the net. You'll get non of that silliness from EA i'm afraid!

RommyReigns2649d ago

'The FIFA Game that EA will (probably) never make'

FIFA Street?


Who Wore It Better: FIFA vs Pro Evo Covers, 2001 to 2020

Like all great photographs, the covers of the FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer video games capture a moment in time. But which ones have been best?

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Exclusive interview with Martin Korda as he speaks about FIFA, Destiny and Fable

Richard writes: "It would be fair to say that Martin Korda may not be the first name that springs to mind when thinking of video game writers.

However, a quick look through his credits and you will see he is responsible for such stories as The Journey on FIFA 17 and 18, Destiny: The Taken King and Fable: The Journey as well as an impressive back-catalogue. You may then start to understand why we were so keen to sit down and have a chat with him at the Yorkshire Games Festival:"

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Is FIFA 2017 Better Than PES 2017?

Some of the best games to play are soccer (football, for our non-American friends). When you're looking for one of the best video games for team sports, and multiplayer play, look no further than the soccer game genre. The world of soccer video games is dominated by two heavy hitters: FIFA and PES (Pro Evolution Soccer). These two game developers keep pushing each other to have better characterization, crisper graphics, and a stronger gameplay engine. As a result, the real winner is the gamer. Let's look at both and see which is best.

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