
Developer calls Nintendo "douches"

Former Nintendo employee Dan Adelman says that Nintendo are "being douches" about bringing Axiom Verge to the Nintendo Switch. He also states that they haven't confirmed they're bringing the game to Switch.

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EatCrow2649d ago

Curious. Did you write that thinking what a monkey would do.

Head to desk. Repeat.

mikeslemonade2649d ago

1. Nintendo feels threatened that the game looks like metroid.

2. Oh well, like which 19 people are actually gonna by Axiom Verge on Switch lol

ShwaaMan2649d ago


The same people that will buy Metroid, which is A LOT. However Nintendo, in all of their wisdom, won't release a proper Metroid title will they?

indysurfn2649d ago

Nintendo can't win. People complain if you do or dont bring a game to the system it does not matter WHAT they do.

wonderfulmonkeyman2648d ago (Edited 2648d ago )

At this point, anyone who #1 can form a sane thought path through this, and #2 isn't neck-deep in Nintendo hate thanks to the article giving them an opening to vent their childishness, is probably doing the same thing I am.
There are plenty of people questioning why Axiom Verge isn't arriving quicker, and many of them are, like me, fans who enjoyed it on Wii U, but none of the people with any sort of rationality are calling Nintendo a douche over this.
If Nintendo's reason turns out to be a bad one, once we actually know what it is, then I might be inclined to agree with this article, but as it stands, it's just a clickbait & hater-gate article, and the anti-Nintendo douches on this site are just gnawing at that bone for dear life.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2648d ago
2649d ago
2649d ago
2649d ago
RommyReigns2649d ago

As Randy Orton would say... 'Screw 'em!'

2648d ago
2pacalypsenow2649d ago

Nintendo was much worse during the 80's and 90's, thanks to Sega and Sony they were put in their place.

XanderZane2649d ago

Nintendo's motto was, "3rd party developers will come to us if they want to make games for our game consoles."

They never went after 3rd party developers, as they never needed to. Now big named 3rd party developers are mostly ignoring Nintendo as they don't have the installed base or the hardware developers really want to develop one. Switch will get a lot of Indies.

2648d ago
Tetsujin2649d ago

The article only states they're waiting on Nintendo to give the OK to release it, which is why it wasn't a launch title, and uses a Twitter quote as the headline. The story could have easily been at max 4-5 sentences. This is borderline click-bait.

gangsta_red2649d ago

Agreed, I read the article looking for the "douche" quote.

Phil322649d ago

It's easier to give console warriors ammo with clickbait story titles with little content to them to rile both sides up. It's irresponsible writing at best and "they knew what they were doing with that headline" at worst.

Rearden2649d ago

What are you talking about, the quote is right there in the article.

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Best Metroidvania Games of All Time

The Metroidvania genre has captivated gamers for decades! Discover the best Metroidvania games of all time.

gold_drake38d ago (Edited 38d ago )

blasphemous 1 for me.

i love the artstyle and how they didnt shy away from their imagery

but symphony of the night is also superb

DarXyde37d ago

SotN and Blasphemous are phenomenal.

RiseNShine38d ago

GBA Metroids and Castlevanias are up there with anything else imho.

jznrpg38d ago

Catlevanias GBA and DS games are the best! But there others that I like a lot such as Hollow Knight, Chasm etc

BrockEmSockEm38d ago

As much as I want Silksong, adding it to the BEST is a little premature. It's not even out yet.

Guybrush38d ago

this article seems like it was written by an artificial intelligence.


The best Metroidvania games on Steam Deck

There are countless great Metroidvania games available on the Steam Deck — Max Wright for overkill runs through some of the very best.

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VersusDMC671d ago

Love the newest Strider! Definitely underrated.

Love these lists as i now want to check out Momodora (on PS extra) and Ender Lillies.


It's a very solid list and the best part is that I think all of them are on other platforms so more people can play them.