
Can we have valid numbers for the female gamer demographic, please?

When it comes to representation in gaming, be it gender or race, we should always aim to be realistic in content and proportion. To do that, we need to know the actual composition of the gaming community, or a reasonable approximation of such.

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porkChop2616d ago

They usually throw out ridiculous stats. Like they say that more women play games than male teenagers, but neglect to mention that almost all of those women play social games on Facebook. I'd like to see real, honest stats for once.

-Foxtrot2616d ago

Was just going to say that

They try their hardest to make out women game the same and even more then men

If it's one sided realistically then tough...it's just how it is. More men game, always have, always will...doesn't mean "no girls allowed" but it's not something you can force in diversity

kneon2616d ago

I don't think it's deliberate, it's either laziness or ignorance.

They just don't know enough about gaming so they treat all gaming the same. To them, there is no difference between someone playing Candy Crush every day and someone who will drop $2k+ on a high end PC, and that is just stupid.

mikeslemonade2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

I'm glad you commoners agree with me here but I will take it up a step further. If all they do is play mobile, social media, and then moba or mmorpg games then they're not a real gamer.

2616d ago Replies(1)
ZombieGamerMan2616d ago

You see the problem here is that the regressive left is about forcing their way into communities. A study was done by a feminist researcher in hopes that she can find confirmation bias in representation in games, her theory was for gaming to be more inclusive it needs to have ethnic or gender based representation. However what she discovered was in gaming players did not care about the race or gender of the player character and that what mattered to the player was the goal of the player character. After discovering this the researcher concluded that the games can not be made more inclusive because the player doesn't care about race & gender and that they would need to redefine what the gamer identity is. Hence the Gamers Are Dead articles from the GamerGate days.

Kokyu2616d ago (Edited 2616d ago )

Im impressed.

2616d ago
2616d ago
Istolla2616d ago

Link please? My progressive right (it's ridiculous just typing that out).

yeahright22616d ago

*sigh* more anti sjw rubbish.

ZombieGamerMan2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

@AnimeWeebKing @Istolla Here's a link to a video on it https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Not sure how a medical journal would help with anything but this is pretty solid info

EDIT: In case you want to read the whole thing yourself here's a link http://www.digra.org/wp-con... this is the article in the video, so read it yourself if you want.

DarthZoolu2615d ago

I'm one of those people on the "left" and I absolutely think its stupid to say its anything close to 50/50 please speak for yourself instead of trying to say what we are thinking. Also gamergate is about ethical news media in gaming, once again I'm super liberal! Speak for yourself.

drizzom2615d ago

Well said. I didn't think Id find many people to go that far into finding that info. Its good to see.

BlackTar1872615d ago

gross, super liberal is a disease :p

Normal Liberal is okay though.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2615d ago
TheCommentator2616d ago (Edited 2616d ago )

Grandma plays the 💩 outta some Candy Crush!!! Unfortunately, she still thinks COD is a fish...

JackBNimble2615d ago

Awesome comment, I hope you don't mind if I use that one.

CorndogBurglar2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

One time when I was playing Halo 3 MP a girl got mad and called me cheap because I killed her with a frag grenade. It was fun. Girls are fun.

CrazedFiend2615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

Sure I'd like to see more equality in the status and maybe number of female and male devolopers. I think there is of some relevant importance there.

Number of "female" gamers and "male" gamers though? I just think it's silly to think of gamers as anything other than gamers.

Of course the statistics are out there, but I feel the only people that really care about those numbers are the same people that like to make something out of nothing just so they can have something to talk about.

No real significance as far as I'm concerned.

NecoTehSergal2615d ago

They combine 'Gamers' on the spectrum of also including Mobile app users who play Candy Crush and Facebook users just to distort reality to fit their deluded reality. Science is no longer Science when it's constantly being abused by incompetent twits.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2615d ago
KwokXi2616d ago

I know a few girls that play games too but it is because it's the main thing I do outside of work. The problem with the statistics that people like to throw out include people that play candy crush twice a week. My mother plays a pool game on her mobile phone every day while drinking tea, does this make her a 'gamer'?

The term 'gamer' is like 'movie aficionado (I had to google search this word but I hope it's the word for person that really likes movies)' to me. A person that goes and watches the latest Marvel superhero movie isn't a 'movie afficionado' and neither is the person that plays Candy Crush on the bus to school a gamer.

In my opinion. What would I know.

GrimDragon2616d ago

You make complete sense. Iam certain that the people pushing these false female gamer numbers are doing so for influential reasons. Real gamers know something stinks in Denmark. But we'd be accused of conspiracy theories. Despite the obvious discrepancy in female gamer demographics.

KwokXi2616d ago

I don't know what happens with Denmark but I have been there a few times it is lovely!

GrimDragon2616d ago

Visiting is different from living there. Have a look at life in Denmark.

2616d ago
KwokXi2616d ago

Oh I don't mean to imply that I know anything about Denmark, I was just saying it was a lovely place when I visited. It is a shame what is happening to Europe and I sincerely hope the landscape will change soon. I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Thanks for the link, it reminds me of Sweden, I work for an airline and we are advised to stay in groups when we have to stay over. I hope Le Pen wins on the 7th of May and startes a chain reaction of fixing Europe.

It's not something that is popular to say but all my life I wanted to travel the world which is why I worked hard for my job and more and more recently many parts of the world are rotting slowly. I feel bad for people in Europe who are deemed racist for wanting to defend their cultures. It would not happen in east asia. We have pride in our people but for some reason you are not allowed to be proud of yours according to many people these days and it is sad.

RabbitFly2616d ago

To all you guys thinking that he was implying anything about denmark...

"Something is rotten in the state of denmark" is a quote from Shakespear's Hamlet and has been commonly used to describe something being suspicious.

Clearly what he was referencing.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2616d ago
2616d ago
rando 2616d ago

@ KwokXi: how does it feel to be a GamerGater.. "literally a Nazi" a misogynist & a fascist terrorist? lol - thats pretty much what people label you if you have a reasonable opinion (like yours) about women in gaming. if you even hint at the idea that, maybe more men game than women in general... you're "literally" a terrorist lol - trying to bunch in women who play free-to-play games twice a week for 5 minutes, with Hardcore male PC players who spend $2k on PC rigs & hundreds of hours gaming in order to fluff the numbers just so they can say "women play more than men" for the sake of a political agenda is highly disingenuous.

KwokXi2616d ago

I don't know much about gamer gate other than a mailing list that video game journalist used.

I only have one stance on "women in gaming" as a female in 'gaming' I believe that it should not be a thing.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean women shouldn't play games because I love games. What I mean is, who cares? Why does this have to be a thing. Everyone plays games and anyone can play games. I don't like people getting all mad about stuff like this because there are three real sides and only one is good. a) People that resent the fact that girls play games b) People that use girls that play games as a weapon to push a narritive to call other people sexist and influence developers/artists and c) People that play video games and don't care who plays games and just want to enjoy their hobby without these progressive busy bodies trying to divide everyone.

I hate that this is still a thing and I hate that it is effecting video games.

81BX2616d ago

I agree. Females have always gamed... maybe not in the same numbers as males but the ladies have always been there. It seems more of a talking point now.

rando 2616d ago

@ KwokXi: exactly. imo there's no such thing as "female gamers" there's only "gamers" period... there's no reason to categorize or separate the two, unless one has an agenda to push in favor of one or the other. gamers only care about skill. progressives don't like the idea of meritocracy because that goes against their ideas of social classism & a society where different groups are separated & given favor over another by measure of "privilege" or perceived lack thereof. thats why progressives hate the idea of "gamer" so much that they want to get rid of the title. hence articles like "gamers are dead" etc.

rando 2616d ago

@ KwokXi: exactly. imo there's no such thing as "female gamers" there's only "gamers" period... there's no reason to categorize or separate the two, unless one has an agenda to push in favor of one or the other. gamers only care about skill. progressives don't like the idea of meritocracy because that goes against their ideas of social classism & a society where different groups are separated & given favor over another by measure of "privilege" or perceived lack thereof. thats why progressives hate the idea of "gamer" so much that they want to get rid of the title. hence articles like "gamers are dead" etc

GrimDragon2615d ago

Exactly right! This is all political left and right bs. It has no place in gaming. I believe it's people like Anita that are pushing this narrative to further their own agenda. What really sucks is that this nonsense continues to negatively effect the gaming landscape and there's no sign of it slowing down.

Fist4achin2615d ago

What's even worse is the female gamers who play in scantily clad outfits, suck at gameplay and are just in it for the clicks. Are they really gamers or just attention freaks?!

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with an attractive girl, but why can't my mechanic be hotter?

zuul90182615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

Cause he's a dude.
That and mechanics are dealing with oil and sliding around workshop floors on those awesome wheely-under-car things, so I doubt theyre gonna touch up their make-up every customer.

jhenri2615d ago

Except your forgetting that most movie studios aim to get the casual movie goer(casual gamers) so they should in fact be included. Think about how many wii's sold to people you would probably not considered gamers but in the end they are.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2615d ago
MeteorPanda2616d ago

Well good luck getting these numbers when a good portion of girls dont reveal their gender

It shouldnt matter, make your f'ing games character good enough that both genders like them. No real gamer gives a damn about gender ratios.

wonderfulmonkeyman2616d ago

Pretty much this.
I mean, sure, there's still some place for titles that focus in on one specific gender, but on the whole, both genders play most games more often than devs think.

2616d ago Replies(4)
2616d ago
Scatpants2616d ago

I think they count a woman as a gamer if she smelled a game by accident once 5 years ago. Women hate games.

KwokXi2616d ago

That's not true that all women hate games. I do believe there is a lot less girls playing games a lot though. HK has many girls clubs and people play video games there and when I am at university there are girls only clubs for video games too.

rando 2615d ago

@ KwokXi: not all women hate games. of course not... but many "regular women" are repulsed by them. as a male, simply mentioning the fact that you're a gamer is enough to be a complete turnoff & a deal-breaker for a lot of women when it comes to dating. there's still the stereotype that gaming = immaturity. a lot of people still view gaming as a youth activity. of course not all women think this way, but enough feel that way that if you're a guy, it would not be wise to reveal that you're a gamer on a 1st date.

zuul90182615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

@TFxGod not sure who it is you talk to.... maybe you ONLY talk about video games which is just boring. Or maybe you just talk too much and dont show interest in her. Dont just throw it on gaming sir.
Also not sure why you put "regular women" in quotes, as if women that aren't repulsed by games are "irregular".
"It would not be wise to reveal youre a gamer on a 1st date." Sure if you wanna try to base a relationship on being a phony. I dont know why you think theres a stereotype that gaming = immaturity either. You seem to have some confidence issues or something (I dont mean that to come off as attacking you, just not seeing what you claim exists)

2616d ago
Gaming_Cousin2616d ago

Women hate games? Are you drunk?

Scatpants2615d ago

Try a little social experiment. Pick 10 women over the age of 25 and ask them how they feel about gaming. It'll probably be 1 or 2 that like games and 1 or 2 that don't care one way or the other and 5 that hate them.

zuul90182615d ago

I hate to be that guy but what happened to the 10th girl?

Scatpants2615d ago

I agree with TF that the majority of American women view gaming as a negative. Sure, there's some women that play games, but I almost never meet them in real life. The best that you can usually hope for is that they are indifferent towards games.

zuul90182615d ago (Edited 2615d ago )

First girl i dated back in high school didnt play games, she saw that i did and was always trying to play games with me (before we started dating).
I got into musical movies (thought they were stupid prior) because of her (sweeney todd, les miserables, some sailor movie i cant recall the name of) as that was her interest.
If you like a person you want to share their interests, (you dont always necessarily) so you can share it together.

rando 2615d ago

@ zuul9018: "First girl i dated back in high school..." i can stop you right there. dating an adult woman is very different than dating a girl in school. in school women will be a lot more tolerant of gaming habits (because you're a kid) as an adult, (American) women care about your goals, you being a provider, your earning potential etc... many will be accepting of "manly" hobbies like watching football etc... most turn their nose up at men who play games. thats why nerds get weird when they hear a female voice online (especially in a male dominated genre like FPS) because its RARE. its not very common. plenty women play games, but in the grand scheme of the population, women gamers are a minority. & many of the ones that are there don't reveal their gender to shield themselves from harassment etc.

Uken122615d ago

This is true. In the professional world many women and some men look down on gaming. They think of it as a childish activity and a waste of time. They judge your character in a negative way. Same thing goes with Anime and cartoon movies.

It's usually people over the age of 25 like stated above. I'm not talking about dating either, I am just talking about people I know and have known.

zuul90182614d ago (Edited 2614d ago )

@ TFXGod yea you could stop me there but that was one example, i could follow it with at 21 in college I dated a chick that played WoW. Or at 27 2 of my best friends girls play some games, though not many they have kids and stuff.
As an adult i am employed and in my off time i still play some games....
I seriously think you guys dont talk to many girls, or dont show interest in their interests and expect them to show complete intrrest in yours.
Maybe you need more than 1 hobby so you can relate to other people better. I watch football, nba, ncaa football/basketball, world cup, some mls not much, smoke weed (legal here), drink, play basketball (worlds biggest 3 on 3 tourny is here), golf, etc.

You have some warped views though, watching football is manly.......? Cause you watch it.....? Seems like you are living in 1980

@ Uken I just watched batman under the red hood with a forced date (friend of a friend) at her suggestion. 27 almost 28.... you guys need to meet more people

zuul90182614d ago

See the point of the high school girl comment was at the end, which is why you shouldnt have stopped.
Lets say leo decaprio asks 10 girls to play halo with him. Think any will say no?
Alright now lets say margot robbie asls you to do something you hate with her, (idk gymnastics or something) would you say no?
Its gonna sound harsh but they just arent interested in the person not the hobby. The point of my first comment was if you are interested in someone youll want to do what they want to do.

Scatpants2614d ago

I'm not saying gaming is a dealbreaker at all. I date lots of women and play games. The general consensus with most of the women I have dated in my life has been that they either hate games or are indifferent to them. The vast majority of adult women do not play games. And yes, adult women view watching football as more manly than gaming, average lame ones anyway.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2614d ago
Scatpants2614d ago

the 10th one wouldn't even talk to you about such a trivial subject.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2614d ago
Kokyu2616d ago (Edited 2616d ago )

How about we just let the industry produce content and stop with BS.

I remember a few years ago when a "study" said more women game than men to the tune of more than 50%. When you look at the "study" it became clear they were simply cherry picking segments and terms to better pad their "study" to get the desired result. They basically called any female even infants who meerly saw a game, a gamer. Anyone knows women game and the majority of people dont really care if the other person to kill them was male, female, child or adult they simply know they've been killed.

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