
Digital sales now represent 74% of the US game market

Digital has been accounting for a bigger and bigger portion of the sales total each year, and in 2016 that portion was 74%, including full game digital downloads, subscriptions, DLC, mobile and social.

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Thatguy-3102653d ago

Big impact on digital sales come from smart devices like phones and tablets.

343_Guilty_Spark2652d ago

Pretty sure this is consoleand PC

TFJWM2652d ago

It says right there it includes mobile and social...don't even need to click the article

indyman77772652d ago

Your right TFJWM it is even including DLC! LOL. Wow. Not even close to what they are tricking people into thinking. They are really tricking people into ASSUMING which is 99% of marketing.

Ron_Danger2652d ago

Pretty sure you forgot how many people downloaded Pokémon Go and Mario Run.

Including mobile and DLC downloads for this "study" is so misleading as well, especially since the article tags only show console and PC.

Unspoken2652d ago

According to a few Sony fans it is impossible for digital sales to even exist.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2652d ago
EatCrow2652d ago

As the description already suggests. That doesn't negate the numbers though.
Only 26% is phsyical

indyman77772652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

Your math is assuming that the other 74 percent is CONSOLE it is NOT.

Still not a CONSOLE number. It is a count of all kinds of things like. CELL PHONE DOWN LOADS (there are BILLIONS OF THEM). Tablets (OVER A BILLION) LAPTOPS (BILLIONS), PC's BILLIONS Then the small number of consoles (less than a 100 million so far).


Tablet over 1 billion as of 2015

Also there are billions of LAPTOPS

Also there are BILLIONS of DESKTOPS

You can look those up yourself if you dont believe it.

Not just steam

EatCrow2652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

For the last time I'm aware of all of that.
And it's not my math.

You just sound insecure right now.

XanderZane2652d ago

Not when it's game consoles only, it's not. Physical is a lot higher for game console only platforms.

Kribwalker2652d ago

I'm about 90% digital for console games. Game share is just to good to pass up

XanderZane2652d ago

I'm about 25% digital and it's mostly Indie games and the FREE PSPlus & GWG games we get every month. Everything else I buy physical. I won't pay more then $30 for a digital game.

darthv722653d ago

I prefer physical for the collector aspect but i do enjoy digital for its convenience. I just wish that they would price the digital games at least 10% lower than their physical versions. the more the better but at least 10% is a start.

2652d ago Replies(2)
sonarus2652d ago

They won't price digital lower because it will negatively impact physical sales which retail partners will frown upon. Same way movies have to be on DVD for a certain amount of time before it shows up on digital media. Sucks

babadivad2652d ago

It' been literally years since I bought a disc.

Athos2652d ago

Anyone who games on PC hasnt. Personally its been about 10 years for me on PC that I havent bought a disc. Console is only now beginning to wake up to digital is better. In fact, I will go so far as to say that except for the X1 plan of checking in every 24 hours it was a great idea for digital.

indyman77772652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

Woke up? Last time I checked they dont take PC games for trade in and they have NO value. It you had a real plug and play system people could trade in PC games and get credit for it. If it was bad on Console like it is on PC it would be better on console too. Be thank goodness it isn't. I have FFVII discs on PC NOTHING will play them. Still works on my old playstation.

Haven't even talked about PRICE on PC. Prices drop like a ROCK. Is it only because of the pirating?

wait until you have to pay full price or MORE for digital like people had to when this gen first came out in some countries.

XanderZane2652d ago

Do they still sell phyiscal copies of PC games? I haven't bought a physical PC game in like 6 years. I think the last one I bought was StarCraft 2 or a WoW expansion. Can't remember.

blackblades2652d ago

For me I would love to get the collectors but they are to pricy but I do like getting the physical of games that I like. Other then that it's cheaper to do digital considering these days you can get the deluxe/ultimate that includes the season pass all for $20.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2652d ago
Tetsujin2653d ago

I prefer physical, unless it's a game I know 100% I'm going to keep for a long, long time. I also hate how digital costs about the same as physical with no incentive, outside maybe a background (yea, right), or something else no one cares about. If digital was cheaper I'd be more inclined to buy into it.

On a side note, I'm reading the chart, and according to N4G The Division is "trash" yet is #8 of 20 on the top selling games of 2016.

XiNatsuDragnel2652d ago

Physical over Digital nuff said

Patriot4Life2652d ago

Ok grandpa Dragonel.

You want me to get you your walkman?

XiNatsuDragnel2652d ago (Edited 2652d ago )

Nah man I'm already pwned by my brother over some Pepsi so no thanks.

Bro I don't have a walkman. I have iPad Pro watch this stuff in Magnolia with my bae Lucy Heartfelia.

_-EDMIX-_2652d ago

Yes I agree, but how much of this has to do with mobile?

Gaming is very, very, VERY DIVERSE, I mean..."game market" no longer is just talking about consoles and PC.

I think, like film and television, we need data that is tailored to the exact market, not lumping info from SEVERAL different markets to try to spin an article or agenda, narrative etc.

A televisions show can be a film. A film can be turned into a show etc, a mobile game on the other hand can't be put on console as "AAA", it will need to have an overhaul that is so major that it basically won't be the same game that was on mobile.

So if we understand that film and television have different data to represent certain trends, why is it we are lumping together mobile and console/PC gaming as if its all ONE thing?

If we are going to call the "game market" everything lumped into one, we might as well put film into one thing with "Youtube, web series, Netflix, Hulu, cable, theater" etc.

That data doesn't tell you where blockbuster films is going to go because of the data from web content...

Soooooo why would data regarding mobile content tell us any thing about the future of console and PC content?

Give some data on console gaming, PC gaming, mobile gaming SEPARATE please.

rainslacker2651d ago

Publishers don't want to really reveal that inormation, because it doesn't paint the picture that more people are moving over to digital, and hopefully peer pressure will get everyone on board.

But, reports that go around behind closed doors, tend to be 15-25% of total new game sales(not total revenue across the board),.

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Codemasters Hints At New Game Saying "Prepare For Something Different" - DailyGamingTech

Codemasters hints at new game saying “Prepare For Something Different”. What could the latest game from them be? With F1 2020 already announced could it be a new Dirt game but "prepare for something different" could mean something else completely!

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DailyGamingTech1543d ago

I think it will be some sort of new Dirt as the Dirt Twitter account posted the same thing

RosweeSon1542d ago

Maybe they’ll call it filth this time 😂 pure filth 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

DailyGamingTech1543d ago

They had the Dirt logo in the comments as well so I would think it means a new different type of Dirt game but it could just be a different game altogether

IRetrouk1543d ago

They sent me this in an email a day or two ago, it's something to do with dirt from what I remember.

Majors1542d ago

Not another RPG rally game ffs even first person shooters are getting the rpg crap forced into them..,

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Here's What You Need to Know About Microsofts Seven New Studios

Microsoft revealed that it had acquired two more studios: Obsidian Entertainment and inXile Entertainment. That brings the total numbers of studios they acquired this year to seven. Microsoft has a lot of confidence in these studios, with Matt Booty, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Studios, even saying that these developers “have the collective creative power and operational excellence to deliver the next industry game changers.”

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lxeasy2080d ago

I personally hope they acquire a couple more studios in 2019. This is the competitive Xbox that the industry has been wanting again for a while. Glad they are back to there roots. Which is games first.

Pubg4life2079d ago

Yeah they seem to be focused on putting the gamer first and less on entertainment apps which is good. I know they added 7 new studios but do you think they'll add more?

darthv722078d ago

Sumo digital would be a good fit.

jaymacx2078d ago

It's great they have added studios. What is most important though is what gets developed by these studios. If high quality titles come out of this then it's a win for us gamers. Hopefully this will diversify their lineup. Maybe they can also get Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon sequels though a future partnership with Japanese devs.

lxeasy2078d ago

Yeah that would be great. I wonder what kind of game we will get from The Initiative.

rainslacker2078d ago

I have nothing against them getting more, but rapid expansion without any releases seems putting the cart before the horse. Get things in order. What they have now is more than enough to get started, and realistically, about 3 times as much as they needed to quell the criticism from those actually interested in them making more games.

Chris122078d ago

Nonsense as usual. You need studios to make the games. Buying further studios in no way effects the other studios and what they are working on/releasing. It would, however, increase the chances of more quality releases.

rainslacker2077d ago

Is it though? MS says they want to put all their games on game pass day one. How many of those studios are going to be making AAA games? What kind of quality are you going to get from a sub service. 7 new studios is good. I can't say it isn't. But MS needs to get the ball rolling instead of just trying to do everything at once. 7 Studios, along with what they already had, and before they just keep acquiring studios, start to get a return on investment, and find out what will work for them, and what won't. Otherwise, they have a bunch of studios which start getting too much to manage, and it takes more than just buying studios to make games, but the entire infrastructure behind managing those studios can't just go full throttle and expect to be managed well.

Chris122077d ago

MS haven't just bought these studios by picking the names from a hat. The advantage of buying existing studios is they are already working on projects so MS will already have an idea of what games are coming and ETA's. As for Gamepass, figures already show games sale numbers remain strong and in some cases better as customers are trying games they wouldn't normally play.

rainslacker2077d ago


Care to cite those actual numbers? All I've ever heard about it was MS stating something about it.

I'm well aware of the benefits of MS buying existing studios. Never said that was a bad thing to do, nor that they shouldn't be doing it. I'm stating that rapid expansion is not always a good thing. Throwing money at a problem isn't always a way to fix a problem. I'm sure they'll deliver the games, but if they do too much, too fast, they're going to have more failures than successes, and this is the same kind of thing that makes them fail when they try to buy their way into markets where they either have no presence, or are struggling to have presence. This isn't some random supposition on my part, it is part of MS history. When it comes to the games, those failures are going to lead to them closing studios, which isn't a good thing. MS isn't going to spend all this money on developers that can't bring them what they want. No matter how much they posture now about wanting to be all awesome and so pro-gamer and about being creative and all that other crap that has Xbox fan boys drooling over nothing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2077d ago
tontontam02078d ago (Edited 2078d ago )

wtf only fanboys wants that, what gamers want to see is for microsoft to "CREATE" new studios not "BUY" studios.

Chris122077d ago

Why? What difference does it make ultimately? Another fanboy trying to find fault where there is none.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2077d ago
AizenSosuke2080d ago

I want some JP studios as well, as asian studios overall to truly compete right now. Xbox is american product to most easterners which most don't like.

lxeasy2080d ago

I know this might not happen but I hope they can talk to Platinum about working on Scalebound again. Honestly I was looking forward to that game. Platinum games are amazing developers.

thatguyhayat2078d ago

I doubt this will ever happen, hideki showed his frustrations working with Microsoft on twitter. He even said and i quote *is Microsoft fucking around with me* from there you could tell things weren't going well

ApocalypseShadow2079d ago

Or, they could just build a Japanese studio like they are doing with building the Initiative. I mean, what's stopping them?

lxeasy2079d ago

That sounds like a cool idea. What games will they make though. JRPGs or action games platnium style?

Gh05t2077d ago

Maybe they don't have a leader who understands Microsoft's culture and Japanese studio cultute that can lead a team to be both a successful Japanese studio but under MS way of doing business.

Not a knock on anyone, I just wonder if they don't have an executive team that they can trust right now. I believe that they are trying though. There are some great games from x360 that are Japanese studios that are some classics. Here is to hoping they can figure it out and make it happen.

rainslacker2078d ago

Korea might be a good place to look as well. I think it's an untapped market, mostly pigeonholed as being just mt laced short term MMOs. But they have the ability to make games, and their style can be fairly unique.

Pubg4life2077d ago

honestly if crackdown 3 succeeds then Sumo digital should join them as well

nommers2077d ago

Hell no. They damn near killed off a chance at Nier Automata from even existing after the Scalebound debacle what with their enforcement of bs practices that wasn’t in line with what Platinum wanted. Rare has dropped off the face of the Earth pretty much and their once great studio produces nothing worth mentioning. What makes you think any of the western studios they bought are going to produce anything good or anything at all? Most of them I’m betting will just die a long painful death.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2077d ago
crazyCoconuts2080d ago

Since we're putting requests in, since MS is championing cross-platform cross-platform, I would like them to also release all new games on the Sony platform ;-)

Switch4One2080d ago

Sure...is Sony Vaio still a thing?

lxeasy2079d ago

Maybe if ps5 adopts windows 10 ;)

Pubg4life2079d ago

That'll probably happen when Sony puts last of us on Xbox lol.

neomahi2077d ago

That pretty well says it all.. Microsoft won't budge. They want to play buddy buddy but when it comes down to it, niether Halo nor Gears are on PlayStation hardware. It's a mind game.

bluefox7552078d ago

Meh, I used to say that for PC before they enacted it, but they barely make any good exclusives, so not a real concern for me these days

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2077d ago
optimus2079d ago

i hope they announce what each one is working on at e3. the door is wide open now that sony dropped out for next year.

lxeasy2079d ago

I doubt they'll announce what each is working on. They Might Spread the announcements.

Pubg4life2079d ago

I think by e3 2020 we might have know what most of the new studios are working on if not all

NeoGamer2322078d ago

Not at all...

I only want them announcing games that will ship within the year. I do not like any publisher that talks about games early because there is always a significant chance of cancellation or multiple delays.

Anything farther than a year is not close enough to completion to show.

rainslacker2078d ago (Edited 2078d ago )

They're less likely to announce anything if they don't feel like they have to show Sony up on anything. They pretty much have e3 to themselves, as Nintendo competes it a different market.

However, it is likely we will at least hear about one or two new projects. They already implied a new fable game at the last e3. Forza is a given. Likely something about gears. And maybe reveals for a couple of the studios they brought. It might actually be one of ms best conferences when I really think about it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2078d ago
mkis0072078d ago

I'm excited overall. This will keep Sony on it's toes! Will almost certainly get a good single-player xbox- pc title too.

battlegrog2078d ago

I agree but the issue is moving forward the industry will be very driven by software snd infrastructure. Which sony lacks

rainslacker2078d ago

Last I checked, Sony has both those things. Software they have more than the competition combined right now. Infrastructure they have works fine, and unlike the competition they already have a working solution to the only new.infrastructure coming, which is game streaming. Pan otherwise is fine outside some things that could be changed to make non operational features more fluid....like the current name change thing.

doggo842078d ago (Edited 2078d ago )

Sony lacks software?

I only know a certain other company that lacks software severely in comparison, but nothing negative can be said about that company on n4g.

Software has been sony's strength this generation, just in case you've been asleep for the last 5 years. Sony's first party has gone from strength to strength, and once again (for the 300th time I've said this) Sony have doubled down on first party and will continue to deliver next generation. You can't even remotely dispute that.

Sony lacks infrastructure?

Sony bought out Gakai in 2012, JUST in case you've been asleep since before that announcement. So there goes your bogus fanboy claims.

lxeasy2078d ago

Yeah I think Ninja Theory will def do single player games.

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Cuphead Review by Digital Crack Network

When I confirmed my purchase of Cuphead on the Windows store, I let out an audible squeal. I instantly regretted the noise. I want to judge the game based on its merits, not my excitement for it. But I had a palpable amount of bias when purchasing this game.

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