
Is It Time To Take Microsoft And The Xbox Scorpio Seriously?

Microsoft is fallen behind this generation, and is clearly hurting.

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Krussail2709d ago

I really hope that the Xbox Scorpio succeeds.

Gazondaily2709d ago

Scorpio represents MS's willingness to be competitive. Along with its digital refund policy etc it shows that they really want to be taken seriously and are striving to be the best.

YES they have a lot of work to do and really, you can't overstate the important of what really is a mid gen console 4 years into this generation- but it shows that they are competitive. Plus it gives me an excuse to use the word the BEAST

Sony has 'won' this gen pretty decisively- that is hard to argue with the exception of people's subjective tastes etc.

But what all this does do is instil some confidence back into the Xbox brand, particularly for Xbox fans who lost a lot of that at the start of this gen.

MS need to keep at it and have a really uphill battle as far as delivering a diverse set of first party exclusives, setting up studios etc (all the things they neglected to do for years).

But I like what they are doing now. For me, Sony has already won this gen in the grand scheme of things but the Xbox is still a great brand.

2709d ago
DillyDilly2709d ago

You do realize that the PS4 Pro is also a mid gen console yes ?

Krussail2709d ago

They really do need the games though, and at the end of the day that is what matters. Sony has managed to build a really strong first and second party studio base over the last few years. All Ms has got is Gears and Halo.

Trez12342709d ago

Can't really argue with what you said. Competition is good for us and as someone who only has Nintendo and Playstation this gen, I'm excited to get back having all 3 of those brands again. A few of us boycotted xbox this gen due to those policies ( xbox one reveal) but it's hard to ignore their willingness to rebuild that trust and I for one can't wait for E3. Don't mess it up again and please bring fable back!!!

fiveby92709d ago

I remind myself that for Sony to be successful does not mean MS must not be successful. It is not a zero sum game in all respects. A rising tide lifts all boats often times. However, will I be buying a Scorpio? At this point I have no plans to do so. Between my 1080Ti PC and my PS4 I feel pretty well covered. I think Scorpio will make MS more competitive in US/UK markets but I don't think Sony sits on it's hands either. Competition is good. And Sony is motivated too. Who wins here? We all do.

RosweeSon2709d ago

It shows their willingness to be ignorant. People want games and they give us a 3rd hardware revision in 4 years. That's great if the catalogue of games warrants upgrades but they've barely got any banging games out of launch Xbox one now they wanna jump to Scorpio... cya! Sticking with this gen. even if Scorpio isn't Next gen as such it's got absolutely no games on the horizon that warrant all the expense.

ILostMyMind2709d ago

Scorpio represents the XBO's failure.

RommyReigns2709d ago


'Let's be honest, how many of us actually cares who sold the most...'

Sorry to be so blunt, but how many xbox fanboys were proclaiming the xbox 360 sales figures 'exceeding' the PS3 sales figures up until the PS3 surpassed it? This site had more rampant fanboys proclaiming xbox 360 sales figures than the density of ridge-wood in Horizon.

GtR35olution2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Dont reward foolishness. Sony launched a proper game console this gen with the ps4 focused on gaming. I hear some fanat-x constantly going on about how xbox launched with better games and more exclusives which is just an opinion but its quite evident that sony has garnered a lot more exclusive titles for the ps4 with a lot of games on the horizon while there isnt much that has been shown by microsoft for the Xbox. I guess fanat-x expected to be playing the same launch titles the xbox launched with years later without anything new. These gaming consoles shouldnt thrive on peopled hopes and dreams but actual games for people to play and experience. After a bunch of silliness with the xbox one and lack of games compared to the ps4 Microsoft is releasing the scorpio. Scorpio wont change the tide of the gaming industry where the ps4 has a lot more market share than Xbox. Sony will continue to release more games than microsoft and the ps4 will continue its success. Why should gamers take Microsoft and the xbox division more seriously when sony is showing people that ps4 is the best gaming system to have.

UltraNova2709d ago

Septic even though i generally agree with what you said( I've been saying the exact same thing since last year) II have to say this as well - we will both be here one year after the Scorpio has launched and we will see the true extend of MS's new found competitive focus.

The scorpio is without a doubt a step to the right direction, but its a long long hike for MS to even begin gaining ground on Sony. Full, uninterrupted stream of games and support throughout the console's lifespan is the key, lets see if MS finally got it right ,the 4rth time around.

MADGameR2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Nope X Box Scorpio is X Box Ones bandaid to stop the bleeding and beating that SONYs PS4 has been dishing out on it since the beginning of this generation.

TheCommentator2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Very well put, Septic! Some of you other guys, not so much. For example:

Random One, what did Septic say (or not say) about the PS Pro that prompted your post? Septic's post is quite neutral because he's complimenting what both companies are doing, so I'm not understanding your frustration here either.

Roweeson, it shows MS' willingness to change their "ignorance", not to continue to be. MS is putting the past behind them, and the list of good things they have done/announced over the last 12 months is proof enough. Games are coming to light at E3, MS assures us, and all they have to do now is show a better commitment to games development and all of their past transgressions will have been absolved. Oh, BTW, Sony is coming out with a Slim PS4 this year... which is their 3rd console in 4 years... so what's your point?

GTR, quit living in the past. If you like the past so much though, you could always relive all the best moments of last gen on an XB1 with BC! 😉 Also, MS has produced many games post launch (and not only Halo, Gears, Forza). You may like them or you may not, but your preference doesn't make the games MS releases nonexistent. Yes, Sony has more, but MS has said that they're focus as a company is squarely on gaming now and that E3 will be about games. Even if they do show well at E3 though, I have a feeling you'll still complain about the past.

Kingthrash3602709d ago

Imo it MS who needs to take xbox seriously

vegasgamerdawg2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

What did MS lose? Your fanBOY war? They made billions. WTF R U TALKING ABOUT? Fanboy war is fantasy...lol. Grow up. Xbox is MS second most successful brand. They've never sold so much hardware in their history. I'm so sick of this fanBOY crap on N4G, it's so silly and so immature. You're living in a fantasy bubble made up from childish competitiveness, ignorance and narcissism.

indyman77772709d ago

@Woolly_ I agreed except the part how many of us actually care. Because I don't think PS4 would be a JRPG machine without being a landslide winner in sales. With one console having so many sales it becomes less a risk to make a turn based jrpg which usually takes twice as long and as many resources.

vegasgamerdawg2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

I saw a headline on N4G the other day #1 story " Ps4 out sells Xbone" (They know their audience) You know another way you could write that headline? " As gaming platforms go, Sony came in next to last" PC and smartphone gaming platforms make Sony look like a pimple on a gnats butt. Right now the Switch is outselling PS4. Does that mean SOny lost? Lost what? FanBOY status? It's not real, it's children brainwashed by the TV. It's silly nonsense man. Let's talk about games please.

thekhurg2708d ago

The answer you were looking for is:


timotim2708d ago

Yeah, I think the idea here is that MS is taking themselves seriously and aint play around...that's the Xbox I want to see...that's a dangerous Xbox indeed.

DAEMONIFEAR2708d ago (Edited 2708d ago )

If Sony had it all bagged up then why are people buying the standard ps4 and the pro isn't even 1/3 the overall sales?Lol the pro only came out 6 month's ago!

And the narrative people keep using that Xbox has no games lol Xbox has had the most consistent 1st/2nd/3rd party exclusives and indie lineup then they've ever had! Whilst Sony hasn't been consistent at all and lacked in the exclusive department which was stated by Sony themselves, in fact Sony had worst launch lineup and took almost 2yrs from 2013 to build a game library worth playing and the #1 reason people bought ps4 over X1 was power and then better looking/running 3rd party titles which have been the overall main sales reasons for any console this gen not a single exclusive!

Don't believe a website just because they try make false news to gain clicks/traffic! X1 ID@Xbox just released their 500th indie title and then the over 300 back compat 360 titles, then we have the huge 1st/2nd/3rd party exclusives and then 3rd party AA/AAA titles Xbox has a lot of games!

You're a moron to think otherwise!


If it was all just about "games" then why are Sony and Nintendo trying to compete in department's MS have been in for longer? MS's service's, features and community support cannot be beaten that is a 100% fact! And those 3 thing's were the reason I stopped supporting Sony and Nintendo! At least when I got red ring of death with my 360 twice I got free support and free replacements and never had to send anything away! Sony told me to kindly F off with a broken ps3/ps4 console/controllers as did Nintendo, it was a too bad nothing we can do, buy a new one or send it in and we'll charge you! And then there's the online dilemma of psn+ lol I'll never touch it again!

2708d ago
morganfell2708d ago (Edited 2708d ago )

Scorpio does not represent MS's willingness to be competitive. The main reason consoles are competitive are because of the games they offer. Until MS has Scorpio only exclusives, not X1/PC/Scorpio exclusives, but rather "Only on Scorpio" titles then they are not being competitive as regards that single console. Microsoft is like the doctor that saw their patient was bleeding so they covered the wound and never bothered to investigate was was actually causing the damage internally. The bleeding will continue and the patient will not heal. Treating the symptoms rather than the actual cause will never provide a long lasting solution.

When MS invested in another console instead of doubling down on the only thing that matters at the end of the day - games - they insured Sony's victory this gen. And because their move almost certainly means Sony will have at least a year headstart next gen they have practically handed the upcoming generation to them as well.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
Bobafret2709d ago

Wow, a lot of people don't want Scorpio to succeed. I wonder why?

RosweeSon2709d ago

Not if it's just Scorpio and barren exclusives again for next 1-2 years whilst they make games then oh wait everyone's going next gen 🙄
New consoles are great if they have the games to warrant purchase Xbox has nothing on the horizon absolutely nothing, Crackdown 3 better be good as otherwise 👌🏻 Nout.

XanderZane2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Well this is N4G, home of the most biased fanboys, so you shouldn't be surprised. Even last gen fanboys were claiming PS3 was doomed and Sony would go bankrupt. So if you just ignore all the fanboys, you'll do alright on here.
Microsoft needs more exclusives obviously for the Scorpio to be successful. They also need the right price. If this comes out at $600+, they are going to be in trouble.

darthv722709d ago

@Xander... well, didnt sony 'almost' go bankrupt last gen? I mean they did allot of restructuring and sold off some stuff to keep things financially stable. So that is some what indicative of them being on the edge at least.

denawayne2709d ago

What I find sad is the amount of Sony fanboys in Xbox articles. I don't own a PS4. So guess what? I'm never in PS4 articles. It's not because I hate Sony or PS4, It's because I don't have a vested interest in it.

I would love for anyone in here who doesn't own an Xbox system to please explain why you're in this or any Xbox article.

LastCenturyRob2709d ago

probably because most of the PS4 owners aren't out of school yet.... when they get home, watch out, thumbs down galore!

snoopgg2708d ago

Well, lets just say Microsoft had alot to do with that. Gamers were tired of the things they were pulling at the beginning of the generation.

rainslacker2708d ago


The subject of this article is if we should take MS seriously. Us, being the primary, MS being the object of the topic at hand.

Console wars would explain why people are in other articles, but in this one, it's about if we should take them seriously, because a lot of people aren't.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
2709d ago
starchild2708d ago

No single thing is "everything". That's pure fanboy talk.

Price, games, hardware performance, features, ecosystem, friends, controller, brand...all these things, and more, matter.

C_Ali882708d ago

Price and games matter A LOT!!!!! But people who want the Scorpio will buy the Scorpio.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
_LarZen_2709d ago

The only ones who don't want that are fanboys. It's in everyone's best interest that there is competition and rivalry.

Ashlen2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Competition yes, Microsoft to be the competition no. They have too much control over the PC landscape as is. The last thing we need is for Microsoft to be able to throw it's weight around on both PC's and consoles. :Last gen they used their weight to force paid online on consumers as well as DLC. And at the start of this gen they tried to use their weight to force always online digital only and to eliminate ownership and used game sales.

The only reason they are doing the things they are now is because they are so far behind Sony, if they had run away with the gen who knows how different things would have been but it's safe to say given Microsoft's track record things would have been WAY less pro consumer.

rainslacker2708d ago

While I agree competition is good, whose to say that another company couldn't offer more competition than MS does. There are other companies out there which do well by doing what consumers like, and have good ideas, so it's possible they could take over.

Never know until it happens, but I think more than 3 main competitors is stretching the market thin. So I can't see another major competitor unless one of the big 3 bows out.

C_Ali882708d ago

Well the only gripe I really have with MS is that they have bought and turned to many great devs into shitty corporate machines, to crank out whatever Microsoft deems its fans "want".

Thus they've had to rely on third party devs, and when the next console has the same games and is insanely more popular you come to a point where you don't have enough of a differentiation in software to attract new gamers to your console. Microsoft shot themselves in the foot, much as Sony did early with the Ps3. The only difference being Sony began pumping out exclusives in the second half of the Ps3's life cycle.

Microsoft has to do similar things to rebound now....

XXanderXX2709d ago

Wow seem like some don't like competition based on the disagrees on the comment .

Honestly I hope its a massive success .

mark_parch2709d ago

why are people down voting comments about wanting scorpio to be a success . I don't understand why anybody would want a games console to fail. if you like gaming as a hobby then surely you want as many successful games and games consoles as possible on the market

_LarZen_2709d ago

It's fanboys. Sadly there are many of them here at N4G.

mark_parch2709d ago

Krussail It's so sad your comment has 24 downvotes. why would anybody want scorpio to fail?

txboy052709d ago

I hope so too, that will make Sony kick it up a couple more notches. Success is good for everybody

C_Ali882708d ago

I hope so also, I didn't buy a Xone once they shifted focus to Scorpio and I also don't have a 4k TV so Scorpio won't be for me but I do hope very much for it's success.

joab7772708d ago

Anyone who played a 360 hopes they succeed. Anyone who has taken simple economics hopes they succeed.

I just love articles like this. You always take a company like MS seriously. They stumbled this gen, as has every great video game company.

2708d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
2709d ago
ApocalypseShadow2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Do I want them to try more as a console manufacturer? Sure. The console industry being healthy should be everyone's choice over an unhealthy one.

It's just hard to take serious a company that didn't take the console industry serious for years. Only when they finally met Sony head to head, and they got massacred like most thought would happen, did they finally start changing their ARROGANT toon. And when I say hard to take serious, I mean...

Abandoning Xbox because it was behind PS2 and the Nvidia card was expensive. To get new games, you had to get an Xbox 360. Excluding RROD, what happens next? They abandon vision cam. Not one game worth mentioning. Next? They abandon the core for Kinect? Not one core game for Kinect. Next? They abandon Xbox 360 in the last 3 years to front load Xbox one. Games like Ryse and Dead rising, Forza 5, etc would have been 360 games. Next? Abandoned Kinect 2. See a pattern?

Now, let's see if it continues with Xbox one.

To get HDR, you won't get it on the original Xbox one. You got to buy the new Xbox one S. But hey. You get ultra bluray playback. But you don't get VR. To get that, you must buy Scorpio.. This is called "fragmentation."

PS4 and PS4 Pro... Everyone gets HDR. Everyone gets VR. Everyone gets 3D bluray support and can view it in VR. And of course, everyone gets Sony's high quality exclusives. Core and VR games. Everyone has PS move support. This may be represented by the word "consolidation."

Scorpio may be a system that pushes the game detail a little higher. Pushes VR a little higher. But it's backed by the same company. You know, that company that lead us all on the road of paying for online. You know, that company that tried to take away your gaming rights. You know, that company that has no solution for the 25 or so million who may want VR on the current system they already have. And may not want to spend another $500 to get it. On top of $300-$500 for VR just to play fallout 4. Guess they're abandoned like always.

Every time they say "high fidelity VR", what they are "true 4K" saying is "not for the current base of 20 something million." Remember, high fidelity VR, not for 20 something million..... It's hard to take the system and Microsoft serious.

Mister_Wolf2709d ago

As much as i hate to admit it, i agree you have a point. Microsoft has a really bad track record of abandoning things. If you think they have been rubbish with how they dealt with the Xbox brand (which is improving now hopefully), you should really see how badly they've treated the few million who use Windows Phone. As there aren't many people using WP at the moment the mistreatment isn't covered very much.

Microsoft, more than anything, need to rebuild trust again. That is their biggest challenge.

_-EDMIX-_2709d ago

Absolutely agreed this generation right now for Microsoft is just a complete train wreck.

They are just producing some of the worst games and cancellation after cancellation is just not helping them.

Krussail2709d ago

Oh yes, and I was one of the dumb idiots who actually fell for the Windows Phone. Hated every moment of owning it.

Mister_Wolf2709d ago

Tell me about it Krussail. Recently what community was remaining for WP, has completely imploded.

ps360s2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Yes I agreed with you Mister_Wolf

I love my lumia 950xl and they abandoned the whole Lumia range! I would've stayed with the Lumia brand if they just allow google apps!

I have now gave it away sadly...it was kinda a difficult decision but oh well

I will not see myself getting the Scorpio, I rather get the Xbox one S (which I am buying tomorrow)

even tho the Scorpio is a powerful console but I really don't see the need for it, for me anyway

same with the Ps4, I am sticking to the normal Ps4 and not upgrading to the Pro and since I don't own a Xbox one, I get the S

I said in the past that I won't be owning an Xbox since the 360 but I do miss Halo/gears and the price seems right to now own one. I still won't expect much from an Xbox compare to Ps4 exclusives but at under £200 it's really no harm in owning an Xboxone S and it's UHD

now I am complete with 3 consoles :D

I still won't take MS with what they say nor will I forget the last few months of the 360 and the start of Xbox one but I will now have all 3 consoles to look forward to whatever future holds for them lol

RommyReigns2709d ago

Windows Phone could have been epic, had so much potential to take on the juggernauts of Android and iOS. Having the Microsoft software we expect from normal Windows was a huge advantage to have on Windows Phone (especially having true Microsoft Office) but Microsoft didn't go through with bringing the support (major apps, new tech improvements etc) and that's why adoption rate fell and why Windows Phone failed.

darthv722709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Where some see their track recod as "abandoning" others see it as progressing or evolving. You can't sit there and just keep supporting old tech forever. You have to change with the times and try to stay ahead of the curve. And that is NOT just limited to MS but to any and ALL companies with a good or service being offered to consumers.

Truth be told, just because something new gets released doesn't all of a sudden negate the effectiveness of the previous product. They still work even if they may not get the newest level of support. My genesis still works and I can still play the plethora of games for it even though nothing new has been released in quite some time (except homebrew).

you want to talk about support... having a community of passionate gamers that still create projects for aging platforms... THAT's what you should call support and it's pretty amazing too.

Mister_Wolf2709d ago

@Darth the difference here, especially with Microsoft isnt that they do it to evolve.

Windows Phone for example got reset 3 times. They changed kernal one of the times, but mostly they did it because they had f**ked up on the phones, so they reset. But the thing is, if you want to do that, then you need to come back with a fresh approach. Microsoft has done nothing of the sort, no new strategy, nothing. That's why people feel abandoned.

JBaby3432709d ago

@darth: That's some serious spin.

LackTrue4K2708d ago (Edited 2708d ago )

Now that you bring up the lack of window phone support. The same happen to my Zune HD. And I love that thing a lot!!! If it wasn't for them lack/dropping support of it. I would of never jumped to apple products.
Miss my zune, was a great Device!

For that same reason I have not bot a Microsoft surface or an Xbox system in years.

rainslacker2708d ago

I got a windows phone for free way back when. Nice phone, had it for years. Loved it. Then finally upgraded and got another one. Despite being the newer win8 it was complete crap. Phone itself was fine, but the OS was buggy, and half the time it didn't work. Updates were a joke, as in non-existent, because apparently it's up to the phone maker to actually do that, and when I finally installed the win10 preview stuff just to try and make it better, it was even worse.

No one is talking about it because no one cares about it anymore. If they ever did. I don't think it was ever that popular to begin with, despite some media hype saying how great they were.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
Gazondaily2709d ago

“It's just hard to take serious a company that didn't take the console industry serious for years.”

They didn’t take the console industry seriously? That is ridiculous. They definitely did with the original Xbox and then the 360. They showed Sony the ropes which resulted in the form the PS4 has taken today (easy to develop for, a PROPER online system, party chat etc)

“did they finally start changing their ARROGANT toon”

That arrogance isn’t just alien to them. Sony’s arrogance is clear too, as is Nintendo’s. And the fact that they are changing is evidence enough of them being competitive. Are Nintendo changing their attitude?
Then your list completely skews things disproportionately into the negative:

“Abandoning Xbox because it was behind PS2 “
This was their first entry into the console industry and they made a big impact. Yes they brought that gen to an end for the sake of the 360 but ultimately, this was the correct move that made the Xbox platform flourish last gen.

Abandoning vision cam and Kinect? Remember- BOTH companies tried to replicate Nintendo’s success with motion controls. Sony didn’t fare that much better with Move- in fact, MS committed to the tech with far more conviction albeit to the detriment of core gamers.

“ They abandon Xbox 360 in the last 3 years to front load Xbox one. “
Hold on- why have you drawn a COMPLETE blank to all the strides they made with the Xbox and the 360? They showed the industry that consoles can do online gaming properly- schooled the competition in how its done, made an easy to develop for platform and really pushed online gaming with some great games.
They really let indie devs flourish earl with the 360 days although admittedly they didn’t do them justice later.

BUT they have improved- they have made strides to rectify those mistakes with indies, changing their policies, removing Kinect, making the console cheaper, going above and beyond with the Scorpio, making strides in digital refund policies etc. They have been frank and admitted their shortcomings. They have reacted.

So I don’t see why they cannot be taken seriously. If anything, they should be and they deserve to be. This is exactly what this industry needs to ensure it flourishes.

slate912709d ago

His comment is so one-sided. Thank you for this response. People get carried away. Give them an inch, they take a mile.

kayoss2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

I agree with what you said. But I think his point is that Microsoft become so focus with their new console that they disregard the current console. You look at the original Xbox and I'm pretty sure you remember what happened to the console when the Xbox 360 was announced. Microsoft act like no one owns the xbox so they never really released any software for it. Same thing happened to the xbox360 when the xbox one was announced. Almost 3 years and no significant software was released for that system. I wouldnt be surprised if they did the same to the xbox one once scorpio is released. Microsoft claim that all games will be able to be played on both consoles, but in my opinion, the power differences is too large for that to work.

I'm not arguing that Xbox is not taking the console gaming seriously. The xbox360 was very innovative and one of the first to do online gaming right. I think they are trying their best to be innovative but i feel like they are not taking their fans seriously. They make decisions on what they think is best for their fans instead of doing what fans want.

corroios2709d ago

Dont be blind. All first exclusives games of the xbox one were from the 360. Thats why the last 3 years there wasnt any big title on 360.

Loyalty is good but blind loyalty isnt

Gazondaily2709d ago

Where is the blind loyalty? I qualified my points, am critical of the company but am not an all out hater. That's not blind loyalty. Not at all

nitus102709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

When Sony came to market with the PS3 their controller the supported six-axis control which was effectively motion control. The PS3 was released on the 11th November 2006 while the Wii was released on the 19th November 2006 so Sony was the first to sell a console with motion control.

The reason why the initial PS3 controller did not support rumble was the fact that Sony was embroiled in litigation with Immersion over their patent. on haptic feedback. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi... For those interested, the original patent for haptic feedback was actually in the 1930's.

You can even look up the patents although be warned that even a professional Engineer can get a migraine headache after reading one of those. :)

krypt19832709d ago

That's the difference between the xbox community and playstation, xbots call mircosoft on there bullshit and get change, ponies suck what ever sony gives them at the tet and defends it, idc what nobody says the ps4 should have bc period but no sony won't do ot because they know there base is suckers who will pay for the failing psnow just to play old games they already own and ea access why not give your consumers the option oh because it will eat into our bottomline, why would sony waste money on marketing rights on battlefront when people on xbox get to play it 10 days early lol and not to mention it will run and look way better on xbox ?

Chevalier2708d ago

Not an all out hater? Maybe. But those old articles and BS you spouted over the years to fit your agenda don't go away over night. Its hard to believe you when you are supposedly be objective when you look at all the blatant BS you had with your narrative against Playstation. You can paint lines on a horse and pretend its a zebra, but, its just still a horse. The amount of excuses you make for MS products is unreal. Its incredible how rose tinted those goggles you wear are.

Chevalier2708d ago


" old games they already own and ea access why not give your consumers the option oh because it will eat into our bottomline, why would sony waste money on marketing rights on battlefront when people on xbox get to play it 10 days early lol and not to mention it will run and look way better on xbox ?"

The only thing you guys got going is playing old games on your system. So while you guys set the bar low for what MS offers you by pulling the wool over your eyes, we got NEW games to play and the best rated exclusives. By E3 how many exclusives do you guys got to play? Lol. So while you guys talk features we talk games. Seriously by E3 it will be 8 months and you guys have what Halo Wars 2? Lol. A new exclusive EVERY month on PS4. We also get exclusive content. Best 1st, 2nd and 3rd party support and you have EA Access and BC. Its incredible how low the bar is set for you to be satisfied.

You guys called them on their BS? Lol. Where are the games? Last I checked you buy a GAME system to play GAMES. You guys have one response every year. Wait till E3 thats where we will get these games. Yeah like Cloud? DX12? Games? Incredible use for kinect? Same old tune every summer like clockwork.

Gazondaily2708d ago


"The amount of excuses you make for MS products is unreal. Its incredible how rose tinted those goggles you wear are."

Prove it. Refer to my articles and show me how this is the case

Chevalier2708d ago


Really? Your recent about face after years of criticism isn't enough? Lol. Sorry, but, I don't know why all of a sudden your gung ho about PS4, but, seriously. MS at launch had a bunch of anti consumer things like 24 hour check in, trying to control used game even though you owned the media, blatantly lying by saying that you couldn't disconnect Kinect etc.

Now MS is forced to change their tune and your here giving excuses for them about how its being done for the consumers like MS suddenly cares?! Lol. No lets be real, they got greedy and now after getting destroyed in sales its all about , 'customer engagement' and there you go your back on the ride.

After reading your lobsided comments and narratives for years along with many others here you are still making excuses even if your tune has changed slightly, at the heart painting stripes on that horse does NOT make it a zebra. Cheerleeding MS as you go as per usual. The 'Beast' fits this narrative of change etc

" BUT they have improved- they have made strides to rectify those mistakes with indies, changing their policies, removing Kinect, making the console cheaper, going above and beyond with the Scorpio, making strides in digital refund policies etc. They have been frank and admitted their shortcomings. They have reacted. "

Out of necessity is the reason they had NO choice, but, to try a course correction 4 years in. Did we so soon forget that they ditched 360 support after promising to keep support? The last 3 years or the 360 and the original Xbox dropped support. Ryse being retooled from a Kinect game along with the rushed Forza and other games to buff up the XB1 launch. Telling people that kinect was integrated and could not be removed? Then its removed. They may have refocused and changed the narrative like you, but, only because they really only had the one course of action. But yeah lets pretend it was for the betterment of the industry and for the consumer.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
Chris122709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

Interestingly you normally talk about games, games, games. Xbox owners are not being left behind in the most important aspect of console ownership. Instead you pick on the niche areas of HDR and VR. Sure they should have made the XB1 more powerful so HDR and VR would work better, but the console was designed 5 years ago and simply doesn't have the power. It is right to criticise MS for this lack of foresight but it can't be changed. You are not fragmenting the player base because of HDR and VR, to suggest so is a huge exaggeration.

You still bring up the old arguments of pay online, yet Sony followed suit, offers a worse service and their free games recently have been very poor. Or how about when they were hacked and customers had their card details stolen? It's history and all companies learn from their mistakes. MS made mistakes and it's clear with the design of Scorpio how they are trying to address this. That's the effect of being hit in the pocket.

Your piece reads like political propaganda rather than from a gamers perspective and your weak examples of HDR and VR together with supposed fragmentation makes your whole argument quite poor.

yeahright22709d ago

^and this is why xbox struggles against Sony. No matter what their most die hard fans cheerlead them no matter what. Instead of defending them at every turn, or bashing Sony at any opportunity, demand more from them.
Build up your side instead of trying to tear down theirs

RosweeSon2709d ago

They sure are being left behind where's all the top exclusives 3 years into a consoles cycle and games should be coming thick and fast not once a year aka Crackdown 3.

KickSpinFilter2709d ago

hackedCC, RLOD two major sticking points from last gen for both companies.
As far as the online Sony service it's no worse or better than MS for the last 2.5 years

Nodoze2709d ago

Sadly this same issue of abandoning applies to game studios as well. There are many FORMER great game studios that are now dust int the wake of MS. They simply do NOT know how to manage creative people. Sony gets it. While they have closed studios as well, they also allow others such as Guerrilla Games to explore totally new game types. Does anyone really think that MS would have allowed a game like Horizon to be made? Not a chance. Just as they are doing with Halo, they would force titles through. Sad really. I like Forza. I enjoy Halo. Gears is a bit stale (have not tried the new one), but I hear it is pretty good. They need MORE though. Cannot keep rehashing the same games over and over.

Krussail2709d ago

Gears and Halo are both stale.. The last really good Halo was Reach, and good gears was Gears 3

freshslicepizza2709d ago

@Apocalypse Shadow
"You know, that company that tried to take away your gaming rights. You know, that company that has no solution for the 25 or so million who may want VR on the current system they already have. And may not want to spend another $500 to get it. On top of $300-$500 for VR just to play fallout 4. Guess they're abandoned like always."

you mean the same company who allows its customers to have the mentality and maturity to see if they like ea access? the same company who now allows its users to get a refund on digital games while the the other makes it extremelyt difficult even to cancel a preorder and also can't allow transactions below $5? or are we talking about a company that can use old parts for vr like playstation move but not allow the sharpshooter to be used? how about a compnay that promised the last guardian on the ps3? we can go on all day if you wish and go back in history too like the old rootkit copy protection scandal and you want to talk about consumer rights? the same company who just loves proprietary nonsense like their high end headphones that dont come with normal cables so that you have to attach it to their amplifier? that same company who refused to acknowledge the ps2 had disk read errors and settled out of court?

so stop acting like any of these companies actually cares about you so drop this obssession that one has to be an enemy and one is your allie. the xbox one just isn't powerful enough for proper vr and sony is handicapping ps4 pro owners big time because they dont want to rock the boat with ps4 ownerrs because as we can see here they are a very loud and proud group.

face it, scorpio will be a beast and if it doesn't interest you then drop it. but you can't. you can't because sony has manifested this group of supporters out there who are on the frontlines defending every action of their while trying to create a reaction every time microsoft does something.

Gwynbleidd2709d ago

Well said!!! I gave you an agree vote!

Dragonscale2709d ago (Edited 2709d ago )

@septic, nearly everything you said there about ps fans can be said about xbox fans. So salty.

Stogz2709d ago

I always love it when this dude of all people goes after the frontline defenders seeing as tho every single move MS makes he defends while at the same time condemning Sony for every move they make. You are literally the biggest hypocrite on this site.

freshslicepizza2708d ago


I also love it when there is an article about Scorpio and you have people here thinking it's 2005 and unable to view a product for what it offers. We went from Scorpio is a new generation system so that it's not a fair comparison to the PS4 Pro to it will be too expensive to now talking about RROD issues when the Xbox 360 came out.

Don't worry, he will ignore any counter argument like always. The guy just wants to disrupt any hype over Scorpio with all his baggage towards Microsoft.

starchild2708d ago

@ Stogz

Look in the mirror.

I find it incredible that ultra fanboys like yourself have the audacity to go after people like septic and moldybread. Those guys are people who do have criticisms of Microsoft and who do praise Sony on things they do well. Are they perfectly neutral? No, but when compared to people like you whose comments truly are 95% one-sided bullshit they come off as a lot more respectable. The only reason fanboys like you hate them so much is because they call you out on your single-console biased nonsense.

gangsta_red2708d ago


Dont pay attention to stogz he never has a point about anything. His sole reason for living is to call everyone that says something positive on xbox a hypocrite.

I honestly believe he doesnt even know the meaning of the word anymore, he's just been doing it for that long.

sinspirit2708d ago


This statement is ridiculously old. EA Access is the start of the same concept as season passes, but for entire games. It sounds good now. But, if it was allowed then we would have other publishers, like Activision and Ubisoft, jumping onboard as well.

It would eventually evolve into a premium subscription for their new titles year round. Including exclusive content and release dates held back from consumers just for their subscribers, but advertised as additional content and pre-release access.

On top of the exclusive content given with pre-orders already, and then the quality control would be even worse than many games already have at launch these days, because they already got paid. Every publisher and digital business is aiming towards subscription services for a reason. It's practically an easy money-sink for the companies cash-flow to grow from. People are too lazy or forgetful to unsubscribe, young kids will be primary targets asking their parents for a subscription, and then the normal consumers will have a far worse experience while they get the short end of the stick as they also watch their favorite franchises lose quality control because they've already been paid for.

Stop justifying everything from one side and criticizing everything from the other. There is a reason that your favored brand is doing worse. It's because thousands of loud fans and yourself always suck up to them even if they spit in your face with a new update. You could have had a better console. I'm not saying you could have had a PS4. I'm saying that you could have had a better XBox. Start making demands.. Or, waste $500-ish on their mid-gen upgrade when a new generation starts 1.5 - 2 years afterwards.

DigitalRaptor2708d ago (Edited 2708d ago )

@ Stogz - Well said.

@ starchild - moldybread is one of the biggest legit hypocrites on this site for someone that tries to be so well articulated in his arguments defending Microsoft and Xbox - he has been called out on it multiple times on said hypocrisy, and still goes on fresh from a blank slate as though he hasn't, projecting criticism onto others and putting words in their mouths. When he's not doing this, he's levelling fake unfounded concern at Sony, their products and services. Both him and the other dude that has responded here are both pretenders that were on the "frontline" as he put it, defending and high-fiving the consistent liar and fanboy "Rookie_monster", even when he was trolling and making it all about the big bad Sony guys and their "wrong" arguments.

@ gangsta_red - Perhaps that's because here you are again defending a proven hypocrite. Seems egregious enough to you when you're calling out Sony fans for hypocrisy, but when it's your Xbox/MS support friends on here who are doing the same thing, you'll let that slide. The transparency wore away years ago.

@ moldybread - "Don't worry, he will ignore any counter argument like always." - just like you continually cherry pick the points you want to respond to that make you feel you have the upper hand on an argument, and ignore the ones you can't without looking silly or hypocritical. I mean I remember you calling someone else out on here a few months ago for the same "cherry picking" thing almost like you lack the self-awareness to know that is what you always do. I guess you'll always try and vault over the "hypocrite" claims if you feel it will be largely ignored enough to keep doing what it is you do.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
Krussail2709d ago

The way you put it sure does make it pretty damning for Microsoft.

Mister_Wolf2709d ago

@Ps360's I upgraded and got rid of my Lumia 950xl about two weeks ago. Got the One Plus and realised that even Microsoft's apps are better on other OS's.

I am glad i got the Pro, as it is wonderful with my TV. And also Horizon is gorgeous. More to follow too.

With Scorpio, i need Microsoft to show off software at E3 this year. If nothing is shown off, I'm waiting.

@Romy Reigns

Windows Phone was screwed right from the beginning. They were too slow to release WP7. By the time they did, Android and iOS were already establishing big market shares.

I think they're really screwed now, Android is dominating and you have newer generations of kids who are growing up using Android and iOS devices, not even coming across a windows devices. My nephew who is 4 hasn't used a Windows device (i know he shouldn't even be using these devices in the first place but there you go), he is so used to the iPad and iphone now.

Microsoft isn't agile enough, this is a company which is too big and takes too damn long to make decisions.


They didn't get "Massacred" from the start, the Xbox was good competition to the PS2 and a lot of people including myself switched from PS2 for graphics alone. PS3 and 360 were more so on par with each other than any other generation and I had both. X1 fell short of PS4, and I think MS just underestimated Sony and lost a lot of footing from it.

Now they will have the stronger "Mid-Gen" platform for multiplats and I think that will gain a lot of footing back at the end of the day since that is what initially hurt them in 2013.

InTheZoneAC2708d ago

the amount of disagrees to agrees you have show how screwed up xbox fanatics are, they will support anything MS no matter the circumstance.

Kiwi662708d ago

Isn't that also true of fans of any brand who support them no matter what they do whether its good or bad

InTheZoneAC2708d ago


stop overlooking my point

Xbox has a proven track record, you should know this, of putting out less support compared to competitors.

All the points from the OP I replied to are 100% valid along with some other points he missed out on to support his argument. I'm not talking about other companies of anything else. I'm talking about xbox and MS. It is actually quite scary that people continue to be slaves or support them, whatever you want to call it, when they ACCEPT having less by doing so. I'm thinking logically and wondering why anyone would even stand by them based on their history. Unless you're a diehard for just a few games there is no reason to stand by them no matter what.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2708d ago
trooper_2709d ago

If they bring it on at E3, then yes.

Nasisbot2709d ago

Hope they show only those games which they won't cancel in the future.

Krussail2709d ago

Even I am hopeful for a good show by MS this E3

2709d ago Replies(2)
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Rockstar Needs To Take A Break From The Series After GTA 6

In a time when Rockstar has forgotten everything else except GTA and RDR, it's about time the developer got back to some of its gems.

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RaidenBlack2d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake2d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai2d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne1d 21h ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese10h ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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'Don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money' Krafton: Tango GW acquisition is about legacy

Krafton CEO : 'It's a team that should be encouraged to create something new and continue their journey.'
Original title : 'We don't think Hi-Fi Rush 2 is going to make us money:' Krafton CEO says Tango Gameworks acquisition is about legacy

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darthv7222h ago

Well I really hope they make some $$ AND make a HFR2 in the process.

Sciurus_vulgaris20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

I’m wonder if Microsoft fully sold the Hi-Fi Rush IP. They kept the publishing rights of the original game. I don’t even understand why the IP was sold. MS could have had another of its menagerie of studios do another Hi-Fi game, despite such a thing being unlikely.

mandf8h ago

It was given for free on gamepass. It didn’t sell well. Look at starfield it only sold 2.5 million because of gamepass

Sciurus_vulgaris3h ago

Starfield did $235 million in revenue on Steam alone from Sept-December 2023. So I’m sure it sold considerably more than 2.5 million copies.


ZwVw2h ago

Yes, it did sell well. GP version has a fraction of the reviews that the Deluxe Edition (more expensive purchase version of original) has. If anything, it shows that more people actually bought the Deluxe version than played the GP version, on Xbox at least.

LucasRuinedChildhood18h ago

Hi-Fi Rush on the Switch 2 at launch would probably sell a good amount.


Minecraft Ending PSVR Support in March 2025

Our ability to support PlayStation VR has come to an end, and will no longer be supported in updates after March of 2025.

Read Full Story >>
darthv721d 23h ago (Edited 1d 23h ago )

so i assume PSVR2 is not going to take its place. That's a shame as I do think it could benefit from the VR2 improved fidelity and controls.

OtterX1d 6h ago

Well, they did just announce a native PS5 version the other day. Maybe there's hope, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Kyizen1d 6h ago

Play No Man Sky for open world experience on PSVR2

1d 5h ago
Abnor_Mal1d 2h ago

Never was a Minecraft fan, so no more support isn’t a big deal for me.

What I would like for Xbox and Bethesda to do is update Skyrim VR to be playable on the PSVR2. That’s the only game I want out of the Xbox catalog.

OtterX13h ago

I wasn't a Minecraft fan until VR. It heightened the experience for me, but I prefer to use texture packs to improve the look a little bit.

I'm slightly bummed about the drop of PSVR support bc I was starting co-op w my daughter w this. Her on the PSVR Minecraft, and myself on the PC version w my Quest 2. :\

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