
Weather Matters in Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, Out April 25 on PS4

Wind, rain, and light affect every shot in the sprawling open-world shooter.

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2652d ago
Tankbusta402652d ago

I am excited for this game, alot of people had positive things to say about the beta and the game play videos looks good. Hopefully it will get some decent scores and more attention in the coming days.

Sniperwithacause2652d ago

I'm looking forward to it also.
I had to rush thru wildlands, just so I could give this game my full attention when it comes out.

Tankbusta402652d ago

I beat wildlands as well!! Good game, much better than it was reviewed, hoping this will be the same


Humble CI Games Bundle 2020 features Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts and more

The Humble CI Games Bundle 2020 just launched today. It features games like Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3, Lords of the Fallen Game of the Year Edition, and more.

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Here are seven games benchmarked with and without the Denuvo anti-tamper tech

DSOGaming writes: "As we’ve already showcased, Denuvo can actually decrease the performance in games that are CPU-bound. On the other hand, this anti-tamper tech has no meaningful performance hit in games that are GPU-bound. And yesterday, YouTube’s ‘Overlord’ a pretty informative video in which they benchmarked seven games with and without the Denuvo anti-tamper tech."

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CI Games completely removes Denuvo from Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, does not improve performance at all

DSOGaming writes: "In an interesting turn of events, CI Games completely removed Denuvo from Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3. Now as you may be aware, a lot of gamers still believe that Denuvo introduces a big performance hit in games, even though we’ve already seen a number of Denuvo-powered titles performing extremely well. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Injustice 2, Mad Max and DOOM are four great examples. As such, we’ve decided to re-test the latest Denuvo-free version of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3."

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TheColbertinator2372d ago

Now that Denuvo is gone,I may actually buy it.

daBUSHwhaka2371d ago

Save your money.The open world killed it.Worst Ghost Warrior yet by a long shot...

chris2352370d ago

bad game stays bad game. be it protected or not. just because they removed their protection i am not suddenly interested in playing such a borefest