
ESL 24-Hour Esports Channel is Nearly Live

A brand-new ESL 24-hour esports channel is arriving to Elite PlayStation Vue members, bringing non-stop coverage of digital competition.

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Dragon Ball's Toyotarou Inks the Lead Character From a Beloved Super Nintendo Classic

Dragon Ball Super's official artist Toyotarou offers his illustrative take on a classic Super Nintendo character by the late Akira Toriyama.


Xbox Has a Great Lineup for Fall and Spring, Is Beginning to Hit Its Stride, Says Matt Booty

Xbox Game Content and Studios president Matt Booty said Microsoft has a great lineup for Fall and Spring, having finally hit its stride.

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gold_drake1d 5h ago

please, we've heard that so many times.

cod might be a success but literally anything else that is exclusive is a big question mark, as always.

ApocalypseShadow13h ago

I know right. We've heard it all before. With Microsoft, it isn't that there isn't good content coming. It's that it's coming too late for most gamers to care.

For years gamers were asking Microsoft to increase their output of games instead of selling hype and dangling carrots. While Sony and Nintendo did what gamers expected from them, which is to make great games, Microsoft was making promises and not following through even though they have the most money.

It's like Sega. I loved Old Sega. But Sega concentrated on pumping out hardware instead of just making games and getting the development community onboard what they were selling. Then, when they were firing on all cylinders with Dreamcast and Getting Soul Calibur, DOA, Sonic, Ready 2 Rumble, Skies of Arcadia, Phantasy Star Online, Jet Set Radio, etc, it was too late. Gamers and developers were burned already from 32X, Sega CD, Saturn, etc.

Microsoft has released multiple hardware configurations, multiple, MULTIPLE controllers, Kinect, Xbox One, S, X, etc when gamers were asking for games at the output of Sony and Nintendo. Actually, more so because now they are worth 3 TRILLION dollars. Leaving them with no excuses.

But it's at a time where Xbox sells at an all time low, games are releasing day one cross platform and on the competition's devices, game pass killing sales to the point that all this new effort will mean nothing at all because who's going to buy these games to return the investment? Not only that, but no one trusts Microsoft's Xbox executives. They lie and mislead, misdirect to the point that most gamers, almost most countries, don't care what Microsoft is cooking. We see the sales.

They can say they are finally hitting their stride after buying up a big part of the industry. But, they are still in third place and still getting their ass kicked by the competition who's taking their sweet time pulling out the big guns. What happens when the big guns show up from Nintendo and Sony? It'll be another public as beating for all to see. Their stride is still running from a belt.

InUrFoxHole7h ago

Let me ask you a question. Is Sony giving gamers what they want right now?

Elda7h ago

@InUrFoxHole. Sony started this year with some interesting fun 3rd party exclusives. XB hasn't released anything exclusive so far but Hellblade 2 & that game was a borefest. Next year both platforms will have some interesting games to play.

Reaper22_5h ago

Just because they aren't in 1st place doesn't mean they aren't making money. You clearly don't understand how business works. BMW doesn't sell more than Ford but they are making a lot of money. The gaming industry is huge. Believe it or not there is plenty money to be made.

purple1015h ago

My heart gets heavy when people mention jet set radio, soul calibur

Also on an extreme sports vibe, Dreamcast also had the best version of tony hawks pro skater

There was a bmx game I saw here the other day, instant buy it’s cell shaded. And looked fun, hope the soundtracks good

Zeref4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

That's a whole bunch of nothing when Xbox got more games coming out in the near and long term than both Playstation and Nintendo. But I guess we're just gonna ignore facts and pretend Sony is the end all and be all of the Industry and whatever they do is fine and doesn't deserve questioning at all. Even though we just heard their plan was for most of their games to be live service and only got cut in half because of other failures of live service games. Also forget about the terrible showcase which showed absolutely nothing promising. Concorde turning out to be a live service overwatch/marvel clone. Meanwhile we just got an actual Marvel Overwatch clone. Their main headline title is fucking Astro Bot lol, which will probably be a good game but I doubt it will move any needles.

I guess we're in the bargaining phase with you Playstation fanboys. In the real world, your opinions don't matter. Businesses don't work the way you think they do. Just because they're selling less consoles than Sony doesn't mean they're not making billions. Xbox has more monthly active users than Playstation does btw. The only metric that matters in the real world.


and thats without ABK.


purple1013h ago(Edited 3h ago)

@Zeref, in the first example article you sourced it says

'Our first-party games now have over 150 million monthly active users'

im going to go out on a limb here, my guess is that includes people playing on PC, of which, there are millions of flight sim fans, along with all Bethesda games such as elder scrolls, who m$ just brought to add to their monthly active user scam

how about we compare 34 million gamepass (any tier) subs
to 50 million ps+ (any tier) subs

this shows playsytion has more payers who engage in online multiplayer, as well as more consoles sold to people who play offline, both cases playstation is more popular, so im afraid your moving the goalposts, I can see through like a glass window.

Cacabunga1h ago

B.....bb...but was the lineup crap since "Is Beginning to Hit Its Stride"? I thought you always believed your lineup is unmatched.. herd of liars at this company i have no idea how these people can sleep at night with so much lying

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
just_looken6h ago

Cod is also only a success because every other AAA fps has failed or was dragged out back like old yeller

crazyCoconuts3h ago

For starters, it's not clear if we're talking about Xbox as the console or Xbox as a game publisher "hitting their stride".
Mixed messages as to how exclusive any of the future titles will be to Xbox.
Secondly, just on the game front, MS has had a consistent history of producing stinkers under their watch. Granted they've bought all these studios but statistically speaking unless they've changed dramatically, the quality will probably decrease over time as it has with their other studies. More studios to manage should make their job even harder.
But I do hope they change and surprise me. I really want Indiana Jones and Perfect Dark to be great games...

NotoriousWhiz3h ago

I don't think Microsoft cares anymore about Xbox as a console. Realistically, we could be in a 2 console market next gen, with PC also becoming more popular possibly eclipsing consoles altogether.

crazyCoconuts2h ago

@notorious that's where the mixed messages are coming in. Sometimes it sounds like everything is third party (every screen is an Xbox, clues that the next Xbox will be a PC), and sometimes they act like it's business as usual (Matt saying there will still be exclusives and these Xbox shows still not marketing to PS players).
I'd say they're in some middle ground where they want to have the cake and eat it too. I'd bet that the current momentum will drive then to give up on the hardware but who knows...

Michiel198958m ago

I'm pretty sure that ABK keeps their own leadership, just like bethesda.

1Victor2h ago

In other news Ronald McDonald say Macdonald’s burgers are the best on planet earth

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 58m ago
purple1011d 2h ago

"Is Beginning to Hit Its Stride". I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before


Lightning771d ago

That was back in 2015 when they had some third party exclusives games. Back when it was bad to have third party exclusives. Third party will always dry up unless that's they did (360 days)

Difference is they have their own exclusives now.

purple10121h ago

how about this gem

"Starfield doesn’t deserve this added pressure but it will be the first full-price game that has a chance to change minds about what Xbox is capable of. Initially, in 2021, it felt like Xbox had hit its stride"

1Victor23m ago

@lighting: “That was back in 2015 when they had some third party exclusives games. Back when it was bad to have third party exclusives. Third party will always dry up unless that's they did (360 days)

Difference is they have their own exclusives now.”
Nice oily dodge you did there slick 🤦🏿
Personality I don’t expect anything from MS they have prove way too many times their words are worthless to the point that the shop will give you 3 free just by looking at the sky near the shop 🤷🏿

18h agoReplies(2)
Terry_B8h ago

lol. Just like in the last 10 years...rite? ;)

8h agoReplies(2)
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NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander197220h ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name17h ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander197217h ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

romulus2317h ago

I try to avoid them at all costs, why should we do a cashiers/clerks job without any training and without being paid for it? Comparing people losing their jobs to A.I. to people from the 1800's shooting peas is hilarious, good try though.

just_looken6h ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.