
How Microsoft’s History Will Lead the Scorpio to Failure

Microsoft’s Scorpio is shaping up to be a beast. But this begs the question, will it succeed? Looking at the Xbox One’s glaring failures and mistakes, the Kinect, cost, and this “entertainment center” focus all tied to a singular problem: backpedaling. When Microsoft saw the large number of dissatisfied consumers when they were first unveiling the console – which at the time cost more than the PlayStation 4, they backpedaled. But it doesn’t stop just there, as Microsoft has a weak point that PlayStation has been beating them to for years

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FallenAngel19842632d ago

Calm down now. It's just an iterative console. You don't see people wondering whether New 3DS failed or not since at the end of the day it's still a part of the base console it's a derivative of. Same principle applies to Scorpio.

All that will really matter is how games will be optimized for the console. How well an iterative console sells is irrelevant as long as it works the way it's supposed to.

freshslicepizza2632d ago

the media is often to blame for depicting that we have to have winners and losers only. so i guess if the ps4 pro outsells the xbox scorpio then scorpio has to be the big target as a loser.

phoenixwing2631d ago

I agree with you moldy. I don't think the xbox brand is a failure even though I prefer sony and nintendo over microsoft. Their sales are fine, they just look a little bad in comparison to the leader which was true last gen when the wii was dominating in sales. Microsoft is selling as much or more than they did last generation. So basically they're doing fine sales wise.

GtR35olution2631d ago

History proves that the playstation console of every generation garners the most exclusive titles and the most diverse and highly rated exclusive titles. This has been truth for the past 20 years but for some reason history doesnt mean much to some. The xbox brand isnt as big as the playstation brand around the world and no matter what microsoft wants to do it just wont be as big as the playstation brand in the video gaming space. Outside of the US the xbox brand is seen as substandard when compared to the playstation brand. In order for xbox to have a chance against playstation it needs a lot of exclusive titles more than whats offered on playstation. Also it needs high production and quality exclusive titles like uncharted 4, tlou (for its generation), horizon zero dawn. The xbox hasnt had any generation defining titles since last generation.

ShadowKnight2631d ago

The PS4 pro and Nintendo Switch will outsell the Scorpio regardless.

Highlife2631d ago

I prefer Sony you may prefer xbox or Nintendo or whatever who the hell cares enjoy what what want have fun be entertained isn't that the point. So much wasted energy taking shots and defending

Captain_Tom2631d ago


The fact is XBOX has been a dumpster fire of wasted money for MS from start to finish.

-XBOX lost 6 Billion
-360 maybe broke even (RROD and Disc-grinder counteracted the LIVE profits)
-X1 has lost money or maybe broken even

So overall XBOX is a net loss. Thus loser.

Ceaser98573612631d ago

Calm down! dont react to every negative articles regarding Scorpio.. The Ps4 pro did face it too and i said it back then to wait and watch since Scorpio will go through the same.. So relax and wait for its release... I hope the design is cool .. The base xbox one is too huge and i thought XBOX S looked amazing.. But since i am thinking about investing on the Scorpio (only if its 499) i didnt bother much about the Xbox S... Till then i am doing great with my PS4 PRO and Xbox 1 ...

zerocarnage2631d ago

i agree moldy n Pheonix.

the windows 10 brand is far from a failure, these idiots don't know what they're talking about. Sure they didn't sell as many consoles as another developer, but you can see what's happening here, anybody remotely sonyFboy is giving bad press and getting on a hate train to try and derail scorpio success.

Obviously there worried about scorpio success or they'd all keep there mouths shut, it's a joke n half in how fanboys,people who are paid by the opposition and critics go off.

In my eyes good-looking to them all and Nuff respect, i don't feel the need to hate on any of them, i have respect for the developers of this industry and been fortunate enough to play own but a few consoles

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2631d ago
2631d ago
2631d ago Replies(5)
ZeroX98762631d ago

damage was done when the Xbox One first came out. Lately, they've been correcting lots of problems the initial release had. I think all those changes are for the better in the long run.

Phill-Spencer2631d ago (Edited 2631d ago )

Damage already was done with 360 by rrod and the early drop of support with games a long time before the gen ended. That already warned gamers that microsoft's efforts just seem to aren't enough when it comes to the xbox brand. the tv focus and the other negatives of the reveal were only the final nails in x1's coffin. From the beginning it all didn't really scream "we have learned from our mistakes so this time we make it better!"

Nu2631d ago

Microsoft needs to buy development studios left and right and pump out games like the easter bunny.

Captain_Tom2631d ago

I mean the question is if you consider the X1 a success.

I don't, and thus I think the Scorpio won't be either.

bluefox7552631d ago

I'm sure it does matter to Microsoft how well it sells.

Shubhendu_Singh2631d ago

Thank you for introducing some sense.

Scorpio and Pro were not a make or break console. Everybody knew Pro won't / can't outsell PS4, and the same goes for Scorpio. PS4 and XB1 are still where the real jam is, and the trend set by them till now will continue to deepen till the gen ends.

nicsaysdie2630d ago

You can't seriously be trying to compare Scorpio to the new 3ds. It's apples and oranges. Nintendo will always have support, because of their exclusives, which apparently don't matter to the hard-core Xbox fans. No one was ever worried about how well Nintendo and the new 3ds would do. The same can not be said of Scorpio and Microsoft. Also, Nintendo has throngs of people clamoring for their exclusives to the point where they become system sellers. Again, the same can not be said (to the same extent) for Microsoft. Finally. There were games that were only playable on the new 3ds that took advantage of the upgraded hardware. The same can't be said of Microsoft, because of parity with Xone. I personally think it's a bad position to put themselves in by releasing a console iteration so vastly superior to it's core, because if they release exclusive Scorpio content they will alienate the Xone players, but if they don't they may alienate the Scorpio adopters. Nintendo survives on their exclusives. In recent years Microsoft has seemed not to care as much, and is focusing on third party support. Sony seems to be doing well on both fronts. In short, don't compare Scorpio to the new 3ds, they couldn't be more different. But I do agree that people should calm down.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2630d ago
Lennoxb632632d ago

At first I read "Why I want Microsoft and the Scorpio to fail." Well... It might as well have been.

thekhurg2631d ago

In a sea of "Scorpio will save the gaming industry" articles that have popped up, there's always going to be a polar opposite article in the mix. All of them are ignorant. Scorpio is going to release, Xbox fans are going to buy it, and nothing will change in terms of this generations development focus and fanbases.

LordJamar2630d ago

where is the scorpio will save the gameing industry articles none of those exist its either blind fanboy bait topics like these or just plain hate topics or skeptical topics there is no scorpio will save anything topics

t look at the front page "no one ask for scorpio", "how Microsoft will lead the scorpio to failure" "play station 4 still a scorpio slayer" none of that is positive

meka26112630d ago

Lol what sea of articles of saving the industry. All I see on n4g is articles saying how much it's gonna suck. Are sony fans so insecure to have this level of hate before the damn console even comes out.

2631d ago
SaveFerris2632d ago

I see some parallels between the Scorpio and the original Xbox, when it launched a year or so after the PS2. While being more powerful, the PS2 was quite well established as the market leader. It will be interesting to see what happens for the remainder of this gen. as it will no doubt have an impact on future games console development.

2631d ago
phoenixwing2631d ago

I really have no interest in the pro or the scorpio. I have my ps4 system and a backlog of games. I'll only give a hoot when the ps5 is announced. Still have yet to buy myself a 4k tv even. I went games over new tv for now.

GrubsterBeater2631d ago

Same here. I'm thinking about getting a 4K T.V. next year when the price is nice, but right now I have no need for anything stronger than my PS4 and it's gigantic selection of games, and my huge backlog.

2631d ago
2cents2631d ago


So much salt in the air, must be a storm coming...

Krysis2631d ago

Not really, it was a childish statement. Congratulation for stooping to his and every other fanboys level from both sides in here.

Bathyj2631d ago

Congratulations on elevating yourself to the moral high ground.

Markusb332631d ago

Funny thing is when I'm playing on my ps4 I don't give Nintendo or xb players a single thought as I'm playing and enjoying a game, this must be the same for xb and Nintendo gamers.

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