
Xbox Scorpio: All The Power But None Of The Exclusives To Sell It

Microsoft's revealed it's Xbox Scorpio hardware - but ScreenCritics Shaun remains unconvinced by the company's failure to address other issues.

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Neonridr2667d ago

This reveal was never about games. It was about the hardware. Let's at least wait until what we see at E3 before we label anything prematurely.

skydragoonityx2667d ago

You can defend it all you want, but the scorpio has no exclusives and that is a stonecold fact. All that power will be spent staring at the dashboard sadly

green2667d ago

You have never seen the console, the console has not been released, no announcement has been made about its future lineup apart from what we know that Sea of Thieves and Crackdown are coming.

"stonecold fact"..more like alternative facts to me.

freshslicepizza2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

"All that power will be spent staring at the dashboard sadly"

really? so when you play gran turismo sport on your ps4 pro not in true 4k and with no dynamic weather what are you goint to be saying to scorpio owners who are playing forza in 4k, 16x af, perfect 60fps, dynamic weather and at least 16 cars onscreen? you going to come back with a witty remark you have some uber windows 10 pc now? great, now your ps4 is only being used for exclusives, lets see how long sony survives while everyone transforms into pc gamers. and that gran turismo sport isn't going to be getting an upgrade on the pc either. so you can thank microsoft for giving you choices, a low level console, a high end console, or the pc.

you wont be laughing when all you 7.5 million ps4 owners who bought fallout 4 wake up and realize that vr wont be playable on your ps4 or ps4 pro thanks to sony and their commitment no ps4 pro can have any exclusive content because we all know the regular ps4 will struggle getting that to run in vr mode.

there is also over 1,100 xbox one games getting scorpio support along with over 350 xbox 360 games (scorpio will get the same games the xbox one gets). but go ahead and think ps4 owners only play exclusives.

Deep-throat2667d ago


Dude MS and thirdparty devs will use its POWAH without hesitation. Xbox and PC fans are winning, since we both will enjoy the newest techs.

Ashlen2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


Well... to be fair all the highest rated games this year have been PS4 exclusives. And many of which has gone on to sell very well (millions). And global software sales this year so far have been extremely in favor of PS4 with three times as many sales. It's not simply about how much one game sells there is a larger picture.

As for the VR thing... There is no reason they couldn't have programmed PSVR for FO4, they chose not too.
I mean I wouldn't rule out the typical Bethesda not wanting to work with Sony/throwing them under the bus that they have been notorious for since way back to PS3. They never code properly for PlayStation products and they never give PlayStation products proper updates ect.

Insert witty remark: Yes My PS4 is only for exclusives. I have literally every multiplat on Steam since the start of the gen. The only two games I have on PS4 that were also on PC are Assassins Creed Black Flag which I only got because when PS4 launched they had a buy 2 get 1 free deal and Nier Automata, and that one is complex, I got 20% off from BB gamers club on PS4 and I didn't want to buy the Denuvo version that Steam was selling.


If you have a 4k PC why would you buy a Scorpio?

Artemidorus2667d ago

Work for Microsoft with that statement?

Otherwise you don't know anything.

XStation4pio_Pro2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

you just don't know that. nobody does except ms. nobody knows what scorpio is going to launch with. Nobody even knows the price or what it looks like. 2016 is not a wrapper for the perpetuity of the xbox brand in terms of exclusives. licensing deals, purchases of IP, r and d etc are all fluid states. MS isn't stupid. They know they need exclusives, but at the end of the day, exclusives are the minority of anyones game library AND of the entirety of available games to purchase. third party support is also critical for success (just look at the wii u debacle) and MS has plenty of third party support.

Even without as many exclusives as Sony, Scorpio will still run multiplatform games better. It will be the definitive console version for the majority of games released beyond exclusives - of which i have a strong feeling MS is going to announce stuff that people don't even know is coming. even if the games aren't patched for scorpio they will still run better because all of the power is there to use, which is different than the ps4 pro. They wouldn't build so much hyper around a new console launch just to play forza 6 at a higher rez.

Do you honestly think that if someone had the opportunity to play red dead redemption 2 at 1800p/30 HDR or at 2160p/60 HDR with more visual upgrades nobody would take that opportunity?? anyone that bought a ps4 pro would apparently in theory, cuz they did the same thing over 1080p. I am one of them. Anyone who made the argument that ps4 ran multiplatform games better than xbox should care because their primary arguments were performance/resolution... remember resolution-gate? . . I will definitely be buying Scorpio.

LexHazard792667d ago

Defend it I will...
Bunch of self entitled righteous gamers...
I mean how much were they suppose to show in a 15 min. Spec analysis?

Not to mention they said no game announcements. E3 Xbox has more time to showcase games when they show us the actual console..

I just find it funny that the xbox hateful bunch with no intentions of getting a Scorpio because they can play Xbox games on PC are up arms cause no games were shown. Smh...

The 10th Rider2667d ago


"Well... to be fair all the highest rated games this year have been PS4 exclusives."

Incorrect. Breath of the Wild is the highest rated game of the gen and it's not a PS4 game.

zb1ftw7772667d ago

The Xbox One has a tremendous library.

Most of them aren't exclusives. Just like the PS4 and PS4PRO.

Speaking of which, how many exclusives does the ps4pro have? Zero?

"Stonecold" facts are fun ;) xx

GrubsterBeater2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


He's talking about multiple exclusives, and Breath of the Wild is one multiplat, you ignoramus. Zelda always gets the highest scores possible regardless of any issues it has. It is an amazing game, but still. By the way, I thought metacritic scores meant nothing to you guys?

XanderZane2667d ago

You're delusional. Phil already said there would be more XB1/Scorpio exclusives in the future. These are games that won't be on the PC. So please take you "stonecold fact" and shove it where the sun don't shine. There are still XB1 exclusives that exist like Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Halo 5, Crimson Dragon, D4, FM5 & 6, Powerstar Golf, Rare Replay, Halo MCC, etc.. More will be on the way.

Ashlen2667d ago


"I mean how much were they suppose to show in a 15 min. Spec analysis?"

They didn't have to show the games there. They could have been talking about games for months. Yes they may have more games to show at E3 other than the games they have already talked about, but I highly doubt they have anything that will be out this year other than what they have already talked about.

And it doesn't take away from the number of games that Sony has already release so far this year and the number of games we already know are in the works and are likely to release later this year. And given Sony's history it's EXTREMELY unlikely that they aren't going to show a whole slew of new games that will be coming out next year and beyond at E3.

Does Microsoft have games... yes. Do they have the number and variety of games that Sony has? Not even close.

johndoe112112667d ago

Moldy, the only way you'll be playing forza like that on the Scorpio is if they make it a Scorpio exclusive. If they do that then they will be crapping on the entire Xbox one user base. So either they dumb it down to make it compatible with the xbox one or they go all out and make it a Scorpio exclusive. Which one are you going to support moldy?

Goldby2667d ago


1) they havent had a forza game running on the scorpio at "60fps and 4k resolution. they tested the scorpio on an in engine build of the game. so we still don't know whether forza will be 4k perfect 60fps. it will most likely be that high, but there are no facts yet about an actual game being used on the scorpio yet.

All this talk about fallout VR yet you always fail to mention the VR for gran turismo sport. selective memory or just bias?

2) theere isn't over 1100 xbox games, the MS site itself has less than 1000, so where are you getting that information?

christocolus2667d ago


Lmao. Back to "xbox got no gamezzz" XD. I will be buying project Scorpio and I'm sure many others will. Xbox fans have been playing games on the console since 2013 and all the talk of no gamez is something you guys have made up in your heads. There are exclusive Xbox games coming out later this year, they may not interest you and your kind but it doesn't change the fact that there are games coming to the system. Keep fighting the good fight though. Lol

The 10th Rider2667d ago


Lol, you guys are so salty. I was merely pointing out that the statement that *all* highest rated exclusive games this year are PS4 games is factually incorrect. That's indisputable.

I said nothing about metacritic not mattering to me.

Also, did you call Breath of the Wild a multiplatform game because it's also on Wii U? If that's the case then Persona 5 and Neir aren't exclusives either.

morganfell2666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )


Exactly. No generation is or has ever been about power. Look at the Pro in February the month prior to Horizon's launch. This should be a lesson to everyone raving about Scorpio: https://www.amazon.com/gp/b...

Exclusives to a console line matter and to a particular console matter.

PC gamers haven't even begun to rip into Scorpio for making certain claims. There are already rumblings at reddit and that will soon happen. Scorpio will have a few months of good sales but the novelty wears off without absolute exclusives and I mean to that unit only. The console will be at least $499 and that will halt a lot of purchasers right there. MS fell for the power feint instead of investing in games and studiosand it will cost them dearly.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
Rude-ro2667d ago

It's a mid gen iteration... ie there is a console that has been ot for 3+ years and is suppose to live along side it and people still say wait till e3? For what?
Are all you saying that Microsoft was so incompetent with their own hardware that they could not make games?
So are they not coming to the Xbox one?
Are we waiting for 3rd party titles to be announced as exclusives while we get yet another forza and halo?
30 + years in the business and fans STILL have to say "wait till..."

Neonridr2667d ago

I am merely referring to those who were expecting some sort of games announcement. That was never the point to this reveal. Sure MS still has a big hill to climb to win back gamers since they need to show that they have more than a couple of good games that they can develop.

But starting off with a very powerful machine that will let devs do a lot more than what they can do now is a step in the right direction at least.

2667d ago
Rude-ro2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

"why would you want MS to emulate/copy Sony"
Because they are in the gaming business?
If they are not emulating, then they monopolizing. Pure and simple.
Now, let's say they are just making a gaming console and no longer make games. They do not monopolize third party games or exclusive content and do not rub in numbers like last gen or "where to play the best version", but just providing hardware... than great.

But Microsoft is literally built upon marketing. It is the core of their founder... it is millions upon millions of dollars of invented research and development. That is their core of who they are.

People(gamers), need to have faith that Microsoft is bringing something to the gaming world rather than a machine that attracts third party developers in order to hurt their competitors.
Competition is good, if it is two or more companies providing products that they made to cater to what is they are involved in...
Not to try to lock down what many other companies have helped build.

djplonker2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


Lol what happened to the moldy that was port begging for ps4 exclusives (you know the things that sell consoles and are NOT on pc) only a few weeks ago?

A pc will run xbox games better than the xbox or scorpio including your precious forza that will probably not even chart.... again.

But fh4 the year after is going to be great am I right?

ShadowKnight2667d ago

We waited for 4 years and still nothing new 😅

Kribwalker2667d ago

Really? Your ignorance is starting to show

ShadowKnight2667d ago

I'm glad you feel that way. Just stating facts

_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

Buddy I feel like people have been waiting for E3 for several years , don't you realize nothing is actually going to happen? How long does it take this company to plan a series of games for? The entire generation?

I agree that clearly E3 to hold some answers but I'm just not holding my breath simply because they haven't even done the moves in regards to acquisition to really show that they even have a number of teams to make a great arsenal of games the majority of Studios Microsoft has left are devoted to key specific properties that are established that we know will continue to get milk to death.

Unless they're telling us 343, Coalition games , Turn 10 are all making brand new intellectual properties it's actually doubtful we're going to see anything Brand New by this company because it would beg to question by who? What team would they even have left to create something brand-new that's even of a high caliber?

Their best teams all make the same things regurgitated.

Neonridr2667d ago

yep.. sadly the best MS games are franchises that are either annualized (Forza) or come too few and far between (Gears, Halo). That leaves not much for anything else.

Things can always change though.. And it's never too late.

_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

@neo-I agree things could definitely change but it would take such a long number of years for them to restructure their Studios to start making a whole bunch of new properties I believe if Microsoft ever intended to do something like this you would have saw it before the generation even started because of how long it takes for games to be developed in the first place it is very clear based on what we see right now but this company had no real intentions of making any big new properties

Maybe they could start purchasing more teams and start development on games we might see Next Generation to properly compete with Sony.

rainslacker2667d ago

They'll likely rely on 2nd party to fill out new IP's.

I'd imagine they were hunting for some with that trip to Japan, and I'd assume that they have at least one that no one knows about already close to release.

Foxhound9222667d ago

You're holding out for E3? That seems to be the go to mantra for Xbox fans. Do people assume they have loads of unannounced exclusives from unannounced developers? Are these developers going to suddenly announce and release these mystery games this year? I hate to burst people's bubble, but when has MS had an exclusive blowout? Get your expectations in check.

christocolus2667d ago


"This reveal was never about games. It was about the hardware"

No need trying to explain that to these folk. The Scorpio reveal was great and there's obviously nothing to complain about so it's back to "xbox got no gamezz" lol

King_Lothric2667d ago

And yet, there are many other labeling the Xbox Scorpio as the console to dominate the market so I don't get it, for some things, people have to wait but for dreaming about dominance of the market, then is OK to say things about that.

rainslacker2667d ago

Never would have thought to wait to E3. Wonder why I never heard that wisdom expressed before. If all we had to do was wait until E3 to resolve this matter, then it would have been resolved 3 years ago, then 2 years ago, then last year.

Sorry, if "wait for E3" is becoming the Xbox equivalent of the boy who cried wolf.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
SourtreeDing2667d ago

MS just doesnt pump out games like Sony does.. i cant get excited for an awesome hardware with no games to play on it..
wait yull be able to play older/BC games on higher res and fps. lol i feel like thats all xbox consumers can do and they are okay with that.
i guess we will have to wait for another E3 for MS to showcase crap, like they did last yr.. when they promised games and ther wasnt much..

guess this will be another yr of opinion articles assuming this is the YR Xbox takes over PS4

freshslicepizza2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

"i cant get excited for an awesome hardware with no games to play on it."

when are you guys going to stop repeating the same old crap? the xbox one has over 1,100 games and over 350 xbox 360 games available. if you are a ps4 owner, which is obvious by your ignorant comment about no games, then scorpio will allow you the best possible console hardware to play those hundreds and hundreds of ps4 games you guys keep buying that are also on the xbox one. scorpio is also likely to support vr and will offer a smoother experience thanks to much higher brute force power. there is also over 100 games that the ps4 doesn't get like the fabulous forza horizon 3 racing game and many more coming like sea of thieves, crackdown 3 and state of decay 2

SourtreeDing2667d ago

off topic:
if the Destiny haters can still comment after 3 yrs " ppl still play this" i can deff keep repeating that.
Back on topic:
the funny thing is i OWN an Xbox one atm and i Do Not have a PS4 atm! shocking right. i will be getting a PS4 PRO when bundles come out.
I guess youre the fanboy in this situation here buddy i was stating facts, ther are no games im not here to suck up to Sony or MS like youre doing..
even GAME INFORMER says MS has no games!! Starts at 5:30 - 5:45 https://www.youtube.com/wat... what you gonna say they are Sony fanboys lol they dont have an XBOX1

and heres my GT: Desperadoo XYBA if you dont believe me

synistatha12667d ago

Give me 5 system selling games on Xbox right now that is not halo gears or forza and I'll go buy one right now and I'm talking exclusives

81BX2667d ago

they won't stop. That's what haters do. They hate. Sony gets hate too just not nearly as much a MS this gen. My brother in law is a huge Sony fan. His 1st comment to me was " not as strong as I thought it would be". Most predictable comments in relation to scorpio...
1. No games
2. I can play those "No games" on PC too
3. Hardware isn't as strong as we thought
4. Ps5 will drop in 2018 anyway

BlakHavoc2667d ago

Its possible that Scorpio will end up being where 3rd party games look and run best, but you're fooling yourself if you think devs are going to be building their games from the ground up for it. Honestly that's the only way you're really going to see this things power being fully utilized, a bunch of games running in Native 4K and 60 fps are only going to matter to a small portion of ppl. If you pay attention at all you'd know the average person that games doesn't even know what any of that means except for maybe a 4K display. The pro is inferior on paper, but I feel as though where it counts, which is how games will look comparatively side by side, there won't be a big enough difference to matter. I'm sure it'll sell plenty, but if you're expecting MS to gain ground on Sony you're in for a rude awakening.

Razzer2667d ago

No games isn't true. Far fewer games? Absolutely. PS4 has 3 times as many exclusives as X1. Also 3 times as many console exclusives. The X1 selection simply pales in comparison. You can keep screeching 1,100 games all you want, but Xbox One is being left out in the cold time and time again. If this year, when PS4 is getting exclusives over and over from third parties, isn't enough to make Xbox fans say "WTF, Microsoft?"...... then they deserve what they get.

ger23962667d ago

They didn't have to announce any exclusives, they could have shown a new ip running on the new hardware as a teaser. That would have been enough to hold people until e3.

Highlife2667d ago

@moldy you are a delusional fantard. Happens every generation with xbox they front load all their games and then have nothing for long spells they just don't have the 1st party studios that Sony has and that's fact. Is Scorpio more powerful sure happy for you but when it comes to games PlayStation crushes xbox. You can't say otherwise. But keep your fanboy goggles on it suits you.

ShadowKnight2667d ago

Everything you mention will do better on my PC. I think PC/PS4 is all you really need this generation tbh if you can afford it.

Goldby2667d ago

"when are you guys going to stop repeating the same old crap?"

yet you alway repeat the same old crap that actually isnt factual. xbox one doesn't have over 1100 games, MS own store for xbox one games is less than 1000

freshslicepizza2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

"Its possible that Scorpio will end up being where 3rd party games look and run best, but you're fooling yourself if you think devs are going to be building their games from the ground up for it."

why do they have to build games from the ground up? a game like mass effect andronema already has those 4k assets, it's just a matter of porting it over. scorpio will also boost the xbox one library which will also fix screen tearing and other things. microsoft is going game by game, sony took a much easier approach.

"Honestly that's the only way you're really going to see this things power being fully utilized, a bunch of games running in Native 4K and 60 fps are only going to matter to a small portion of ppl."

so small that sony built a ps4 pro right? sony and microsoft know 4k is coming, most tv's now are 4k at retail and next year that ratio will be 80% in favor of 4k tv's for sale.

"If you pay attention at all you'd know the average person that games doesn't even know what any of that means except for maybe a 4K display. The pro is inferior on paper, but I feel as though where it counts, which is how games will look comparatively side by side, there won't be a big enough difference to matter. I'm sure it'll sell plenty, but if you're expecting MS to gain ground on Sony you're in for a rude awakening."

you mean those same people who flogged the forums to tell everyone how weak the xbox one system was compared to the ps4? how convenient that power now doesn't matter.

"yet you alway repeat the same old crap that actually isnt factual. xbox one doesn't have over 1100 games, MS own store for xbox one games is less than 1000"

why do you even bother anymore, you just said a couple of days ago sony sold 2 million psvr units.

Goldby2667d ago


and if you look at that comment, i corrected myself.

i made a mistake, and i owned up to it.

are you gonna own up to your mistake you have made about the number of games xbox one has?

" scorpio is also likely to support vr and will offer a smoother experience thanks to much higher brute force power."

the playstation 3 would like to object to that comment.

having brute force is great but it doesn't automatically make everything a smoother experience.
If the games are designed specifically for the scorpio and VR, that is another story, it will be smooth, it will be a great experience. just liek what is being offered on the PSVR

freshslicepizza2667d ago

"are you gonna own up to your mistake you have made about the number of games xbox one has?"


it says 1124 but it also says it includes planned games too not yet released. so are you going to continue to support the notion xbox one has no games?

"it will be a great experience. just liek what is being offered on the PSVR"

you mean the vr set that had to reduce car count and graphical degredation in order to make the game run smooth enough because driveclub was 30fps on release? well if you think the regular ps4 can pull off vr support for fallout 4 i have beachfront property to sell you in nebraska.

Goldby2665d ago


and you would trust Wikipedia over MS website?

at least 80 of those titles are TBA for release dates, and some of them are already dead in the water (Dead Island 2 for example)

Ms website states 981, so you have 981 titles for Xbox. not 1000, not 1100, 981.

Cant change the fact you cant play games that aren't out yet, so you cant use those as reason to own an xbox

"it says 1124 but it also says it includes planned games too not yet released. so are you going to continue to support the notion xbox one has no games? "

clearly by stating it has 981 games im not sayign ti has no games.
Does it need exclusives, hell yes

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2665d ago
trooper_2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

Moldy, you can't even name the 1,000+ games you keep harping about. Where were the games when the XB1 was getting hammered by the competition?

I do hope Scorpio is what it's being hyped up to be.

subtenko2667d ago

well pardon me im still confused, its their next gen or same gen, or next gen, or same gen. So its their newest version of this gen then?

Im not interested in what xbox has to say, I want them to show stuff. This is one company that needs to SHOW instead of just say stuff. Because people like me will just move on every time microsoft has something to say, meanwhile Im looking at what the competition is actually showing at least.

Like you said, where the games at?

Goldby2665d ago


He can't because there isn't 1000+ xbox one games. he's counting from Wikipedia, the site that anyone can alter as his reference. instead of using the official list on Ms own website

gangsta_red2662d ago

You want Moldy to name 1000+ games?

Can anyone prove there isn't 1000+ games for XB1?

subtenko2667d ago

yea this is why I choose PC and PS4 combo. I have the PC if I reaallly cared about the hardware on certain days, but it all comes down to the games (why I have a PS4 and am I hardcore PlayStation fan) Plus most xbox games are on PC anyways so yea..even if they werent im not gonna be missing out on all these nice playstation exclusives.

LexHazard792667d ago

Its ok buddy.. Xbox fans are all laughing at you guys anyways...
All Ive seen is this no games barrage. Still doesnt hide the fact that PS4 Pro got left in the dust. The most powerful console for 5 months. Talking all this shit about Xbox and alot of Sony fans petitioning Sony to hurry with the PS5 to gain back power advantage.😂

Only to be short lived because Scorpio 2 will come like a yr after.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2662d ago
KingKionic 2667d ago

Lol these articles still are coming.There making a absolutely horrible mistake to continue this retort.

Its gonna blow up in peoples faces at E3. We already know Microsoft has games coming at E3


If you dont think tons of third party devs are not working on 4K games after that tech reveal your playing yourself.

subtenko2667d ago

lol these said devs have been working on games, this new iteration of xbox isnt gonna change how microsoft treats xbox unless microsoft themselves change....fat chance (I dont trust them)

KingKionic 2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

How they treat xbox? Are you mad?

There delivering gamers a BEAST of a console!

I dont understand what else people want here who are actually xbox gamers.If your strictly playstation only fine or PC stay there but stop the nonsense about "i dont trust Microsoft".

Like get outta here with that trash. Nobody wanna here your personal issues.

subtenko2667d ago

@KionicWarlord222 well for one thing I havent personally experience all the issues with Microsoft thankfully but i have avoided many of them due to kind people sharing and showing their experiences

here want me to say something bad about sony for you? I wish the vita had more support than the 3ds..there, issues with sony.. so I personally wouldnt be a day 1 buyer of a successor of it

Doabarrelroll2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

This is a problem with you Xbox guys you just assume and jump the bullet, see facts are.You DONT know about whatever MS has at E3, you just assume because of PR from Phil Spencer. Taking everything these CEOS say as facts is something you NEVER do no matter what they do whether it's Sony, MS, Nintendo, always have one eyebrow raised until it actually happens.

You guys are also assuming everyone is just gonna get the Scorpio because of multiplates when
1.You don't know the price which is by far one of the most crucial parts to selling lots of your product. MS could've announced its price yesterday to REALLY build up hype and put a nail to the competition but they didn't do that should raise a flag, don't give me that "their waiting for E3 to do that" crap, they should get as much info on Scorpio out now to save time for games.

2. You don't know how much better the performance is, you got a screenshot not even actual gameplay from a non graphical demanding game running 1080 60 on a standard Xbox not really something to jump up and down for like the second coming, if it was gears of GTA V THEN you'd have a point.

I'll ask you question I just heard form a livestream from a Youtuber what game does MS have that can out graphics TLOU2? Cause from what I've seen nothing comes even close. For all that power if nothing looks good at TLOU2, well I'm sorry that's embarrassing happened with SEGA bs Nintendo in the past and it can happen now

KingKionic 2667d ago

Yikes too much cancer here. I don't understand why no one can't be excited about a system I gotta answer a release form apparently before I can.

gangsta_red2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

"You DONT know about whatever MS has at E3,"

So is it logical to assume that MS will show games at E3 or not? See this is the problem with you Sony guys you just assume that MS will have nothing to show or offer from this point going forward.

"You guys are also assuming everyone is just gonna get the Scorpio because of multiplates when "

So funny to read this over exaggeration. You and others always mistake excitement as some form of over hype then the next step is make a statement you made it up and then apply your strawman in an argument. Who is assuming EVERYONE is going to buy a scorpio for multiplats? Was it the same cats who said they wanted a PS4 to play superior multiplats in 1080p? Or is it just gamers excited for a new mid gen upgrade the same way gamers were pumped for the Neo?

"You don't know how much better the performance is,..."

With the specs given can we make a logical conclusion that the performance will be better than the Xbox One. With the evidence we have of a lot more games running better on PS4 Pro can we conclude with the specs of the Scorpio that games will run better for it? Or are we jumping the gun and we should expect games to run poorly on this system?

"...from a Youtuber what game does MS have that can out graphics TLOU2?"

So not only have we seen TLOU2 in action but we have now seen other games from MS that don't compare all of a sudden...And this is the guy who just SAID don't jump the bullet(?).

And from a Youtuber no doubt, well that makes it extra official.

"For all that power if nothing looks good at TLOU2..."

And if and when it does, then what? What will be your excuse then? What will you come back and say to xbox gamers then?

Death2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

My assumption is hardcore Xbox fans are going to buy Scorpio. Hardcore Playstation fans will not be swayed, but they are not the target audience, Xbox fans are. The enhancements to the existing Xbox One and 360 libraries should be your first hint. No one believes Scorpio will magically turn the sales tide in Microsoft's favor. Sony will continue to be the world leader in sales. Xbox fans will have to be content with the best performing games and all the other features such as Play Anywhere and free backwards compatibility that already released. They won't have forced parity or need to rely on patches from the devs to get 4K support either which is pretty damn nice.

christocolus2667d ago


Lol. All this salt from you guys cos the Scorpio reveal was good? Pls tell me how many games did Sony announce at the Ps4pro reveal event?

Doabarrelroll2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

Typical gangsta red.

Okay for E3 lately MS has not being looking good from a games standpoint or first party stand point and the game cancellations has not been helping them either this FACT cannot be argued.

As for assuming seeing is I've seen Xbox fanboys claim PS4 is irrelevant and even high end PCs are dead now because of Scorpio and people actually agreeing with them is enough no? You do the same for Sony fanboys don't you

I didn't say Scorpio won't be better the pro that's a fact I don't even care, but some are acting like it's gonna be a HUGE difference that kills it, I'm saying wait and see

As for the TLOU2 it's ND all I gotta say nothing else, sorry if listening to a YouTuber who own a high end PC and speaks facts something a lot of xbox guys don't means I shouldn't trust his word even though he didn't say it was factual and it things could change I was just repeating the same question wasn't saying it was factual

It something then does look better than TLOU2 then good job then is that what you wanna hear RED? are you done holding your Xbox?

How am I salty if I didn't give a rats ass during last gen when 360 CLEARLY has better multiplates why would I care now stupid?

Easy way to tell a fanboy is when you offer any skeptism at all they reply with "you salty" did shut up you sound like your twelve

Here's a better question how many games has MS announced and released Lately and that were actually good?

gangsta_red2667d ago

Typical Gangsta_Red, lol you know you're in for a treat when someone starts their comment with that.

"Okay for E3 lately MS has not being looking good from a games"

Last E3 for MS was horrible but the one(s) before that were good. Of course maybe not to you since your preference is obviously Sony. Which is funny since I could write a whole paragraph of once again a Sony gamer being "concerned" for all xbox gamers.

"I've seen Xbox fanboys claim PS4 is irrelevant..."

Yea, and I can list off what I've seen Sony fanboys do also. But what's you excuse for people actually being excited for the Scorpio? Why is it that excitement for a console somehow translates into jumping the bullet?

I mean do you not see this? That you and others always seem to jump down the throats of anyone who is excited for anything upcoming that is not Sony related. No one can be anticipate, be excited or speak on Scorpio or any upcoming Xbox games without you or others claiming they're 'overhyping" or giving in to PR. You even named dropped TLOU 2 without seeing one inch of gameplay, but you get on someone for doing the same with Scorpio.

"...but some are acting like it's gonna be a HUGE difference that kills it, I'm saying wait and see..."

And this bothers you...why? This is what makes me laugh, you are basically mad at others excitement. This is the very definition of salt.

"YouTuber who own a high end PC and speaks facts..."

Well that is a convincing argument. Because any and all Youtubers who own a high end PC always speaks fact. I know people who own a high end PC and post to Wiki, those are always facts right?

"As for the TLOU2 it's ND all I gotta say nothing else,"


"...are you done holding your Xbox?"

Would it be better if i waited after you to take PS4 from behind?

Doabarrelroll2667d ago

Gangsta I was talking about games in generals Xboxs last three E3s have all been good in their own way no one can argue that but game wise lately has been a lot to be desired. Q1 this year is proof.

I didn't know rebutting outlandishs statements from fans and fanboys counts as jumping down on people's excitement, (even though I believe I'm pretty fair compared to most people here or are you saying I'm like overlord on this site) you do the same when Sony fanboys say something outlandish and stupid without proof I guess you jump down peoples throats as well. Doesn't mean I'm salty or mad like I said I don't care last gen and I don't care now

I'm sorry that ND has proven themselves Time and time again that instantly trusting them like Rockstar and instantly believe in TLOU2 will look amazing is laughable, if only MS could do the same I guess trusting that forza will be good every year is laughable too huh?

Maybe I'll take the PS4 out when you stop shoving it in your Xbox. I can make jokes that a ten year old would say too.

gangsta_red2667d ago

No Doabarrelroll, going to have to disagree, I am not like you,
I don't get MAD at a person's genuine excitement.

"I didn't know rebutting outlandishs statements from fans and..."

What was so outlandish in Kionic's comment? What did he say that you felt the need to rebuttal his statement?

"I can make jokes that a ten year old would say too."

Meeeeh, you still have a couple of more years to go before you reach that 10 year old level.

Goldby2667d ago

"I don't understand why no one can't be excited about a system"
its not the system that people are having issues with.

Its MS and they way they treat their brand.
The Xbox division is playing catch up. alot of catch up, there's no denying that. what they are denying though, through their actions, not their words, is what they feel is the issue.

The Xbox one was the weakest out of the gate in 2013 between that and the PS4.
But i'm not just talkign about power. i'm talking about brand identity, support, message towards the audience, ways to attract new consumers and games.

They ahve fixed alot of them with some of the things Phil has set in motion. The Play anywhere, while making and Xbox less attractive for some, has opened up a bigger audience for MS.
Game pass is another benifit for new gamers. while they are buildign up their own library, they have alot to choose from.
unfortunately though, their messaging towards their core audience doesn't always line up with what they are doing as a business.
They speak about putting gamers first, and being all about the gamers, yet for one reason or another, decided to cancel some of their biggest ips that were to be released, some all ready playable through betas and early access.
While their system wasn't the strongest power wise, Ms chose to focus on just that to fix their problem, attract people with numbers and by how much more powerful it is over the competition. terms like "True 4k" are already being used by certain gamers because apparently, a resolution of 4k isn't enough now... it needs to be true 4k, what ever the F*ck that means. they use terms like that to make themselves distinct from their competators. and in some cases they just tradmark the term so no one else can use it. classic example is the "Hemi" on chrysler vehicles. they don't create actual Hemi combustion motors anymore, but slap that name to add curb appeal.

4k is 4k,

back to the issue. Whiel Ms focuses on power with the Scoprio, hoping that will bring the games to them, it is the games that Ms needs to focus on, and not 3rd party exclusives. they need 1st party games that are going to push that console. something more than the Gears, Halo or Forzas. now i am not saying there are no games. they have games in the pipeline, but they need to announce them, let the audience know about the plans they have. and even if a game make get 70s for ratings, release the games. work with the developers instead of just dropping them. if they need help, MS should be helping them, Sony is doing that, why cant MS?

Hopefully, the Scorpio is a "fresh start" for Ms and they focus on pumping out great games, or else all they have done is create a more expensive version of a console they are already having difficulty selling.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2667d ago
_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

Yes we all know they're going to have a bunch of third party games but third party games is not having them out sell the PlayStation 4 so....

People are asking where Microsoft games are there not just talking about games and general by Third parties or companies that are not Microsoft...

The_Sage2667d ago

Boy you sure do talk good n stuff. You must be really really edumicated good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2667d ago
WellyWonka2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

Exclusives are like 20% of it, Third parties are FAR more important. You get the third parties running better on your system with less issues in development you will do well. 360 and ps4 have shown this NOT exclusives, if you genuinely think most people brought a ps4 for it's exclusives rather than the fact it was a better piece of equipment for less cost then your stupid. That is what matters. Because at the end of the day people play third parties MORE and play them way more regularly so if they perform better then that is where most people go because they are what drives the consoles. Exclusives are just bonuses as great as they can be.

_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

Exclusives at this point is the only thing that's going to get their system selling because you have to understand that yes third parties are important but when the majority of the installed base has chosen the PlayStation 4 simply continuously having third party is not going to suddenly make you sell better.

I mean your own argument is kind of suggesting that it's kind of already over for a lot of consumers in regards to choosing the system to play their third parties on because PlayStation 4 is clearly going to play Everything while also having a series of games that won't be on Xbox one so at the end of the day it's not just about third-party games it's about a lot of games PERIOD!

WellyWonka2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

right because better looking games and performing games on average wont interest anyone at all. Please people. The ps4 success comes ultimately from being the better hardware for a reasonable price. Not saying the Scorpio will be a reasonable price but it will be the best console on the market which means a lot. Plus the price was a good portion of why the ps4 has succeeded. Anyone with a brain was always going to buy the better hardware for less. Nothing to do with exclusives really.

_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

@Well- "right because better looking games and performing games on average wont interest anyone at all"

It does and has........on PC.

Also, I'm sure it will look great on 4k, the issue is I don't think its going to be THAT much better then the PS4 Pro's 4K. I don't think many will be able to tell and I just don't think many will care that much if the trade off its LESS GAMES.

So even if you want your games in 4k or even 4K "checkerboard", PS4 Pro makes more sense then Scorpio based on your getting less games with MS then with Sony.

I mean...good luck playing Horizon or Days Gone in 4K on Scorpio or PC. THAT is the reason why this might not matter as much as you might think.

It only applies to 3rd party games and I don't see them being that much of a night and day from PS Pro as you have to consider, how many developer you really think would spend MORE TIME on a system that has LESS units in terms of development time for those fancy updates? Even if better, would it be noticeable? Would it be worth LESS games?

I'd rather play Destiny 2 in 4k on PS4 Pro even if it isn't native and still have Horizon, Yakuza Zero, Nier, Persona 5 etc. I'm sorry but the slight bump is just not worth the HUGE trade off of content. Most will realize this if they haven't already.

"The ps4 success comes ultimately from being the better hardware for a reasonable price"

And having more games by Sony......and Japanese support......

"Plus the price was a good portion of why the ps4 has succeeded."


PS3 outsold 360 EVEN at a higher price......try again.

"Nothing to do with exclusives" LMFAO!

YES, has NOTHING to do with the games that can ONLY be found on 1 system /s

What ever helps you sleep at night bud. Its hard to consider getting and XONE or even a Scorpio when I already own a gaming PC and MS is putting all their games on PC..........

But nope, exclusives don't matter right bro?

WellyWonka2667d ago

Yes the ps3 did outsell the 360 but if you use your brain you would know that prices go down after 6 years and usually after that sort of time people just get both, the amount of people I know who just had both by the end of last gen was pretty much everyone...

You people making it out as if Sony are some kind of gods when all they really did was not make some horrendously stupid mistakes like MS did with the xbone launch/reveal. Then all they did was wait for the one's price and then cut in underneath it with better hardware that is ultimately why it has done so well. Yes exclusives have helped but at the end of the day it is ALWAYS third parties that people play more and if one system outperforms the other similarly priced products then you buy it. That is what the ps4 has done.

Japanese support don't care personally.
I agree 100% that this gen the ps4 has had the better exclusives, your stupid not to. However those games are played once then never again by most people.

Nothing wrong with putting xbox games on PC when a huge portion of people will have windows and buy it to play the games its a win win...

Also your making it out as if there is 0 xbox games that are any good. Once again that perception is 100% wrong. Plus most of those games aren't movie games that are pretty much given a free pass to high scores and awards these days.

So your saying you didn't buy your ps4 because it was cheaper than the xbox? Better hardware than the xbox? Overall better running games?

Or you still going to say "better exclusives"...

I also guarantee that the games you play regularly are more than likely third party along with literally everyone else.

Liqu1d2667d ago

Why did 80+ million buy a PS3? It certainly wasn't for better performing multiplats.

WellyWonka2667d ago

ye after how many years? The 360 was the console to have at the start and ALWAYS had the better ONLINE and the better performing third parties. The ps3 was the console to have towards the end of the gen and by that time most people just had both.

Liqu1d2667d ago

You didn't answer the question. If multiplats were better on 360 and online was better then why did 80+ million buy a PS3?

WellyWonka2667d ago

I just said... PS3 kicked into gear later in its lifecycle, most people started having BOTH consoles which is why they both sold well. It's a fact that the 360 had better performing multiplat games. Ever see how skyrim ran on ps3? And the 360 online was a million times better if you don't believe that then I don't honestly know what to say unless you never actually had live back then as it was quite clearly the better place to play online games.

Liqu1d2666d ago

Exclusives were a big part of why the PS3 sold what it did. Sony provided incredible games that could only be bought on PS3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2666d ago
Death2667d ago

The disagrees show how worried some people are which is silly at best. Game sales back up what you are saying. The best selling games are third parties and they make up the bulk of game sales.

Goldby2665d ago

and Gasoline makes up the bulk of purchases after you buy a car, it doesnt me the type of gas you use is what sells the cars. how it uses the gas may effect a purchase but it wont be the final decision maker.

The features that are on the vehicle are what sell it. if not, they wouldn't bother mentioning things like side view heated mirrors, or silver caps for nitrogen in the tires, or size of the motor.

christocolus2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

Exactly. No matter how much they downplay Scorpio. Exclusives will look and play much better on it. Its the fact and no amount of whining will change it. The reveal must have gone really great if not we wouldn't see these many PSfans trying so hard to downplay the console. Lol. I'm just waiting for a price reveal now.

WellyWonka2667d ago

Why is it ALWAYS the Sony/PS fans that get butt hurt it's complete fact. The majority of BIG third party games OUTSELL exclusives and continue to have playerbases FAR longer than exclusives on consoles anyway. If you wanna fight over exclusives then PC has the ps4 trumped in terms of exclusives that have succeeded and have big player bases after 10+ years. So please feel free to keep thinking that PS exclusives are the best. Come back when you hear that millions of people still play uncharted 4 5 years down the line. Oh wait.

THIRD PARTIES are the key.

_-EDMIX-_2667d ago

"THIRD PARTIES are the key." Yes folks, the same games coming to everyone else is key, not the game that can only be found on 1 system giving it a advantage to the consumer /s

Razzer2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

Are you under the impression that PS4 doesn't get these third party games as well? Not sure what your point is

King_Lothric2667d ago

That's not true and you only saying that to accommodate your opinion in favor to the Xbox and not based in facts.

For example. If Xbox is loosing in sales, then you will say sales does not matter but if Xbox is winning in sales, you will say sales are very important.

rainslacker2667d ago

Realistically, there are a lot of factors that go into what makes a system successful, particularly when in comparison to a competiting console. It's never really just exclusives, just power, just price, or "best place to play". It''s typically a combination of all those factors. Ultimately though, games do tend to be a predominate reason people choose one system over another. The kicker though is that what weighs the most will be different between one person to the next.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2665d ago
Matology2667d ago ShowReplies(3)
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