
Take A Moment To Remember One Of The Best April Fools' Gaming Hoaxes Of All Time

It was 1992 and print was still alive and well with most people relying on monthly magazines for their gaming info. As a result, a joke about a secret Street Fighter character called Sheng Long spread world wide. 25 years later, it’s time we poured one out for all those tortured souls who went looking for him in vain.

THamm2672d ago

Greatest April fools joke of all time. When we were first introduced to photoshop. Good times

XanderZane2671d ago

Yeah, I had the magazine as well and thought it was real for a long time. It was a nice piece of lore that actually made some sense and could have been true if Capcom made it to be.

2671d ago Replies(1)
gangsta_red2671d ago

The absolute best. Everyone I knew was excited about this when they saw this.

derkasan2671d ago

The Sheng Long hoax is great, but EGM's Sonic and Tails in Melee joke takes the cake.

NotoriousWhiz2671d ago

You mean you never unlocked tails?

LastCenturyRob2671d ago

HA! I remember a couple of friends trying to unlock this guy! Truly the best gaming April Fools joke ever! Still have that issue of EGM! Really should take it out and have a look! Those old gaming mags are a trip to read through every now and again!

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Street Fighter Documentary Fights its Way to Blu-Ray

Street Fighter documentary 'Here Comes a New Challenger' is now available for all, following a successful crowd funding campaign.


Street Fighter at 35: An Unrivalled Legacy

Celebrating its anniversary today, Street Fighter at 35 years old is just as important today as it was back in 1987.

HeliosHex714d ago

Jesus 35yrs! Now I feel old.

Sciurus_vulgaris714d ago

Street Fighters older than me. I still have some memories of playing Street Fighter on arcade machines up until the early 2000s.


Capcom Arcade Stadium: Street Fighter II is free on the PSN, eShop, and Xbox Live

The PlayStation Brahs:

"The Street Fighter 35th anniversary is nearly upon us, as Capcom looks to celebrate the fighting series that changed the genre completely. It appears they’re looking to give back to the fans who helped make it such a success over all these years. Starting today You can download Capcom Arcade Stadium: Street Fighter II for free!"

Read Full Story >>
FullmetalRoyale777d ago

No online functionality, unfortunately.

Bathory666777d ago

Aww darn. Oh well it’s fun to have.

autobotdan777d ago

I remember when Street Fighter 15th anniversary collection on original xbox was the very first ever online street fighter games. Those were good memories

masterfox777d ago

cool , thanks for the heads up

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