
Ranking the Persona Series From Worst to First

In advance of the much-anticipated release of Persona 5, COG's Tyler Treese takes a look back and ranks the past Persona titles.

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2672d ago Replies(1)
Summons752671d ago

I wouldn't have included the spin-offs but also 3 is way better than 4. Sure P4 did a lot of things gameplay wise that improved on what P3 was doing but P3 has a way better story and characters. Not saying P4 is bad, I loved it but P3 is easy to go back to when P4 not so much.

mezati992671d ago

P3 also had one of the greatest endings to a game ever

still, i love P4 equally as much, the persona series is just soo good

Razzer2671d ago

I agree. I liked P3 more than P4 as well. Both are still great tho.

1908-PB2671d ago

I have to say I played persona from persona 2 to 4 and I really do think persona 3 is the best between FES&P3P, I'm not going to act like I didn't enjoy 4 but I found the darker story from persona 3 more enjoyable but any way that's my opinion. Last note my steel book copy of persona 5 is on its way I can't wait

Razzer2671d ago

nice to see others like P3 as much as I do.

Protagonist2671d ago (Edited 2671d ago )

Pretty good list. Though P3P will forever have a special place in my gaming heart, thus being nr.1 for me.

pepito2671d ago

P3 story can almost best out P4. Unfortunately it looks just way too similar to the anime Evangelion.

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Persona 3 Director Says The Game Saved Atlus From Collapsing

The studio was on the verge of collapse when Persona 3 came out, and things were looking quite grim for Atlus. Regardless, many decisions made in the game paid off and became a staggering success.

SDuck329d ago

Years ago, I was emulating the game on my laptop and the old thing died when I was about to get to the final boss. I'm more than happy to buy this remake when it comes out so I can finish it!

TheColbertinator329d ago (Edited 329d ago )

At the time I was immersed in SMT Nocturne and later DDS. I did not realize at all how important Persona would become for me years later.

raWfodog328d ago

Persona 3 FES was the first one that I played in the series. Looking forward to the remake.


Five Reasons Persona 3 Is Secretly a Horror Game

Half-Glass Gaming: "Often considered one of the darker entries in Atlus' Persona series, Persona 3 definitely has a sinister vibe to it, and it leans into horror more than you might realize."

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How Persona 3 Retroactively Solves Persona 5's Biggest Problem

Even though Persona 4 and 5 are monumental leaps over Persona 3, a crucial aspect has been lost in the transition.

McMahonme7547d ago

That's a good point I didn't really think of but it lends to the narrative a lot more than P5 for sure. I also enjoy how much more streamlined the game is and how it doesn't have a 13 hour tutorial.