
Phil Spencer Shares First 1080p Phantom Dust Screenshot

If you’re eager to see what the upcoming Phantom Dust remaster for Xbox One and Windows 10, today Xbox Division head Phil Spencer was in a sharing mood.

Tussin1872674d ago

Wow a screenshot. FINALLY!! Not too bad. Want to see more.

AngelicIceDiamond2673d ago

Screenshot looks better than I thought actually. Cant wait for release.

Gaming_Cousin2673d ago

Your expectations must have been really really low

2673d ago
christocolus2673d ago

@Angelice I'm with you bro. Can't wait to play this too. It seemed to unique back then and it was never brought to Xbox 360 bc. Glad Phil is bringing it back now though.

Mr Pumblechook2673d ago

Phil Spencer is really promoting this game hard. I'm happy for the fans who are looking forward to it, but it just highlights that there's a lack of exclusive Xbox One games for Microsoft to promote.

Kingthrash3602673d ago

13 years old.
30 fps.
Even if on xbo this game should be at a full 60.
But hey, that's none of my business.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2673d ago
OrangePowerz2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

Is that only a remaster or april fools joke?

UnHoly_One2673d ago

It's a remake of the original, yes.

ZeroX98762673d ago

remaster, the real remake was cancelled.

2673d ago
Cy2674d ago

All the PC losers in the replies whining about 30fps, lol.

Fishy Fingers2674d ago

But it won't be 30fps on PC so why would PC gamers whine?


Because they're keyboard warriors!

LastCenturyRob2673d ago

Well, don't they usually find something to whine about?..might as well be this.

_-EDMIX-_2674d ago

Buddy you don't need to be a PC user to be questioning why a remaster of an Xbox game is running 30 frames.

Expected by default this was going to be 1080p 60 frames.

TheCommentator2674d ago (Edited 2674d ago )

I do have to question why you're calling it a remaster though, since it's just a re-release of the original code. If you knew anything about Phantom Dust being a re-release, you wouldn't have such expectations in the first place. It's people writing articles that are misidentifying it by calling it a remaster. MS says it's a re-release.

_-EDMIX-_2673d ago

@TheCom- ??? Really? This is not a remaster? It's just re-released? Then don't you understand that actually begs to question even more why it's not running 1080p 60 frames? So if they're not remaking some of those assets at least to a degree exactly why its not running 1080p 60 frames?

What's so hilarious is that doesn't really answer why it's not running those settings it actually begs the question even more why it's not.

I mean if it's a substantial remaster almost close to a remake then we could argue that maybe it's using so much that it cannot run those settings which is understandable, but the tell me it's not even a remaster means that I'm even more shocked that it's not running 1080p 60 frames.

Thanks, I don't think you realize just how much you've helped everyone's Point here.

xMANB3ARP1G2673d ago

It is what it is man bumping up a 30fps game can mess up the game look at kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5 ps4 how it had issues with it now running at 60fps

TheCommentator2673d ago

You don't understand how this works, do you. They modified the frame buffer to support higher resolution. They didn't modify the textures, animations, lighting, or anything else because they didn't remaster it. A 1080p game with a patch to support a 4k frame buffer is not remastered either. In both cases, all that is changed is the frame buffer, and not the assets.

Also, the animations were never designed to run at 60fps and would have needed "remastering" as well to render the in-between frames not in the original. Phantom Dust was capped at 30 fps, so it only begs the question if you're an ignorant troll.

Instead of looking like a stupid Pony with no brains, why don't you just look up the articles from a few months back and you'll see MS calls it a re-release. Their words, not mine. Thanks to you ED, we can all see just how stupid all your Pony friends are with the amount of agrees you get while being 100% wrong.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2673d ago
Erik73572674d ago (Edited 2674d ago )

What a bunch of losers and their preference towards a greater frame rate losersssss

MVGeneral2674d ago

You kids and your Nintendo don't understand superiority. Y'all the losers with your outdated consoles that break 90% of the time. Lol. Losersssss.

Rude-ro2673d ago

You just described the 360 and the outdated Xbox one....

Just an FYI on your poor attempt at dissing someone/thing

1908-PB2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

Cy--- you mean all the PC winners and no we are not crying because if it's released on PC I'm sure it will have an uncap frame rate.

MadLad2673d ago

It's called having standards, weaboo.

NerveGearneeded2673d ago

if they had a flag for troll i wood flag dis cumment

Artemidorus2673d ago

Actually the loser is the 30fps, ten year old tech.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2673d ago
corroios2674d ago

Why didnt they went with a remake and prefer a remaster?

Kaneki-Ken2674d ago

Gamers: Bruh, we didn't ask for this.
Xbox: Deal with it!
Gamers: y tho. Xbox got no games.

_-EDMIX-_2674d ago


that was going to cost a substantial amount of money basically the amount of money that you would spend on a full game from the ground up.

To transfer over a game or Remastered game is actually not that much money I would say maybe less than a million dollars from a very respectable transfer team.

andrewsquall2673d ago

Its just a HD port though, no remastering going on here really.

_-EDMIX-_2673d ago

@and- yes.......I know.

"that was going to cost a substantial amount of money basically the amount of money that you would spend on a full game from the ground up."

That is in response to OP asking why no remake.

YAO-BLING2674d ago

MS has no money in their gaming budget.. no need to try when PS4 is owning.

Darkwatchman2673d ago

Because Microsoft has proven in comparison to Sony this gen, that they aren't willing to take the same losses with profit and take the same risks with supporting games that aren't guaranteed to sell and turn in a net-positive profit.

After Microsoft attempted to draw in audiences with those exclusive JRPG's last gen and they weren't enough to turn in a huge profit for Microsoft, then went back to only really supporting guaranteed sellers and it's a real shame. I was looking forward to the Phantom Dust reboot/remake/whatever and Scalebound. They may have been niche compared to typical Microsoft properties like Gears of War and Halo, but man, would they have really made the Xbox One stand out this gen with its current lack of exclusives compared to ps4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2673d ago
Pancit_Canton2674d ago

Nintendo Wii looks better than this.

AngelicIceDiamond2673d ago

Its a re-release of an original Xbox game.

Do the math...

christocolus2673d ago

Dumb will be Dumb... lmao

guyman2673d ago

Moreover, average games will be average games

dan_dufferin982673d ago ShowReplies(1)
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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
