
From Software's Next Game Might Not Be Dark Souls 4

The next game from From Software might not be Dark Souls 4 and may not be even similar to Dark Souls at all.

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Lord_Sloth2732d ago

Didn't they straight up say it wasn't? That they were gonna put it to rest for a bit to build up more IPs?

MyDietEqualsGames2732d ago

BB2 or new IP that has mechanics of both BB and DS(more BB since it improved on DS in every way, imo)

bumbleforce2732d ago

I don't see what your saying. Bb has less weapons and no magic skills. You can play ds the same way if u just do t use a shield. I don't get why people think bb is so great. I liked it. Vetter than ds2 but not better than d's 1 or 3. I feel people like to like it because it's ps exclusive. It's still a great game.

Bladesfist2732d ago

I enjoyed both but I can't put one above the other. I loved them both so much. The PVP in Bloodborne was worse in my opinion.

TWB2732d ago

People have different reasons, but I value aesthetics quite a lot (Bloodborne's appealed to me more), and Bloodborne also seemed to have higher production values. This translates to fully orchestrated OST and better animations and visual presentation.

Weapons allowed considerably more creativity in their use, and while enemies were fast they rarely had zero wind-up like quite a few enemies in Dark Souls 3.

I think the main game bosses were generally more interesting, though Dark Souls 3 did do a good job with them. One thing that DaS3 screwed up the worst in the begining was its PVP. All the rapier caestus builds were simply horrifying, while BB didnt mess up quite as badly.

I think a larger part of the issue is that theres no perfect Dark Souls (because they all messed up something in one way or another), while BB for what it is, is very close.

joab7772732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

BB2 must be coming, BUT that means that they are also working on a new IP.

I'd love to see sci-if but not Halo, Destiny, Mass Effect but some dark Cthulhu shit!

Night992732d ago

Dark Souls is definitely better than Bloodborne. You have way more weapons, magic and gear just way more variety overalle. You can play Bloodborne 1 time and you saw everthing but I playerd every Dark Souls countless times with different builts and different playstyles. And Dark Souls 1 has one of the best interconnected worlds ever created.

LightofDarkness2732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

Playing Bloodborne blind was simply awe-inspiring. Watching the world and narrative twist into genuinely creepy territory, the underlying themes, the beautiful presentation and the incredible combat; Bloodborne is a contender for one of my favourite games of all time. The Dark Souls series is almost as good, but really DS1 and Demons Souls were the height of that series. DS2 was off and DS3, while great, was kind of boring. Perhaps I'd been spoiled by BB but it just seemd to be going through the motions, really.

And while DS may have had more variety of gear, much of it is useless or not worth the investment, serving only to illuminate some story details. The magic system doesn't add much depth to the gameplay and you really have to rely on your ability to sword/spear and board for the most part.

Liqu1d2732d ago

@bumbleforce It's obvious you haven't played Bloodborne.

"no magic skills"
Magic is in the game.

"You can play ds the same way"
Absolutely not. Even without a shield Dark Souls doesn't play like Bloodborne, stamina usage and regen are different, no transform attacks, no ranged parries, no rally.

"I don't get why people think bb is so great."
Because it is. The setting is fresh and the Souls formula is used to great effect while also making several changes to help it stand out from the Souls games. You even contradicted yourself, "It's still a great game".

And Bloodborne is far better than both DS2 and DS3, DS1 is on par.

AspiringProGenji2731d ago (Edited 2731d ago )

BB does have magic, it is called Arcane. It just works very different from the boring Projectile base magic of Dark Souls.

It former have shield, but it has Dash, which makes the gameplay more aggressive and less passive

It has less weapons, but the weapons in BB are more fleshed out and transforms too, which you could say it doubles the amount of weapons. And got more personality than the majority of junk you get in DS like rusty weapons, daggers, and so on. Quality > Quantity

There are less builds that I agree with you, but BB warrants to be played more than just one. I did, and I very much enjoyed it. I also enjoyed hanging out with other hunters exploring the Chalice Dungeons.

And the PVP I noticed that people in BB are more friendly. That is why you don't get constantly invaded like you do in DS. If you want to invade just ring the bell, so it still works like DS does unless I am missing something.

So spare our liking mister. We believe Bloodborne is awesome. Maybe you just like Dark Souls because it is multiplatform and Can't afford Demon Souls or even BB.

See? I can do that too :)

PurpHerbison2731d ago

Also can't forget that BB has hands down, the best lore out of any souls game by a LONG SHOT.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2731d ago
naruga2732d ago (Edited 2732d ago )

Miyazaki said it 1000 times ...are you retarded ? ....ofcourse it wont be and i like that as they could bring on a new IP on

Lord_Sloth2732d ago

......I don't understand how what I said makes me retarded...

naruga2732d ago

sry man ..my comment goes for the article not you ...i just replied beyond your comment

Fishy Fingers2732d ago

I think he just wanted to post near the top (needy) rather than using the reply feature to, you know, actually reply to your post.

MyDietEqualsGames2731d ago


Opinions, man. I prefer Bloodborne over all but DS1. Bloodborne's lore and my 2200 hours in, are a testament to my enthusiasm for it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2731d ago
S-Word2732d ago

Sony's Next Game Console Might Be PlayStation 5

KwietStorm_BLM2732d ago

You have anything to back that up?

amazingmax72732d ago

From Software's next game is a game.

starchild2731d ago

I hope it's a new Tenchu game.

showtimefolks2732d ago

Didn't they confirm that few days ago

Kenshin_BATT0USAI2732d ago

They confirmed it before Dark Souls 3 even launched lol

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phoenixwing183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson183d ago (Edited 183d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

114d ago