
Why There Are So Many Griefers In GTA Online And How To Avoid Them

GTA 5 Cheats asks "When so many people play GTA Online, you can’t escape the bad apples - or can you?"

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2738d ago
2738d ago
Blashted2738d ago (Edited 2738d ago )

Play online only with friends or crew. Simple. Unless you like being shot for no reason or called a n***** in text chat. The GTA community is rough.

nX2737d ago

Like it's supposed to be. I mean who plays GTA as a nice guy?

yeahokwhatever2734d ago

I play GTA as a nice guy.. :-( I really just wish there was a no radar mode. I play GTA Online like Midnight Club. I just try to get into random street races.

TargusX2738d ago

This is why I utterly hate the way gta has gone in the online only direction. Sad times

Cmv382737d ago

Im gone with rockstar going online, i just hate the idiots inside. Something needs to be done about them.

yeahokwhatever2734d ago

No radar mode server option would be enough. The jackasses in the fighter jets would have to, you know, work to kill something.

TXIDarkAvenger2737d ago

I mostly just play with my crew. Some times you do meet with some cool randoms.

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GTA Online PC Update Introduces Anti-Cheat, Ends Steam Deck Compatibility

The September 17 update for GTA Online on PC introduces Anti-Cheat but in this process removes Steam Deck compatibility.

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GTA Online Weekly Update: September 5-1

Each week, GTA Online offers players a change-up on in-game bonuses and discounts. Power Up Gaming has the details for the week of September 5-11.

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GTA 5 DLC: Parts of Canceled Project Made Its Way to GTA Online

A Former Rockstar dev has revealed that they were making a GTA 5 DLC, but it was scrapped since GTA Online was such a "cash cow," though it wasn't a total waste as parts of it made its way to GTA Online.

shinoff218376d ago

What a damn shame. Sinfmgle player dlc could've been so dope but nope fk you single player guys.

Perfect reason why I'm against single player games having multiplayer attached. Eat up more resources

76d ago
Rebel_Scum76d ago

Honestly sucks they couldnt do something for SP dlc. It wouldnt hurt their bottom line at all to do.