
Sony Celebrates Ten Years of PlayStation Store With Your PlayStation Gaming Statistics

Sony sends informative mail on tenth anniversary of PlayStation Store.

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naruga2737d ago

i didnt get mine ...must have an active PSplus subscribe ?

Nyxus2737d ago

Nope I got it and don't have PS Plus.

naruga2737d ago

ty..strange then ..i often log in pSn but i just not have active PSplus

bouzebbal2737d ago

i got mine, something must be wrong with their stats and especially with the most played game. i played it but bot as much as they claim.

Dark_Overlord2737d ago

I got mine too, and my stats are completely wrong XD

Total online time was 363 hours, 326 of which was on White Knight Chronicles, considering I've grinded a lot of online games for trophies..... yeah they gone goofed XD

blackblades2737d ago

I get one every month, I believe you gotta be subscribed to newsletter. It usually say say trophies earned and hours played.

GuruStarr782737d ago

I just looked my info up on the PlayStation site. I've been a member since February 2009 and my most played game is Destiny. Doesn't seem to be likely that we'll get the email here in the states since the 10 years anniversary was late last year in NA.

scofios2737d ago

Got it but wasn't accurate

RosweeSon2736d ago

I agree I've had it since 2006 PS3,4 and Vita and I've owned 4 games 😂 Think it's cos it came through on my old email address by yeah a lot more than 4 games ;)

Condemnedman2736d ago

nope got mine I don't subscribe

Spenok2736d ago

Yeah I didn't get one either. Sony never sends me anything and it's REALLY annoying.

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crazychris41242737d ago

They should add permanent stats in a future update like hours played in each game, hours played (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, all time, custom range), average play time, longest time spent in-game, and more. Would be a cool little feature.

Father__Merrin2737d ago

ive always wanted that feature. i hate having to go to your save file to find out play time lol

ShaunCameron2737d ago

Interestingly enough, the Wii U has that feature.

Nyxus2737d ago

3DS as well, that was the first one that had it.

KwietStorm_BLM2737d ago

I suggested this to be built in to the firmware itself on PS3. Could've added a tab that shows real-time statistics of various games and genres that you play, and since it would be tied to PSN, it would be an easy way to link up with other players that have similar interests.

AizenSosuke2737d ago

Nice Xbox syndrome:) Which once in a while is not bad.

G20WLY2737d ago

The difference is that this is AS WELL AS sales information and not being used as a diversionary tactic away from it..

SirBradders2737d ago

They aren't shouting it across twitter and bragging about it. They are simply directing this to us the gamers and not the media.

JasonKCK2736d ago

Releasing stats was a no no until Sony just did it. Now it's a perfectly acceptable practice.

Angeljuice2736d ago

Yes it's exactly the same thing. One company stops giving out sales figures and instead gives useless stats in their place. Another company is happy to show sales figures, useless stats and anything else you want.

The practice of swapping sales figures for stats is what Microsoft should be ashamed of, not the stats themselves.

If you couldn't see that massive difference for yourself you're probably beyond hope of ever understanding it.

Nyxus2737d ago

Some nice stats! Looks like my rarest trophy is 'Half the battle' from Yakuza 0.

opoikl2737d ago

Mine is a glitched trophy in Adr1ft, so I didn't actually earn it :/ On the other hand it seems I'm in the top 1% of overall trophy count. 27 plats and counting.

Nyxus2737d ago

Wow, I only have one.

KwietStorm_BLM2737d ago

Only 27 gets you in the top 1%?

opoikl2737d ago

I have over 4200 trophies total and that seems to put me in the top 1%... I was surprised myself because most of my PSN friends have similar numbers.

GuruStarr782737d ago

I've got 10. My buddy has 100!

Dark_Knightmare22737d ago

Awesome I just got my 40th plat with horizon zero dawn

jerethdagryphon2737d ago

86 plats and counting. Also top 1% 1000 hours in ace combat infinity

Bennibop2737d ago

Yeah I am in top 1% also!

Chexs19902737d ago

Yeah, I got in the top 1% as well, with only 20 :)
And then I saw my play time for FF14 and I died a bit :P

rezzah2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

Level 24 with 10 Platinum trophies. I might be over 5K trophies. I didn't get my email yet.

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Mr-Dude2737d ago

I am in the 1% hehe... 95 plats
Rarest trophy is from Valley... Big Game Hunter

Cool stats

Muzikguy2737d ago (Edited 2737d ago )

I don't know what my most played game is. Possibly Dark Souls. Maybe MGSV. Modern Warfare 2?

These stats would definitely be something cool to add to your profile long term. I'm curious as to what mine are

Nyxus2737d ago

Yeah, for me it's MGSV (127 hours).

Muzikguy2737d ago

That's about how much I have in the game as well. I'm pretty sure I broke 140 in Dark Souls though. I don't think I've played any other game that much besides games like Battlefield 2, Diablo 2, or Soldier of Fortune

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ravens522h ago

PLEASE! I sold my vita copy smdh and I want to get back to killin them big ass creepy Cheshire Cats lol

Goodguy012h ago

Weren't great games but they were fun. Deserves a sequel.