
NeuroVoider Review | Gamers Heroes

Gamers Heroes writes: Part twin-stick shooter, part rogue-like, and part loot-heavy RPG, Flying Oak Games’ NeuroVoider combines a number of gameplay mechanics to create something unique. Should you brave its new world of trigger-happy robots and permadeath, or is this one fight not worth taking?

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2739d ago

New Games with Gold for January 2022

It’s time to announce the January Games with Gold lineup!

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darthv721003d ago

Radiant silvergun... wow that takes me back. Loved it on the saturn. Never played the other three though.

TheColbertinator1003d ago

Radiant Silvergun is a masterpiece. Play it.

darthv721003d ago

i'd love it if this game came out on a compilation cart for the switch. It can include ikaruga, sin & punishment, alien soldier, gunstar heroes. they could call it the "Treasure Chest". it would fit in with other compilation carts like the Psykio and Darius collections.

Bigman4k1003d ago

Trash on 360 side it's alot of good xbox360 games Microsoft could choose max Payne 1,2,3,GTA4,Sonic Generation,Mortal Kombat 9

darthv721003d ago

They did give away Sonic Generations... back in March of last year. Where were you?

BrainSyphoned1003d ago

I look at these articles every month and have claimed zero GwG titles. Forgetting any redeeming titles that were included with the trash heap is completely understandable.

Bigman4k1003d ago (Edited 1003d ago )

Ok wow look how many months its been since they gave good xb360 games PS+ always has at least 1 or 2 good free games people been complaining about GWG for months now Microsoft still hasn't done nothing to change that i dont see why you're trying to defend them

343_Guilty_Spark1003d ago

Radiant Silvergun is a cult classic

darthv721003d ago

"I dont see why you're trying to defend them.".... I didn't. I acknowledged your comment about Sonic Generations. If you think someone correcting you is a sign of defending something else then I can't help you there.

autobotdan1002d ago

Littleman2k has disappeared..

Bigman4k1002d ago (Edited 1002d ago )

Yeah Xbox 360 had some good games plus Microsoft not giving away no good xbox one/series x games for GWG

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1002d ago
anast1003d ago

None of those games are worth more than $5.

Orchard1003d ago

A quick two second check on the article shows they are all over $5.

justadelusion1003d ago (Edited 1003d ago )

You can price a turd at over $5 too, doesn't mean it is worth it.

MrBeatdown1003d ago

Protip: Just because someone charges you a certain amount doesn't make it worth that amount.

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NeuroVoider Limited Physical Release Available For PS Vita January 4, 2019

Limited Run Games has announced that a limited physical release of the twin-stick shooter NeuroVoider  for PS Vita will go on sale on January 4, 2019 at 10am ET.

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Why Are Developers Still Making PS Vita Games in 2018

Handheld Players has asked several developers why they are still making PS Vita games in 2018.

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Neonridr2309d ago

well.. there are like 15 million or so of us who actually own the device. And while it might be on life support around the world, in Japan it still does ok numbers for some of the more popular Japanese franchises.

Veneno2308d ago

Vita games still sell to its niche audience. There was a time when handheld gaming market was able to sustain itself but theres just not enough people who want a device that only just plays games. Sony has to think long and hard about its next step in the portable market. If they come out with a new device it has to do MANY things and more importantly do them WELL like the PS4 . In my opinion they need to do 1 of 2 things 1) bring the PS4 experience on the go with NO COMPROMISES. How they do this I don't know but Nintendo found a way and if Sony is a better company than so can they. 2) they need to create the Playstion Phone or Playstation Tablet but the kicker is that it must perform and do multiple tasks well so that it makes people REPLACE the phones and tablets we have now. And you must be able to synch a Dualshock via blutooth.

and either way they go they must get 3rd party support or it will not break out toward a huge success.

abstractel2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

I wouldn't compare Nintendo's efforts with the switch to the task of making a portable PS4 that's profitable. The PS4 is still plenty more powerful than the Switch, and it wasn't designed with power consumption in mind. If they can make it happen, I think it would be great.

But I think your second idea is better, something I've wanted too; a line of Playstation phones and tablets that are powerful enough to do both gaming and everything else that we expect out of that area well. Problem is, in mobile gaming most people are expecting free to $5 per game, something which wouldn't really do the Playstation brand a great deal of justice. On top of that, would it really be smart to take on Google and Apple?

It's a conondrum. I know I would be down for a Playstation Tablet with premium priced Playstation games but I don't know how big the market is.

Seraphim2308d ago

Veneno. That's exactly what it is too. Niche audience. All those Japanese and JRPGs, etc.

After the PSP I thought I wouldn't bite again. Eventually, maybe a year after launch on Black Friday, I bought the white AC Liberation bundle. Which was a phenomenal game... At first the Vita was looking promising, like the Switch, in regards to software. Some great games and some ports were put out in the first 2-3 years. Shortly after whatever the time frame was is when developers just weren't bringing the content. It quickly turned and lead into exactly what the Vita had become for some time now and still is. A niche market with niche games.

And while you mention if Nintendo could then if Sony is a better company... The thing is, the Switch does compromise. You don't get full PS4 resolution, etc. Docked it seems to be adequate but go into handheld and there's compromise. Even docked Xenoblade Chronicles 2, though a great game, had a TON of pop in and other somewhat trivial issues that I was able to look past because the game was so fun. Furthermore, the fact of the matter is that the problem is not whether Sony can do it but at what cost and will consumers pay it. Sure Sony could design a tablet, handheld or Hybrid (Switch) that has the power but are consumers going to pay $600-800+. All that horsepower in a tiny frame, proper cooling, and preferably an OLED panel. For Sony to produce a device it would surely be costly.

Internetratnik2308d ago

Now, this is simply retarded. Why? Because a FULL HD screen in a handheld device is completely unneccesary. Even sub-HD screen on Vita is awesome.

Veneno2308d ago

I hear alot of excuses in these replies. The bottom line is Sony has to make a bold move and have developer support. They obviously cant just keep doing the same and make another failure like the Vita.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2308d ago
rainslacker2308d ago

System sells an abnormally high amount of software compared to the install base. It has one of the highest attach rates of any console in history....including the current gen consoles.

That's why it's always gotten software, because it's a niche machine, and that niche tends to buy a lot of games for it.

Neonridr2307d ago

Switch has a much higher attach rate for 1st party software. Look at Zelda, MK8 and Mario Odyssey.

No offense, but Vita has very few games that have sold over a million copies.

rainslacker2307d ago

Attach rate isn't based on a single title. It's based on overall software sales. For instance, On the WiiU, it stopped getting decent 3rd party support early, because a lot of games weren't selling outside of those 1st party games.

The reason the Vita keeps getting software is because that software keeps selling enough to make it worth the developers while.

SSj4Yagami2306d ago

Yeah, 15+ million with a good attach rate of users who seem to enjoy niche and indie titles is a fine place to at least port a game to digitally. Vita will be here a while.

Fist4achin2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Because there is still an interested market. Silly question to be asked...

Glad to see continued development and Sony should do another handheld with the flaws of the Vita corrected.

SilverDemon2308d ago

The flaws IMO:
1.the expensive cards
2.drop the gimmicks (back touch)
3.add R2 and l2
4. Make it cheaper
5. For the love of GOD have a monster Hunter game

drpepperdude2308d ago

You summed up the biggest flaws and it also needs more original IP's by Sony instead of worse versions of it's console IP's.

Spartacus102308d ago

Adding R2 L2 would make it bulky. They might as well make a console that looks like a tablet, and people would have to use their dualshock controllers with it.
The vita doesnt fit into most peoples pockets anyway (unless you got a big winter coat), you have to carry it in your bag. If people carried a dualshock instead, atleast they would have a better gaming experience.
About being cheaper, they need to ditch the cameras. Everyone already has a phone for taking pictures, and game mechanics which utilise the camera suck in 99% of cases.

MazeRunner2308d ago

everything u just said is the truth. lose the gimmicks, add l2 and r2, allow micro sd cards

Prince_TFK2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Not having enough exclusives game is also a very big flaw IMO. Imagine if Sony had support the PS Vita with great games like Nintendo did and still are doing for the 3DS, the Vita might have been in a very different place right now.

UltimateOwnage2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Nailed the flaws to a T. Hopefully they learn something from the few big issues the platform had if they make a new handheld. Having R2/L2 is pretty important. I don't see any reason why they cant add those two buttons like Nintendo did on New 3DS with the ZL / ZR buttons in line with the L/R buttons.

It seems like developers are still interested in it because they can clearly move enough software there to make it worth while. People who have a Vita generally seem to love the thing despite its flaws. And Sony has been pretty flexible with making developer support accessible to smaller studios with Vita in particular, which I'm sure has been a huge asset to the platform and helping it stay alive.

Honestly, if they just released a faster model that addressed the issues with the current system, it could become one of the best dedicated handheld gaming devices ever made.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2308d ago
kevnb2308d ago (Edited 2308d ago )

Its not really a ton of support, and the vita do didn't as poorly outside north america as far as I can tell.

2308d ago Replies(1)
2308d ago
rainslacker2308d ago

It doesn't get a wide variety, in that it doesn't get a lot of the mainstream type titles. But it gets a lot of support in the niche.

To that end, there are a lot of people who buy games in that niche, so the system sells a lot of those kinds of games.

Vita isn't doing great in the US, and hasn't for a long time, but it still has a dedicated following, and even GameStop stocks the new games without having to preorder, so it can't be that bad unless you just want the kinds of games that it doesn't have.

People that own a Vita, and like the kinds of games coming for it, aren't starving for new content, and there are new games releasing every month to retail. It also has a pretty healthy indie scene.

2308d ago Replies(1)
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