
Anyone Want A Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel?

Should there be a Horizon Zero Dawn sequel? Producer Samrat Sharma sat down to discuss his thoughts and feelings about the end result of his 6 year project.

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StormLegend2758d ago

Yes please! I want more and more machines! If we could get a giant snake creature that slithers across the ground at high speeds I would flip out!

Shadowsteal2757d ago

Like the desert snake from Shadow of the Colossus? I'm with you bud!

DARKKENT2757d ago

Make it a ps5 launch game

Add multiplayer like gta did after a couple games

Winner winner chicken dinner

Why o why2757d ago

Giant spider..... ive not finished the game so I don't know if theres one already plus theres like a million different types.

_-EDMIX-_2757d ago

@dark- no this game doesn't need multiplayer that is not the concept of it and it's not something I want it to be.

Also it is extremely unlikely that you're going to see this launch for the PlayStation 5 because Sony primarily makes money off of their software not Hardware.

They're not reaping a ridiculous profit off of the hardware sold so there is no desperation on their part to try to launch with gimmicks or specific properties to move plastic.

Their primarily focus is on selling quality software not simply trying to move Hardware solely for the sake of it so it is extremely unlikely you would see Horizon zero Dawn 2 at the launch of PlayStation 5.

The only possible way I even see Horizon zero Dawn 2 on PlayStation 5 if it is for a remaster after the fact that it's already released on PlayStation 4 ala The Last of Us.

Speak_da_Truth2757d ago

I'm with you on the snake creature. Would be epic.

AnotherProGamer2757d ago

I want to fly on a thunderbird! make it happen!

jerethdagryphon2757d ago

@why oh why giant spider it has crab and the big muultilegged enemy a giant spider wouldnt fit* finish the game and youll see why*

BlakHavoc2758d ago

Uh ya! I would love to see how GG improves upon the first game, and usually the sequel to a new IP is better.

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Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger17h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.

Yi-Long9m ago

Kyoto is already overrun by tourists as it is. It would probably make sense if Japan finds a way to spread tourism out over more locations instead of just the Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto) and Tokyo, to both alleviate the burden of tourism on those two area, while bringing more interest and thus tourism money to other areas.

Of course, that’s not something Nintendo needs to concern itself with right now, and it makes sense that they stick with 1 museum for the time-being, and in their home-city of Kyoto.

I’m also not sure how big the appeal for a Nintendo museum would be elsewhere in the world. Many tourists flock to Japan BECAUSE of the (pop-) culture, so they are interested in anime, videogames, etc. So Pokemon Centers and Nintendo Stores are very popular, always bustling with tourists who spend a lot of money there, and obviously a Nintendo museum in Kyoto then makes perfect sense.

But generally speaking, folks don’t visit a Paris or New York for it’s pop-culture, so a Nintendo museum would make less sense. Not saying a video-games museum wouldn’t/couldn’t work, I believe it could, but I think in the west it would make more sense to open a museum with a broader spectrum of videogame-exhibits, so not ‘just’ a Nintendo museum, but something much wider in terms of scope …


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye2d ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire9512h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


Horizon Zero Dawn PSN Price Secretly Increased by Sony Following Remastered Announcement

Sony has secretly increased the price of Horizon Zero Dawn on PSN from $19.99 to $39.99 a day after announcing the remastered version.

Knightofelemia1d 7h ago

Just another reason why physical is better then digital.

sam0118h ago

But that's still a pretty greedy move

PRIMORDUS9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

If you also play on PC just take it from them for free, or if not just seed it out of spite LOL.

jwillj2k416h ago

Has absolutely nothing to do with physical the same thing could happen. You just love pushing this narrative, don’t you?

KyRo3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

They weren't pushing no narrative. The benefits of physical outweigh digital in everyway except that you have move your ass off the sofa to put a disk into the console.

JackBNimble1h ago

The only benefit is resale, you only hold a physical key .

Goodguy011d 5h ago (Edited 1d 5h ago )

holy crap this is funny lmao

Edit: just checked and it is lol. Google still says it's $19.99 but once you get to the store site, there it is.

blackblades1d 5h ago

Not surprised buisness wise why have the OG low price low when people can just buy that and then upgrade. I don't think its the 1st time that happened considering its not the 1st remaster/enhance of a ps4 game. So as said it was expected tbh. Whoever wanted the game wouldve had it by now

Petebloodyonion19h ago

The same happened with TLOU part 2 when they did the remaster.

JackBNimble1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Keep making excuses for Sony, this is why they do these things because fanboys like you accept anything Sony does.

JL293040m ago

That's some god tier shill. Holy shit.

Extermin8or3_1d 3h ago

It's to stop people buying it really cheap and then just upgrading. Considering people can upgrade even if they own the free version given away during the pandemic though they are being pretty generous anyway.

excaliburps19h ago

"It's to stop people buying it really cheap and then just upgrading" -- yes, and they took that away and you're OK with it? No wonder Sony can pretty much do anything when it comes to pricing. LOL!

VersusDMC18h ago

I guess they should have gone the Nintendo route and just kept it full price? There are 7 year old switch launch titles still at 60.

InUrFoxHole16h ago

Is your take that this is ok or a shady move?

Michiel198916h ago

it's to make them more money, simple as that.

JackBNimble1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

They double the price of a ps4 game so they could hopefully make a sale on the upgrade. That's a pretty shitty way to treat your fan base/ customers.

I own the game but I won't give sony my money for this. Ya it's only $10 but so what.

andy8519h ago

And this is why physical needs to be backed for as long as possible. You can buy the physical game for £5

Hofstaderman19h ago

Me inserting my physical disc I bought used in the drive. Long live physical.

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