
Modern Warfare Remastered Paid Map Pack Causes Major Fan Backlash; Costs More Than The Original DLC

ThisGenGaming says "Call Of Duty and Activision have come under fire once again for their business practices, this time it's for paid DLC for a remastered game which will cost more than the original DLC!"

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PhoenixUp2759d ago

Activision why have you forsaken your loyal fanbase? I almost feel dirty for getting the PS4 CoD IW/MWR bundle last month

DiceAndRice2759d ago

It sucks to say but I don't think they care anymore. I mean charging for 9 year old DLC is one thing, but charging 50% more for it is just insulting.

UCForce2759d ago

Yeah, I agree. That's very insulting from Activision. God, I hate them.

AuditorGamer2759d ago

It's a simple finance concept called time value of money. For example, if they charged $10 for a map pack 9 years ago, then they would have to charge more than the original price because $10 9 years ago does not equal $10 in today's money. This is a very basic finance concept and explains why gas goes up each year, why interest rates go up each year, why bottles of pop are no longer $1 as they were 10 years ago. Every single industry applies the time value of money principal to pricing. There is absolutely no reason to get upset.

MonsterChef2758d ago

What the hell are you on about AuditGamer, gas doesn't go up every year, I seem to remember 08-09 where gas cost was at $4.50 a gallon. I hope youry not in finance because if you are, You might want to go back to classes.

ravinash2758d ago

@ AuditorGamer.

I think you mean inflation.

But that does not apply here. It's the same DLC which their selling to people again.
Next to zero work was done for this software. It's just an over inflated price for more profit, simple as that.

OrangePowerz2758d ago (Edited 2758d ago )

Ravinash. Good that you have such extensive knowledge on game development and finance. *facepalm*

AuditorGamer2758d ago

Yes, I am in finance. Gas has increased steadily in my country. Your inability to understand something so simple indicates that you should "go back to classes".


Inflation would have an impact, but is not the same as time value of money. You misunderstand. I am telling you WHY they are charging more than the original price. $10 nine years ago will not buy you what $10 today can. You can get less today for $10 than you could almost a decade ago. You and others are stuck on the fact that something that cost $10 a decade ago should still be the same price. Get real. It's business and a fact of life.

blady_man2758d ago

Thats one of the reasons i havent played the game, even tho i own it, its battlefield 1. They have to lern to appreciate theirs customers but with so much money they make from the game i dont think they care at all

danny8182758d ago

its prolly poppin more the IW. And they know these suckas are gonna open their wallets. I honestly dont blame them. The fan base is loyal af.

zuul90182758d ago

@ Auditor you know you can check how much the value of the dollar has changed from inflation right? Its not enough to change $10 in 2008 to $15 in 2017. More like $11.30 but the inflation argument is out of place here anyway.

AuditorGamer2758d ago

@ zule

I totallt agree with you. They should just give it away for free and shouldn't charge anything for it, but pricing is complicated and considers everything from salary increases, overhead, etc. I was just trying to give people a reason why theyre charging more than $10 (or anything at all), but gamers are entitled and think they should have everything for free.

Kokyu2758d ago


That's the worst BS defense of company Ive ever seen and frankly its pretty pethetic. Gasline is a commodity its traded on a stock market and it doesnt go up every year, so thats a poor choice to try and use as a defense for preditor practice by a blatantly anti consumer company like Activision. Software is not a commodity its software the very nature of which loses value you over time not gains it. Activision is charging money for these Map packs and added micro transactions because Modern Warfare is seeing more play time and bigger player numbers than Infinite Warfare. In plain English they are charging aimply because they feel they can and should.

ravinash2758d ago

@ OrangePowerz

Thanks mate... year of education there... *wink*.

RememberThe3572758d ago

Auditor, if you're in finance I shutter to see what you've done to those poor rich folk. Time value of money? For consumer products? WTF are you talking about? TVM is an investment principal built around interest rates and has virtually nothing to do with how products are priced.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
PlayableGamez-2759d ago

Activision has really gotten greedy with the franchise.
I seen this coming from a mile away.
Hopefully they execute Sledgehammers new COD much better than IW/MWR given that it has my attention.

RebelWAC2759d ago

Very true, they've totally lost touch with reality and with their fanbase. Whoever is calling the shots around there needs to check themselves for real.

bow2yoda2759d ago

i hope the series dies already. stop milking that cow

yomfweeee2759d ago

Activision does it because people buy it.

deadfrag2759d ago

This^^,COD sheeps get what they deserve.

red2tango2759d ago

I've been boycotting since BLOPS2. Was tempted to get the Remaster but said no and I'm glad I did.

rocketpanda2759d ago

Absolutely, if fans are going to buy it then of course they're going milk them for all they can.

Pintheshadows2759d ago

The thing is, the CoD sheep are all children. The parents who buy it are the real issue but they neither know nor care.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2759d ago
lelo2play2759d ago

If you are still playing COD, then you get what you deserve.

Seriously people!... MOVE ON to different games. So much choice out there.

freshslicepizza2759d ago

how is this any different than charging what they did for the last of us remastered, zelda windwaker or gears of war or any other remaster and isnt this also getting online support?

BVFTW2759d ago

Last of us had all the dlc included , multiplayer support and wasn't a full priced game, Zelda windwaker had some new features built in the game and it wasn't a full price game, Gears, for some time, came bundled with the entire gears collection on Xbox1 and it was released at $30 for PC.

freshslicepizza2759d ago

this isn't a full priced game either

twiggytree122759d ago

"this isn't a full priced game either"

Ummmm.... yes it is. In fact, you have to pay more than full price for MWR ($79.99 Legacy Edition) if you want to get your hands on it.

BVFTW2759d ago

Still different 'cause those other remasters didn't had extra fees for DLC or online support.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2759d ago
Stogz2758d ago

What really sucks is that CoD has gotten so big they don't really bother putting out any other games except it and Skylanders. I mean they made a lot of other games, a lot of them bad but at least there was diversity, now this is all they care about...

RedPill862758d ago

You paid them more money to get in on a remaster. You got what you deserved. Serves all of you who couldn't just wait for the game to be sold separately or in a complete form.

DivoJones2758d ago

Feels like they're cashing in on the 'Anti-Infinite Warfare' sentiment. My friends and I play MW remastered, I'll be interested to see how they'll feel about this.

HaVoK3082758d ago (Edited 2758d ago )

And there is the problem. Considering one self a fan instead of a customer. The day consumers stop with this fan bullshit, is the day publishers start treating you value and respect.

Kidmyst2758d ago

It's nothing new, Activision has done this for years, and as long as gamers keep paying up, there is no reason to stop. It's like the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
If you agree to keep giving them money, stop complaining.

Kokyu2758d ago

Stock holder plain and simple stock holders..

MonsterChef2758d ago

Ok @ AuditorGamer, I've realised something, you probably just heard a talking point by one of your professors and just like the kid who learns a new word, you wanna use It, even if you have to shape and mold the conversation to fit it in. That makes you look stupid. Time value of money, has no sway here absolutely none. I'm 27, I've seen the cost of items go up and can attribute that to both inflation and your TVoM. Small bags of chips went from 4 for a Dollar to .50cent a bag, Soda went from $1.00 to $1.69 etc. But your forgetting that Activision has these assets, these maps aren't being built from the ground up, you dummy, they aren't investing in creative departments or beta testers, they are simply updating them and charging more for them, there is no excuse to this practice.

Major_Glitch2758d ago

It's Activision. I don't see why anyone would be surprised they're doing this.

princejb1342758d ago

Everyone complaints yet you guys still buy their products
As much as I wanted cod4 remastered I stood my ground and didn't bother buying the collectors.


cause their loyal fanbase is so dumb that they keep giving whatever Activision asks, thats why they keep asking for more. Activision doesn't deserve them but they do desrve Activision

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
ravinash2758d ago (Edited 2758d ago )

It's also a good way of splitting the player base.
The Boss (at my work) got us Advanced warfare for after work gaming with the DLC pack.
The DLC pack was worthless because no one else had it, so there were hardly anyone else on line.
Even the normal games couldn't join games until you removed the DLC.

So what's this DLC going to do for those who buy it, basically screw up finding any matches.

Palitera2759d ago

So what? It will still sell more than "regular" DLCs.

DiceAndRice2759d ago

What do you mean "so what?" they are selling DLC for a remastered game, and the DLC is 9 year old DLC which also somehow costs $5 more.

Palitera2759d ago

Yep. People buy it. They think it is worth their money.
So what?

Gaming_Cousin2759d ago

They should increase bottled water to $2000 because people buy it. So what?

CarlosX3602759d ago

You DO realize that it costs money to bring maps from the past, into current generation consoles, and "remaster" it at the same time? You don't realize how much effort these DLC maps require. Especially if they fixed some of the annoyances of the maps? Creek had a glitch in one of the rocks, for example.

ravinash2758d ago

@ CarlosX360.

Your assuming they have fixed the bugs.

Palitera2758d ago

Yeah, gaming_cousin, because a CoD DLC is an absolutely vital item to be had in life.

CarlosX3602758d ago

@ravinash you sure love to overreact like the people who clicked "disagree" on my post. :)

Keep the hate coming, kids. I never said or assumed they fixed it, I said "if" what part of that is lost on you?

I haven't seen anyone using the glitch in Overgrown in Remastered since launch. That means they fixed the hole in there.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
bradfh2759d ago

So what? So what?, Its people like you why games cost so much. I remember when games only cost $50 and came with everything.

Palitera2759d ago (Edited 2759d ago )

You can still play those games. ;)

2pacalypsenow2759d ago

Pretty sure is the high cost of game development.

bow2yoda2759d ago

high cost of development when you recycle the same game for a decade and raise the price for stuff that was already purchased x2? keep giving them excuses instead of holding the company liable

Newmanator2758d ago

Games haven't gone up in price in years, despite development costs increasing for better hardware.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2758d ago
spicelicka2759d ago

Don't care how much it sells, people have the right to voice their opinions. If I see bullshit I'll call bullshit. Whether or not it makes a difference I don't know, but you sure as hell don't need to stop your fellow gamers from saying what's right.

formanbradley2758d ago

I genuinely want to believe that people like this don't exist. Have some self respect, or go get butt-stuffed by the corporate overlord whose boots you like to lick.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2758d ago
peewee110162759d ago

I have to say it. Huge COD fan... This is it for me... I cant do this anymore. Supply drops,Paided Weapons...
Now a map pack that cost 10$ not cost 15$ which should have been in the GAME in the first place... I will no longer support COD from here on out.

bow2yoda2759d ago

i joined the club after mw2
:) happy to say i have not paid for a cod in a decade lol

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The Worst Video Game Remakes Of All Time

BLG writes: "You take a big risk when you set out to remake something. Have you stayed true to the original? Have you made any worthwhile contributions of your own? Did you make sure that all the characters are wearing the right color hats? It’s a tricky thing to get right, and sometimes, it goes horribly wrong, hence the following list. These are the worst video game remakes of all time."

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irfo2004900d ago

Remake or Remaster? I think the writer doesn't know the different between remake and remaster

MadLad899d ago (Edited 899d ago )

They just found bad rereleases and lumped everything altogether.
As someone who knows what it was like to write for nothing sites before I started shaking hands with the bigger sites, even the small sites barely paying anything in the name of "helping build you a portfolio" there were always weekly quotas you had to make in terms of articles, despite the fact they were barely paying you at all.

I'm guessing things are no different, being written articles are even more dead than when I was doing it.

0hMyGandhi900d ago

I know that the Silent Hill HD "remaster" isn't the biggest offender on this list, but because I hold those games so dearly to my heart, the horrific end-product by an indifferent studio felt like a personal attack on some of the greatest "gaming years" of my life.

Yui_Suzumiya899d ago

Runs fine on my PS3 with no issues.

porkChop900d ago

Why are there remasters on a list of remakes?

Knightofelemia900d ago

The SH HD Remaster I enjoyed I also had fun trophy hunting it for PS3. I know it has it's quirks that fans hate but I paid $30 for it on Ebay. The PS2 port is fetching around $150 so I saved myself $120 Canadian going the PS3 route I will grab SH3 on PS2 sometime. But I enjoyed the game specially since I have never played SH3 before SH2 I got free with a $10 Xbox I bought.

autobotdan900d ago (Edited 900d ago )

To the end of the earth all the way till eternity people will still get confused about REMASTER and REMAKE. Like episodes of the Twilight Zone. Forever and ever with no end

VersusDMC899d ago


It's like they think a new 4k version of Oldboy is the same as the American remake.

I use the movie example because i assume most videogame journalists don't like videogames and just took a job they could get...

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Should Lovers of Modern Warfare Buy Black Ops: Cold War?

KeenGamer: "Fear not, Modern Warfare players, for this little article will give you all the information you need to decide whether to stay put, or make the next step in your FPS journey. The new Call of Duty game is finally here, but if you're still enjoying the series' previous instalment, you might be asking yourself one simple question. 'Should I buy Black Ops Cold War?'"

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NeoGamer2321404d ago

Nobody should be buying Cold War yet it is the best selling CoD.

I have a huge problem when you cannot get the nextgen version of the game by buying the standard version. Even if you own a nextgen console. The only way to get the nextgen version is through deluxe and higher versions.

This is a complete rip-off and money grab. If you buy the standard version and you own a nextgen console you are getting a gimped product for your console.


Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a Real Gamer™ must hate major publishers. None of the big boys escape criticism, whether it’s Ubisoft for its perceived approach to copy-and-paste game design or EA for, well, absolutely everything, really. Activision has oft been a dirty word in enthusiast circles, presumably because it insists on releasing wildly popular Call of Duty titles every year, but while other companies have had a dire generation, let’s give Bobby Kotick and his underlings a morsel of credit for some of its extracurricular activities recently.

The reality is that even if you think first-person shooters will give you cooties, Activision has done a wonderful job resurrecting some of its older brands. All the talk at the start of the generation revolved around whether Sony could wrench the Crash Bandicoot franchise out of the publisher’s cold hard grasp; the discussion was partly fuelled by outright fandom, but also because no one truly believed that the American publisher could do the mischievous marsupial justice in this day and age.

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Knightofelemia1478d ago (Edited 1478d ago )

You should define what a real gamer is you ask anybody what a real gamer is and the definition will be different. A real gamer in my definition does not care about console wars, and is in it for the feel of the game the enjoyment of the game relating to the characters and story of the game and says wow this is a great game. As a customer I hate EA I hate their business practices I hate how they close down good studios I hate how they litter a game with loot boxes and microtransactions I will not support EA. Activision releasing older titles as remakes is nothing new other companies have done it I like Spyro and Crash but I will not buy them day one I wait until they are cheap then I buy them. As a customer I just don't like Activision either I like Namco,Sega,Insomniac,Epic,Naug hty Dog,Santa Monica,Ubisoft,Quantic Dream,Banpresto,Gust,KOEI Tecmo, and SquareEnix. Again as for Nintendo's Disney approach to the new Mario collection releasing it as a limited number run both digital and physical then throwing it back into the vault is a dumb idea. I want the Mario collection just for Galaxy and Sunshine but as a customer especially if I am buying said limited number run game I expect Mario 64 to be cleaned up looks wise and have it polished. If modders have been doing it for years then why the hell can't Nintendo do it even Disney when they take a movie out of the vault for a limited time even polishes up their old cartoon movies. If Nintendo keeps going down the Disney route with limited time run then goes back into the vault it will eventually kick them in the ass.

monkey6021478d ago

Activision laid off hundreds of employees to save costs in the same year they made record breaking profits and gave Bobby Kottick a disgustingly large bonus on top of his already obscene paycheck.

They left a huge library of properties dormant for years so they could force more studios into a cycle of developing Call of Duty games.

They lock demos for upcoming games behind preorders.

Remember when they tried to sell Spyro 1 on a disc titled a trilogy without 2 and 3 included? They had to be downloaded.

Honestly Tony Hawk, CTR, Crash 1 -3, Spyro 1 - 3 were all great but Activision is run by absolute scumbags and no we should absolutely not let them think we forget that

AngelicIceDiamond1478d ago

They need to rid of the 1X to ease up confusion and ppl will pick up the Series S. Keep the 1S as the only ast gen console.

JCOLE131951478d ago (Edited 1478d ago )

Edit: never mind

KwietStorm_BLM1477d ago

You immediately lost me when trying to be funny with all gamers hating big publishers. Just tells me you're overlooking the actual criticisms they deserve, for the sake of patting Activision on the back.

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