
Conan Exiles Won't Have Full Nudity on Xbox One; Funcom Explains Why Genitals Are Included on PC

Funcom's Conan Exiles launched on Steam Early Access with the option to display full nudity, but it won't appear on Xbox One. The studio also explain why they decided to go with it on PC.

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Mr-Dude2759d ago

No buy then... I will never support censorship.

Eonjay2759d ago

The dev isn't censoring it though, its Microsoft that is censoring it on Xbox. Full exposure on PC still so they aren't censoring it. They are just complying to get it on Xbox and we will probably still get partial nudity. So don't wish ill on the dev... read the story...

Mr-Dude2758d ago

I did read it, and still not buying. I don't buy censored games. I don't care if the Pope made them do it, censorship is censorship.

livininsin2758d ago

If there's nudity, the big retailers simply won't carry it in their stores. What's the point in making a game available for console if no one can roll down to walmart, target, etc to buy it. Obviously, that's not a problem on PC because almost nothing sells brick and mortar for pc anymore...

Eonjay2758d ago


But then even if that is the case it is NOT censored on PC so when you said you wont buy it, I still think you are being harsh because you can get the uncensored version. Am I missing something here?

tinynuggins2758d ago

@mr dude,

you must not play very many console games then as they are all censored. As someone who used to work in game developent on the production side, censorship happend on every game i've ever worked on. You just dont hear about it because why would you?

rainslacker2758d ago

Full nudity is allowed on PS AFAIK. The Order had male full frontal nudity in a brief scene, as well as Heavy Rain on PS3. I don't think it has anything to do with being able to stock it in the store. That's more about ESRB rating, where retailers won't stock AO games, which are kind of like the porn or way way way to the extreme violence rating. I bring it up because the article mentions it'll likely be the same on PS.

But the article also says this is a compliance standard for releasing games on Xbox. That's fully on MS. Not sure, but there must be some examples of this on Xbox, because I wasn't aware there was any standard stating that full nudity couldn't be displayed.

KillBill2758d ago

It is more so that there simply isn't any direct regulatory official on computers as on consoles. MS and Sony basically are held accountable for what they allow on their systems and will get the brunt of the heat on anything appearing on their systems because they regulate it. (though UWP could change this dramatically) Computers though don't have a single entity that controls the information that can be played on them. The Developers will take all the brunt of any public backlash on PC side.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
2758d ago Replies(4)
wannabe gamer2758d ago

you should boycott Microsoft and SOny since they did this and your such a gleaming beacon of moral integrity right?

rainslacker2758d ago

Sony allows full frontal nudity. Heavy Rain and The Order, both Sony produced games, had it. Both made a few headlines for their time. There might be other examples, perhaps in Japan with some of the hentai games.

I know it's not really your point, but thought it'd be worth pointing out.

I'm also not convinced that MS doesn't allow it. I don't recall there ever being a compliance standard dictating the use of nudity. There is some for both companies for explicit sex scenes, but I can't think of any non porn game that has those. Graphic maybe, often implied, but never explicit.

PlayStation_52758d ago

Microsoft has been pretty clear about it, and “it’s not gonna fly.”


Nathan_Hale532758d ago

Then buy it on PC. Microsoft FORCED them. It isn't because they decided to do it, either Microsoft wouldn't publish it, or they made them censor it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
AizenSosuke2759d ago

Damn nope you messed with the wrong customer bro;)

2759d ago Replies(11)
Mr Marvel2759d ago

No buy for me if it comes to PS4 censored.
Conan has always been a bit on the risque side. It's part of it's charm.

Chevalier2758d ago

When is it coming to PS4? Hopefully soon.

ocelot072758d ago

They have said once it's finished It will be on PS4. But since Sony don't have an early access program they can't release it on PS4 just yet. However, Sony did allow Ark and 7 days to die on the system spite them not being complete. I think if they can get the game to a near complete state Sony will allow it (that's just a guess on my part)

nagalaga312758d ago

@ocelot07 "I think if they can get the game to a near complete state Sony will allow it". Like most AAA games?

XXanderXX2759d ago

This BS , I want to preview the same game content breast for breast , not half a bag of a game .
Come on MS grow a set .

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