
We Wait, In Eternal Darkness Could Silicon Knights be working on another Sequel ?

If I suddenly found that rubbing something vigorously produced a genie (preferably a hot female one) and could have a remake of any game I wished for, it would be Silicon Knights' Eternal Darkness. Yes, I know, Silicon Knights is currently focused on their new intellectual property (IP) Too Human which has been met with very mixed reactions and is supposed to be a trilogy. I don't care. I want a 'this gen' Eternal Darkness

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XboxOZ3605844d ago (Edited 5844d ago )

When doing this for our writer (adding the pics and layout), I found evidence that Silicon Knights ARE in fact working on 2 new titles with the Ontario Government scheme which have put up $CAN10 Million for them to develop games in Ontario Canada.

This is OUTSIDE of their Too Human development, which is still going ahead with the other two iterations for the trilogy. Studios CAN and do build or work on more than one title at a time. They simply have separate teams working on them. Ubisoft do it, Gearbox do it, and so do most of the mid-range development houses these days.

So don't dismiss the idea of SK's doing two games or not bringing back Eternal Darkness, it could just happen.

But are sequels really as good as they seem, or are many gamers these days expecting way too much, yet at the same time, demanding developers stay true to the game.

Makes it really hard to build a "This-Gen" game which are supposed to break new ground, if they are continually told by fans to keep the games as they were. Which is NOT progress at all.

TheColbertinator5844d ago

I think its the most logical direction Silicon Knights can take.Eternal Darkness would be a good franchise to reawaken

XboxOZ3605844d ago

It;s great to see a government getting behind developers. Canada is by far the best government as far as helping developers. Their tax breaks exceed every other country, and if worked in the correct fashion, a developer can get tax breaks of up to 40% of the cost of a game.

While countries like the UK, Australia etc get no tax breaks whatsoever for gaming, yet do in film and TV. Making it almost impossible to make any sort of profit from the games they produce.

It's why so many game developers are heading to set up studios in Canada.

Silicon Knights got the deal because they are 1) Canadian naturally, and 2) their main base of operations is in Ontario. So investing that sum of money into two games, one of which could well be the logical sequel to Eternal Darkness only makes sense.

I hope it is one of the two games being done, we need games like that again.

Hunter865844d ago

A sequel to eternal darkness would be possibly very very awesome.

Immortal Kaim5844d ago

More so than other survival horror games, ED messed with your mind, its such an amazing game and would love to see it for the current gen consoles.


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Summons752810d ago

Sadly Persona 5 won't happen...maybe Persona 5 golden? But why Eternal Darkness 2, every time they've tried to bring that sequel back to life nobody backs them and then mocks them, then begs for the sequel...I'd be cool but the least we could maybe get is the Gamecube VC. Mario Sunshine 2 would be amazing!

jokerman272810d ago

Why would Nintendo get the copyright back then? I think they may develop the title themselves, not go to Silicon Knights, they're dead in the water. Maybe put the Luigi's Mansion team on it!

LevyMcGarden2810d ago

Looking forward to awsome JRPGs on the Switch and possibly a Kingdom Hearts game!

jokerman272810d ago

More Bravely! Or Fire Emblem!

Jurat2809d ago

a Monster Hunter installment would benefit from a decent analogue control scheme.


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Nintendo Requests Extension of "Time to File a Statement of Use" Over Eternal Darkness Trademark

Nintendo have continued their quiet campaign to keep firm grip of the Eternal Darkness trademark, following last June’s re-filing comes a request of a time extension.

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XiSasukeUchiha3742d ago

Please Nintendo make this happen.

porkChop3742d ago

If they're filing for this kind of extension then it's pretty clear Nintendo has no plans to release a new title in the series for quite a while.

randomass1713742d ago

Dang. I hope it at least leads to an HD remake at the very least.

thehobbyist3742d ago

But it definitely means they want to do something with it eventually. And that's what matters.

Scatpants3742d ago

If you make a sequel to this I will buy a WiiU.

CrowbaitBob3741d ago

It'll be 3DS only, mark my words.

Activemessiah3742d ago

I have a feeling we'll be seeing a sequel... Fatal Frame is already in development... another mature game like this is definitely on the cards.

kurenaishinigami3742d ago

Nintendo is apparently building a hefty amount of exclusive ammunition for Wii U, Fatal Frame is like next year and maybe they announce sequel for Eternal Darkness at E3 2015 or as early by end of this year...

RadeonXRay3742d ago

To quote a popular Disney film:

'Let it gooooooooooo'

thehobbyist3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

You mean that Disney film that wasn't actually animated by Disney and was outsourced to Korea? Where they just modified the Rapunzel model to make the models for the two sisters? With character archetypes that Disney has used so many times it's a wonder that cow still produces milk?
Yeah, let's all quote THAT film.

air13742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Lmfao! I wish I knew what you was talking about, comes off as a great reply!

Funny gif. Fatneal..

Anyway.. Nintendo bring it!

MSBAUSTX3742d ago

Didn't you just pretty much say what Activision is doing with COD right now? At least Frozen went back to Disney's roots and got children singing again rather than brainwashing them with the Croods. Regardless, Nintendo is trying to bring games to the mature audiences. Far cry from the last few years. I am glad to see them trying to right this wrong and Bayonetta, Devils Third, Fatal Frame, and now this are all a start in the right direction.

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CouldHaveYelledUiiW3742d ago

I was so hoping that Nintendo was working with Precursor Games to bring Shadow of the Eternal exclusive to WiiU.

Then they could just give them the rights to the name (since it is a sequel anyway).

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