
PS Plus: Free Games for March 2017

This month includes the action-packed Disc Jam and the beautiful Tearaway Unfolded for the PS Plus lineup.

Under Night: In-Birth (PS3)
Earth Defense Force 2025 (PS3)
Lumo, PS Vita (crossbuy on PS4)
Severed (PS Vita)

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-Ghost2759d ago

Good month for me. 4/6 that I'm interested in playing. Disc Jam, Tearaway, Under Night & Severed

boomtube19872758d ago (Edited 2758d ago )

Awefull games...all non AAA indies. Look at the dislikes on PS Plus compared to the likes of Xbox Gold. Xbox games for gold offers more value. Youtube has less fanboz compared to PS4G here so i expect allot of dislikes on my comments.

AAA games over non AAA indies all the time. WE ARE CONSOLE GAMERS. Ban non AAA indies on consoles. Problem solved.

Phill-Spencer2758d ago

Ehm technically tearaway is from media molecule which belong to sony. So it is no indie game.^^

2758d ago
mastershredder2758d ago

Did Trump post that? Must have.

You should really learn terminology before swinging it like that on a site littered with industry and veteran gamers. THAT is why you get dislikes.

thejigisup2758d ago

Why do you try so hard to be a troll? Why can't you contribute any amount of value to any discussion? Value is subjective, whether games with gold offers more value than ps+ or not doesn't mean much for people that actually use and enjoy the service. It's not even about being a fanboy or not, you're just obnoxious. Sony keeps giving us content that is of substantial quality and that's all that matters. I can't wait to get disc jam and severed.

game4funz2758d ago

Well tear away is a triple A sorta... But playstation fans didn't support that game at all. It was completely skipped over for multiplats

yeahokwhatever2758d ago

Disc Jam is amazing. Its VERY RocketLeague-esque.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2758d ago
IamTylerDurden12758d ago

Great lineup even though i own Tearaway Unfolded and Severed i can still acknowledge that it's an excellent games lineup.

Tearaway Unfolded is spectacular, i'm happy that more ppl will experience this gem from Media Molecule.

Severed is another phenomenal game from Drinkbox with a gorgeous art style and surprisingly well done combat.

Disc Jam was highly enjoyable in the beta and it is getting compared favorably to Rocket League.

I would've loved Earth Defense Force for Vita, but it's still a fun campy game.

PurpHerbison2758d ago

I didn't even notice Under Night, I already own the jp version and its crossregion play. Probably the best fighting game I played last gen that wasn't SF4.

TGGJustin2759d ago

Amazing lineup in my opinion. Tearaway Unfolded is an unappreciated gem from Media Molecule and Disc Jam I think is going to blow up like Rocket League did. 2 Retail titles on PS3 is great and then you get Severed on Vita that is one of the best games on the platform. Heck of a month.

CocoaBrother2759d ago

Vita owners, Severed is a very good game and I highly recommend giving it a go.

yeahright22758d ago

I almost bought it last week when it was on sale for like $5 as I only needed less than a dollar to get that $15 back on $100 deal. thankfully I rented john wick instead.

UCForce2759d ago

Teraway is a great game. I would recommend for everyone.

CocoaBrother2759d ago

Yep definitely. I have it in the Vita and enjoyed it greatly. Now I can give the PS4 version a go.

badz1492759d ago

2 months in a row now that I already have the PS+ games. LBP3 and Tearaway...bought both at launch too. LOL didn't even think that Sony would give them with PS+ considering they almost never give 1st party games before.

oh well...

MoonConquistador2759d ago

Maybe not so much on the PS4 so far but they have given away God of War and Infamous games before on PS3 and Vita.

nitus102759d ago (Edited 2759d ago )

I have never played the game before although I have thought about purchasing it quite a few times but since I have a huge backlog of games so I never bothered.

I will definitely give this game a try and it is possible I may even like it. This is why I like PS+ since it gives me the chance to play games that sometimes are out of the genres I am comfortable with. Even if the game is not to my liking I have not lost any money.

BTW. Teraway is classified as Platforming and Adventure which is very close to Action/Adventure and RPG's which are my preferred genres. The only problem is that I have just got the two DLC's for The Witcher 3 and for them I restarted on "Death March" - getting killed allot and loving it.


Disc Jam looks fun. Reminds me a game from NeoGeo CD, Windjammers. I believe this game inspired Disc Jam, for sure.


peewee110162758d ago

It's a re image of that game bro..

Knushwood Butt2758d ago

I miss my Neo Geo CDZ, and those awesome soundtracks.

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ravens5224m ago

PLEASE! I sold my vita copy smdh and I want to get back to killin them big ass creepy Cheshire Cats lol

Goodguy0118m ago

Weren't great games but they were fun. Deserves a sequel.


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Markdn4h ago

Nice, lost so much hair 0laying last nija, those jumps across the stream grrrrrrrrr. But loved them anyways :)