
European Hardware Association research shows declining interest in VR

This week, the European Hardware Association presented its 2017 buying trends research report, giving us a hint at what Europeans are most interested in tech-wise in 2017.

DigitalRaptor2673d ago (Edited 2673d ago )

That's very interesting. Looks like this report based on "buying trends" is extremely PC gaming oriented and doesn't make mention of PSVR at all. It wouldn't surprise me if PCVR adoption is declining - I think it has been stagnating for a while now. PSVR (not mentioned in the article) has sold beyond Sony's expectations, and due to low stock allocation people have not even been able to buy it even if they wanted to. That could explain why people aren't buying what isn't available in terms of VR on console.

A quote from the article: "One factor that is holding many readers back from adopting VR any time soon is the lack of ‘killer app’. There are some good games available on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive but nothing truly Triple A like we see on traditional gaming platforms. Unfortunately, these huge games take years to produce and cost an awful lot of money to make and no one studio or brand has really stepped up just yet to bring that to market."

I really don't think this piece of research or the article reporting it is wired into PSVR or what's going on in the console space at all. To make this statement you would have to completely ignore a AAA game like Resident Evil 7, which is a masterpiece in Virtual Reality design and was built from scratch with VR in mind. So yeah... don't think it's talking about PSVR at all.

Aenea2672d ago

Don't forget Dirt Rally VR which is a AAA game and is completely playable in VR on Rift, Vive and PSVR!

So they're not only forgetting about PSVR, they also didn't exactly research the PC stuff...

2672d ago
2672d ago
sampson31212673d ago

"One factor that is holding many readers back from adopting VR any time soon is the lack of ‘killer app’. There are some good games available on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive but nothing truly Triple A like we see on traditional gaming platforms."

this article is nonsens because it has absolutely nothing to do with PSVR. The other two VR sets have slowed and the article is lumping PSVR in with their stagnant sales.

change the pic for the article because it is just exposing your obvious bias against Sony.

2673d ago
plmkoh2672d ago

80% of the "VR headset" market is Google cardboard and Samsung Gear VR. This is the same 80% that is currently dropping in sales because mobile phone VR hasn't quite received the same innovation and excitement as the expensive PC and PS4 VR.

I don't think you can lump the traditional more expensive market with mobile market because we say the same foolish interpretation of mobile markets eclipsing console markets as a sign that console market was shrinking yet we know PS4 sales are at record highs.

At this date PSVR has sold 915,000 units. It's not explosive growth but it doesn't look like it is slowing.

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gamerz583d ago

Don't envy anyone competing with the Steam Deck.

Espangerish583d ago

Truth is none of them are as good. The cheaper ones are so much worse that I'd just pay more for a Deck. The more expensive ones aren't as good due to the lack of the Steam ecosystem and support the Deck has do I'd be spending more on something I like less. The only realistic challenger is a future Switch 2...until then Deck wins easily.


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