
Sex and the Sh*tty: Why RPGs Should Break up With Relationship Quests

Just because they're in your party, it doesn't mean you have to sleep with them. Here's why relationship quests need to go.

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Godmars2902686d ago (Edited 2686d ago )

The "never nude" policy at the very least.

And it would be surprising how game devs are bad at scripting relationships - if they were script writers instead of dev/PC programmers.

Godmars2902686d ago

Yes, but they're nude.

There's the Austin Powers' "strategically placed object blocks view" gag, then there's just had sex but underwear is on.

bluefox7552685d ago

Witcher is about the only game that portrays relationships in a non-awkward and cringeworthy manner.

2685d ago
SaveFerris2686d ago

Maybe it just needs better writers? Even movies get this wrong, though it can be due to factors like the lack of chemistry between the actors, poor acting, and writing, and they only have 2 hours run time.
Game romances are about as shallow as the ones in a James Bond movie. Perhaps the romance should be dropped and instead focus on building trust and friendship between the party members as part of the story?

JayPi32685d ago

I agree, games like the Persona series can get relationships right without ever needing the characters to kiss or remove their clothing (as far as I know) yet somehow all these other games try to shoe horn cheesy sex scenes into their games.

As you said, the focus should be on building trust, and friendship which the Persona series does great. If more games focused on genuine bonding with deep characters sex could be treated more as an option than a end game you have to get to just by saying all the right things.

Kreisen2685d ago

Im sorry to break it to you but real people dont actually interact with each like they do in Persona games (or anime). Not even in Japan, where i have lived for the better part of my life i might add.

VsAssassin2685d ago

I agree with you guys. I don't get the forced-in sex in games in the previous generation going into the current. The only in-game sex that I consider classy and not forced was in Indigo Prophecy, but I can live without such in my games to be honest.

Building good relationships without the use of sex is definitely the way to go.

Derceto2685d ago

Wow. I couldn't even be bothered to finish reading that pathetic article.

Some comically bad arguments and comparisons. Get real.

Warshade2685d ago

I prefer the Witcher and romance being part of a narrative. My least favorite is Bioware.

Nu2685d ago

Peach is chocking and Mario is trying to help her?

sullynathan2685d ago

Focusing on romances really has to go, focus on gameplay instead.

Aloren2685d ago

Why ? Romances in rpg usually represent about 10 minutes out of a 30+ hours experience.
It's not much, you don't have to play those 10 mins if you don't want to, and many people like these. Why do you care ? Removing it is not gonna change anything to your experience .

sullynathan2685d ago

The developers put too much time into focusing on romance. Go to Bioware's dead forums or VDPR's and you'll see what the majority of the fans are talking about. Romances instead of gameplay

Aloren2684d ago (Edited 2684d ago )

Yeah, their fans talk about romance. A lot. It's even a selling point for many of them, yet it's not even 2% of the work that goes into creating the game. A few dialogue options, one or two short cinematics, it's really not much, but it's a decisive factor to their fans. So why should they drop it ?
And again, I see no reason why short romance cinematics in a story-centered game would negativly impact the gameplay. Do you really think that the witcher or mass effect would play differently if they hadn't put romances in there ?

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