
Ubisoft: Reviewers Won't Have Access to For Honor Until Launch

Ubisoft has sent out a statement to media outlets today stating that they won't be able to access the final build of the upcoming For Honor for review until it's publicly launched on February 14.

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electricrabbit2689d ago

This has become an unfortunate trend with publishers than I am not a fan of.

81BX2689d ago

Well considering they had a beta i dont see the issue

bouzebbal2689d ago

Is it me or there is absolutely no hype around this game. The always online killed it for me. Too bad it looked promising

81BX2689d ago

Idk?.?.?. Honestly my hyped kinda died after the beta footage. Not that it was bad, but for some reason i was expecting a different kind of game

Spenok2688d ago

I agree, it's a bad, anti-consumer practice. However, after the Alpha/Beta, I am sold. I loved it.

The_Kills2688d ago (Edited 2688d ago )

And people thought Pre-Order bonuses were a travesty back in my day.. Don't worry yet, it's still going to get much worse than this. For instance the example we have here:

$60/AAA/F2P style Microtransactions/Peer2Peer connection/Always-Online/Seaso n Pass/Pre-Order bonus/Review copy embargo.

Possibly the worst publisher exploitation variations on consumers from a single game.

But no, we still have people fine with this. This is why 95% of games today are easily dismissible.

ArchangelMike2689d ago

There's basically a "free demo" aka Open Beta literally 2 days before the game launches. Who needs reviews, when you can try out the game for yourself 2 days before it releases. Gamers need to grow up and start forming their own opinions and making their own decisions. I mean seriously, does you mommy still tell you what to wear when you go out? ...Actually, don't answer that question.... gamers aye! smh.

TXIDarkAvenger2689d ago

Hmm...play it for 2 days myself assuming I'm not busy during that period or get the opinion of many other reviewers who have played it for over a week.

NotoriousWhiz2689d ago

Well, who knows you better than yourself? If you're busy for that 2 day period, you can always wait a couple more days for official reviews.

TXIDarkAvenger2689d ago

Just like to remind you that he said " Who needs reviews...". Yet over half of you read/watch them before buying a game. Or maybe you actually don't and that's why you cry about your game being broken and trash after buying it day 1.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi2689d ago

I don't think there's anything wrong with devs not giving out free review copies of they're game but usually when they don't it's a bad sign.

spicelicka2689d ago

I think it depends, if it's a multiplayer game sometimes it makes sense to let the reviewers play the game with the general public before reviewing.

The_Kills2688d ago

Yeah, I sooo remember all those developers that knew they had a good game and didn't want anyone to know.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi2688d ago

Assuming that it IS good. I know the beta has been out for a while and people are enjoying the online but there is still the campaign to consider. From what they've been showing of it, it seems like more than just a tacked on experience.

The_Kills2688d ago

The game is MP focused, its evident from the Season Pass nonsense if nothing else, getting this game for SP only? Man it's a desert out there for those people.

ApexWolf222689d ago

I personally think it's just a fancier take on dynasty warriors, waste of money if your not into that formula. Probably why they're not sending out review copies.

Raider692689d ago

The game can actually be a waste of money,but has nothing to do with Dynasty Warrior gameplay wise!

ChronoJoe2689d ago

Yeah aside featuring melee combat it's nothing like dynasty warriors.

spicelicka2689d ago

It doesn't look nor play like dynasty warriors.

ApexWolf222689d ago

Hey love it or hate it that's the impression the gameplay vids left me with, there seems to be a campaign mode that's very reminiscent of the dynasty warrior games.

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ThinkThink142d ago

Wow, this game is still going! Have not played it yet but wondering if it's worth jumping into


I played it when it first came out and it's pretty solid though I did moved on from the MP fairly quick... I did enjoy the campaign and I see the game on sale for a few dollars so I do recommend picking it up on sale.

Garethvk142d ago

It has plenty of action and updates.

Garethvk142d ago

They have had many good updates along the way. There was a great one where you had to defend an attack and you could use hot oil and all kinds of things to defend.