
57.1 Million PS4 Shipped by Sony as of December 2016; PlayStation Sales and Income Soar

Sony Corporation announced today its financial results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2016, ended on December 31st. As you can see in the table below

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DarkOcelet2787d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they sold 70 million by the end of the year.

affrogamer2787d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

This will be their best year as far as first party exclusives go. That target is very reachable!

majiebeast2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

See this is why Sony has nothing to fear from the other 2 its still breaking records left and right.

Kingthrash3602787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

I truly think it's weird to see articles that say "why the sony should be worried about ms/nintendo" when it's should be the other way around. They have double the games actual exclusives and a fair price.

2787d ago
DashArrivals2787d ago

Plus all the exclusives they have lined up. A steady stream of greatness. PLUS, they are still working on many titles we don't even know about. Sony are so much more focused on PS4 than even PS3. Playstation is a massive cornerstone of their business now. They will continue to blow us away.

Chevalier2786d ago

More like 75 million seems quite likely.

Brugal2786d ago

That's insane and plausible.

mikeslemonade2786d ago

Gonna overtake 3DS within the next 2 years.

UCForce2786d ago

If this keep up, PlayStation will dominate this year.

bouzebbal2786d ago

Gran Turismo will take care of that.
Great milestone.

joab7772786d ago

Definitely. I actually think that they may end up dropping the price of the Pro at some point too. It's a good machine. But the exclusives are absurd right now!

C-H-E-F2786d ago

That's very possible actually, especially with this year exclusives lord ham mercy.

GtR35olution2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

Wow, thats amazing. So theyll probably sell 70 million by november when scorpio is out and xbox one sales will be around 31 million. Ive seen a lot of fanat-X saying that when the scorpio is released it will be selling so well that xbox will outsell the ps4 which is just silly. Well deserved for sony because they've been releasing amazing exclusive games and i cant wait for horizon zero dawn in 3 weeks.

hulk_bash19872786d ago

Congrats to Sony and the Playstation brand, theyve been knocking out of the park this Gen. Heres to the future and what else is in store for us gamers. Cheer.

FITgamer2786d ago

Looks like they will hit their 60 million target for fiscal year pretty easily.

Sm30002786d ago

I'm thinking more like 80mil

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2786d ago
ONESHOTV22786d ago ShowReplies(19)
TankCrossing2786d ago

Sony are absolutely bossing where it matters. Every time I close my eyes I wake up, and another quality PS4 game drops. Great start to 2017.

stuna12786d ago

Lol, instead of counting sheep, you're counting games.

Major_Glitch2786d ago

This generation belongs to Sony.

CaptainObvious8782786d ago ShowReplies(1)
trooper_2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

Man, this is INSANE. I wouldn't be surprised if they hit 70 million too.

DashArrivals2786d ago

It's crazy. I'm just so excited for whats to come this year and in the next few years. Sony has a lot of goodies lined up for us to sample. :D

reaperofsouls2786d ago ShowReplies(1)
Deadpooled2786d ago ShowReplies(3)
ONESHOTV22786d ago Show
Inzo2786d ago


Lol, yes, very high settings and nothing to show for it except tech demos and a constant referral to the snore fest that is Crysis.

ONESHOTV22785d ago

Inzo--- the only people that would say some thing like that are the misinformed (you) and the unsecured or even blind (you again ) come out of that tunnel your field of view might widen a bit.

Brisco2786d ago

King in losing money that's for sure.

joeorc2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

Brisco..no they are selling each ps4 at a slight profit ...even without a software sale...the system itself is infact sold at profit.

Actual rate is 1.36 to 1.68 per month shipped @ Rain..that's been that way per the last few years straight !

Surprised me that has been a sustained production metric.

donthate2786d ago

Except it doesn't look like Sony is going to hit their conservative target of 20 million PS4 consoles sold this year. I suppose they could channel stuff, but they already got 3+ million consoles on shelves as we speak.

rainslacker2786d ago

This puts them a few million short as of December 31, and they average 750-1 million a month, so for the fiscal year, which ends at the end of March, they're going to be pretty darn close.

I don't think it's considered channel stuffing when the items are selling pretty fast. Stuffing is done when retailers aren't ordering more, and the manufacturer gives incentives for retailers to buy more. So far, I haven't seen a single incentive from Sony to try and push sales to retailers in this manner beyond the typical price drops, which are different.

Muzikguy2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

Funny seeing all the doom articles when things like this are happening. There must be 57 million disappointed fans according to what I read the other day lol. I'm so glad to see a company that's focused on the gaming community do so well. Probably be well over 70 million by year's end. Especially since they've been doing million each month (or more) follows by that surge in quarter 3. Should be looking at PS3 lifetime sales in no time.

2786d ago Replies(1)
+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2785d ago
TGGJustin2787d ago

Yep last month when they announced they sold 53.4 million by Jan 1 I predicted that meant they likely shipped 56-57 million. Looks like I was right. Their goal by the end of March was to ship 60 million. With 3 whole months to ship 2.9 million it looks like they will hit their goal.

UltraNova2786d ago

GT Sport alone will move more than 1million ps4s.

BIGBOSS082786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

That game will be massive in Europe. The ps4 sales in Europe on gt sport release will be like holiday level sales. People forget how big gran turismo is.

FallenAngel19842787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

3.7 million PS4s were on shelves waiting for consumers to buy them

TGGJustin2787d ago

So? What's wrong with that? They are selling fast so they have to keep plenty of stock available.

Abriael2787d ago

That's what happens when you have a product that sells quickly. The distribution channel is far from saturated, that's for sure.

FallenAngel19842787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

I didn't say anything was wrong with it. I'm just commenting on how many PS4s are readily available for consumers to purchase them and have a great time by comparing how much Sony said they sold and what they shipped, as was referred to in the actual article

Destiny10802786d ago

there probably selling a million+ a week during December

so to keep ahead of that, production obviously needs to be higher, its just the time of year that they produce so many

ILostMyMind2786d ago

You said that seven hours ago. Probably now there are a hundred thousand less on the shelves.

Christopher2786d ago

Not likely. Selling an average of 100 per hour is a more likely figure. We're out of the Holiday season.

rainslacker2786d ago (Edited 2786d ago )

When they sell about a million a month, that would be typical for a product that sells worldwide at a lot of different kinds of retailers. Plus, probably at least half of those are in distribution channels, not at the retailers themselves in anticipation of the next months sales.


From what I've seen, the distributors have a pretty steady stream of stock of systems. The one's that track stock in real time seem to fluctuate a lot from day to day. This tends to indicate that stuff is moving regularly. Other things that don't move as fast can sit at a single number for weeks, and then maybe get a higher number if someone orders enough to drop it below the reorder threshhold....assuming that they decide to order more for their clients.

Seems the bigger distributors are getting thousands in at a time for wholesale. I'd suppose that would be normal, and these kinds of shipments seem to happen about once every couple weeks or so....likely through freight shipments from the manufacturer....although I'm kind of making assumptions on how they handle their stock at distribution.

In any case, people complain when there are stock shortages, and I guess they claim that stuff is just sitting on shelves when there are enough to just go in and pick one up at the store.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2786d ago
Malice-Flare2787d ago


and, thanks for the games...

ApocalypseShadow2787d ago (Edited 2787d ago )

Good job Sony.

This is why I don't see Sony as being worried about what Nintendo and Microsoft are doing. Mindful. But not worried.

By the end of the year, Sony will be sitting somewhere around 70 million units shipped or sold. Developers who are looking to make potential money have to consider making games for PS4. Which also helps PS4 Pro. Which also helps PSVR. Sony being lead platform is guaranteed games, games and more games.

The negative part is that there is no time to play them all. But the positive thing is that there is such a huge variety to choose from that as a gamer, you're swimming in games

But the battle will rage on

UltraNova2786d ago

Personally there's no way I'll manage to play all Sony exclusives I'm interested in this year let alone 3rd party must plays like Nioh, MassE etc...its overwelming!

1st world problems right?

nitus102786d ago

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you since I have far too many games for the PS4 alone and I still have PS3 games I have not finished.

Yes, definitely a first world problem. 😉

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Markdn1h ago

Nice, lost so much hair 0laying last nija, those jumps across the stream grrrrrrrrr. But loved them anyways :)