
Daring to Be Different: Looking Back At The First Year of Rainbow Six Siege

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Gaming Boulevard got their hands on Rainbow Six Siege: Shifting Tides and explains why it's such a big improvement.

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Rainbow Six Siege Community in an Uproar Over Ubisoft Visual Changes to the Game

While the majority of video games are marketed to the audiences in the west, the market in Asia is big (and Asia isn’t only Japan), and it even reaches massive status when you factor in China. Ubisoft has announced a list of changes it’s making to Rainbow Six Siege’s aesthetics since it plans to expand to Asian territories.

excaliburps2152d ago

Is the community overreacting or is Ubisoft being an ass here? O_o

GortJester2152d ago

I think Ubisoft is being dumb tbh. One mans opinion but the removal of blood etc is just really odd for a mature shooting game with already M Rating

Skull5212152d ago

Taking blood out means I'm done with this game. Sorry Ubisoft but that is how it is. I liked Rainbow Six for what it is, not what for what the Asian market will allow. Big mistake.

sevilha822151d ago

dude it´s soo stupid ,i loved the blood splaters and the way the looked on walls and the floor,it maked the game so much cooler,f#&k this over-political correct trend bullsh#$t,i grew up with Duke Nukem and Doom,it´s just freaking pixels .

kevinsheeks2152d ago (Edited 2152d ago )

This time the community is more in the right, ubisoft is changing aspects of the game globally to cater to a segment of the market, it's basically taking a dump on anyone who already purchased. And from my understanding the players will be split from the global community regardless so they didn't have to do this at all they could have just did it for those playing in that region .. ionno it's a big mess, I do think the lack of blood is going to be goofy as hell lol shooting someone in the head is perfectly fine but blood being shown is a no-no lol

they might as well just have rainbows come out when you kill someone lol

senorfartcushion2152d ago

I've never seen a game get away with so much.

The season system was already a nasty way of knobbing fans over, but essentially turning the game into a mobile game to appease Chinese companies? Madness.

rainslacker2152d ago

Forget reason. The community is in an uproar. That makes me more ruckused than the ruckus than the RDR2 2nd CD fiasco earlier this week, and even more than the COD community being unhappy about BO4 weapon variants.

All these things to be upset about, all this week. 2 of them from mp1st.com.

Maybe N4G mods can make a new rule that articles about some people in a community somewhere being upset isn't really a story. I mean, if these journalists and what they do aren't news, then I don't see how random forum goers opinions are news. We already talk about this stuff, and it just causes stupid discussion on the topic at hand. If the writers want to discuss the topic, at least bring their own take on the subject through an opinion piece.

mogwaii2152d ago

Lol, Wtf? "ruckused" is not a word.

senorfartcushion2152d ago

As much as journalists hate these pieces, uproar from fans shows the lack of care being shown by companies and where gaming is in 2018.

This is the objectivist era.

rainslacker2151d ago


It's just something from an article earlier this week. This is the third story about how fans in some community are upset about something, based on nothing more than some normal internet post being upset about something.


In this case, I think there is a better story here than what the fans think. Rather, instead of focusing on what the fans are upset about, report the story itself, which is the visual changes to the game. Within that story, you cite how it's upset fans.

This is what actual journalism does, instead of making hit pieces which focus on people being upset. Inform. Don't breed a bandwagon culture by making it seem like this is something that would upset everyone.

2152d ago Replies(5)
Sophisticated_Chap2152d ago

Not good. I won't be supporting game companies that cater to communist regimes.

Uglyday2152d ago

So essentially none considering SJWs are communists.

senorfartcushion2152d ago

SJWs are actually scared of being ruined/killed by corrupt politicians that promote some of the world's nastiest crimes such as racism, sexism etc.

In fact, the terms was coined in order to describe the superheroes of DC comics.

Yeah, a lot of themngo overboard, and they can't take a joke, but it comes from fear and we should all sympathise with that just a little bit.

Atticus_finch2151d ago

@ugly .01/10 for lazy trolling

rainslacker2152d ago

Now Now....control your furor. All this ballyhoo and commotion is really no reason to be disturbed over it.

Downroar. It's good for the soul.

Shikoku2152d ago

So they are pandering to Communist china and Muslim countries......great.

NarooN2152d ago

Anything to chase after the almighty dollar. Kinda ironic in a sense

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Rainbow Six Siege players want forgiveness for teamkilling

Ubisoft has been silent on the request from players since the game’s release.

NovusTerminus2183d ago (Edited 2183d ago )

I think its fine. I have 700 hours on PC and only play ranked, only been kicked out of maybe 3 games due to accidental team killings. And then it's a 15 minute ban.

Issue is, how do you fix it? Remove team killing? That would not work because watching your shots helps add to the tension and strategy of the game.

Also by removing the ban then you run in to the issue of team killers running rampant and just forcing everyone down to Copper 4.

Edit: forgot they changed the ban system. As one not gotten a TK. But those ban timers reset after a while so you shouldn't see more then 30 minutes ever, if you even see thst.

Skull5212182d ago

There should be some obvious team killing punishment. If you're still setting up on defense it should auto ban. If you haven't moved beyond 20 meters of spawning as offense, auto ban.

NovusTerminus2182d ago

Try to shoot a camera at spawn, instaban.
Try to shoot a drone, or open a wall up, instaban.

The TKing aspect on PC is not that bad, very rarely do I run into problems, that being said from what I hear the console versions have a rampant issue with it.

calle792182d ago

How about realy punishing those who teamkill. It doesnt happen to often but very anoying when u get in a game With those asshats that kils u right in the begining of a round. Im sure those fuckers does this often and should realy be punished or banned!

A hour or so punishment is nothing. Im sure those guys does it right before they log of and the punishment means nothing then. And if u acidentaly kill someone and they also se it after in the killcam, why WHY do they kill u in the NeXT round?! Nice way to loose a match for the entire team...

GameBoyColor2182d ago

On pc i never really had a problem with tkers, but on ps4 i run into them like every other game, whether it be on my team or the enemy team. it's annoying and should really be punished more severely on console

calle792182d ago

I agree! Not as much a problem on PC but i only play on PS4 now. Permaban!