
Everyone Should Own a PS4 and Nintendo Switch This Year

Everyone needs to own a PS4 and Nintendo Switch this year due to the exclusives coming out for both consoles and the third-party games coming to the PS4 and the lackluster Microsoft lineup.

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lifeistranger2699d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn is going to be incredible. Can't wait for that title.

IAmLoki2699d ago

I can't wait for Zelda Breath of the Wild. That game is going to be so phenomenal. It looks much better than the best 3D Zelda game/one of the best games of all time aka OOT. That is just impressive. And by looks it isn't visuals but the game itself. So much passion got poured into this masterpiece.

lifeistranger2699d ago

BotW and horizon could last me all year

WombBat2699d ago

Nah, ill sell preorder and make double the money. Nintendo are not #4theplayer like Sony are.

mikeslemonade2699d ago

Yep PC, PS4, and Switch if you can only have 3 gaming platforms.

ILostMyMind2699d ago

If you can have four platforms then PC, PS4, NS and a AquaPlay would be perfect.

MRMagoo1232699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )


all you ever do is cry about how bad ps4 fans are ........have you tried looking at your own comments ? btw they are disagrees not dislikes all it means is most people disagree about the switch being worth getting, I don't like Zelda and I don't like Mario so I disagree as well but ....if they had animal crossing as a launch title I would probably agree instead because that is one Nintendo franchise I enjoy.

my best advice.....get over it , people have different opinions and considering Playstation is by far the world's most popular gaming brand more people will agree with ps4 comments than xbone comments or switch comments, that's the way life works, heaven forbid you ever get a job with people that have differing opinions to yourself cos I just don't think you are mentally ready for that yet.

tyasia02698d ago

PC, PS4 and Switch for me.

UltimateMaster2698d ago

As a Wii U owner, I don't see the point of owning a Switch anytime soon.
If there were more games, it could get me interested.

SR3882698d ago

@wombbat... Nah they ain't PlayStation is for the players, Nintendo is for the gamers ;)

XanderZane2698d ago

I'm waiting for them to finally change the name of this site to N4SF (New 4 Sony Fanboys).


+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
Aceman182699d ago

I'll be buying the switch later this year, and this is the combo I'll be rocking with for the next few years.

XanderZane2698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

Should be good, but I'll still stick to my PS4 Pro & Scorpio this year. The Switch will have to wait a year before I can take another look. Only reason I'd get a Switch early is to sell it on EBay for twice the price. I'll play Zelda on my Wii U while I'm waiting.

Don't need a PC or a Switch this year. Most PC games worth playing will end up on PS4 and XB1 eventually. Switch only has 2-3 exclusives worth getting this year and I'm not feeling their online strategy or low storage.

PhoenixUp2699d ago

I'd rather get a Switch when it is cheaper and has a more sizable library. There's no reason to be an early adopter and jump on board this year, not even that free trial period for its underwhelming subscription service

IAmLoki2699d ago

No reason? Then why are tons of people jumping on board day 1?

Rimeskeem2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

Loyalty to the brand and Zelda probably. He simply stated that the library was small, never said it didnt have quality games. Although I agree with the underwhelming sub service. I also think the accessories pricing needs some tuning.

_-EDMIX-_2699d ago

I'll purchase it when shin Megami tensei and Animal Crossing release

Tons of people were always going to jump on board day one based on being early adopters in fanatics.

I believe for most Gamers there's a very little reason to purchase the switch upon arrival especially since the best titles that are even releasing for it at launch are already on other platforms.

So buy a switch even though many Nintendo fans can just play titles like Zelda on their wii u?

I just feel if you're a Nintendo fan you just have very little reason to really purchase this device day one other than simply wanting it.

Somebody if they wanted to could just simply continue to play Mario Kart in buy Zelda for the Wii U and they would still be experiencing the same games.

SinkingSage2699d ago

The common man is a fool.

BG115792698d ago

Probably for the same reasons why there are tons of people buying iphones day one...

MRMagoo1232698d ago (Edited 2698d ago )

scalping? early adopters aka hardcore fans of Nintendo?

LamerTamer2698d ago

To scalp them on eBay probably...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
PhoenixUp2699d ago

I don't give a shit what other people are doing. I'm talking about what I'd do.

Got a problem with it?

IAmLoki2699d ago

Hobestly, I took it wrong and thought you were speaking for everyone. My bad. And good call if you wait. Good things come for those who wait.

PhoenixUp2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

It's best to get the console when there is a deal, which is bound to happen within a year.

I love Nintendo and I stood in line to get a Wii day one and I have no regrets about it, but with Switch I'd rather join their ecosystem when everything is running smoothly.

AngelicIceDiamond2699d ago

That mentality should go for all consoles. Who cares what others think and game on whatever tf you want.

lifeistranger2699d ago

The library is spread out but I think it's worth it, especially for those who missed out on the Wii U

_-EDMIX-_2699d ago

That's sort of the Catch-22

Those that skipped out on the Wii U did so even with a lot of those same games. On that platform so what makes you think they're going to purchase the switch for these games when they didn't even purchase the Wii U for those games?

lifeistranger2699d ago

zelda, new mario, other killer first-party games...honestly Odyssey is going to blow 3D world out of the water and the Wii U never had a proper Zelda title of its own. TP launched on the Wii and look how that turned out.

Aenea2699d ago

I'll wait for the Nintendo New Switch!

Yohshida2699d ago

Sadly Nintendo won't drop the price any time soon. Just look at the Wii U

BG115792697d ago (Edited 2697d ago )

Well yes and no... In my country the Switch price went from 350€ to 299€ in less than a week.
Even the games have dropped their price.
Even the 3DS dropped price at the beginning because it wasn't selling all that much in the beginning.

rainslacker2699d ago

I'd like to get one for Zelda and Mario. But I'm going to wait and see how well it does and to ensure that it maintains support. I like Nintendo, and their games, but I'm not going to jump into a game system anymore without having faith that it'll continue to get support.

KaladinStormblessed2698d ago

Same, only game i'm interested in is Zelda, and I have a WiiU for that.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2697d ago
IAmLoki2699d ago

And a Scorpio or Xbox One S.

lifeistranger2699d ago

At least for me, I don't want to buy another xb1. It's expensive. Hopefully Scorpio does well though bc it just helps the industry

NoPeace_Walker2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

For those that have that option already, good for them. My 3 year old laptop is all the PC I'll ever need and and I can't play State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Mass Effect Andromeda, Red Dead Redemption 2 or Forza 7 on it. A $250 Xbox One S or the $400- $500 upgraded Scorpio is a great alternative instead of having to spend more on a PC rig that many people have no need for.

_-EDMIX-_2699d ago

@Nopeace- but technically you could also say the same thing for the 360...

Consider he does not mean pci's in any computer in general he's specifically means a PC capable of gaming performance to this Generations content

Consider when we talk about consoles this generation were actually not referring to the 360 and Playstation 3 so I'm not entirely sure why you referenced a piece of Hardware that could not play those specific PC games.


Sorry but the better alternative is likely always going to simply just be getting a gaming PC cuz there's a whole bunch of games that are clearly probably never going to make an appearance on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 better on PC.

So why get weaker? Why accept less games?

Sure bud.

It just sounds like a lot of money to play one Publishers specific Games that are already appearing on PC

AngelicIceDiamond2699d ago

No he said Xbox One understand and accept others gaming habits just because you don't like it gives you no right to tell him what how to game, where to play and the platform he should play it have some sensibility thoughtfulness grow up and quit being a terrible person.

TheCommentator2699d ago

Yep. MS being lackluster is simply an opinion; One which I don't agree with. There are great exclusives from MS and this year's lineup is already looking good to me. More good news to come from MS in the next few months as well!

2699d ago Replies(2)
AngelicIceDiamond2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

@Loki We don't like yerrr kind around herree

BG115792698d ago

You could buy yourself an average computer...

IAmLoki2698d ago

Not for a comparable price of the Scorpio. You will be paying at least $100 more for similar specs, plus many games won't be optimized well for PC. Games will be developed with Scorpio and Xbox One in mind.

MRMagoo1232698d ago


😂😂 you think the games will be optimised for Scorpio before pc .....what world do you live in , because it's definitely not the same one everyone else lives in

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2698d ago
StormLegend2699d ago

Already have a PS4, but buying the switch for one game isn't worth it. I'll see if Breath of the Wild is a must have first. Spending $360 for one game is a lot.

porkChop2699d ago (Edited 2699d ago )

Is Zelda the only Nintendo exclusive you're into? Just curious, because I thought Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade looked incredible.

Edit: Fair enough. If you're not too interested in those games then you should probably wait until you see more games you want.

lifeistranger2699d ago

Xenoblade is a real sleeper. I love that series

StormLegend2699d ago

Those games don't come out until late 2017, who is gonna wait that long? Mario looks alright, i'm disappointed in that New York city and other than that, I'm not sure if the other games will be good or not.

SinkingSage2699d ago

Only Nintendo IP I'm interested in is Metroid, they will see no money from the likes of me.

jaymacx2699d ago

Who is buying Switch for one game? The fact we are getting a potential goty canidate at launch is appealing to many but you buy a system for future prospects.

nowitzki20042699d ago

If you are waiting to see if Zelda is a must have title then just go and preorder a Switch lol. Zelda will be one of the top games this year easily.

jitrel2699d ago

So good and so true. They are the must own consoles for the year, though PS4 more so than the Switch in my opinion

lifeistranger2699d ago

right now ps4 for sure, but as the holidays come around I think the switch will have an uptick. I'm really excited.

jaymacx2699d ago

I love when gamers can unite . I'm loyal to no company . I buy what can provide entertainment for me and my fam. With that said I hope Scorpio can deliver . I love to be surprised.

jaymacx2699d ago

Can't really argue with that PS4 is in it's stride right now. I couldn't be happier with it. Its been a japanese revival. Great western titles too
As for Switch... i am excited for it as well. My family really has a genuine love for Nintendo.. I secretly preordered a Switch for my son.

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Artpulse review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Karl writes: - You’re placed in an out-of-this-world environment (there’s a small selection to choose from) and after a quick tutorial of which buttons do what, you’re free to play! Using the motion controllers to combine a variety of shapes and colors (and a bit of freehand painting) you’ll produce beats, synths and…other musical sounds (I’m not an EDM expert so you’ll have to forgive my ignorance on the subject) which will create and elevate the chosen track (again not a huge selection but enough to showcase ArtPulse).

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Himno review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Josh writes: - I am going to cut through all the formalities I normally give my reviews with Himno. Normally I try to go into ever Indie title I play with an open mind, and that was no different with Himno. The game boasts “a non-violent, no death platformer.” That may be true that you do not fight off zombies or orcs. However, the bit about not dying is a load of crap as you will constantly fall into the water as you have no clue where you are going half the time.

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Nacho_Z1744d ago

The animation is nice and it looks like it controls well but they seem to have forgotten to make it a game.


Mekabolt review for PlayStation 4 - Demon Gaming

Lyam writes: - Mekabolt is very simple in concept. Your gun itself is the mekabolt and shooting enemies allows you to manipulate them in a way to continue on in the stage. For instance, one enemy walks on a platform and by shooting it, you can use it to access higher heights. Another is a flying one that when shot, it falls to the ground briefly, letting the player have a moment to jump atop of it and ride upwards. Figuring out the patterns of the enemies and what their benefits are is the key to success in finishing stages. There’s not much difficulty since each time a new concept such as a new enemy appears, the next few stages are simplified to learn the benefits of that enemy.

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