
Microsoft Exec: ‘It’s Almost Impossible To Become Stale Because Our Consumers Don’t Get Stale’

The question of keeping things fresh is doubtless one that haunts the executives at every major company- see, if you lose the ability to surprise the customer, you risk becoming stale.

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Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )


Microsoft's main franchises are getting stale and consumers feel the same way.

(This link lead to 3 charts posted by Microsoft on their websites containing XBL most played titles of last week in US, UK and WW.)

Just look at the position of the Xbox exclusive games on that chart, the games are under performing heavily, especially Gears of War 4. Star Wars Battlefront and Rainbow Six Siege is played more on XBL than Gears 4, Halo 5 and Forza Horizon 3 in the US.

I'll repeat myself, Rainbow Six Siege is being played more than Gears 4, Halo 5 and Forza Horizon 3 in the US.

Rainbow Six Siege was released December 2015.

ThePope2826d ago ShowReplies(2)
Kribwalker2826d ago

Battlefront was on sale for $20, and just released on EA access. Of course it is gonna do good when it is now free to play. There is nothing wrong with these games being ranked in the top 30 for games played, as there are a lot of games out there. Hell, I've been playing
Dishonoured 2
Gears 4
Far cry primal
Halo 5
Dead rising 4
Mafia 3
In the last week and a half. There's others in there as well, but it doesn't mean games are under performing based on a weekly ranking of games people are playing, you keep reposting the same list like it proves games undersold based on it, which is completely false

Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

Star Wars Battlefront was released Nov 2015.

Halo 5 was released Oct 2015.

Rainbow Six Siege was released December 2015.

trooper_2825d ago

Um...most of them are multiplat. It doesn't justify the lack of new IPs from Microsoft.

XanderZane2825d ago Show
GamingIVfun2825d ago

Microsoft has grown stale in so many ways, the first party games that they over hype almost always feel under developed with exception of the Forza games and Sunset Overdrive an Gears of War 4, the forza games being the only real standout but unfortunately is the kind of games that doesn't move a lot of systems. Sunset over drive is not a good game really (I didn't enjoy it). Gears Of War 4 being a really fleshed game that was actually great did not sell as well as previous games and it 's better than the previous games, plus you can buy it on PC, same with the newest Forza game.

The biggest problem is marketing and even management, I think they have lots of bad decisions and broken promises and they have made good decisions that probably came too late.

They are not the leader in Online gaming anymore, PSN, Steam, Xbox Live are on pretty much equal footing. Anyone that says they aren't are just blowing smoke up their own asc.

They've abandoned Kinect, DirectX 12 made no difference, the network computing thing that was supposed to make there games better didn't happen (can't remember the name of it).

If Microsoft wasn't the backer of Xbox it would have disappeared a long time ago, they practically give them away to increase sales, there no way they are making money on hardware, they are probably losing a great deal of money on hardware, they spend extreme amounts of money on advertising, so much advertising that it is just white noise to most people. Most of there games are marked down within a week of release, almost always cheaper than the PS4 or even PC version. most of the new Xbox One S consoles bought were replacements for the old console (thousand of old Xbox One's for sale on Ebay and at Gamestop). I replaced mine with the new Xbox and sold my old one on ebay, it took a month and a half to sell it, only after marking my price down did it sell. Kinda like microsoft does year round.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2825d ago
moegooner882826d ago

Facts are facts, and the newest iterations of MS best selling franchises didn't sell as well as their predecessors.

game4funz2826d ago

Kinda hard when those numbers where astronomically higher then many other ips.

lastking952826d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

I bet you $1000 you're wrong. Halo 3 is the best selling halo but guess what's #2? and guess whats on pace too past #2(shouldnt have to tell you lol)

N4g where 5+million in 3 months=growing stale. Where selling more faster than previous titles=selling less 😂

LastCenturyRob2826d ago

Facts are facts they are still selling amazingly well.

moegooner882825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

@lastking launch sales speak for themselves , even with a higher install base, the games sold less. That shows how stale some of these franchises have become. But keep charging your defence shield, you use it a lot these days.

bluefox7552825d ago

They didn't rate as well either, with the exception of Forza Horizon. Gears, Halo, and FM, all got the second lowest scores in their respective franchises with the latest iteration.

XanderZane2825d ago

Neither did Sony's newest iterations. So are their games getting stale as well? They've sold twice as many PS4, but sales for their 1st party games are down from previous ones.

Christopher2825d ago

Can't we say the same thing for Sony's franchises? Killzone Shadow Fall? Second Son? Latest Ratchet & Clank reboot? Uncharted 4?

moegooner882825d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

And did you see a Sony executive saying what she is saying? No ? I was referring to the hypocrisy of her comments that's all.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2825d ago
darthv722826d ago

What was that people kept saying about PS3 games not selling so good...? Oh yeah, they have legs, it just takes time for them to stretch and grow.

Same could be said about the xb1 games. I'm new to it this year and there are lots of games from the prior years that interest me so I will be going back through the catalog while also looking forward to what's coming down the line.

Not everyone buys the latest game when it comes out. some like to take their time and get to it when they are ready. So what might be considered stale to some is still fresh and new to me as I had not played it before. But that's just me.

Sm00thNinja2826d ago ShowReplies(7)
JasonKCK2826d ago

Didn't Sony release Uncharted 4 this year? Also most games played on the PS4 are multiplats.

xX-oldboy-Xx2826d ago

yep - I hear it sold quite well.

BizarroUltraman2826d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

All those games are the top played games on PS4 aswell. GTA 5, Overwatch, Destiny, Rainbow, Black Ops 3....

Edit: I went on Xbox store to check top games played: MS has 4 games in Top 20
Minecraft, Gears 4, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 3.

PS4 Store Top played games: Sony has only 2 games Top 20 Blood borne and Until Dawn

These are facts not something I made up!
So are you disagreeing with Facts?

Unspoken2826d ago

Thankfully NeoGAF only represents a small subset of english speaking Sony fans which dont represent the whole community. So no, you dont present facts, you're biased in Xbox articles and its clear as day.

3rd parties doing well? Same on Playstation if not more.

Grand Turismo failed long ago, sorry you cant play a great racing game anymore.

Sm00thNinja2826d ago Show
Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

What are you talking about?

The link from NeoGAF leads to 3 links from Microsoft's website showing the XBL user activity from the US, UK and WW.

Here they are.

Mr Lahey2825d ago

"What are you talking about?
The link from NeoGAF leads to 3 links from Microsoft's website showing the XBL user activity from the US, UK and WW. "

And the crowd goes mild.. ;)

YEP4142826d ago

I love the same Xbox one franchise halo,gears,tomb raider, forza, dead rising ..state of decay, Xbox nation keep them coming every year!!! Nobody complain about call of duty and them same lame sport franchises 2k and the show

Kiwi662826d ago

How about putting up a ps most played list for comparison

Condemnedman2825d ago

it will be indies they have stacks of them

Condemnedman2825d ago

got to love it when ms haters rush to Ms threads always the same with their lists of proof. praise the Sony 🙌

Condemnedman2825d ago

your just assuming every one buys the same games over again! stop with your anti ms hate troll. funny how all the repeat offender don't get their posts blocked.

2825d ago
+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2825d ago
crazychris41242826d ago

Forza Motorsport is stale. I really hope they step it up with the 7th game. If not take a break and try something new.

Gazondaily2826d ago

Its stale even though it's so well received? What's to step up then?

Playground Games tried something new and got a 90+ metacritic title. People however keep lumping them in with the other forza games.

So maybe the Motorsport series can take a break simply to build hype. But in terms of quality it's regarded by many as the king of racers.

Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

Let me remind you what actual royalty looks like.

"Gran Turismo 6 exceeds 5 million sales, series total over 76 million"

Gran Turismo 10,850,000
Gran Turismo 2 9,370,000
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec 14,890,000
Gran Turismo Concept Series 1,560,000
Gran Turismo 4 Prologue 1,400,000
Gran Turismo 4 11,760,000
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue 5,350,000
Gran Turismo PSP 4,650,000
Gran Turismo 5 11,950,000
Gran Turismo 6 5,010,000

Total 76,790,000

uptownsoul2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )


I just got Forza Horizon 3 & it is really good. But I'll ask you this...At what point will over-saturation kick in with Forza (both Motorsport & Horizon-which I like better)? And its not just the amount of games (because we know Gran Turismo has dropped a ton of games), its more about the recent continuous releases. At some point laws of demising returns will start kicking in

RosweeSon2826d ago

Well received critically and with the fans who are of course gonna buy it year after year but sorry majority think it's stale, horizon 3 looks great but it's 3rd game in series that started a few years ago the main series is on 7? They turning into the new Fifa or similar yearly churn. Don't need a new racing game every year if you make a great one with some depth, Gran turismo says hello. A good 2-3 years between games.

freshslicepizza2826d ago

now kindly add the metacrtitic scores for the gt series since gt3. why are we only talking about sales? the wii sold more than the xbox 360 and ps3, are you now suggesting you prefer that over those other 2 consoles?

JasonKCK2826d ago Show
objdadon2826d ago

Forza motorsport is definitely getting stale but the forza horizon series is still fun and fresh. I'm having a ball will horizon 3 but i did skip horizon 2 though.

Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )


If Gran Turismo came out every year, people would say it was stale too. Everyone jokes about how long GT games take to come out, but it is one of it's greatest strengths. It coming out is an event, not just a yearly expectation. It also focuses on it core demographic, not trying streamline everything (like having rewind mechanics) to get better scores.

As for the decline? GT5 did 11M and GT6 did 5M with no promotion on PS3 when the PS4 came out and pulled better numbers than any Forza game. I wouldn't call that a decline personally. Gran Turismo Sport's performance should give a decent outlook to the possibility of the series being in decline.

Gazondaily2826d ago

Grant tourismo takes years between releases and recent outings havent matched the quality of Forza. If the quality of Forza suffers them fine, it should take a break.

Bit when we're coming off the backs of FM6 and FH3, you're saying we shouldn't have these games?

Overload2826d ago

Of course I think Xbox should have them, I think it was a good decision to have Playground make Forza Horizon to try to at least rotate the series bi-yearly. But, they don't even own Playground, so who knows what will even happen with that situation in the future.

2826d ago
freshslicepizza2826d ago

odd, overload keeps ignoring how gt has reviewed lower and lower since gt3 yet acts like since they take so long its a good thing. doesn't appear to be and highlights how poorly managed the games are. they take years yet have to include old assets and not have every car of premium quality for example. sony pushing psvr but sport will only have select cars and tracks?

if it is such an event then why is the series in a decline as far as ratings go since gt3 and lets not hear excuses about how the last one sold half as much as the one before because it didn't have any promotion? makes no sense, you just said each one is an event. selling half is not good no matter if it still sold 5 million. if sony is worth 20 billion but 10 years ago they were worth 40 billion thats good because 20 billion is still a lot? now i have heard everything but i guess scrambling is good as long as you do whatever it takes to promote playstation over xbox to keep the console wars alive.

Gazondaily2826d ago


"odd, overload keeps ignoring how gt has reviewed lower and lower since gt3 yet acts like since they take so long its a good thing"

Precisely. GT5-6 took how long to release? You'd think that with all that time we were looking at some masterpieces but to be bested by a bit annually released racer that funnily enough, most playstation fans, say needs a rest, is quite funny.

XanderZane2826d ago

Unfortunately sales aren't what makes a game great. Makes a publisher/developers money, but the games can still not be great. Just look at CoD. Which probably has outsold GT series by now. So is CoD royalty as well?

rainslacker2826d ago


A PS3 GT game didn't match the recent outings of a racing game on a console much more powerful? Who'd have thought that was a possibility.

fenome2826d ago

Screw all this, I just want another Burnout. Lol

Dragonscale2825d ago

@Overload, theres been nearly that many Forza's just this gen lol.

nowitzki20042825d ago

FH is great, Forza though is getting very stale, but imo traditional racing games need a long break because in general they are all getting stale.

2825d ago
+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2825d ago
Bigpappy2826d ago

Car games just don't sell as times pass. But Forza is the current king of racers. So whatever "set it up" means, they are already there. They improve the engine and gameplay every 2 years.

GrimReaperGamer2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

Mario Kart is the King Of Racers in my opinion.

YAO-BLING2825d ago

stopped reading after king of racers.. lol wow.

TKCMuzzer2825d ago

But it's pretty much the same game, so much so it could just be DLC and updates (pretty much like Fifa could be and COD).
Gran Turismo by it's nature is it's own hype machine. They release so few in terms of annual cycles in generates more hype. GT 6 didn't sell to well (For a GT game) because it was not long after GT 5 which means any changes are less noticeable and this goes for any game.
Car games do sell as time passes, I think Driveclubs sales have continued very steadily over time and pretty much most Gran Turismo's have legs. The difference with Forza is that MS don't give the game time to have any legs as gamers know another one is just around the corner.
Forza Horizon is great and it's the kind of racer that the PS4 could do with (or another open world Burnout). But if MS continue to run with it as a common release then it to could suffer from boring its audience. Sometimes, less is more.

YEP4142826d ago

Forza never stale!! Maybe not your cup of tee

XanderZane2825d ago

It's not stale for me, especially when racing with friends online. Turn 10 should think about taking it to a new level though. There's still a lot more they could do with the Forza series. GT has been the same forever. Probably why GT6 had such low sales.

XanderZane2825d ago

Feel that way about GT. GT6 looked nice, but that was about it. That game went stale after GT4 and has yet to recover. God of War? Same thing. GoW:A was meh.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2825d ago
FallenAngel19842826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

Have Microsoft seen how Halo 5 and Gears of War 4 sales and reviews pale in comparison to their predecessors?

RosweeSon2826d ago Show
freshslicepizza2826d ago

i'm sure they have but will never admit it. they need to try and create new ip's that are good and if a game doesn't sell like hotcakes like sunset overdrive they should still support it. come out with a new lost odyssey too while they are at it. microsoft needs to stop running things like activision where they want to run the ip's to the ground and not have a diverse line-up to fall back on.

2826d ago
Perjoss2825d ago

I'm not sure how likely a Lost Odyssey 2 is, all those JRPGs that released on the 360 were part of a push by Microsoft to become popular in Japan, now that has failed I feel its unlikely we will see a LO2. Having said that Mistwalker the people that made LO have teamed up with Silicon Studio the people that make the Bravely Default games (and regardless of if you're a fan of playing RPGs on the 3DS or not they are really good games!) and are working on an unannounced title, hopefully its something for consoles and not an iphone or handheld game. I hope its at least a game for the Switch as I'm not a huge fan of playing games on tiny screens.

Deadpooled2825d ago

What's this? Mouldybread talking sense? Is the world ending???

bluefox7552825d ago

Wait what? Did you give your account to someone else?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2825d ago
RosweeSon2826d ago

Thing is could see gears a mile off 3 was the end Judgement saw to that and even Epic said bye! Sold up and who buys it Microsoft ;( of course because it's their big exclusive but if it's dried up and it's only the hardcore gears fans these days what about the other 70 million gamers from last gen. Halo/Forza. They looking at 15/20 million max!! Per one of them games and that's majority fans of the series the rest of us who don't overly like those series (although I'm enjoying halo collection a lot) they need to get some new games stop churning out the old guff give it all a break so it feels fresh again not just like a standard sequel or worse DLC.
It's all good having a retro option i.e. BC or PS2 classics and ps now etc but you need to have a heavy stream of new and original games coming through as well, why I went with playstation. Sure they've got sequels but it's not the same ones every year. Last God of war was a few years ago same with Gran turismo, last guardian took a generation... of consoles. Uncharted is done. Fact is tho it's not a new game each and every year and if it is it normally goes one way downhill due to complacency and cruise controls

Bigpappy2825d ago

Gears fans wanted M$ to buy and make a new Gears.

RosweeSon2826d ago

Yet for the first 2-3 years of this gen they went stale.

BigGamersSmallTalk2826d ago

Love how the best arguments in the comment section are all based on VGChartz nonsense. Fact is, Halo 5 hit over 5 million in sales within the first 3 months per Frank himself.
Titanfall 1 sold amazingly well on Xbox One, the second flopped for various reasons. Microsoft has done a fantastic job at getting out old favorites like Gears, Halo and Forza, and new amazing IP like Sunset Overdrive, Ori, Quantum Break, ReCore and next year Scalebound and Sea Of Thieves.
Fantastic job all around, never a dull moment on the best box.

DigitalRaptor2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

"Best box" - LMAO, still fighting the good fight.
It's okay you can keep saying that, but having far less games, less diversity, and lower rated games that you have to wait 10 months of the year for is not a good number of signs that it is the better box. I won't contest your deep set personal opinion. You're 100% entitled to that, but it doesn't jive with the facts.

Fact is, Halo and Gears (while still considered good) have absolutely declined in quality as Microsoft's golden geese. You may talk about and give credit to MS "focus" on new IP all day long, but if those new IP are continued flops and Xbox consumers are not interested in supporting them enough to see sequels, or future exclusives from these third-party developers on the platform, then what is the darned point in saying all is well and good, dude? And really is that TINY sprinkle of mentions all that there really is?

Titanfall sold incredibly well on Xbox One AND PC because it's the kind of game that would have made major moves as an actual long-term exclusive shooter for Microsoft. Xbox had Halo: Combat Evolved, Xbox 360 had Gears of War, and Xbox One has..... nothing that is even remotely comparable. Titanfall would have been that very game, if EA hadn't seen PS4 as a missed opportunity. Titanfall 2 really should have been released early 2017 like the original game was instead of packed in with bigger shooters of the year, but that's neither here nor there.

I guess it's all well and good for you folks to jump on the down/gloom bandwagon when Amy Hennig leaves Sony's #1 studio, but... all is fine and dandy at Xbox and they're making incredible effort for new IP, when they've closed and/or canceled 8 first-party studios and projects in one foul swoop, earlier this year: https://twitter.com/vg_dave...

2825d ago
Condemnedman2825d ago

for me it's the best box I don't give a rats arse about the ps4 and "All The diverse" games you guys go on about but check the charts and it's still the same games selling on both consoles not. where did the last guardian debut in the charts? you guys are all mouth lol

Overload2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

"Love how the best arguments in the comment section are all based on VGChartz nonsense."

Ummm, the link I provided links to Microsoft's own posted charts from their website of what's played most on XBL in the US, UK, and WW.

kdmitchell_toh2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

I wanted to chime in here. Played most on XBL is kind of limited, isn't it? There are tons of players who in fact don't play on XBL. I have half those games and I do not play online due to the toxic nature of online gaming. Also, that doesn't take in account the massive resurgence of those games due to people getting new consoles and games for the holiday. Check those out again when we're 2-3 months into 2017.

On the other front with GT. I'll partially again, yet many forget that this is also due to Japan gamers. They love Gran Turismo, yet despite Forza one-upping the series on many occasions, don't give it a chance. Those skewers the numbers quite a bit.

Hell, I'll be the first to complain about MS's lineup and their new IPs. I've been saying for a while that their new stuff isn't what gamers want. Halo is crap and has been since Bungie left. Gears of War 4 is good, but it's still too similar to the previous titles. Forza is the only title that performs exceptionally and even then, FM5 was just terrible.

Yet, we can say the same for Sony's IPs as well. The difference is they have so many and they have most of the gaming markets on their side. The Xbox brand, from day one has had an uphill battle. I'm still surprised that the X360 did as well as it did.

Razzer2826d ago

You used the word "amazing" with Recore and Quantum Break in the same sentence. FYI.

Or maybe PlayStation folks have a different standard for "amazing"?

game4funz2826d ago

Yes they do.
Playstation folks think playstation games are always amazing and xbox games not. Same vice versa.

Razzer2825d ago

Not really. Some are just more delusional than others.

Cohagen4202826d ago

No, they're based on actual numbers and all the new IPs sold like garbage. Why else would they end up bringing their games to PC midway through the generation? You guys are incredibly stupid.

rainslacker2826d ago

Well...you've proven that despite MS consumers not getting stale, their arguments certainly are.

And I will concede that does fall on both sides of the console war fence.

guyman2826d ago (Edited 2826d ago )

"Best box" - No, certainly not if you looking at it from a games perspective (which is why we buy a console)

That list just proves how poor microsoft have been in investing in new ip and exclusive games as compared with sony. It's still pretty much halo, gears, forza which have become stale and less appealing than previous entries. There is no variety here. it's a pity because games like sunset overdrive and quantum break were pretty good, sunset being my favourite and most memorable xbox one game. Recore was not a good game.

Sony on the other hand have clearly dominated in the exclusives department.

The last guardian
Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
infamous second son
Killzone shadowfall
the order 1886
Guilty gear sign + revelator

Q1 2017 alone:

Kingdom hearts 2.8
gravity rush 2

Scalebound is the most promising game on xbox side, but other than that there isnt much to talk future wise about besides an 8th Halo, 6th gears of war and forza (7+ entry)

2825d ago
gamerswin242826d ago (Edited 2825d ago )

Recore amazing huh? Lol rightttt Sea of thieves will be OK and Scalebound no one knows. Your hyperbole is insane and infused with fanboy wishful thinking. Recore is mediocre at best. None of them touching or coming close to Sonys top offerings let alone the sheer number of exclusives.

"Fantastic job at getting out old favorites" lol haha what a spin. No its called relying heavily every two years on the same stale, template IPS every two years with few new IPS or innovative ones. I just bought an Xbox One S for Christmas and omg IDK what ppl were talking about in regards to the Halo mp, it is just so mehhh. IMO even COD Infinite is better and way more fun. The campaign in Halo is decent but I stopped playing the mp after few hours I couldn't bare to do so. The talk of Halo i am now certain is just fueled by fanboy nostalgia of something that once was but is no longer. Next I will try Gears and hope I'm not disappointed.

Fight the good fight Master Chief :) But we don't believe you.

2825d ago
gamerswin242825d ago


Come try me fanboy. Pm me and I'll add you, maybe we can play few matches and you'll change my mind :) Sorry but after playing Uncharted 4 mp, BF1, TLou, and others, Halo mp feels weak and outdated to me. I'm open to seeing the light though :)

GamerGT2825d ago

I'm willing to bet if Ori, Quantum Break, and ReCore was also on PlayStation those games would have sold what they were truly worth. I've learned this gen that the PlayStation community just loves videogames in general. I mean seriously almost 50 million in just over 3 years. Also with the reviews argument: Just because a magazine or game review site grades a game based on their opinion doesn't mean the gamer will share that same opinion. That's just fact. If a gamer enjoys a title than that do. If they don't they don't. Final note: can't wait for what 2017 has in store.

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