
Frog Fractions 2 Discovered in a Completely Different Game

Frog Fractions 2 has finally been discovered after a two-year alternate reality game (ARG) involving 23 indie games, mysterious YouTube videos, a letter from a “time-traveler,” and a mystery box that was unlocked on Christmas Eve.

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Indie Spotlight: Frog Fractions 2 reminds us that surprises in video games used to be a thing

GameZone: "Anyone who's ever played video games prior to the 2000s probably has some great gaming discovery stories to tell. Back then, the Internet wasn't a household requirement, game guides didn't pop up everywhere, and spoilers didn't run rampant. People discovered things on their own, and sometimes they came across fascinating little nuggets that were a secret to most. That's exactly what Frog Fractions and its upcoming sequel Frog Fractions 2 from Twinbeard Studios are all about — that nostalgic sense of discovery — and that's exactly why most anyone who's ever loved the mystery of gaming should be at least partially excited about the sequel's Kickstarter campaign."

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Frog Fractions 2 Kickstarter | The Nightmare Isn't Over

The author profiles the Kickstarter for Frog Fractions 2, which will not be called Frog Fractions 2.

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Developer Adds Buying Oculus Back as Kickstarter Stretch Goal

VRFocus - Twinbeard Studios, the developer behind maths-based videogame Frog Fractions 2 has added an option to buy back Oculus Rift makers Oculus VR from Facebook on its Kickstarter campaign after yesterday’s acquisition. The developer, who had already jokingly added a stretch goal of $350,000 USD to add virtual reality (VR) support back way of the Oculus Rift, asked for the same amount of money Facebook bought Oculus VR for ($2 billion) to make this possible.

Snookies123741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Screw that, Oculus sold out. It would be safer to back Sony's Morpheus, or perhaps whatever Microsoft might be brewing rather than 'buying' back the Rift. If Oculus started things up with their own money, and then sold to Facebook... That's one thing. However, using kickstarter money to fund their project, and then being bought off by Facebook afterwards... That's just low.

isa_scout3741d ago

Agreed, plus if people think Facebook would sell ANYTHING they just spent $2 billion on they're just nuts. Let alone for the same price...Facebook sucks so now Oculus sucks. If you're interested in VR tech then it's better to just hold out for Project Morpheus.

ArbitorChief3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

So because Facebook invested $2 billion into Oculus Rift, now Oculus Rift sucks... The logic of people on N4G just baffles me XD

I guess those Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2 are trash now after all the incredible reviews it received *Epic Facepalm*

TekoIie3741d ago

Not willing to buy a PS4 for just VR so I'll pass. Only time will tell as to whether this acquisition was good or bad.

It opens more possibilities for the project and they have said gaming is the number one focus, however there's always that voice in my head saying "but do they really care".

And so now the waiting begins.

thejigisup3741d ago

@arbitorchief I think you read that wrong. Fb sucks, the policies suck ,the vision for the future sucks , the dk2 was great til the communist party bought the company developing it. Say goodbye to something honest and fun. And oh yeah, its a big f@*#% you to the kickstarters that invested. 2bn is great for development, but we just got sold out for 2bn, id ask how you feel about that... but reading comprehension doesnt seem like your strong suit.

Neonridr3741d ago

@thejigisup so what you are saying is because Oculus became so successful at what they were doing, they weren't allowed to be purchased by another company? Why wouldn't they do that? This ensures that they will be around for years to come. Facebook has already publicly stated that games is the top priority for the Oculus Rift and that won't be changing.

All that this means is that Oculus now has a parent with near unlimited capital to help fuel this dream of getting VR to the masses.

NegativeCreepWA3741d ago

It's funny, Sony fans finally got the fuel they wanted to flame Rift.

People are over reacting, I'm still going to support Rift.

thejigisup3741d ago

@neonridr never said they Couldn't be bought. However selling out to a company that doesnt share the same vision as those who originally breathed life(funded through kickstarter) into the project was wrong. There is aproblem today where people tend to believe corporate pr bulls@#! You want a company that has notoriously rescinded on its privacy policies more than oce, a ceo who called users of his service "dumb fu<×'s" to own the company you've invested in? You know what keeps a company around? A good product, a good pricepoint, consumer trust and faith. You know who has more capital??? consumers. VR was coming to the masses whether fb got involved or not. Stop fooling yourself.

Joe9133741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

@NegativeCreepWA I was never going to support the OR because I am a console gamer and they said it would not come to consoles but now they got the money they might be bringing it to consoles that is good for gamers wish ppl stop fighting over stupid stuff make all gamers look bad and give ppl proof that gaming ruins ppl.

@elhebbo16 not all true there buddy the rift started out saying they was going to support a bunch of stuff from consoles to cell phones but in the last few months they said it will only work with computers high end computers at that and I never heard them say a small patch would make it work with any game when Sony announce the PM the CEO of OR said that games would need to be built from the ground up for VR and hope Sony would know this and not try to attach it to any and every game. Sony's PM is a prototype
and they also said the games would have to be built from the ground up and said they are going to try to get it on other platforms and when they announced it they had a screen full of developer studios that is backing them and it has a processor that is the extra power you are saying the ps4 do not have to run VR and everyone who tried the PM said nothing but great things supprised Sony was so far with VR and even stated in some ways PM is better than the OR cause you can turn all the way around and it is more comfortable than the OR only complaints of Sony's VR tech is the motion problem which for a tech company like Sony could be easy to fix.

Hicken3741d ago

@Negative: Haven't you heard? They don't need your support anymore. They took your money and that of many others, but that's all in the past, since they got that Facebook funding.

Are the people who funded Oculus Rift going to see the benefits of this buyout? I seriously doubt it. Which is reason enough for many- myself included- to have ZERO desire to support the product. We don't even have to get into the potential ramifications of being bought by a social mega-giant like Facebook, and what that could mean for the future of gaming on this particular VR device.

Of course, we don't know that much. But we DO know selling out to Facebook was two enormous middle fingers to everybody's who's supported the project thus far.

Orange Juice3741d ago


If you think its just sony fans speaking up against this then you have got another thing coming. Look here.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
elhebbo163741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

You dont get it do you. Oculus Rift was THE VR headset. it was an open platform, cuztomizable (in the sense of settings and mods), was not bound by the limits of hardware or software since a little patch can make almost any game support the Oculus. The Morpheus is just going to be another proprietary device that as of right now will only support PS4 a platform which isn't strong enough to handle VR on the regular unless its a dedicated game. besides the fact that for the first years Sony is going to be the only one backing it up besides a few other third-party devs. No developer would want to lower the settings of the game to make a "version" compatible with the Morpheus, that would be to much work. Chances are this would end up like the Move if Sony doesn't push for it a lot. Oculus was going to be the best VR device hands-down because of the freedom of use, The one thing that the Morpheus is lacking (unless Sony goes open platform with it like they kinda did with the Dualshock 4).

DaleCooper3741d ago

Agreed, Devs don't want to make 2 versions of their game just to make it VR compatible. Even the Thief demo they showed at GDC had to be specially developed for VR. They didn't just make Thief 3D and work with VR all of a sudden, it was just a slice of gameplay. Not sure if even FB can influence devs enough to do this, unless FB snatches up a dev studio too.

LexHazard793741d ago

Hold up so OR got kickstarted and then sold it for 2billion! Now my question is did the people who pledged money to get this off ground seeing any of that money? Usually with kickstart when you pledge you get certain things depending on bow much you gave. What happens to those perks once OR releases? Alot of questions but feeling as tho alot of people got screwed here!

Jdoki3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

At the moment we're in the denial / knee jerk reaction stage of this Facebook / Oculus announcement.

When I first heard the sale went through I was pretty surprised, and the initial reaction was negative - purely on the basis that FB have bought other companies, and some of them have vanished or been re-purposed to take advantage FB's data collection, micro-transaction, advertising based model.

We shall see if this acquisition is beneficial or not.

I'm hoping that the Sony VR unit is both PS4 and PC compatible, as it will save me having to buy two headsets.

beebap3741d ago

Well it not that it sucks it the company that selling the product now. We knew Oculus was about gaming so we could behind it also valve was helping with development are they happy with this?facebook is not about gaming it about social features so now Oculus will headed in that direction also already mentioning ads as possible revenue this is worrying. So to boil it down to two words it sucks! pc now need new vr maybe valve should make one now. Support ps4 vr as its a gaming vr also microsoft when it comes out (better not have ads). Yes ads worry me alot I hope to not see day when it is accepted in gaming meduim for stuff we have paid good money for.

ArbitorChief3741d ago

Oh my, they already said there aren't going to be ads and there aren't ads on Instantgram or WhatsApp and there owned by Facebook.

OculusRift3741d ago

Yes, yes.. It's true. We sold out, but it's not like we stabbed any one in the back. It's just business and I promise our goals are the same. Trust me guys, we're the same indi company, just a lot richer now.

LKHGFDSA3741d ago

Why doesn't it say that on your website?
I don't believe you're with the OR team.

TehBAT3741d ago

In light of recent events, I hope Valve finally changes their mind about making VR units.

WeAreLegion3741d ago

If Valve does that, they will crush Oculus. They know it, too. They have the full support of the gaming community.

TehBAT3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

And the support of the recently heartbroken Oculus fans, seeing the subreddit. What a way to sell out.

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