
Valkyria Revolution: Watch the Full Prologue Running on PS4 Pro; Epic Story and Fantastic Music

The demo of Valkyria Revolution is available on the Japanese PlayStation Store, including the full prologue of the game. If you want to see what it looks like, you have come to the right place.

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NewMonday2739d ago

glad to see strategy is still part of the game.

Blacksand12739d ago

Can't wait coming to the west.

q8kik2739d ago

Unneeded sword combat.
Instead of that they should have expanded on the style of the old game. For example adding powerful units that can fly airplains for air support/dropping supplies or care packages for your squad. or units that can drive armored vehicles etc.

Abriael2739d ago

Because it's totally terrible to do something new unless it's "needed"

q8kik2739d ago

Im Just saying that they really had something unique with the original game.
We have the tales series for swords, this has(or had) an awesome ww2 themed combat and weaponry which is quite unique for a JRPG. I just think that they should have expanded on that instead of this generic-ness.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2739d ago

I miss the cell shaded art style of the orginal :(

TheDivine2739d ago

Looks fairly bland and boring. Not sure why they changed from a SRPG to a by the numbers hack n slash. I will skip unless it gets 9-10's across the board. A SRPG would've been day 1 for sure.


Valkyria Revolution Review – Take a Chance on Me

Gary Green said: I’m always happy to stick up for an underdog. I’m nice like that. It does sadden me when a perfectly serviceable game gets dragged through the wringer of critique, simply because other games have handled similar themes and gameplay with better results over the years. Despite this, I don’t really feel like I’ve done Valkyria Revolution justice in previous drafts of this review. Time for a re-write. Let’s do this properly. Valkyria Revolution might not be perfect, but it still deserves its chance to shine.

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Rating Each of the Vita's Localization Studios

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "What I aim to examine in this article is the output of each of the major localization companies, in terms of what they released, what they chose not to release (including when they localized titles for other platforms but skipped the Vita version), as well as some brief commentary on the quality of their translations, before providing an overall rating on their support (outstanding -> amazing – > good -> solid -> poor).

A large part of the reason I love Vita so much is thanks to its brilliant selection of Japanese games and that’s really what I want to celebrate here, but also lament some of the missed opportunities we had along the way."

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A beginner's guide to Valkyria Chronicles

The world of Valkyria Chronicles is more accessible than ever, making it a great time to get into the hybrid strategy franchise. But where should players start? Check out a guide for getting the most out of your time in Europa.

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