
Will The Switch's Rumored Specs Hurt Nintendo?

Nintendo is joining the console races this time around with the Nintendo Switch. There are concerns of power with the console, which may hurt Nintendo.

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ElisaDS2702d ago

In case people search for Nintendo Switch or just Switch, I think it's best to leave both tags. Everything else was removed per Emilio_Estevez' request.

pcz2701d ago

nintendo learnt nothing from the wiiu so it almost deserves to fail.

Skaymore2702d ago

I'm worried that this will be a repeat of the Wii U. I'm afraid that they will need to compete with Xb and PS4 on power to get third party support...

ElisaDS2702d ago

I'm kind of worried about that myself, to be honest. It could be reaching that level, the need to actually compete rather than be different.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2702d ago

The Switch can run the latest version of Unity, Unreal Engine, Autodesk, Vulkan, Open GL and many more modern API.

It has nothing to do specs. If it supports the tools that developers currently use they will be able to harness the power of the Switch through those and the available specs.

If the Switch was another Wii U in terms of power. Developer wouldn't even be supporting it. Bethseda would had already said no, EA would had said no and many developers wouldnt even say anything positive if it didn't.

conanlifts2701d ago

But ea, ubisoft, capcom, square enix etc all supported wii u day 1. The issue is there was no ongoing support.
Realistically everyone will support switch providing it sells. The power issue is simply an issue regarding switch getting the exact same 3rd party games as its competition. In a few years pro and scorpio exclusives could drop anyway, leading switch in the dust regarding power.

_-EDMIX-_2701d ago

So can telephones...

It has everything to do with the specs because yes a developer could definitely scale back their game to work on something that has lesser Hardware but you're also talking about something that's going to take lots of time , no one is actually saying it's impossible for any current-generation game to work on the switch, simply that it's improbable based on the extreme cost.

So when you hear the ice cream company say that they can't put a freezer inside the retailer store, it's not because they physically can't , it's because they financially have no interest in spending such money for something that's technically the Retailer's responsibility.

So basically you're asking for a company to spend more money to scale back their game to work on crappy or Hardware.....

Yea no.

I mean look at it like this if you're asking for this right now logically what on Earth is stopping any developer from Simply doing this with the Wii U? Why stop there let's start making games for PlayStation 3 and 360 lol

Do you seriously not realize what you're trying to ask a developer to do? My biggest issue is you guys never logically think about what your posting you simply begin mouthing off on technicalities and you're never actually slowly evaluating the situation from a business standpoint. who on Earth is looking to spend more money for an install base that is not only less but the hardware is weaker and it costs more money to bring over to because of the extra work?

So spend more money for a less of an install base, which essentially means less sales?

How do you even know what Developers would even be bringing to the switch? For all you know Bethesda and Electronic Arts could be bringing over shovelware type games.

Why is Bethesda bringing Skyrim to the switch and not Fallout 4 or Doom?

Electronic Arts brought some games to the Wii U they also brought some games to the Wii good luck getting Mass Effect Andromeda on the Wii U..

So did you forget about that? How do you know what the switch is even going to be getting from Electronic Arts?

2700d ago
_-EDMIX-_2701d ago


I think it's very likely that even if the platform had enough power it probably was not going to get support by much the third party Developers. Simply being powerful enough doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get support.

I personally don't think users should be worried whether or not against third-party support I actually think they need to be more worried if the platform doesn't get enough proper quality first party support.

I'm just not sure the majority of people who are looking to purchase this or looking to buy it to Simply play something they could already play on existing platforms.

So they want something else to do the very thing they could technically already do right now but with more games?

I just don't know if the majority of people are looking to purchase the switch are honestly looking for that.

This is going to be purchased primarily to play Nintendo's games so I don't really believe a lot of its success is going to hinge on lots of third-party support I believe that it's still going to get supported by lots of Japanese companies like Sega, Capcom, Square etc

In my personal opinion based on how Nintendo's been over the years I actually think they're Japanese support from Publishers and developers might be good enough look at the 3D as it was not just beaming with Mass Effect or Grand Theft Auto or anything like that and it's very successful even for being one of the worst selling Nintendo handhelds.

I believe Nintendo can do well simply with Japanese third-party support because at the end of the day this device is still a portable and this is how it's going to be seen when users are playing it on trains in schools and clearly in public.

Africa4ps42701d ago

I love Nintendo games as well as third parties, my most favorite been shooters {not Splatoon}. I wouldn't had purchase the ps4 if Nintendo consoles have equal support even if the latter has weak ports.

Wii u ----- No PES soccer No FIFA except outdated fifa 13
thus nothing to lure my friends in. and we ended up buying ps4 {xbox is no go area}

If switch can have 3rd party support, it will increase sales by a multiple of 2.

SegaGamer2701d ago

I think it will do better than the Wii U. It also being a handheld could save it. Nintendo handheld consoles always do well.

If i wanted to play consoles on the go then this console would definitely be the choice for me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2700d ago
Summons752701d ago

No because it's a RUMOR. Unless it's true then possibly but until Jan 12th it's nothing more than a rumor and we will learn everything then.

Ninte2701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

With all the leaks and rumors Nintendo just give me the games.

Omnislashver362701d ago (Edited 2701d ago )

Yes. Less power means less 3rd party support. It means people aren't going to be as wowed for first party games and decide to pick one up. If it was PS4-Spec they could do some serious damage. Even throwing some of the best AA solutions on it they'd still have room for graphics with an extreme wow factor, especially for their games. This kind of stuff at the demo booth is what's going to draw people's eyes to the system. A crazy gimmick(portability but you can't put it in your pocket) is not. People are going to be confused as to why they have to play an underpowered console/giant handheld. Kids are not going to be able to bring this to school, most people are not going to bring it to work or errands, or even a friend's house, so what's the point? Plane rides and road trips? For parents they might like that their kid can play on a second screen tablet at the house and not on the main screen so everybody can watch what they want. However, the portability factor: Nobody is going to stop and say "I need to stop and throw down $199+ for this road trip I'm going on and little else".

So the question becomes, who is this for? The answer: a very, very niche audience with core gamers(by core I mean the bulk audience), and a console for rich parents. This is Wii U 2.0, only slightly more consumer friendly this time. It's not going to be a ballpark crusher like a PS4-Spec console could be though. Imagine fighting games... most haven't even hit a nice apex in graphics this gen aside from Tekken 7 and Killer Instinct. But, that kind of power would work perfectly into Nintendo's hands with SSMB, which is the audience they should have targetted: teens and young adults. Less, means they're going to end up with underwhelming graphics or a remaster from last-gen. It's arguable DKC1-3 had a similar level of detail due to prerendered graphics on SNES as the more demanding Wii U Tropical Freeze varient. Why not have all the detail and cartoony realism from both generations with a more powerful console? Mario looks decent, but still only slightly above Wii U spec. I mean have you seen the UE4 Ninty videos going around? Near-Pixar level is where they could be. Zelda 2011's art style could have been used for the next Zelda but it's been reduced. So they're missing out on potential in my eyes. Look at some of the 3rd party JRPGs on PS4, beautiful art style that really calls to the same audience as 3DS players currently, even if they're not technical masterpieces like Final Fantasy XV. Don't they want that same audience or a port of those games? Teens and young adults are the perfect target audience for Nintendo. Not all games have to be gorey as well, but they could really do some damage if they wisened up a bit.

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Ubisoft to Focus on "Return to Leadership" in Open World Genre, Expand Live Service Experiences

Ubisoft says they are focusing on two "core verticals," and that's to return as a leader in the open world genre, and live service games.

enkiduxiv15h ago

Calling Ubisoft a leader in open world gaming at any point in time would be like calling Dollar General a leader in retail.

excaliburps4h ago

Well, to be fair, they did pump out good open world games before. It was used as a template so much that people now know what it means when you say it's like an Ubi open world collectahon.

shinoff21831h ago

What though? I can't think of one game they had where I liked anything about it. Atleast since the ps3/360 Gen

Kornholic1h ago

If they have never been the leader in open world gaming, then explain me this: why does almost every open world game follow the same tired old Ubisoft open world formula?

Follow the Leader.

isarai14h ago

You were never the leader bro 🤣

shinoff218312h ago(Edited 12h ago)

I don't think they were ever the leader tbh. I've never really cared for any of their open world games. I do wanna try watch dogs 2 because it looks like it's set in San Fran. Looked interesting

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How EA & Xbox Are Defining Gaming's Bleak Future

Xbox and EA have recently made baffling moves that define how bleak the future of the gaming industry is with major companies at the helm. Ryan Bates from "Last Word on Gaming" posits in this op-ed that maybe it's not ineptitude, but intention.

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Profchaos3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Name someone that isn't trying to look us these days maybe cdpr.

Take two, ubi and yes even PlayStation are pushing us to own nothing and be happy with our live service ad injected games on a sub so they can raise prices at will and take access away when they see fit.

If it keeps up I'll be a full time retro gamer and this industry will be crashing hard

As rediculas as it sounds we need government reforms to defend consumer rights


Rockstar Games Founder's New Studio Is Working On AAA Open World Action Adventure Game

Rockstar Games founder Dan Houser's new studio, Absurd Ventures, is currently working on a AAA open world action adventure game.

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porkChop14h ago

I'm really curious to see what he's going to do. It seems like a GTA-style game, but I wonder how it'll differentiate itself.

Goodguy013h ago(Edited 3h ago)

A new studio making a AAA game. Yea, that'll go well. I still think new studios should only make small games for a few years to build up teamwork and trust within.

shinoff21831h ago

That's a good point but if they have the talent it may not be needed

Mr_cheese41m ago

And the industry experience like this guy clearly does

anast12m ago

If it weren't one of the founder's of one of the most prolific open-world game studios, I would agree.