
Deceptive Microsoft Advertising or Just Good Business?

Microsoft has recently removed and re-uploaded an ad titled "NFL on Xbox 4K Resolution with Chet and Dolores", removing comments that claimed this ad was deceptive in implying the Xbox One S played games in 4K. Is this a calculated act, or is it just Microsoft promoting their product in the best way possible?

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darthv722779d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

The ad is back up.

I don't find it deceptive as the XB1S does what it says it does. It does allow for media and games to be displayed at 4k UHD resolution. Now the original source material, however, may not be native 4k UHD but the box still does what it says it does.

edit: the only problem 'cousin' is you dont get the nature of basic information. If they want to lecture people about the formalities then that would be in a ad longer than 30 second. Basic information is short and to the point and the point is... the XB1S outputs in 4k UHD resolution.

As for the choice between "deceptive advertising" or "good business" I vote neither. It's just... marketing.

Gaming_Cousin2779d ago

"I don't find it deceptive as the XB1S does what it says it does."

You are part of the problem.

DashArrivals2778d ago

Don't worry. Everyone here knows exactly what Microsoft are doing. But Joe Public? Who knows. Lets hope they're smarter than we give them credit for. But according to world wide sales, it seems they've voted with their wallets. BIG TIME.

2778d ago
PeaSFor2778d ago

new account already? the sharp pain in your butt must be INTENSE!

kfk2778d ago

Well there hasn't been a true exclusive on Xbox platforms to score a consensus 90 or higher since Forza 4 in October 2011, over five years ago; if you had put your heart and soul into fanboying for a platform that performed so miserably like rookie did, you might lash out by making pitiful comments to get repeatedly banned too :(, haha.

nowitzki20042778d ago

Add me to that list, I would love to be on a list with some of the best and brightest N4Gers

BLizardXD2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

Gaming_Cousin19h ago
"I don't find it deceptive as the XB1S does what it says it does."

You are part of the problem."

and N4G isn't?

Sony marketed the PS4 pro first as a 4k gaming console countless times in their conference.

and everyone in n4g bought into this because sony is the creator of heaven and earth and speaks no lies....

Ju2778d ago

The PS4 Pro IS a 4K console.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2778d ago
2779d ago Replies(18)
bluefox7552778d ago

Your TV also lets you view your games in 4k, the ad was misleading at best. I don't know how you can watch that commercial and honestly say you don't believe they were trying to mislead.

TheUndertaker852778d ago

While the TV may upscale to "4K" there would be a rather large difference in DVD player content being upscaled. Likewise, rather you like the fact or not, the Xbox One S was always marketed as being 4K capable which it is.

It's currently the only console on the market to offer UHD Blu-Ray support. That in itself is native 4K content. Further the One S does cater to upscaling even gaming content.

Otherwise your argument is pretty stupid to say the least. 4K TVs may upscale but that absolutely does not mean the input device does nothing for the process.

Then to make matters better Sony is advertising 4K content on the Pro. Is that also deceptive because the TV already does it? How about the fact that most content there also isn't 4K native?

darthv722778d ago

letting the tv do the work vs letting the box do the work... I'd think the dedicated box would be more capable because it was designed to output 4k as opposed to the TV taking in a less than 4k input and having to do the work.

If you want to let your TV do the work then by all means hook up a 360 or a ps3 or a 2600 to it and go all out.

2778d ago
Ju2778d ago

A scaler is a scaler. If it is in the XB or in the TV doesn't make a difference. Playing movies in 4K makes it a 4K UHD player, but not a 4K console.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2778d ago
n4rc2778d ago

That's exactly right..

Oh look at this 4k uhd image! Guess what dumbass fanboys?!? He's exactly right..

He is looking at a 4k uhd image.. did he say native? No? Checkerboard? Nope.. upscaled? Nope again.. see that's where you usual suspects fail.. they don't specify how the image is processed and they don't have to.. you choosing to assume it means native is your own ignorance

DashArrivals2778d ago

Can you shut up please?
You know exactly what Microsoft are doing. Everyone here knows. Some will tip-toe around it and say it's good business. Some will over-exaggerate and say it's the end of the world. BUT EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT MICROSOFT ARE DOING. There are on another level compared to Nintendo and Sony is this regard. It is my opinion that you can't trust Microsoft. When they're losing they get even worse. Desperate almost. They need that marketshare.

n4rc2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

I want to live in your world.. where anything I don't like to hear shouldn't be said..

They said 4k uhd while a fkn 4k uhd image is on their screen.. you choosing to assume that simple comment tells you how the image is processed is your own problem.

Sony does the exact same thing but that's ok to you because they use some other non-native method to produce their image.. I call bs when I see it.. and that's bs

Angel.. what exactly is your definition of 4k gaming? Does it not send a 4k signal to your display? Then it's 4k gaming... Upscaled or native source doesn't apply, they are all forms of 4k.. again, you are assuming 4k means native.. it doesn't.

Angeljuice2778d ago

"they don't specify how the image is processed and they don't have to.. you choosing to assume it means native is your own ignorance"

They heavily imply that XB1s is being used for 4k gaming. They are taking advantage of non-gamers ignorance in the run up to Christmas.

That is not acceptable in law. Being ignorant isn't illegal, misleading the ignorant is.

Ju2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

We'll see how your tone will change when MS will launch the Scorpio with "real 4K" pixels.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2778d ago
2778d ago Replies(2)
DafunkyRebel2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

It is deceptive first off, it is not a 4K machine because the 4K it refers to is only in Youtube streaming and that is available on ALL streaming devices even a freaking Roku can do it. Second, no it is not the only console to do HDR. My old PS4 after update can now be adjusted to HDR setting on some games like Uncharted 4 and Last of Us and looks twice as good. Also if you own a 4K TV it will already have Netflix built into it so you won't even need the Xbox console to stream 4K movies from it.

darthv722778d ago

You wont need a ps4 to stream content to a 4k smart tv either. But you could have the xb1s to watch physical 4k bluray movies. Something the tv and ps4 cant do.

TheUndertaker852778d ago

Hey, you forgot the Xbox One S includes a UHD Blu-Ray drive. Ya know, the drive capable of native 4K playback.

Ju2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

@darth: You could also have a 4K UHD BD player to play those movies. Neither that nor the XB can play games at that resolution, though.

oasdada2778d ago

It also depends on the basic knowledge of 4k and resolution itself.. majority of hardcore gamers these days have no idea about frame rates and native resolution let alone the average casual consumer.. in this case just saying 4k is in my opinion misleadinge..

JMyers2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

It's doesn't output 4K for games. Not even 1080p for the game being played in the advert. It upscales from 720 and 900 to 4K. The standard PS4 actually has better resolution. They were not playing 4K media like a film... they were playing a game. That's misleading.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2778d ago
Gaming_Cousin2779d ago (Edited 2779d ago )

Only greedy minded pigs think its good business

2778d ago Replies(1)
xX-oldboy-Xx2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

And who's the greediest of all? MS hands down, bulk cash in reserves and they don't 'invest' in their game library. Deceptive, snake oil salesmen - I'm blown away that they've stooged so many people.

DashArrivals2778d ago

Well said. They've got no excuse and they do it so much more often than the competition. They also stoop to really really low levels. No one can touch Microsoft in this regard.

EpicZinger2778d ago

M$ and its fantards have always been cunts, what's new?

endi1232778d ago

Then study hard, and then someday you'll show them how its done correctly

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2778d ago
sreevenkat2778d ago

Good business, but not useful to people. Useful only to the company.

2778d ago Replies(1)
feraldrgn2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

If they can get away with saying it plays games in 4k, how will they get the message out there that the Scorpio is supposed to play games in native 4k?
They're basically hurting their future console with misleading messaging to the common consumer.

n4rc2778d ago

You just said it...

4k is a generic term in terms of how it was processed.. it's strictly a resolution.

Saying native 4k tells you exactly what it is

feraldrgn2778d ago

Well that's what I mean, we know what the difference is if they say "native", but the common consumer doesn't.

2778d ago
n4rc2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

Then they aren't concerned with any of it then..

People that care know enough to look beyond the marketing buzzwords..

Until they say something that isn't true, this whole uproar is ridiculous

Edit.. nobody wondered when the exact same situation played out with 1080p... why expect people to suddenly forget?

feraldrgn2778d ago

The situation would play:
Common consumer buys console that advertises as playing games in 4K (they aren't going to know it's upscaled),
a year later, MS advertises the scorpio saying it plays games at "true" 4k, now the common consumer will be confused as to why the Slim was advertised as 4k.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2778d ago
showtimefolks2778d ago

Okay so here comes the absolute double standard. So if ms does it it's smart but if no man sky does developers does it than lawsuit

This site is trying way too hard to praise ms and bash Sony

I guess using Killzone shadow fall screen shots were smart to sell Xbox one
Using drm policies was smart
Nsa spying via Kinect was smart
Must connect your console to Internet every 24 hours was smart
Telling your customers to buy a xbox360 if they don't like the policies with Xbox one was smart
System can't be us d without Kinect was smart
No used games was smart

All these smart decisions are the reason Xbox one has lost every single month since launch to ps4 world wide

I guess last gen when RROD took over and many had to buy multiple xbox360's that was smart because ms didn't admit the RROD issues until much later and by than many had bought new systems. I guess you have to sell consoles somehow

Praise ms and we would be stuck with the original vision of Xbox one the so called policies that ms fanboys call next gen features

Blinded by brand loyalty

Where you at rookiemonster today you haven't been so statice with your user list, can't believe how serious you took your ban from this site

lastking952778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

You're joking right? Cause it was the exact opposite for all that
(Btw they were gonna allow used games and theres 0 proof of nsa spying via kinect)
Did you watch the xo reveal? Xbox fanboy reactions were .....wtf? Lol and twitter went off about the 360 comment. Things like "bye halo" and "**** you ms" was posted everywhere. If anyone is blind its you.

showtimefolks2778d ago


Exact opposite in what sense? Everything I said is what actually happened at reveal and launch of Xbox one

Than last gen major Nelson was all over sales articles and touting about sales dominance while never admitting that xbox360 lost each and every month to PS3 world wide. PS3 at $599 was out selling the Xbox360 world wide

2778d ago
n4rc2778d ago

Lol.. I'm going to just pass by all the obvious bs there but will address one point..

We would be stuck with their policies.. yes, Xbox owners.. not useless fanboys that would never buy one anyways.. because, ya know, your blind brand loyalty..

MasterCornholio2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

Just because you don't support the original Xbox Ones vision doesn't make you a blind fanboy.

Those policies could be seen as anti consumer and I wouldn't punish someone for not liking them.

But this doesn't just happen with policies that we don't like. For example games with gold was inspired by PlayStation Plus.

n4rc2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

That's the beauty of this market.. you don't need to support it, don't buy it..

This little narrative has nothing to do with people's genuine concern. Xbox barely matters anyways right?

Last edit.. you realize that just because it's your opinion doesn't mean it's valid or correct and mine is wrong

And if everyone else would jump on these so called anticonsumer practices, how are they any better?

MasterCornholio2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

I believe some people were afraid that if Xbox adopted those policies other manufacturers in the market would do the same.

An example for this would be Sony adopting a subscription model for online play because other manufacturers charge for the service.

Chevalier2778d ago

Only BS I see is the person who is on a tirade. Seems only their opinion matters and ignoring everyone else who has brought up legitimate issues. Whether you agree or disagree doesn't change the facts and anti-consumerism and shady business practices. Ironic that said person suggesting blind fanboyism is fighting so hard for that one side.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2778d ago
Imalwaysright2778d ago (Edited 2778d ago )

The difference between Hello games and MS in this case MS is NOT lying. They are telling the truth because the X1S does indeed upscale the games to 4K. Your 4K TV is displaying them at 4k resolution no matter how hard PS4 fanboys try to tell us otherwise.

Hello games on the other hand lied to us in order to sell their games. They lied about features that are not in their game such as mp.

MasterCornholio2778d ago

So TVs display PS4 games at 4k then?

So what's all the fuss over native resolution then?

I always thought that native was better than upscaling.

Imalwaysright2778d ago

I'm talking about facts. I don't care if native is better or what is the "fuss" over native 4k because that's not what we're discussing here. The only thing that matters is if X1S games are displayed at 4k resolution when you're playing them on a 4K tv. If the answear is yes then there wasn't any false advertising on MS part.

kraenk122778d ago

You're not other talking about any facts...the TV itself scales the games up to 4K already.

nicsaysdie2778d ago

That is exactly what I thought when I saw the commercial. WTF guys!

Cherchez La Ghost2778d ago

"Nsa spying via Kinect was smart"


NSA will hit your smartphone first before going thru Kinect. SMDH..!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2778d ago
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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing53m ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro9m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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VersusDMC4h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...