
I Hate PlayStation 4's Hard Drive

PlayStation 4's hard drive is too small. It would be nice if it followed the example of Microsoft and made peripheral external hard drives.

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darthv722839d ago

First thing I did when I got mine was replace the 500gb with a spare 750gb I had in a box. I know it's not a big jump in size but the specs of the drive are much better. The 500gb didnt go to waste though. I put that in my PS3.

As for external support, that would be nice and definitely a much more convenient way to expand the storage capacity. Rather than backup / replace / restore, you just... add on.

DashArrivals2838d ago

I put in a 1tb SSHD and the difference is very noticeable. I remember when everyone was complaining about loading times in Bloodborne, and I was quietly sitting back thinking that I was not experiencing any slow load times. The loading was adequate I thought. I never said anything because i knew it was down to my hdd.

Eidolon2837d ago

Well you paid what $700 back then to save a few seconds. lol. SSD is not significant reduction in load times for the price.

nitus102837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

The PS3 and PS4 have a SATA2 bus which has a maximum throughput of 300MB/sec which means that all data on that bus is limited to that speed. A normal hard disk (depends on brand) has a performance of 70MB/sec to 100MB/sec read speed with a 20% to 40% reduction for write speed.

A SATA3 bus (PS4pro and modern PC's) has a maximum throughput of 600MB/sec and this bus would benefit from an SSD with its 500 plus MB/sec read performance. But it is not quite that simple.

The performance of a game is also dependent on how the developers wrote the code. For some games, the overall performance gain of an SSD to HDD can be fairly minimal while for other it can be quite significant.

As an example, I replaced my 60GB HDD on my original PS3 with a 120GB SSD. Yes, I could have got a 500GB HDD from around the same price but I would never use that capacity. Anyway back on topic. For the initial loading of my game which loads from the Bluray drive, there was no discernable performance improvement which was to be expected. While playing, I did decern that for some games the loading performance was quite significant while for other games there were only minor improvements.

With the PS4 you will definitely see significant initial loading time improvements for many but not all games with an SSD although also in game loading times can vary enormously as well but an SSD will always give you the best overall performance for a storage device, however, you are going to pay for it.

For more info you could try the following web site: https://www.youtube.com/use... They can be quite entertaining which makes the site quite good for the novice and the professional as well.

DashArrivals2837d ago

@ Eidolon... NO dumbass. I said an SS 'H' D... doesn't cost anywhere near as much as an SSD

Lynx02072836d ago

I bought my 1TB SSHD today. I payed $60, not $700... It is worth for "a few seconds" and 500GB more imo.

2836d ago
Notellin2836d ago

@Eidolon Learn to read. SSHD is different and the price per Mb is negligible to the standard mechanical drives.

I just bought the 2TB firecuda SSHD for 110$. It's worth it in my book to go with SSHD as most benchmarks show the price for performance of an SSD isn't worth it on PS4.

Even in PS4 pro the SSD didn't offer much improvement over an SSHD. But both are better than the stock hard drive just SSD is more beneficial on PC.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
Christopher2838d ago

I got an $80 2TB SSHD and it's still not full with over 80 games installed.

hiawa232837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

Ordered one from Amazon today

Zarock2837d ago

Seagate baracuda 2.5.inch

Eidolon2837d ago

I'm assuming the FireCuda 2tb? The Barracuda isn't SSHD

Eidolon2837d ago

FireCuda 2TB is not $80, more like double right now, they must have low supply everywhere

thorstein2837d ago

Got the same deal... super fast installs and load times.

nitus102837d ago

That depends on your overall game size. Some games especially AAA can have install sizes varying from 25GB to 50GB and that is without patches. Other games can vary from 1GB to 25GB (Indies do fall into this category) depending on the game and the developer. You can even get games under 1GB in size.

It is all well and good having a huge amount of games but the question I have to ask is how long do you think it takes you to fully play each game (ie. start to finish not completionist)? If they are mainly online especially online only then IMHO these games fall into "flavor of the month" although there are a rare few that are still popular even after many years.

pyroado2836d ago

What kind of games are you installing to store over 80 games? I have about 12 games installed and already close to 1 TB lol

81BX2836d ago

Damn, thats good. I dont play my ps4 500gig that much but my hard drive is already full. I wish sony and ms would release consoles with enough storage space but im sure the console price would hike up... than again im going to buy an external later on anyway lol. Honestly that plus dual shock battery life, my only 2 real complaints about the ps4. As usual sony made a reliable machine. Cant wait to get the pro during income tax season Ellie is out for blood lol

EyeAmTJ2836d ago

$80 for a 2tb solid state drive? bullshit

2836d ago
ziggurcat2836d ago


not a solid state drive. a solid state hybrid drive, it's a different thing.

mogwaii2836d ago

Hey man which one is that? Im so confused on exactly which sshd to get, it'd be a great help :)

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
kreate2837d ago

I think Microsoft should follow Sony's example and let us change out the internal hdd.

And Sony should follow Microsoft's example by letting ppl use external hdd for gaming instead of just content.

Letthewookiewin2837d ago

Agree they should both have swappable and external HDD's. Not one or the other.

OMGLOLZ2837d ago

Wow. This is the fairest comment ever made on N4G.

I... I never thought I'd see this day come.

2837d ago
nitus102837d ago


I do agree with you although IMHO I think having an internal swappable drive is more important than an external drive. Of course, I would not say no if Sony implemented this feature.

The PS4 does allow you to backup and restore your saves to an external device be it PS+ or USB (the PS3 allows this as well). You can also backup your internal storage as well to an equal or larger capacity device but you can't backup your individual installed games and recover them. This is one feature I would prefer over being able to play directly off an external drive.

BTW. If what I just said is possible then please advice.

marioJP872836d ago

I agree so much with this. I literally wanted to make this my comment but you beat me to it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
gamer78042837d ago

Still stuck with sata 2 speeds no matter what is the only problem

gamer78042837d ago


Article's title said "Playstation 4's Hard Drive" not Playstation 4 Pro's Hard Drive.

nitus102837d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

SATA 2 speeds are 300MB/sec for all devices on the bus.

An SSD has approximately 500 MB/sec read (write is usually 10%~20% slower) performance you are never going to get the best performance out of that device on a SATA2 bus although you are definitely going to get 2 to 3 times the performance of a conventual hard disk drive.

What makes things a bit more difficult is the design of the game. Some games when read from an SSD can have an exceptional improvement in their loading times while other games may not have that much of a noticeable difference. This is actually due to the design of the game and on occasion, the developer will issue a patch to improve loading times. All up an SSD will have a better performance over a HDD but you are going to pay more.

RosweeSon2837d ago

I went straight to 2TB... man I knew should have gone for 3/4 ;) 2TB Is manageable tho but I've been on it since day one and ps+ not to mention buying a lot of digital. Just have to start nailing some off and clearing it up a bit why clog up space or have external boxes when they give you the option and make it very easy for even a technophobe like myself who isn't all that techy when it comes to internet and frame rates, teraflops... just give me the games.
If I can change the hard drive on PS4 there's no excuses it's simple. Can even sell the old 500gb or 1tb that comes with it as they are compatible with laptops people will buy them off you goes towards the new one. Sold my 500gb drive for about £18/20 all adds up.

XanderZane2837d ago

I learned my lesson as well. Especially after seeing my XBox 360 250GB get filled quickly. With the PS4, I immediately put a 1.5TB drive inside before install any games. I've used up about 800GB so far. This includes all the PSPlus games as well. There are definitely a bunch of games I can easily remove if I need room. With my XB1, I bought a 4TB external HDD. I'm almost 1/2 full with that HD now. I will get an external 12TB next for the XB1 after it gets full and a 12TB for my future Scorpio as well. I think all future game consoles should have minimum of 2TB in them.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
Overload2839d ago

External would be nice, but it's pretty easy to change the PS4's hard drive.

darthv722839d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

Physically changing it is a convenience but the time to do the backup / restore... not so much. Plugging in a USB hdd is about as easy as it gets.

I want to get one of those side mounted hdd / usb hubs for the xb1. The kind that look like it belongs as part of the xb1. I have an extra 250gb drive that could fit in there until I get something bigger.

isarai2838d ago (Edited 2836d ago )


nitus102836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

The most important part of any backup is your critical data and as "isarai" quite rightly said this type of backup is fairly quick since if you have a PS3, PS4, XBox360 or XB1 you can backup to the cloud (ie, PSN or XBox Live) or to a USB stick since those backups are relatively small and are overall usually less than a one or two gigabytes.

If you are backing up your game installs which are not critical data although some do think it is, you do need a backup device that can store that information and depending (console example only) on your storage device you need an equivalent sized disk.

Say you install a 2TB storage device in your PS4. You will need a 2TB backup device if you wish to backup, however, you still have to remember that this is not critical data since you can get it back by other means although that could take you some time to do.

It is very import to remember that anything mechanical or electrical will fail at some stage (When? I don't know) and all you can do is be prepared. This is why in commerce, government, military and any company worth being called a company has what is called a disaster recovery plan which can be anything from a few pages to thousands of pages.

kneon2836d ago (Edited 2836d ago )

It's easier to use external, but I don't want yet more crap around my TV, between consoles, cable box, receiver etc., there is too much already.

blackblades2837d ago

Yeah, I just put a 2tb sshd in it and it was easy and quick. I would prefer them to do different sizes as in you can buy a ps4 with 2tb in it or go for a 100 gb for those who already have a hdd ready to put in. Just to make it cheaper.

GNCFLYER2837d ago

Yep. Literally one screw and swap it out. Actually the metal casing screws also. Can be done in a minute.

Just gotta make sure your game cloud saves are there first.

Letthewookiewin2837d ago

Ya, 5 screws and a USB stick. Done.

MrFisher212836d ago

I filled up my 2 tb hdd well over a year ago. I need more options.

captainexplosion2836d ago

How is it easy? You have to reinstall and download your games h back up your saves. I'm getting a Pro this week & it's going to take at least two days to get everything from my PS4 2TB to my new 2TB Pro harddrive.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
PeaSFor2839d ago (Edited 2839d ago )

"if it followed the example of Microsoft and made peripheral external hard drives."
oh, you mean like HAVING NO OTHER SOLUTIONS than getting external hdd support since YOU ARE STUCK with the default internal hdd to begin with due to a seriously dumb decision of STOPPING PEOPLES from upgrading their console hdd??LMAO thx but no thx.

Meanwhile you can easily upgrade the internal ps4 hdd to what YOU WANT, larger capacity, faster rpm, ssd or sshd is the only thing you need since YOU CAN REPLACE IT, unlike on the xbox.

getting external hdd is silly since you end up having to dedicate an external hdd JUST FOR THAT PURPOSE, which is pretty much what the internal hdd swap/upgrade is in the first place, duhrrrrrrr.

its like if someone was praising the action of putting a bucket next to a toilet so when its full you can do your thing in the bucket....BUT YOU ARENT ALLOWED TO FLUSH YOUR TOILET, EVER, you can ONLY empty the bucket... and then imply that its a very smart idea instead of simply flushing your main toilet in the first place without having to even bring a bucket in the same room.... thats sooooo SOOOOOO smart!!!way too smart for me to handle i guess.

darthv722839d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

I know you are trying to make a point but it just comes off as sony defense mode. Trust me, the PS4 doesnt need defending in every department.

Its okay to admit when there are features you wished were supported. I too wished the xb1 had user replaceable hdd but... they have the easier plug and play route.

To each their own.

The 360 had replaceable hdd but they were proprietary and added external support to offer an easier option. That carried over to the xb1 just like replaceable hdd carried over from the ps3 to ps4.

Now if someone really wants to open an xb1 and change the hdd, they can. Lots of vids on youtube can show you how but its a pain.

If i want to put a bigger hdd in my dvr im sure i can find tutorials on how but its just easier to plug in an external and not have to worry about it.

PeaSFor2839d ago (Edited 2839d ago )

external hdd support can be added via software update, i want to be clear that im not implying that IT SHOULD NEVER be a thing on ps4(like i said, software updates) but just pointing out that MS had no other choices to do it to accomodate the xbox one users(mostly peoples stuck with the 500gb model).

but take it like you want, im just not into praising a half-assed option due to a silly HARDWARE decision MS did like the author is trying to praise.

hiawa232837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

I agree, he is coming off as, well, as you said. I have the Pro, and I have an X1S. I have a 5TB external plugged into the X1S, the console has a 2 TB internal, for a total of 7, no issues, so it is not pointless as he stated. The biggest drive I have found for my Pro is 2, so as far as I am concerned, it is not a matter of who has the best solution, as I don't woulda coulda shoulda consoles. MS designed their console the way they wanted, Sony did the same, we as consumers have work with what both companies have given us.

nicsaysdie2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

I think you can basically find tutorials for everything now a days. But if you open up the xbox one, I believe (not 100% sure), it voids the written/implied warranty of the system according to microsoft. Whereas with Sony, one is meant to be able to swap out the hdd. It does not void any type of written or implied warranty. I think that's the difference. You can show me how easy it is to do something all day, but if those actions preclude me from being able to have my console serviced for issues that may arise in the future. It seems pretty clear that the console manufacturer does not want your grubby little hands inside of its precious little robot. As far as the other guy "going into Sony defense mode", I don't think that's what happened. I think he was using a pretty ridiculous scenario to show how ridiculous it is to want Sony to adopt Microsoft's view of proprietary hardware and limiting the consumer to those options. Plus I thought it was funny. Just sayin'

Kiwi662837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

Yet for some external is a better option especially if its usb powered

Mrveryodd2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

What's wrong with you??? So buying a console day one and removing the drive may seem like a great idea to you . .... I think it sucks ... So that makes the ps4 a bit more expensive ps4 + HD .... So I dont need another drive in a draw.... What an I going to do with the old drive ... Can't use it on a ps4 ... So in a caddy .. Oh! I can use it on my Xbox .... No ex support from Sony in inexcusable when my Lumia phone can plug in ex drive and its getting on by phone standards.

Angeljuice2837d ago

You complain about the price of a new HDD for PS4, but forget that you have to pay for a HDD *and* a caddy for XB1?

Both solutions are flawed, MS has you running off a cheap HDD forever (with an external upgrade), Sony let's you upgrade your internal drive to something much better, but lacks the overall storage and simplicity of an external drive.

Both are compromises, neither is ideal.

Mrveryodd2837d ago

How did i forget?? St least I still get to buy a drive when I need it 1 min to set up .... All my big games are on an external drive all the small games are on internal drive... No slow down that would worry anyone's day

It would be so easy for Sony to fix this ... They just choose not to ...

TKCMuzzer2836d ago

People don't need more than 1TB, so just buy that first time out. Good housekeeping of all your games and files is the easiest solution to not filling the drive up.

UnHoly_One2837d ago

As soon as you can fit an 8 TB drive plus a 500 GB SSD in your PS4 (without removing the 500 GB internal), let me know.

Until then I think I prefer my Xbox setup. As it stands, I have more of my capacity filled than the total you are capable of fitting in a PS4, it's all faster due to USB 3, and I still have about 6 TB free space left over.

All I had to do was plug it in and answer a couple prompts on the screen.

Now please, explain again how it's better to take apart your console, be limited on the drive size, limited on the transfer speed, and have to reinstall the OS or whatever.

Angeljuice2837d ago

But it is always running it's Operating System off a S_L_O_W, cheap HDD.

You can upgrade your PS4's drive and it effects everything including start up time.

To be honest I prefer Sony's solution because the standard drives are poor.

2837d ago
BizarroUltraman2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

Ok you seems salty upset idk... even if it were swappable you still need to buy a hard drive for it. Then do a the reinstalls... atleast with Xbox you can load up your hard drive buy a new xbox and just plug it in and you're ready to go. With PS its a grind waitng for shit to intsall no matter if in the cloud or backed up..its a pain in the ass.

nicsaysdie2837d ago

I thought that was hillarious. Great job!

OMGLOLZ2837d ago

Dude you are such an Xbox fanboy, it sickens me. Go back to your Gears of War and leave the real games (like Motorstorm) up to the big boys on the real team over here at Nintendo.

creeping judas2836d ago

Wow, that has got to be the most pathetic Sony defense rant I've ever read?

v_eno_m2836d ago

I'm thankful that Sony doesn't follow in MS's footsteps. My PS4 has a 2TB drive....no regrets

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2836d ago
Aloy-Boyfriend2839d ago (Edited 2839d ago )

- Bought a PS4 with 500GB at launch
- Bought a 2Tb HDD and swapped it! Took less than 10 min to be all set

-Bought U4 PS4 and again swapped the HDD! Took less than 10 min to be all set

- Bought Over 10 games digitally plus the the physical ones installed and all updated to their last version and some with big expansions... Still 1Tb left

- Don't have to worry about HDD anymore

Easy stuff!

If it was a big deal then I would also complain, but it is too easy to just swap an HDD... Are you sure you are just not being bitchy becaue MS is doing external Drive and Sony isn't(yet)? Stop being so lazy and swap the HDD. It takes minutes to get done isntead of hating a piece of metal

darthv722839d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

How long it take you to put everything back on the new hdd?

The overall process takes longer than 10 minutes, even for a basic swap with no restore cause you have to boot from usb drive and enable the hdd for use. Then it installs the OS. Yes... ive done it.

Now do you really REALLY want to stand by that 10 minute comment?

@dash, yeah I've done it too and if we are talking opening the hdd bay, removing the old hdd, replacing with the new one and then putting it back in... yeah less than 10 minutes. Then you need to boot the thing and initialize the drive and install the OS. All that before you can get back to installing games and apps, takes longer than 10 minutes.

you know how long it takes to add storage to an xb1? Anywhere from 1-2 minutes. Plug it in, name it, decide if you want to use it for all new installs, format it and you are done.

DashArrivals2838d ago

Dude... he said when he bought the PS4, then he swapped it over. I've done the same thing and it DOES take less than 10 minutes.

Now If your hard drive is nearly filled up, then swapping over takes a bit longer. But if you have an externall hdd formatted to exfat with USB 3.0 (which they all come with now) then the whole restore does not take that long. As these people are saying... it's no big deal. The majority who own a PS4 really don't give two craps about an external HDD. I honestly prefer the option of changing the internal one personally.

Aloy-Boyfriend2838d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

All I had to do was to download the file on the web, insert the USB, and done. Some people mess it up sometimes because they forget or don't know to rename the folder for the PS4 to locate the file. I said less than 10 because I made that mistake last rine. In reality, it should take even less than 5 min to do all of that

Easy stuff

Aceman182837d ago

I bought the Pro, swapped the stock for 2tb and reinstalled OS. That took less than 7 mins. After that transferring everything from OG PS4 to Pro took a total of 97 mins, and i think it was because i have 100/100 with my cable service.

I think everyone's experience will differ depending on their own situation.

andibandit2837d ago (Edited 2837d ago )

It's weird how everytime someone tries to explain how "simple" it is, on top of someone else explaining it, it just ends up sounding much more complicated.

nitus102836d ago

If "XiKurapikaKurta" did a day one swap then less than 10 minutes would be correct. If he had been playing for a few months then the backup and subsequent recovery would take considerably longer. Usually, hours depending on the amount of non-critical data (game installs) you have.

A physical disk changeover would most likely take two to three minutes although it may take a few minutes longer if you are not that confident. Reformatting and recovery of your critical data (ie, game saves and system setup) may take an additional few minutes if recovering from USB key or the PSN cloud.

You are quite right with regard to the XB1 external disk however that data is not critical and can be recovered (admittedly longer) by other means. I suppose I should ask how do you backup that external data since all electrical and mechanical devices will eventually fail?

As for a PS4 backup well you just need to plug the external storage device into the PS4 select backup and then select your USB storage device and I am quite sure the same thing happens with the XB1. I actually do a similar thing with my PC although I don't use a Microsoft operating system and I can backup at nearly 100MB/sec speeds.

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Silly gameAr2838d ago (Edited 2838d ago )

What they're trying to do here is say that external harddrive support is awesome, and point out that that's something that the ps4 doesn't have. You can tell them as many times as you want that you can swap out the ps4's hd, but that just goes in one ear and out the other.

Aloy-Boyfriend2838d ago

So pretry much what I said then... External Drive Support is awesome. I hate PS4 HDD because it doesn't do it.

Lol ok

BizarroUltraman2837d ago

See but the swap has to be done right away. If you bought a PS4 and bought games for it before you invested in a hard drive the process is not as smooth as you say. It goes from 10 minutes to hours! No denying it...ive had several Playstation systems and I have the Pro now...

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The animation is nice and it looks like it controls well but they seem to have forgotten to make it a game.


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