
New PS4 'Revolution Pro' Controller Announced by Sony

The Revolution Pro is a newly announced PS4 and PS4 Pro controller that was specifically designed with competitive gaming in mind. Now available to pre-order.

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Genuine-User2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Looks good, it should hopefully satisfy the "elite" crowd. Too expensive for my taste though.

ninsigma2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Good to have options but after spending 150 or whatever it was on the xbox elite controller and having felt like it was a waste of money, I'm not gonna drop 170 on this one lol
Out of the two they announced, this would be the one I'd get if I was to get one though.

Wait this isn't the one I was thinking of. Got confused with the raiju which costs 170 ( and is the one I would choose).

RpgSama2781d ago

This is by Nacon, not Sony, it's another "elite" controller from a third party. Still too much money for a controller.

StrykerDragoon2781d ago

Yeah this is from Nacon but it is licensed by SONY. So that means its an official product.

FITgamer2781d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

I'd rather just get a Scuf. At least they are official DS4 controllers. This thing is fugly.

@NiteX It's definitely not as ugly as this thing. Also I've said before I wouldn't ever buy one of these "pro" controllers. They are a waste of money. I'm just saying Scuf is more aesthetically pleasing.

2781d ago
Alexander1Nevermind2781d ago

I think the one by razer looks better imo. This would be my choice


starchild2781d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

I agree with FITgamer, I think the Skuf Infinity looks better. I do like some things about this one, such as the D-pad and analogue stick placements. What's the price difference between the two?

XisThatKid2780d ago

Don't like the sticks and not paying that much resurge

Mr Pumblechook2780d ago

It looks like it has most features, except the lights on it so it can't be used with PSVR?

joab7772780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Wasn't it only $100 or am I mistaken. My friends have spent almost $500 each on Scuff controllers for different games.

Wish Sony had just partnered with Scuf! This would have rivaled both MS's elite and their a ability to customize as you can get Scuf game-themed controllers etc. Also, they are basically a regular PS4 controller modded, and I live my PS4 controller. I don't want the design changed or it made to feel like an Xbox controller. I like their controllers but not as much as DS4, much, much more than DS3.

Though these are cheaper.

Nintendo-or-Nothing2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

Does real pro-gamers use the controller and feel its worth it? Maybe?

SolidStoner2780d ago (Edited 2780d ago )

I always wanted Sony and other companies to have multiple options in controller departments, one for everyone is not a good idea, we should have controllers designed specifically for kids small hands, and then have an option for grown ups, then for grown ups with large hands (not my problem, but I read about it on internet hundred times people complain about sizes, lol ) then controllers for pro players with ability to tune and improve it if possible, and why not to create something similar to PC laser mouse precision, Im sure it would not split user base or anything, for example some players in BF1 online playing with controller like a pro beasts, while others can be at the last place with a mouse... each gamer is unique and has its own play style and knowledge about gaming in general, not to mention reaction times, orientation in 3D space, memory, and kids playing doing random stuff etc... so what I mean is online is already very unfair, just like real life the one who bites first, eats first!! So hope to see some variation and evolution of controllers, make them best and most precise!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2780d ago
Overload2781d ago

I don't think it even looks good, to be honest.

I won't be buying this.

Utalkin2me2781d ago

You're totally right. It needs to match your handbag and scarf in order to be beneficial. I mean what would my friends think if i had this controller in my hands and they seen me. Who cares how it performs or feels. It needs to look amazing first considering i spend most of my time looking at the TV. So when i do look at it, it should look fresh and of the charts.

Overload2781d ago

I have lots of PS4 controllers, I'm not a pro gamer and I'm not spending that kind of money on a ugly controller.

starrman19852780d ago

@Utalkin2me - It's an expensive controller, granted the looks don't effect the performance but they're still an intrinsic part of the design if they actually want it to sell. When you're paying a premium price you expect all bases to be covered.

2781d ago Replies(3)
IamTylerDurden12781d ago

It won't satisfy as it isn't made by Sony. It's just another 3rd party peripheral. I'd choose the Razor Raiju if i was forced to pick, but i'll stick with my Sony made DS4. Not a fan of offset analog sticks. The D pad looks like a downgrade. The new DS4 is better for VR with a light on the touchpad.

For the type of money these 3rd party controllers are costing i'd rather buy the Sony platinum headset.

boomtube19872780d ago

Sony apprives offcial Xbox designed like controller. XBOX controller is just much better than PS4 controller esepcially for Shooters and Racing genre.

Goldby2775d ago

in your opinion,

i personally prefer the symmetrical twin joystick set up if im having to use my controller for racing games. never having to touch the face buttons or dpad. index fingers on teh triggers, thumbs on the joysticks.

Symmetrical, the way it should be

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2775d ago
Neonridr2781d ago

amazing how much it looks like an Xbox One controller now ;)

MetalProxy2781d ago

Yep and thats why I won't be buying it. Can't stand the analog stick layout and it's super ugly.

Aloy-Boyfriend2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Me neither. I have been using Dualshock for a long time and I have no problem with the layout. No one had even when Xbox began to be a thing. All these people suddenly saying that off set is better and bla bla are just stupid fanboys. No placement is better than the other.

Granted this is a third party thing. PlayStation should not adopt this design. It doesn't belong here

JEECE2781d ago

Yeah, my thumbs are in the same location on both hands, so I want my sticks in the same location on each side of the controller.

Unspoken2781d ago Show
Magnetar2781d ago

Its a great option for people that prefer the Xbox layout, like myself.

Christopher2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

I don't mind the analog stick layout, but I am probably one of the very few who prefers the slimmer/smaller body of the PS4 over the Xbox controllers. Having said that, I don't think it's feasible to create an 'elite' style controller in the form of the standard DS4, though.

@NerdyNinjaHugs: That it definitely is. My preference aside, this is great for people who want something different and don't like the standard controller.

UnHoly_One2781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Omg the "my thumbs are the same" excuse is the stupidest argument I've ever heard, I'm so sick of that.

I feel sorry for all of you people that can't point your thumbs in a slightly different direction.

You'll never get to play some great games like The God of War Series that requires one thumb on the left stick and the other on the face buttons for 95% of your playtime.

If you think that layout is better that's ok, but don't use an asinine reason like "symmetrical thumbs" to defend it.

On the topic of why this layout may be considered more "pro", it's just more versatile.

Try to use your right thumb to select something with the Dpad on a PS4 controller. Unless your thumb is twice normal length you can't without letting go of the controller entirely.

Being able to access the Dpad easily with either hand is the one huge advantage to the Xbox layout that I never see mentioned for some reason.

Deadpooled2781d ago

I manage fine with both layouts. I do agree the thumbs are naturally placed on the DS4 layout, personally I am used to both because since the PS1 days I (don't know why I did, it like just *happened*) used the dpad on the DS1 to move, so am familiar with both layouts and hand positioning. But imo definitely I would prefer a Sony 'elite' controller to use the analog DS4 layout as that is what I am now familiar with when playing PlayStation games.

Goldby2780d ago


Try this, use your left thumb to press the d-pad instead. Its alo easier than reaching over the controller. Not saying how you play is wrong, but may want to try this style out. Alot of people seem to prefer it.

Left thum presses d -pad and left joystick. Right thumb is for facebuttons and right joystick.

Throwing that on the table, take it or leave it

UnHoly_One2780d ago

lol you missed the point, Golby.

Of course I can and DO use my left thumb on the Dpad. Sometimes. It depends on what I'm doing and which thumb I don't want to take away from it's current task.

The point is it works both ways, allowing you access without interrupting another action.

I'm not saying it's the end-all be-all of gaming, but it makes a difference, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to give up once you're used to it.



unholy brings up a very good point.

let me break it down a bit because it's something I noticed too and it does not come up often.

what he is talking about is in some games, I would say fps and tps games mostly, if you are in the heat of action you want that thumb on the left stick at all times. in a game where you have certain functions mapped to the dpad, LIke switching weapns as a good example. if you are running and can't find the cover to make the switch and don't want to stop moving, you can keep moving in x or y direction and still use your right humb to hit the dpad.

with the ps4 standard layout thats almost impossible. you can only reach the dpad with the left thumb and that always means taking it off the stick.
Granted it is a very situational thing, prob not a lot of people that use it that way and if you have mostly been gaming with a ps controller it may not even occur to you to do that.

Goldby2780d ago

Sorry, not almost impossible. Just use your right Thumb on the left joystick, and use your lrft thumb on dpad. Or for fps jump and use the dpad. Or map the weapons or items to down or right on the dpad.

Ive gamed since ps1 days, and never had an issue with where the dpad is currently. Afterall it isnt used as often as the joystick and at the end of the day, you mayjusthave slower motor skills than others. Its not a problem that requires a remodel. It exists for choice but to use your reasons as to why its good. Nope

UnHoly_One2780d ago

Oh c'mon now. lol

Use your right thumb on the left stick instead?? I can't believe you even said that. :D

Like dark witness said, if you haven't used an Xbox controller for any period of time this probably never occurred to you, or seems inconsequential. Trust me when I say it isn't. It makes the controller and your options far more versatile. It has nothing to do with having slower motor skills, either. lol

It's just one of things you don't realize how much you use it until you CAN'T use it anymore. It's one of reasons I've hated PS controllers for 15 years.

Goldby2780d ago


"Oh c'mon now. lol

Use your right thumb on the left stick instead?? I can't believe you even said that. :D "

you just said you use your right tumb for the dpad on teh left, in the exact same spot the joystick would be. if you can use your thumb for the dpad, guess what u can use your thumb for the joystick too. i do some times, most cases i think ahead and map the more important ones to my down and right dpad buttons.

whats the difference between using your right thumb to press a button or use a joystick on the left side. nothing.
If you are running forward and desperately need to press a d-pad button there are many options. including the ones i have stated, as well as quickly pressing the dpad button you want while u are paused for a second. or while you are running, use your right thumb to keep that joystick forward while your left thumb can press all those dpad buttons.

Christopher2780d ago

All this talk of digit-based gymnastics and I'm sitting here wondering why people worry about taking less than half a second to use the dpad when 99.9999% of the time doing that won't cause you to die or fail since games are designed with use of the left thumb moving between the joystick and dpad.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2778d ago
ZeroX98762781d ago

well there's a lot of Xbox 360 owners who switched to the PS4, BUT still prefers the layout of the Xbox family controllers.

Neonridr2781d ago

I was actually referring more to the shape of the controller now.

Neonridr2781d ago

well a PS4 controller looks nothing like the Xbox One controller. Now the PS4 "elite" controller comes out and it looks exactly like an Xbox One controller. The now was more or less referring to a PS4 controller "now" looking like an Xbox One controller.

moegooner882781d ago (Edited 2781d ago )

Now? Lol try again.

MatrixxGT2780d ago

I prefer the offset analog sticks. Maybe it's my hand size or whatever but when I'm playing anything first person my thumbs always seem to work their way off the sticks. I don't have that problem with the Xbox controller.

I wish Sony would make their own though. The DS4 is still miles better than any pad they have made before

2cents2780d ago

I was just about to type the same thing.
Looks very similar, well they do say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2778d ago
SoulWarrior2781d ago

Not a fan of the d-pad or the stick placement especially for that price. My regular controller will do just fine.

Shakengandulf2780d ago

Yeah.. if the stick layout was original.. id be all over this.

2781d ago Replies(2)
quent2781d ago

Looks good, except for those analogue stick placements, that will be a bit of an awkward layout for users who primarily game with the DS design, maybe make the gamepad buttons/sticks interchangeable , I had a aftermarket ps2 controller like that and it worked great, still works

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PSVR2 App for PC Now Live on Steam

Push Square writes: "A dedicated PSVR2 app has been published to PC platform Steam ahead of expanded compatibility for the VR headset going live on 7th August 2024. The application will be available the day before, and it guides you through the setup of the device for use on PC as well as acting as the place to update the headset and its Sense controllers when patches become available."

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Neonridr1d 4h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast1h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop27m ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.


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