
Cinematic and Informative Trailers for Super Mario Run Released

Hardcore Gamer: During The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon, a couple of Nintendo’s biggest names appeared as guests. Reggie Fils-Aimé and Shigeru Miyamoto were on the talk show to show off some of the Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the upcoming mobile game, Super Mario Run.

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That Time Princess Peach Enslaved Toads in the Mushroom Kingdom

Princess Peach. Beloved royalty of the Mushroom Kingdom, and the constant damsel in distress that sets the tone for most Super Mario games. However, there is a darkness in this one, and she is not all smiles, pink hearts, and expensive parasols. No, no. She is not quite what she seems.

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Why Nintendo’s Move To Mobile Gaming Is A Great Thing For Fans

Many immediately found the negativity of Nintendo's approach to mobile gaming, but The Never Yak thinks that the move is actually a positive one for both Nintendo and gaming in general.

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Nerdmaster1275d ago

I really liked Mario Run's model. Pay once, unlock everything.
Unfortunately, people prefer to be whales, so Nintendo saw real money lies in microtransactions and gacha mechanics. So now I feel less and less excited for each new mobile game they announce.

1275d ago
BattleCat1275d ago

Paid positive propaganda article by Nintendo. That's the spirit :)


Is Nintendo Ruining Mario on Mobile

Nintendo was too protective of the Mario brand to top mobile revenue charts with Super Mario Run, so it's trying to change that with Dr. Mario World and Mario Kart Tour. But is it working?

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1833d ago
AK911833d ago

No it's ruining Ninty as a brand just stick to Switch games.